Individual Details

Captain Benjamin PUTNAM

(24 Dec 1664 - 25 May 1715)

Freeman 1690.

(Read) Not sure who he married first: Sarah or Hannah or Elizabeth. She was the mother of his 9 children. The old Putnam home, where the senior Putnam had lived for 3 generations burned to the ground in early part of 1700's,and it is felt this misfortune left us without an accurate record of the times and a generation before.
Eben p. 58: married, according to Col. Perley Putnam, 25 Aug., 1686, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Putnam, but on the Salem records, the births of his children are recorded and it is there stated that they were "by wife Hanna." His first wife died 21 Dec., 1705; married, second, 1 July 1706, Sarah Holton.
There has been some speculation that her name was Hannah Tarrant, as that would explain their third son's name -- Tarrant Putnam. Her father might have been Cornelius as their last son was given that name.

Their children's birth are recorded at Salem, MA, where her name is listed as Hanna.
Eben Putnam, in his Putnam genealogy, reports that Col. Perley Putnam said that she was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Putnam, but there is no Elizabeth daughter of Thomas that works. The date of Benjamin's marriage of 1686 is also from the same Perley source (Perley via Eben) as the marriage is not recorded in either Salem or Danver's vital records. Benjamin marriage to second wife, Sarah Holton, is in Salem vital records.
From Rand-Put:
Rand/Putnam Notes:

Captain Benjamin Putnam was born on 24 Dec 1664 in Salem Village. (232, 233) His will dated 28 Oct 1706. (234) He died before 25 Apr 1715. (235,236) He had a will proved on 30 Jun 1715. (237) Benjamin married, according to Col. Perley Putnam, 25 Aug 1686, Elizabeth, Daughter of Thomas Putnam, but on the Salem records, the births of his children are recorded and it is there stated that they were "by wife Hanna." Benjamin married second, 1 July 1706, Sarah Holton.

Benjamin Putnam was a prominent man in Salem and held many town offices. He had always the title of "Mr." unless other titles are given. He held the position of Lieutenant and Captain (1706-1711). From the time he was chosen tything man at the Village in 1695-6, hardly a year passed but what he was honored by his fellow townsmen. He was constable and collector in 1700. He was constantly chosen tything man and surveyor of Highways at the Village. He was one of the selectman in 1703-1713 and that his judgment was considered of value is shown by the frequency with which he was returned to the Grand and Petit Juries. His last appearance on the Salem records was in 1712 when he was one of those chosen to perambulate the bounds between Salem and Topsfield. On Dec 30, 1709, he was chosen deacon of the church at the Village. On 25 July, 1713, Rev Joseph Green in his diary mentions the fact of his calling on "Landlord Putnam" and that he was very sick and out of his head. This was the beginning of the end, for he died in 1714 or 1715. In regard to his part in the witchcraft delusion it can be summed up thus: The Goods were dependents in his family and when the indemnities were paid by the General Court to the heirs of those accused and imprisoned and murdered, William Good through the instrumentality of Benjamin Putnam obtained a very large proportion,- Mr. Opham thinks more than his share. Among the signatures to the certificate of character of Rebecca Nurse both those of Benjamin and his wife Sarah are found. He never seems to have appeared as a witness of any account and probably steered clear as far as he was able, of the whole affair. The title "Landlord" was one often given to the eldest living Putnam.

The following entries are as yet unexplained, diligent search among the state archives failing to reveal the reason of Benjamin Putnam's imprisonment. These entries are also from Rev. Joseph Green's journal.

"1707, Jun 6. News of Captain Putnam having come to Marblehead.

Jun 17. Our country in great confusion. Some for the army, others against it. I went to Boston to ye Governor to release Benj. Putnam.

Sept. 21. Sab. 7 baptized. Discoursed with Captain Putnam at night."

During the following August there were more or less anxiety from attacks by the Indians at Haverhill.

" Oct. 23. I went with Major Sewell and Capt. Putnam to Haverhill.
Dec 30 (1709) Benj Putnam chosen deacon by every vote except his own.
March 1 1711. Ye church kept a Fast at ye house of Dea Benj Putnam.
May 10. I went to Capt Putnam's house raising.
Mar 17, 1713 I visited Dea Ben Putnam who is ill with a fall.
July 25. Visited Landlord Putnam, very sick and out of his head."

At the time of the extracts, there were several Capt Putnams viz.:John, Jonathan, Nathaniel, and as in the case above Benjamin, it is possible that some of the extracts may refer to Jonathan, who was extremely active at this time.

