Individual Details

Richard Morton

(Abt 1720 - 1815)

1731. John Morton sold to Richard Morton, son of Thomas Morton, late of Henrico, for 2500# tobo already paid by Thomas Morton dec'd, a tract granted by patent to John Woodson Sr on Thomas Morton's former line on the Chicahominy Swamp and along James Cockes line to a line of Thomas Morton, dec'd.

Virginia Land Grants:
10 Jul 1745 To Richard Morton, 400 acres, Amelia Co. Lower side Buffalo River, known as Barren Licks; description mentions "corner by the path". PB 22, p.277
2 Jun 1758 To Richard Morton, 800 acres, Amelia Co. Lower side Buffalo River. Begin Mullin's corner and his lines; his own lines, corner by the path, Cobb's & Watson's lines, Woodson's corner, meanders of river. Part granted Richard Morton 10 Jul 1745, 400 acres; residue not granted. PB 33, p.447

19 April 1746 Richard Morton to Thomas Brackett of Goochland Co, for 45 pounds, 150 acres on Appomattox River, bounded in part by John Morton's corner & line, the river, & Edward Goode's line, said land being a part of patent to Elizabeth Morton (no date given). Wit: William (X) Palmer, John Herr, John (X) Burnet, William (X) Stanton & Benjamin Netherland. Deed acknowledged by Richard Morton on July 18, 1746, & ordered recorded. [Amelia County, VA Deed Book 2 (1742-1747), p. 54][This is the land conveyed to Ann Gathright in 1740 and by William and Ann Gathright to Richard Morton in 1743][Thomas Morton and John Morton would in 1751 convey to Thomas Brackett nearby lands either inherited by them from their father Thomas Morton or received by them from their mother Elizabeth Morton]

23 September 1751. Richard Morton of Amelia to William Archer of Amelia, for 100 pounds, "Two tracts of land (no acreage given) that he, the said William Archer, purchased of Edward Goode, Jr. & Edward Goode, Sr., & all the right that I should have after the death of my mother by being her heir-at-law, & if there should be any deficiency in the transferring of the two tracts of land from my said mother to my sister Judith Goode, & my cousin Samuel Morton. . . I will sell... to William Archer...all the right & title that I, Richard Morton, have or should have, after the death of my mother, with all houses, etc." Wits: Thomas Taylor, Thomas Easley & John Morton. [Amelia County, VA Deeds, Volumes 4 (1747-1753), page 132][This document suggests that Richard Morton was the oldest son of Thomas Morton, and was eliminating any suspicion that this land should eventually revert to him after the death of his mother; Archer must have argued that in some eyes the sales were in effect only leased valid during the lifetime of Elizabeth Woodson Morton Goode]

On 26 Sep 1751 Richard Moreton of Nottoway parish, county Amelia, to Thomas Moreton of parish Raleigh, County Amelia, for 10 pounds current money, [200 acres of Amelia County land - part of deed missing] and to John Moreton of parish Raleigh, county Amelia, 250 acres of land in Amelia County on south side of Appomattox River formerly in Prince George county adjoining land of John Moreton & Thomas Brackett. Signed: Richard Moreton [Amelia Co. Deed Bk. 4, pp. 163, 164] On 26 September 1751, deed Richard Morton to John Morton, Jr and deed Richard Morton to Thomas Morton ordered recorded. [Amelia County, VA Court Order Book 2 (1746-1751), p. 227]

13 Mar 1759 Richard Morton of Amelia County to John Morton of Amelia County, for 50 pounds current money, 400 acres of land in Prince Edward County on the lower side of the Buffalo River adjoining Woodson, Mullins & Walton. Witnesses: Nathaniel Venable, Theodrick Carter, Wm Coffee. (1-139)

13 March 1759 Richard Morton of Prince Edward County to Alexander LeGrand of Amelia County, for 50 pounds current money, 200 acres in Prince Edward County on the branches of the Buffalo River adjoining Watson & Richard Morton. Witnesses: Nathaniel Venable, Theodrick Carter, Wm Coffee. (1-161)

Haxifax County Deeds
Book 6, pages 9-10, July 18th 1765.
Alexander Legrand to Richard Morton of Prince Edward County, for 80 pounds, 800 acres on Buckskin Creek, Halifax County.
Book 9, pages 139-40, Oct. 21st, 1773
Richard Morton of St. Patrick's Parish, Prince Edward County, to his son Samuel Morton of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, the land bought from Alexander Legrand

George Quinn, Dinwidde Co VA, brother of Judith, gave the heirs of his sisters, property in Henrico Co VA. Surviving heirs listed in 1779 were Quinn, Samuel, John & Sarah. [I don't know why all the children are not named - they were all living in 1779]

16 Oct 1786 Richard Morton of Prince Edward County to James Morton of same, for 600 pounds, 400 acres of land in Prince Edward County. Signed Richard Morton. No wit. Recorded same day. John Morton and James Allen were appointed to take the acknowledgement of Judith wife of Richard Morton, Judith being unable to travel. (7-230)

KY Land Grants, Jillson
Grants South of Green River
Richard Morton, 241 acres, Surveyed 15 Sep 1802, Clark Co KY. On 4 Mile Creek and Upper Howard Creek Book 10, p.147
Richard Morton, 159 acres, Surveyed 24 Jun 1809, Clark Co KY. On 4 Mile Creek. Book 9, p.272

Clark Co KY
Last will and Testament written 4 Dec 1804 and probated 1815. Son Samuel Morton keeps 100 acres on which he now lives to be divided between his sons Archibald and Richard after his death. Son Quinn Morton, negro man and horse. Son John Morton 125 acres after death of his mother and negro man. Son David Morton land and negroes. Son Jonathan has his land but gets negro man. Daughters Sarah Tanner, Susanna Tinsley. Wife Judith to be executor.


BirthAbt 1720Virginia
MarriageAbt 1741Virginia - Judith Quin
Death1815Clark County, Kentucky


SpouseJudith Quin ( - )
ChildJonathan Morton ( - 1818)
ChildSamuel Packwood Morton (1745 - 1834)
ChildQuin Morton (1749 - 1805)
ChildDavid Morton ( - 1824)
ChildSarah Morton (1753 - 1819)
ChildJohn Morton (1757 - 1839)
ChildSusanna Morton ( - )
ChildLucy Morton (1765 - 1795)
FatherThomas Morton (1690 - 1731)
MotherElizabeth Woodson (1699 - )
SiblingAnn Morton (1718 - )
SiblingJudith Morton (1723 - )
SiblingThomas Morton (1726 - 1802)
SiblingJohn Morton (1729 - 1796)
