Individual Details

Edward Herman Yager

(4 Sep 1886 - 3 Dec 1930)

Farmed near St Joseph; across field from Grandma Yager's; stepson=Alvin. Ed died in car accident in Waite Park.
Was a twin.
Could not find Birth entries for Eda or Edward in Stearns County records.
Accident Report from newspaper:
Probably St Cloud Times
Dec 3, 1930

Edward H. Yager, 44 years old, of the town of St Cloud, was killed instantly Wednesday evening at about 9:40 o'clock in a traffic mishap just outside the city limits on state highway No. 3, near Waite Park. Two children, a son and daughter of Lloyd Held, with whom Mr. Yaeger was a passenger, were injured.

The accident was a near head-on collision between the car driven by Held and a heavy truck, laden with hogs and farm machinery, and driven by Herman Wesbrock of Freeport, driving in a westerly direction. Held was driving toward St Cloud.

The two cars side-swiped with their right sides, both apparently crossing over. The Held car struck the extending body of the truck. Both vehicles were swung around in the opposite directions, and the Held car was completely demolished.

The body of Mr. Yager, who sat in the front seat with Mr. Held, was hanging partly out of the wreckage of the car. It was removed and a physician was called immediately. He had been killed instantly, suffering a fractured skull. The coroner was called. The two children were taken to the st Cloud hospital. The older, Lynes Held, a boy aged seven, was bruised considerably. The younger, Evelyn, a girl six years old, received a fractured right leg and severe body bruises. Mr. Held escaped without injury.

Charles Saunders, deputy sheriff, was called to the scene to make a report. The truck driver explained that it appeared the on-comig car was driving toward the left side of the highway. He declared he kept to his proper side as long as he thought it to be safe, and then swung to his left, the wrong side of the highway, in an effort to clear. Mr. Held expalined that he was being blinded by the lights of the truck, and when he applied his brakes, the car had a tendancy to swerve to the left.

A further investigation is being conducted.

Mr. Yager, living three miles southwest of Waite Park, had gone to the Held home for a neighborly visit. Mr. Held had to drive to St Cloud, and Mr. Yager joined. The two Held children were sitting in the rear seat.

The deceased was a son of the late Adam Yager, and a twin brother of Ida Yager who, with her father, was killed in a railway crossing mishap at the St Germain street-Osseo crossing 24 years ago.

Edward Yager was born September 4, 1886 in the town of St Cloud. He was married and had one son, Alvin. His mother is living, as are the following brothers and sisters; Mrs. Ethel Condon and Mrs. Ellen Holmes of St Cloud, Dr John Yager of West Concord, Minn., Dr George Yager of Albany, William Yager of Holyoke, Mass., Robert Yager of Aitkin, and Arthur Yager of Munnerlyn, Georgia.

Funeral arrangements have not been made. Relatives are waiting for word from the brothers in Massachusetts and Georgia.
Many Friends Present at Yager Funeral Service
The largest assembly of relatives and neighbors that has ever gathered in the Waite Park Methodist church was present at the funeral service for the late Edward H. Yaeger, held Dec 6. The service was conducted by the Rev. George E. Tindall, pastor of the family, who gave an appropriate and impressive funeral sermon. Three hymns favorite selections of Mr Yaeger were sung by the church quartet:"Take Me As I Am", Beautiful Isle of Somewhere", and "We're Going Down the Valley". Burial was made in the North Star cemetery, members of the woodman lodge, of which Mr. Yaeger was a member, assisting in the ritual.

Mr Yeager was killed when the auto in which her was riding collided with a truck on Highway 3 near Waite Park.
I have a copy of the sales bill for the auction of his farming items. Rebecca, his wife, has to quit farming, and sold items on 24 Feb 1931.
Eulogy for Edward Yager
Memoir of Edward H Yager
The deceased, Edward H. Yager, who was instantly killed in an auto crash on Highway No 3, between here and St Cloud last Wednesday evening (Dec 3rd) about 9.40 oclock, was the son of the late Adam Yager, and his wife, Catherine. His father and his twin sister, Ida were killed in a railway accident at the Great Northern Osseo Crossing in St Cloud 24 years ago.

Edward Yager was born on the fourth day of September 1886 in the town of St Cloud, just 44 years and two months ago. He lived most of his life in this community in the persuit of farming, until six years ago when he become foreman of the North-Star Corporation quarry near his home.

He was married to Mrs. Rebecca Snyder on the 20th day of August 1906 of which Union one child was born (Edward), who died in infancy.

Brother Yager made for himself a host of friends, as evidence by the great concourse of people here today, not withstanding his crude manner and his rough language at times, most of which, if not all, was mere bluff with no evil intent whatever. The bark of this man's character was all on the outside. Those who knew him best believed him to be a sincere man, free from sham, duplicity and double facedness. He was generous to a fault and large-hearted toward every worthy cause, and ever ready to share with those in need. His pleasant ways, his smiling countenance and his frequent jocular expressions placed him high in the esteem of those who knew him most intimately. Of his honesty and integrity you all know.

A leading merchant of this Village said to me since the death of Mr Yager - "His going is a decided loss to this community, for he was a constant Booster for Waite Park and community. His word was a good as his bond. In 19 years of business transactions I never knew him to be guilty of one dishonest act". Such a tribute from the business world speaks volumes.

He will also be missed by the Methodist church here. Though not a member, yet he was a constant attendant, a generous contributor, an intelligent auditor to all that was said and sung. He read his bible as frequently probably as any man in my congregation, listened to sermons over the Radio and opened his heart to me on religious matters and spiritual things as freely and frankly as any man I have known in my ministry.