He was married to Sarah Tarrant on 25 Aug 1686 (238, 239). The Putnam Leaflets suggest Benjamin's first wife was a Tarrant. Sarah Tarrant died in 21 Dec 1705 in Salem, Essex, MA (240,341) One of the mysteries of the Putnam line yet remaining unsolved is the sure identity of Sarah the first wife of Benjamin. Eben Has her maiden name listed as Tarrant but there is proof lacking. According to Read Putnam her name could also be Hannah or Elizabseth. The old Putnam home where the senior Putnam had lived for three generations burned to the ground in the early part of the 1700's, and it is felt this misfortune left us without an accurate record of the time, and a generation before. Captain Benjamin Putnam and Sarah Tarrant had the following children:
Lieutenant Stephen
Rev Daniel
Deacon Israel

He was married to Sarah Holton on 1 Jul 106 in Salem, Essex, MA (249. 250)

The will of Benjamin Putnam is dated 28 Oct 1706, proved 25 Apr 1715. He gives to his son Daniel (minister at Reading) "L150 for his learnig." Overseers, "Uncle John Putnam and Capt Jona. Putnam." All his children but Josiah are here mentioned.

30 June 1715. The children of Benjamin who are of age, vi.: Tarrant, Benjamin, Robert Hutchinson, Elizabeth Hutchinson entered into an agreement.

April 1, 1717, Cornelius chose his brother Nathaniel his guardian.


In the Name of God Amen I Benj Putnam of Salem in ye County of Essex in ye
province of the Mass Bay in New England being in perfect health of sound
memory Blessed be God for it. yet Considering my own mortality Doe make This
my Last Will Testament In Forme and Manner Following Imps I Give up my Soul
to God my Body to Decent buriall hopeing for a glorious refurrection in thro
Jesus Crist my Redeemr. and as for yt estate yt God hath bestowed upon me I
give Bequeath in Manner following I Give to Sarah my beloved wife fifty pounds
in or as Money to be payed within five years after my decease by my Exers
hereafter named Also ye use of ye lower room in ye west end of my house halfe
ye Cellar under it during her widowhood.

Item I give this ffarme I now dweel upon to my Two eldest sons Nathaniel Tarrant
with all the buildings fences thereon to be equally Divided between them only
Nathaniel shall have twenty acres above halfe They paying as is hereafter

Item I give to Benjamin, Stephen my two sons My part of Davenports Farm ; also
my part of the meadow that belongs to said farme, also ye land adjoining to

the meadow yt I bought of Mr. Israel Porter to be equally divided between them
both land Meadow they paying as hereafter is expressed.

Item I Give to my son Israel That land which I bought of Mr. Minziefs belongeing
to Mr Humpherys farme also that six acres of meadow ground which I bought of
my brother John Putnam belongeing to Grigeles his farme.

Item I Give to my son Daniell one hundred and fifty pounds in or as money To be
payed by my Two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant equally betweene them as he shall
neade it in his Larning or when he comes of age If he do not take to Larening.
Also my sons Nathaniell and Tarant shall pay fifty pounds Willed to my wife as
bove said and also fourty pounds to their sister Elizabeth and also twenty
pounds to their brother Cornelius when they com of age each their part. < /div>
Item My Will is that my son Cornelius be put out to larne som good Trade and
that his brothers Benjamin and Stephen shall pay him Six Score pounds in or as
mony within Three years after he comes of age That is forurty pounds a yeare
To be Equally to be payed betweene Them.

Item I Give to my Daughter Elizabeth Sixty pounds to be payed out of my
household goods at my decees proportunalle of everything to be apprised to Her
and the Remainder of my Household goods with my out dores Vseing Tooles I
give to my Two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant.

Item All my Stock of what Kinde soever I give to be equally devided amonges all
my children except my son Daniel.

Item I do appoint my two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant to be Joynte Executors of
this my will and my will is that if any of my children dye before they com of age
that theire parte or portion shall be equally devided between the servivors I Do
desire and apointe my Well beloued frinds my brother John Putnam and my
Cozen Jonathan Putnam to be the Ouerfeers of this my will and I do requir e all
my children to sett down by the advice of my overfeers whare there my arise any
missunderstanding of my will

In Testemony that this is my last Will and Testement I have hereunto set my
hand and seale This Twenty eight day of October in the year of our Lord
Seventen hundred and six

Signed and Seeled published and declared in presence of us Wittnesses

John Jeffards

Beniamin putnam

Hannah X Roberds

Jonathan Putnam

Apprais and Allowed befr Hon Jno Appleton at Court at Ipswich April 25 1715
Endorsed Will of Leut Putnam

232: Eben p. 22
233. Vital Records of Salem. Vol2 p208.
234. Eben p.60
235. Eben p. 58
236 Eben p 58
237. Eben p. 60
238 - Eben p 58
239 - Eben Putnam. The Putnam Leaflets. Vol 1. p 3
240 - Eben p 58
241 - Vital Records of Salem Vol 6. p 171.


