Individual Details
Sarah Morton
(Abt 1753 - Jan 1819)
Married a Tanner.
Clark Co KY, WB 4, p.383
Will of Sarah Morton Tanner
Appointst sons Archelaus and Branch Tanner as executors. To daughter Judith Hart use of $250 and at her death - $50 to Morgan Hart, $100 to Polly Hart, $100 to Joel Hart.
To Richard Morton who married my daughter Nancy Tanner, $1
To my son Archeluas Tanner all my household furniture, livestock, Negro man John, and Polly_____to pay my son Richard M. Tanner $200.
To son Branch Tanner, Negro man Isaac and to Sally Ann, daught of Branch, $100.
To son David, Negro boy William and $100
To Sarah Ann, dau of son David Tanner, Negro boy Luoiz
To son Jonathan M. Tanner, Negro woman Nina and he to pay son Richard M. Tanner $100.
Son Jonathan M. Tanner cannot sell or have taken Negro woman Nina a greater distance from this place than where he now live.
Son Richard M. Tanner, $300 - which with the $200 to be paid him by Archelaus and $100 by Jonathan, making in all $600
The above $750 is to obtained by hier of Patrick, Isaac and John, paid as follows: out of first year to pay son Richard M. Tanner $200 and to daughter Judith Hart, the interest of the balce of the year.
Second year to be paid Richard M. Tanner, balance to Judtich Hart to have her full interest on $250 per year. The $250 to be placed in some persons hands, and she to receive the interes only.
The balance of the legatees, David & Sally Ann, to have their legacies as soon as it can be obtained by hire of said Negroes.
After all is paid, my Negro man Patrick to be sold and the money equally divided among my sons, Archelaus, Branch, David, and Jonathan M. Tanner. Should the above Negroes not want to be sold out of the family, one of the sons to take and pay the other their part.
All to take possession of the property at my death, exept the Negroes who are to be hired - and they to be given up as as the hire is obtained.
Signed: Sarah Tanner
ATT: William Poston, Sarah Ritchie, James Ritchie.
Spouse | Archelaus Tanner ( - ) |
Child | Archelaus Tanner ( - ) |
Child | Branch Tanner ( - ) |
Child | Nancy Tanner ( - 1805) |
Child | Judith Tanner ( - ) |
Child | David Tanner ( - ) |
Child | Jonathan M. Tanner ( - ) |
Child | Richard M. Tanner ( - ) |
Father | Richard Morton (1720 - 1815) |
Mother | Judith Quin ( - ) |
Sibling | Jonathan Morton ( - 1818) |
Sibling | Samuel Packwood Morton (1745 - 1834) |
Sibling | Quin Morton (1749 - 1805) |
Sibling | David Morton ( - 1824) |
Sibling | John Morton (1757 - 1839) |
Sibling | Susanna Morton ( - ) |
Sibling | Lucy Morton (1765 - 1795) |
1. Email.
2. Paul & Jean Morton. Researchers of Morton Family. Correspondence., Letter of 27 Oct 1998..