Beloved, do not misunderstand me--I am not acting a panagerist of the dead. Nothing that any mortal can say by way of condemnation or commendation, can in any way affect the future of the dead. He has gone beyond the influence, help or hindrance of Pope, priest or preacher. His spirit has returned to God who gave it. The all-merciful, compassionate Heavenly Father will do what is RIGHT. He, and He alone id JUDGE, and there are two things that we learn from His book, we are forbidden to do, namely to act as Judge or as Avenger, for He has said:"Judge not least thou be judged", and "Avenge not thyself for vengeance is mine saith the Lord".

I simply memtion the above characteristics of the deceased as a basis of my convictions. In that respect the Holy Scriptures endorse my contention, namely, that a good life cannot issue from an evil heart; for "out of the heart are the issues of life", and "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he". You cannot get sweet water from a bitter fountain, nor derive good fruit from a corrupt tree". The Master gave us the key to a man's life when he said - "By their fruits ye shall know them". We can know people without judging them, for "Faith without words is dead">

BROTHER YAGER, however, will be most missed in his own home, where as a husband for over 22 years he played his part so faithfully, his wife rises up and testifies to his kindness, his unselfishness and his thoughtfulness on her behalf. Only a few days ago while speaking to me of this unemployment period, in which so many are without a job, he said - "We have been do busily engaged since we were married, that I don't mind now having more time to spend in the enjoyment and felicities of the home". He loved little children, and it is one of the mysteries of providence that his only child should be taken so early in their wedded life. But "God is too wise to err, and too good to be unkind", and He has various reason and ways to teach us as mortals to "Lay up treasures in heaven where moth and rust doth not corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal".

Then, again, I believe in the providences of God, and just as profoundly in the PRE-MONITIONS of GOD. In that respect God has dealt very kindly with the deceased during his life in the flesh. He told on one occasion that while he was out hunting far from home, he was striken with Pneumonia, and his life was despaired of, yet the Lord raised him up again. Then, more recently when in the quarry he met with an accident that is was feared would prove fatal. Yet, God, who "healeth all our diseases", raised him up again. And now in his sudden and unanticipated departure from this life, it seems to me that the great outstanding LESSON is for us, the living. Is not high Heaven ringing again the warning bells, saying - "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh." For the third within the last three months I have been called to conduct the funeral od three men of this community, all of whom passed out of time into eternity as instantly as a flash of lightning. If we had no Bible to warn us, and urge our preparation for death, life's experiences and observations alone should be sufficient to remind of our MORTALITY, and the CERTAINTY of death. With the prophet Samuel we may well confess - "There is but a step between me and death". The poet was right when he wrote - "Dangers stand thick through all the ground,
To push us to the tomb;
And fierce diseases wait around
To hurry mortals home".
We all need indeed to heed the words of warning written by James (1:11) our Lord's brother - "Come now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into this city, and spend a year there, and trade, and get gain; whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. What is your life? For ye are a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall both live and do this or that".

In the sudden demise of Brother Yager he leaves to mourn his beloved wife (now twice widowed), his sorrowing mother, four brothers, namely Dr Goerge Yager of Albany, Minn, Dr John Yager of West Concord, Minn, William Yager of Holyoke, Mass., Robert Yager of Aitkin, Minn, and Arthur Yager of Peekon, Ga, who together with the two brothers-in-las Charles and Abe West of St Cloud serve as pall-bearers today; also two sisters, Mrs Ethel Condon and Mrs Ellen Holmes of St Cloud, Minn., and one step-son, Alvin Snyder of Paynesville, all of whom are present today, and to whom we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
DetailRelatedSourceSelect all textSource Citation
Registration State: Minnesota; Registration County: Stearns; Roll: 1682643; Draft Board: 1
Draft Card: Y
Source Information U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data: United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls. Imaged from Family History Library microfilm.
in digital files

Edward H Yager
age 30
of St Cloud RR#
b. 4 Sept 1886 in St Cloud
farming for myself
St Joseph twp

Edward Herman Yager was a twin born Sept 4, 1886 in St Cloud, Mn. He died in an auto crash on Dec 3, 1930. He farmed in the area intil 1924 when he became foreman fro North-Star Quarry near his home. He was a sincere honest man. Ed married Rebecca West Snyder on Aug 20, 1906. Ed had a step-son, Alvin Snyder, who lived in Paynsville and died Sept 5, 1985. Ed and Becky had a son who died in infancy.


Birth4 Sep 1886St Cloud, Stearns, Minnesota, United States
Marriage20 Aug 1906Rebecca "Becky" West
Death3 Dec 1930Waite Park, Stearns, MN
Burial6 Dec 1930North Star Cemetery, St Cloud, Stearns, Minnesota, United States


SpouseRebecca "Becky" West (1871 - 1957)
ChildAlvin Snyder (1897 - )
ChildEdward Yager (1912 - 1912)
FatherAdam Yager Jr (1857 - 1907)
MotherKatherine "Kate" Herzberger (1862 - 1942)
SiblingJohn Adam Jaeger (1884 - 1956)
SiblingEdith Hermina "Ida/Eda" Yager (1886 - 1907)
SiblingGeorge Fredrick Yager (1888 - 1969)
SiblingEmma Louise Yager (1890 - 1891)
SiblingWilliam Carl Yager (1892 - 1971)
SiblingRobert Malcolm Yager (1894 - 1969)
SiblingArthur Herbert Yager (1897 - 1959)
SiblingBenjamin Alfred Yager (1900 - 1901)
SiblingEthel Emma Josephine Yager (1903 - 1988)
SiblingEllen Eva Loretta Yager (1903 - 1973)
SiblingElmer Mikel Theador Yager (1903 - 1905)