Note: There is much doubt as to the marriage of Benjamin with a daughter of
Thomas Putnam; it is more than likely his first wife was a Tarrant. His second
wife was the widow of Benjamin Holton, of Salem Village. (NOTE: Putnam
Leaflets, Vol. 1, No. 1, page 3.) On the Salem records, the births of his children
are recorded and it is there stated that they were by wife Hanna. His first wife
died 21 December 1705; married, second 1 July 1706, Sarah Holton. Capt.
Benjamin Putnam, Salem, Mass., B. 1664; d. circa 1715. Was Lieutenant and
Captain, 1706-11, of Salem Company. m. probably Hannah Tarrant. [From
Colonial Families in the United States, Vol. 3]1. Birth date given as 24 Dec.,
1664 in History of Salem Ma., Vol II, Page 109, FTM CD#117.

From Putnam message board on

Re: Benjamin PUTNAM, s/o Nathaniel, at Salem, d. 1715.
PAMELACRANSTON (View posts) Posted: 22 Aug 2003 4:22AM GMT
Classification: Query
Surnames: Putnam, Holton
Sarah Holton b. 1664/65 Salem Village, MA, m. July 1, 1706, d. 1714/15 Salem Village, MA. 2nd wife of Benjamin Putnam. Parents of Cornelius Putnam, b. Sept. 3, 1702.

Capt. Benjamin Putnam was a prominent but humble man in Salem Villgae and held many town offices. He owned significant farmland which he had inherited from his father Nathaniel. He owned a farm called Davenports Farm which he bequeathed to his sons Benjamin Putnam Jr. and Stephen.
During the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692, Benjamin Putnam joined his father Nathaniel, along with 37 others, in signing a petition pleading on behalf of Rebecca Nurse. His second wife, Sarah Holton, whom he married in 1706 also was a signer of that petition.
He always retained the title of "Mr." unless other titles were given. From 1706-1711 he held the positions of Lieutenant and Captain. From 1695-6 he was chosen annually to be both Tything Man and surveyor by his fellow townsmen. He served as selectman from 1707-1713 and was frequently on grand and petit juries. His last appearance in the Salem records show him as one chosen to walk the bounds between Salem and Topsfield.
On. Dec. 30, 1709, Benjamin Putnam was chosen to be deacon under Rev. Joseph Green of the Church of Salem. Rev. Green reports in his journal that Benjamin Putnam was chosen deacon by every vote in the church except his own. By 1713, Benjamin had inherited the title of Landlord Putnam. The Rev. Joseph Green, pastor of the Salem Church refers several times in his journal to Landlord Benjamin Putnam. The first reference, to his imprisonment (for unknown reasons). "1707, June 16. News of Captain Putnam having come to Marblehead. June 17. Our country in great confusion. Some for the army, some against it. I went to Boston to ye Governor to release Benjamin Putnam. 1708, July 29. I went with B. Putnam to Reading to Deacin Fitches, to spend ye day in prayer for him, he bing almost blind, and old Mr. Weston quite blind, and other disconsolate deaf etc. Mr. pierpont began, I prayed, Deacon Fitch, Landlord Putnam and Deacon Bancroft than sang 146 Psalm and I concluded with a short prayer and blessing." It is clear that he was a deeply religious man who kept fasts and prayed and received communion and frequently as the Puritans gave it. Rev. Green wrote about a visit he made to Landlord Putnam on July 25, 1713, saying that he was "very sick" and "out of his head". This proved to be the beginning of the end, because he died in 1714 or 1715.
Capt. Benjamin Putnam's will was dated Oct. 28, 1706 and orved April 25, 1715. He gave to his son Daniel Putnam, a minister at Reading "£150 for his learning". Overseers of the will were "Uncle John Putnam and Capt. Jonathan Putnam." Children of age in 1715 were Tarrant, Banjamin, son-in-law Robert Hutchinson and Elizabeth Putnam Hutchinson. Cornelius, the baby of the family, chose his brother Nathaniel on April 1, 1717 to be his guardian and he was expected to "learn a trade".
Executors of the will were Nathaniel and Tarrant Putnam. It was witnesed by: John Jeffards, Hannah Roberds, Jonathan Putnam, and presented before Judge Appleton of the Ipswich Court, April 25, 1715.


Benjamin Putnam was born 24 December 1664 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States to Nathaniel Putnam (1619-1700) and Elizabeth Hutchinson (1629-1688) and died 1715 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of unspecified causes. He married Hannah (bef1686-aft1701) 1 August 1686 . He married Sarah Holton 1 July 1706 .


