Individual Details

Benjamin Franklin Wishard

(7 Nov 1869 - 1 Oct 1939)

1900 Census. Ben and Lucinda listed with first four children.
Ben Wishard, b. Nov 1869, age 30, married 10 years, b. "Ioway" as were his parents
Lucinda, b. Jul 1873, age 26, 5 children, 4 living, b. TX, parents b. MS
Edna, dau, b. Jan 1893, age 7
Vina, dau, b. Jan 1895, age 5
Ethal, dau, b. Jan 1897, age 3
Frank, son, b. Jan 1900, five months old

1910 Census. Only one household listed between brothers Ben & Arthur. Nancy L. said she had 9 children, 8 living. All children listed except Harley, deceased and youngest not yet born. Also had a boarder, Pascal Yager, age 28, born in Texas, his parents b. TN

Found in 1920 Census. Children still at home were Clifton, Emment, Alma, & Lucille.
Justice Precinct 5, Honey Grove, Fannin co TX, Hh 251
Benj. F. Wishard, age 51, b. Iowa, parents b. IN, Farmer
Jennie L. , wife, age 45, b. TX, parents b. MO [was her name misunderstood?]
Clifton 17. Emmett 15. Alma 12. Lucile, 10.

1930 Census. Precinct 5, Fannin Co TX, Hh 17, Bagby to Honey Grove Road
Benj. F. Wishard, age 61, married at age 21, b. Iowa, father b. IN, mother b. Ohio, farmer
Nancy L., wife, age 56, married at age 18, b. TX, parents b. MO
Alma, dau, age 22, single, b. TX
Ethel Taylor, dau, age 33, married at 18, b. TX

Death Comes To B. F. Wishard Sunday Morning
After a long illness, death came to B. F. Wishard early Sunday morning at his home south of Honey Grove, and the tired and worn body was given eternal rest and the spirit of this good citizen transferred to the Heavenly abode.
Benjamin Franklin Wishard was born November 7, 1868, at Bloomfield, Iowa, being in his seventieth year. At the age of five years he came to Texas with his parents, the family settled in Fannin County about three miles [error in report] of Dial. Here he continued his residence until death. On July 13, 1890, he was united in marriage to Nancy Lucinda Blodgett, and the union was blessed with ten children, two passing away in infancy.
A consecrated man was Mr. Wishard. At the age of 20 years he was converted and in 1900, he joined the Baptist church at Bagby and was soon made a deacon because of his unusual consecration and his straight forwardness as a citizen and church member. In 1912 he transferred his membership to the Dial Baptist church, which was his church home for the remainder of his life. For more than 27 years he was an active deacon in this church and much of the time he served as chairman of the board, in this capacity he was even faithful, never shirking his duties.
His religion was something more than an empty profession. It was a living reality. His faith in Christ was more than a mere sentiment; it was a course of action, for his love for God's cause found expression in obedience to his Lord's commands. Mr. Wishard endured the long months of pain with fortitude and with patience and had a cheerful word for all who visited him.
In the passing of Mr. Wishard, our church has lost one of its most consecrated members. We shall miss his good counsel and his friendly handshake, but the influence for good which he instilled into our hearts will live on through the years.
We extend to the bereaved loved ones, our sincere sympathy.
He is survived by his wife and these children: Mrs. Roy Thomas of Dallas; Mrs. Zollie Vickers of Boswell, Oklahoma; Mrs. Ethel Taylor, Frank Wishard, Mrs. L. E. Myers, Clifton Wishard, Emmett Wishard and Miss Alma Wishard all of Dial and Honey Grove. He also leaves 11 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Dial Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Landes, assisted by Rev. T. J. Watts of Honey Grove. The burial service was at Oak Ridge Cemetery.


Birth7 Nov 1869
Marriage13 Jul 1890Fannin County, Texas - Nancy Lucinda "Sinda" Blodgett
Death1 Oct 1939Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas


SpouseNancy Lucinda "Sinda" Blodgett (1873 - 1956)
ChildHarley L. Wishard (1891 - 1892)
ChildEdna Earl Wishard (1892 - 1958)
ChildLavina Pearl Wishard (1895 - 1984)
ChildEthel Jane Wishard (1897 - 1975)
ChildFranklin Cyrus Wishard (1900 - 1972)
ChildClifton Freemont Wishard (1902 - 1979)
ChildHenry Emmett Wishard (1904 - 1970)
ChildAlma May Wishard (1907 - 1961)
ChildLucille Wishard (1909 - 1991)
ChildRobert Gordon Wishard (1912 - 1913)
FatherROBERT THOMAS WISHARD (1829 - 1907)
MotherLAVINIA CARNEY (1830 - 1904)
SiblingMartha Belle Zora Wishard (1854 - 1944)
SiblingJohn Freemont Wishard (1856 - 1892)
SiblingEdwin Thomas Wishard (1859 - 1929)
SiblingEmmazetta "Emma" Wishard (1861 - 1943)
SiblingHENRIETTA "ETTA" WISHARD (1861 - 1956)
SiblingJames Wishard (1865 - 1865)
SiblingSamuel Wishard (1865 - 1865)
SiblingArthur Abram Wishard (1873 - 1927)