In the Name of God Amen I Benj Putnam of Salem in ye County of Essex in ye province of the Mass Bay in New England being in per- fect health & of sound memory Blefsed be God for it. yet Consider- ing my own mortality Doe make This my Last Will & Testament In Forme and Manner Following
Imps I Give np my Soul to God & my Body to Decent buriall hopeing for a glorious refurrection in & thro Jesus Crist my Redeemr. and as for yt estate yt God hath bestowed upon me I give & Bequeath in Man- ner following
I Give to Sarah my beloved wife fifty pounds in or as Money to be payed within five years after my decease by my Exers hereafter named Also ye use of ye lower room in ye west end of my house & halfe ye Cellar under it during her widowhood.
Item I give this ffarme I now dweel upon to my Two eldest sons Nathaniel & Tarrant with all the buildings & fences thereon to be equally Divided between them only Nathaniel shall have twenty acres above halfe They paying as is hereafter expressed
Item I give to Benja & Stephen my two sons My part of Davenports Farm ; also my part of the meadow that belongs to said farme, also ye land adjoining to ye meadow yt I bought of Mr. Israel Porter to be equally divided between them both land & Meadow they paying as hereafter is expressed.
Item I Give to my son Israel That land which I bought of Mr. Minziefs belongeing to Mr Humpherys farme alfo that six acres of meadow ground which I bought of my brother John Putnam belongeing to Grigeles his farme.
Item I Give to my son Daniell one hundred and fifty pounds in or as money To be payed by my Two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant equally be- tweene them as he shall neade it in his Larning or when he comes of age If he do not take to Larening.
Also my sons Nathaniell and Tarant shall pay fifty pounds Willed to my wife as bove said and also fourty pounds to their sister Elizabeth and also twenty pounds to their brother Cornelius when they com of age each their part.
Item My Will is that my son Cornelius be put out to larne som good Trade and that his brothers Benjamin and Stephen shall pay him Six Score pounds in or as mony within Three years after he comes of age That is forurty pounds a yeare To be Equally to be payed betweene Them.
Item I Give to my Daughter Elizabeth Sixty pounds to be payed out of my household goods at my decees proportunalle of everything to be apprised to Her and the Remainder of my Household goods withmy out dores Vseing Tooles I give to my Two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant.
Item All my Stock of what Kinde soever I give to be equally devided amonges all my children except my son Daniel.
Item I do appoint my two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant to be Joynte Executors of this my will and my will is that if any of my children dye before they com of age that theire parte or portion shall be equally devided between the servivors I Do desire and apointe my Well beloued frinds my brother John putnam and my Cozen Jonathan putnam to be the Ouerfeers of this my will and I do require all my children to sett down by the advice of my overfeers whare there my arise any mifsunderstanding of my will
In Testemony that this is my last Will and Testement I have hereunto set my hand and seale This Twenty eight day of October in the year of our Lord Seventene hundred and six
Signed and Seeled published and declared in presence of us
John Jeffards Beniamin putnam [seal]
Hannah X Roberds
Jonathan Putnam
Apprais and Allowed befr Hon Jno Appleton at Court at Ipswich April 25 1715
Endorsed Will of Leut Putnam

Benjamin Putnam Hannah (bef1686-aft1701)
' ' '

Josiah Putnam (-1751)

Nathaniel Putnam (1686-1754) August 25, 1686 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States October 21, 1754 Danvers, Massachusetts, United States

Tarrant Putnam (1688-1732)

Elizabeth Putnam (c1689-)

Benjamin Putnam (1693-aft1744)

Stephen Putnam (1694-1772)

Daniel Putnam (1696-1759)

Israel Putnam (1699-1760)

Cornelius Putnam (1702-1761)

Familysearch afn: 7TSZ-KC
From Ed Putnam
CAPT. BENJAMIN3 PUTNAM (NATHANIEL2, JOHN1) was born December 24, 1664 in Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts, and died July 23, 1715 in Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts. He married (1) ELIZABETH PUTNAM August 25, 1686. She died December 21, 1705 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. He married (2) SARAH July 1, 1705.

63.i. DEA. NATHANIEL4 PUTNAM, b. August 25, 1686, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. October 21, 1754, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts.
ii. JOSIAH PUTNAM, b. 1687; d. October 21, 1751.
64.iii. TARRANT PUTNAM, b. April 12, 1688, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. Bet. 1732 - 1733.
65.iv. ELIZABETH PUTNAM, b. January 8, 1689/90, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts.
66.v. BENJAMIN PUTNAM, b. January 8, 1692/93, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. 1744, Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts. LT. STEPHEN PUTNAM, b. October 27, 1694, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. 1772, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts.
68.vii. REV. DANIEL PUTNAM, b. November 12, 1696, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. June 20, 1759, Reading, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
69.viii. DEA. ISRAEL PUTNAM, b. August 22, 1699, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. November 12, 1760, Bedford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
70.ix. CORNELIUS PUTNAM, b. September 3, 1702, Salem Village, Essex County, Massachusetts; d. May 29, 1761, Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.
Historic Homes:
p. 55 Benjamin Putnam, son of Nathaniel Putnam was born in Salem Village, Massachusetts, December 24, 1664, died at Salem, 1750. He also became a prominent citizen of Danvers, then Salem Village; he was lieutenant and captain from 1706 to 1711; tithing-man 1695-6; constable and collector of taxes 1700; constantly tithing-man, surveyor of highways; grand and petit jury. He was selectman from 1707 to 1713. He was elected deacon December 30, 1709. He also signed the certificate of character of Rebecca Nurse. His will was dated October 28, 1706, and proved April 25, 1715.
He married, August 25, 1684, Elizabeth Putnam probably daughter of Thomas Putnam. She died December 21, 1705, and he married (second) Sarah Holton, July 1, 1706. All the children were by Elizabeth.

p. 280 Benjamin Putnam, son of Nathaniel Putnam, was born July 11, 1664; married Sarah Holton, August 25, 1686. They had seven sons and one daughter. Sarah Holton was probably daughter of Joseph Holton, of Salem, where the Putnams were then living. Joseph Holton was born in England in 1621. Besides Sarah, Joseph and Sarah Holton had: Joseph, baptized May 15, 1653.
Benjamin, born February 14, 1657-8.
Henry, baptized May 24, 1663
James, baptized May 20, 1666.
Elizabeth, married ______ Buxton.
His will mentions Sarah Putnam, his daughter.
Some of the children of Benjamin and Sarah Putnam, born at Salem, Massachusetts, were:
Tarrant, born April 12, 1688, whose son Tarrant and many of his descendants lived at Sutton.
New England:
p 10 Captain Benjamin Putnam was a prominent man in Salem and held many town offices.He was chosen to perambulate the bounds between the towns of Salem and Topsfield, which was his last appearance on the records, in 1712. He held the position of lieutenant and captain; served in the Indian War and received the titles in 1706-11. It appears he was imprisoned at one time, but for what cause does not appear. Among the signatures to the certificate of character of Rebecca Nurse appear the names of Benjamin and his wife Sarah. He was called "Landlord Putnam"
He was married to Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Putnam (according to Perley Putnam), but on the Salem records the births are recorded as by wife Hannah. He married second, Sarah Holton.
Torrey Marriages has this listing
PUTNAM, Benjamin (1664-1715) Benjamin Holter & 1/wf Sarah (not Hannah) [Tarrant?] (-1705), had son Tarrant; 25 Aug 1686?, by 1686; Salem Reg. 55:111, 90:1993; LBDF&P #320; Sutton MA Hist. 709; Salem 2:111; Putnam 58; Bacon 36; Gen Bulletin 1:108; Peabody Anc. 23; EIHC 10 pt. 2:11, 16:9

Looking at some of Torrey's sources:
NEHGReg 55:111 is a query about "Putnam - Elizabeth ---. wife of Benjamin Putnam of Salem Village, married 25 Aug, 1686, and died 21 Dec 1705," nothing more is said. This explains your Elizabeth but is not supported by any other source.

NEHG Reg 90:193 is a memoir of William Allen Putnam.
"He was descended from John (1) Putnam, a native of Aston Abbotts, co Bucks, England, who came to Massachusetts in 1634 and settled at Salem Village (now Danvers) where he died 30 December 1662, through Nathaniel (2) 1618-1700, ... Capt Benjamin (3) of Salem, who married Hannah Roberts, ..."

Perley, History of Salem, Vol 2_111 has "Capt. Benjamin Putnam; married, first, Hannah ---; she died Dec 21, 1705; married second, Sarah Holton July 1 1706; he died about 1715; children: I. Josiah, bapt
Oct 2 1687, . 2 Nathaniel .... 3 Tarrant, born April 12 1688; 4
The above seems to link Tarrant as child of 1st wife "Hannah", not
second wife Sarah. Second wife Sarah Holton might explain Torrey notes
Benjamin Holter, if she were widow of Benjamin Holter/Holton.

"Putnam 58" is Putnam, Eben, A history of the Putnam family in England
and America : Salem Press Pub. and Print. Co., 1891-1908.
p 1_58 has:
"III. Captain Benjamin (Nathaniel, John) of Salem Village, born there,
24 Dec 1664; died there about 1715. married according to Col Perley
Putnam, 25 Aug,, 1686, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Putnam, but on the
Salem records, the births of his children are recorded as it is there
stated that they were "by wife Hanna.,"" His first wife died 21 Dec
1705. married second 1 July 1706, Sarah Holton.

children: Josiah bapt 2 Oct 1687. ...
Tarrant, b 12 Apr 1688, bapt in 1st Ch Salem Aug. 1688. "

Salem Vital Records have marriage
Putnam, Benjamin [Lt. CT R] and Sarah Holton, July 1 1706. [VR 3:228]
no other relevant Benjamin marriage.

Salem VR Deaths have
Hotton, Benjamin, Sep 17, 1689, a 33 y C.R.2

This entry might explain the Torrey's naming of Benjamin Holter, as
Sarah could have been his widow. I find no marriage of a Sarah to
Benjamin Holter/Holten however.

Salem Vital Records births have Putnam
Josiah, s Benjamin bp Oct 2, 1687. C.R.1
Note that the preceding line is Josiah, s. John and Hanna Cutler Oct 29
1686, which might explain the comment about children listed to Hanna,

Births VR 2:218
Tarront, s Benjamin and Sarah Apr 12, 1688.

Several other births are listed to Benjamin and Sarah prior to his
marriage to Sarah Holton. None to a Benjamin and Hannah or Benjamin and
Deaths 6:171 have Sarah, w. Benjamin, Dec 21. 1705.
This Sarah would be the mother of the children including Tarrant.

I don't think we are any closer to knowing a maiden name for Benjamin's
first wife and mother of the children, but it seems fairly sure she was
a Sarah, as was his second wife. Torrey has no other listing for a
surname Tarrant. The only surname Tarrant I find in Perley's History of
Salem is John in 1757. Savage's Dict of Early Settlers has no Tarrant
listed as Bob G stated.
She seems to be Sarah Tarrant in some lines on the Ancestral File,
which without documentation is worthless.
One Rootsweb file says "Eben Putnam says she is Sarah Tarrant," but as
I cited him above, I did not find him saying that. He may have other
writings that did so.
Maybe someone else with access to his other sources can find where
Torrey derived the Tarrant surname, other than as an unusual given
On MAESSEX-L Archives message board
From Bob Carroll
Subject: Re: [MAESSEX] Tarrant - 1600's in New England
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005
Torrey Marriages has note "not Hannah". No good evidence she was a Tarrant. Only sources seem to be speculation from the name of her son. Tarrant might be her mother's maiden name.
History of Sutton p 709
Benjamin 3 (Nathaniel 2 , John 1 ), m. Sarah Holton, Aug. 25, 1686. They had seven sous and one daughter ; among his sons were : 1, Tarrant, b. Apr. 12, 1688; 2, Cornelius, b. Sept. 3, 1702.
More About BENJAMIN PUTNAM: Title: Captain, Deacon Will dated: October 28, 1706 Will proved: April 25, 1715
Posted by: Ed Putnam (ID *****8081) Date: September 11, 2008 at 07:50:42
In Reply to: Was Benjamin's wife Elizabeth or Sarah? by Elizebeth Putnam of 3537

Elizabeth - I can help, a little. First, Benjamin was born Oct. 24, 1664, and his son, Tarrant, was born April 12, 1688. Benjamin first married sarah Tarrant in August 1684, in Salem. After she died Dec. 21, 1705, he married second widow Sarah Houlton, July 1, 1706, also in Salem.

I am not sure which Thomas Putnam you are referring to.
Note N241Note N242Constable, collector, selectman, deacon, officer in militia. He was supporter of the accused in witch trials. His signature and his wife Sara O. are of certificate of character for Rebecca Nurse. "The Goods were depends of his family" [Putnam, E. p.1-57f]
Name: Benjamin /Putnam/[1]
Birth:Date: 24 DEC 1664Place: Salem Village, Massachusetts Bay Colony[2]
Death:Date: ABT 1715Place: Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts[3]
Husband: Benjamin Putnam
Wife: Elizabeth Putnam
Child: Nathaniel Putnam
Child: Josiah Putnam
Child: Tarrant Putnam
Child: Elizabeth Putnam
Child: Benjamin Putnam
Child: Stephen Putnam
Child: Daniel Putnam
Child: Isreal Putnam
Child: Cornelius Putnam
Marriage:Date: 25 AUG 1686Place: Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts[4]
Occupation: Farmer
Event:Type: Military Place: Captain in local militia

Place: Deacon at church
Note H12Very prominent in Salem Village. Was captain in the militia; town constable; selectman; and church deacon.

Cox Family Gen:
Source: S-2092090539 Title: martindale.FTW
1 Source: #S-2092090539 Data: Text: Date of Import: Oct 15, 1998
2 Source: #S-2092090539 Data: Text: Date of Import: Oct 15, 1998
3 Source: #S-2092090539 Data: Text: Date of Import: Oct 15, 1998
4 Source: #S-2092090539 Data: Text: Date of Import: Oct 15, 1998
Husband of Sarah (Tarrant) Putnam
— married 25 Aug 1684 in Salem, Essex, Mass. Bay Colony, British Colonial America
Husband of Elizabeth Putnam
— married 25 Aug 1686 in Salem Village (Danvers), Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony
Husband of Sarah (Holten) Putnam
— married 1 Jul 1706 [location unknown]
Biographical Sketches of Worcester County, MA
Image 337-42/960
(III)Benjamin Putnam, grandson of the ancestor in America,married Sarah Holton, August 25, 1686. They had seven sons and one daughter.Among the sons were: Tarrant, born April 12, 1688; Cornelius, September 3, 1702
Benjamin Putnam
[edit] Will In the Name of God Amen I Benj Putnam of Salem in ye County of Essex in ye province of the Mass Bay in New England being in per- fect health & of sound memory Blefsed be God for it. yet Consider- ing my own mortality Doe make This my Last Will & Testament In Forme and Manner Followi
Imps I Give np my Soul to God & my Body to Decent buriall hopeing for a glorious refurrection in & thro Jesus Crist my Redeemr. and as for yt estate yt God hath bestowed upon me I give & Bequeath in Man- ner following
I Give to Sarah my beloved wife fifty pounds in or as Money to be payed within five years after my decease by my Exers hereafter named Also ye use of ye lower room in ye west end of my house & halfe ye Cellar under it during her widowhood.
Item I give this ffarme I now dweel upon to my Two eldest sons Nathaniel & Tarrant with all the buildings & fences thereon to be equally Divided between them only Nathaniel shall have twenty acres above halfe They paying as is hereafter expressed
Item I give to Benja & Stephen my two sons My part of Davenports Farm ; also my part of the meadow that belongs to said farme, also ye land adjoining to ye meadow yt I bought of Mr. Israel Porter to be equally divided between them both land & Meadow they paying as hereafter is expressed.
Item I Give to my son Israel That land which I bought of Mr. Minziefs belongeing to Mr Humpherys farme alfo that six acres of meadow ground which I bought of my brother John Putnam belongeing to Grigeles his farme.
Item I Give to my son Daniell one hundred and fifty pounds in or as money To be payed by my Two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant equally be- tweene them as he shall neade it in his Larning or when he comes of age If he do not take to Larening.
Also my sons Nathaniell and Tarant shall pay fifty pounds Willed to my wife as bove said and also fourty pounds to their sister Elizabeth and also twenty pounds to their brother Cornelius when they com of age each their part.
Item My Will is that my son Cornelius be put out to larne som good Trade and that his brothers Benjamin and Stephen shall pay him Six Score pounds in or as mony within Three years after he comes of age That is forurty pounds a yeare To be Equally to be payed betweene Them.
Item I Give to my Daughter Elizabeth Sixty pounds to be payed out of my household goods at my decees proportunalle of everything to be apprised to Her and the Remainder of my Household goods withmy out dores Vseing Tooles I give to my Two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant.
Item All my Stock of what Kinde soever I give to be equally devided amonges all my children except my son Daniel.
Item I do appoint my two sons Nathaniel and Tarrant to be Joynte Executors of this my will and my will is that if any of my children dye before they com of age that theire parte or portion shall be equally devided between the servivors I Do desire and apointe my Well beloued frinds my brother John putnam and my Cozen Jonathan putnam to be the Ouerfeers of this my will and I do require all my children to sett down by the advice of my overfeers whare there my arise any mifsunderstanding of my will
In Testemony that this is my last Will and Testement I have hereunto set my hand and seale This Twenty eight day of October in the year of our Lord Seventene hundred and six
Signed and Seeled published and declared in presence of us
John Jeffards Beniamin putnam [seal]
Hannah X Roberds
Jonathan Putnam
Apprais and Allowed befr Hon Jno Appleton at Court at Ipswich April 25 1715
Endorsed Will of Leut Putnam
[edit] Children Children of Benjamin Putnam (1664-1715) and Hannah Name Birth Death Josiah Putnam (?-1751) Nathaniel Putnam (1686-1754) August 25, 1686(1686-08-25), Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts October 21, 1754, Danvers, Massachusetts Tarrant Putnam (1688-1732) Elizabeth Putnam (c1689-?) Benjamin Putnam (1693-aft1744) Stephen Putnam (1694-1772) Daniel Putnam (1696-1759) 1696 1759 Israel Putnam (1699-1760) Cornelius Putnam (1702-1761)

History and Genealogy of the state of maine. lll) Captain Benjamin, youngest son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Hutchinson) Putnam, was born December 24, 1064, at Salem Village, and died at the same place about 1715. He was a prominent man in Salem and held many town offices, being tythingman at the village in 1695-96, and constable and collector in 1700, and was selectman in 1707- 1713, and was often on the grand and petit juries. He was chosen to perambulate the bounds between the towns of Salem and Tops- field, which was his last appearance on the records, in 1712. He held the position of lieutenant and captain, was in the Indian war, and received the titles in 1706-1711. It appears that he was imprisoned at one time, but for what cause does not appear. Among the signatures to the certificate of character of Rebecca Nurse, the names of Benjamin and his wife Sarah appears. Rev. Joseph Green, in his diary, mentions calling on "Landlord In 1694 Nathaniel and John Putnam testified to having lived in the village since 1641. He married, in Salem, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Alice (Bosworth) Hutchinbon, of Salem Village. She was born August 20, and baptized at Arnold, England, August 30, 1629, and died June 24, 1688. In 1648 both Nathaniel and his wife Elizabeth were admitted to the church in Salem. Their children, all born in Salem, were : Samuel, Nathaniel, John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Benjamin and Mary. Putnam" and that he was very sick and out of his head. December 30, 1709, he was chosen deacon of the church of the village. His will, dated October 28, 1706, was proved April 25, 1715. He gives to his son (minister at Reading) "one hundred and fifty pounds for his learning," "Overseers, Uncle John Putnam and Captain Jonathan Putnam." All his children but Josiah are mentioned. He was married August 25, 1686, to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Putnam (according to Colonel Perley Putnam), but on the Salem records the births are recorded as by w1fe Hannah. His first wife died December 21, 1705, and he married (second) July 1, 1706, Sarah Holton. His children were : Josiah, Nathaniel, Tarrant, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Stephen, Daniel, Israel and Cornelius. (Mention of Tarrant and Daniel and descendants appears in this article.)
Massachusetts, Probate Court (Essex County). The Probate Records of Essex County, Massachusetts. (Salem, Massachusetts: The Essex Institute, 1916, 1917, 1920)
Case 2291: Putnam, Benjamin (Lt.) 1715, Apr. 25.
will: see elsewhere on page, proved 25 Apr 1715
12 May 1715: "Being Desired By the Executors of Leut. Benjamin Putnam Decest to apprise his Stocke This 12th of May 1715 have apprised as followeth..."
20 May 1715: Agreement Betweene all the Children ofLeut Benjemin Putnam that are of Age to acte for themselves ... no provesion made in our fathers will for the payment of his Debts ... with the advice of our unkle Mr John Putnam and Cap't Jonathan Putham the overseers of our fathers will ... that Robert Hutchinson shall have halfe his proportion of the Stocke and one halfe of the Stocke that was given to Corenlias shall ebe left to him in the hands of hs Gardaine and all the Rest of the Stocke shall be solde to pay Debts and the share of the Sloope and the Negro b and a small peace of Land that was bought of John Hadlocke shall be sould to pay Debts ... then what Debts Remain to be payed ... equal proportion. Signed by Nathiel Putnam, Tarrant Putnam, Stephen Putnam, Benjamin Putnam, Robart Huchinson, Elizabeth Hutchinson.
1 Apr 1717: "Nath'l & Tarrant Putnam Joynt Exe'rs to ye Will of y'r ffather Mr Benj'a Puttnam appear'd & accepted y't Trust & gave Bond to pay all Debts & Legacies". Bond given the same day.


Marriage25 Aug 1684Salem, Essex, MA - Sarah or Tarrant or Eliz Putnam or Tarrant
Marriage1 Jul 1706Sarah Holton
Death25 May 1715Salem, Essex, MA
Birth24 Dec 1664Salem Village, Mass Bay Colony


SpouseSarah or Tarrant or Eliz Putnam or Tarrant (1664 - 1705)
ChildDeacon Cornelius PUTNAM (1702 - 1761)
ChildDeacon Nathaniel PUTNAM (1686 - 1754)
ChildJosiah PUTNAM (1687 - 1751)
ChildTarrant PUTNAM (1688 - 1732)
ChildElizabeth PUTNAM (1689 - )
ChildBenjamin PUTNAM (1692 - 1744)
ChildLieutenant Stephen PUTNAM (1694 - 1772)
ChildRev Daniel PUTNAM (1696 - 1759)
ChildDeacon Israel PUTNAM (1699 - 1760)
SpouseSarah Holton ( - )
FatherNathaniel Putnam (1619 - 1700)
MotherElizabeth Hutchinson (1629 - 1688)
SiblingSamuel Putnam (1652 - 1676)
SiblingNathaniel Putnam (1655 - )
SiblingJohn Putnam (1657 - 1722)
SiblingJoseph Putnam (1659 - )
SiblingElizabeth Putnam (1662 - 1697)
SiblingMary Putnam (1668 - 1758)

