Individual Details
Thomas Morton
(Abt 1726 - 1802)
There is a grant to a Thomas Moreton - it is too late to be his father's, but was located in the same area as his father's had been and where his uncle Joseph Moreton lived and was on the south side of the Appomattox River. It's doubtful that it could be this Thomas as he would have been only 11 years old.
9 Feb 1737, Amelia Co. To Thomas Moreton 126 acres between William Fugua's & William Mayo's line. Begin Mayo's line at Joseph Watson's corner, Robert Fugua's line. PB 17, p.509
It should be noted that the Briery River lies south of the Appomattox and appears to be in the same area as Joseph Moreton is listed in Thomas Morton's grant on the Briery.
Married Cicily Catherine Moore, daughter of George Moore of Amelia Co,
Many online databases and researchers have "added" children to Thomas & Cecily - there is no indication there were any sons, or any other daughters that reached adulthood. Only the two sons-in-law, husbands of MaryAnn and Agnes receive gifts of land. These two daughters are also the only children mentioned in Thomas Morton's will.
The Thomas in the will of Thomas (1) (above) and in the land deed of Elizabeth Morton (above) of Dec 1740, Stephen Dennis has called Thomas (2) and I will continue to do so. The first evidence that I have of this Thomas is in 1747 when he was deeded land in Amelia County on the Briery River. The keys to this Thomas are location (Briery River) and in any transaction where a signature was need he always signed his name (in contrast to making a mark). Earlier Thomas Mortons were in Amelia County, but on the Sandy River not the Briery and none until the late 1790s could sign their full name.
On 25 June 1747, for 40 shillings, Thomas Morton was granted 400 acres of land in Amelia County on the lower side of Bryer [Briery] River bounded by Joseph Mortons corner on the River & Macgehee’s line. Signed William Gooch Lieutenant Governor & Commander of Virginia Colony and Dominion at Williamsburg. []
This now gives Thomas (2) land holdings of 708 acres of land, which includes the land willed to him by his father and deeded to him by his mother.
Prior to 1747 there was a Thomas Morton in the household of Samuel Morton on the 1744 tax list of Amelia County. Does this not point to Thomas (2)? After all Elizabeth was deeding land to Samuel in 1740. This tax record would place Thomas (2)’s birth date as 1728 or before (white males were tithable at this time in Virginia at age 16 and above).
In 1749, there were 2 Thomas Mortons in the tax index for Amelia County - Thomas Morton patroller and Thomas Morton Jr. I believe Thomas Morton Jr to be our Thomas (2).
On 19 April 1750 John Martin sold to Thomas Morton, for 30 pounds, 200 acres on the lower side of Bryer River, adjoining Thomas Morton’s old line, the river, John Martin’s old line & a bold branch. Wits: Hugh Challes, Samuel Wallace & Samuel Ewing. Possession obtained by Thomas Morton in presence of same witnesses. Deed proved by oaths of same witnesses & ordered recorded on Apr. 20, 1750. [Amelia County, VA Deeds, Volumes 3 & 4 (1747-1753), page 49].
Again I believe this to be Thomas (2) since the land is on the Briery River. That now places Thomas (2)’s land holdings in Amelia County at 908 acres.
On 26 Sep 1751 Richard Moreton of Nottoway parish, county Amelia, to Thomas Moreton of parish Raleigh, County Amelia, for 10 pounds current money, [200 acres of Amelia County land - part of deed missing] and to John Moreton of parish Raleigh, county Amelia, 250 acres of land in Amelia County on south side of Appomattox River formerly in Prince George county adjoining land of John Moreton & Thomas Brackett. Signed: Richard Moreton [Amelia Co. Deed Bk. 4, pp. 163, 164] On 26 September 1751, deed Richard Morton to John Morton, Jr and deed Richard Morton to Thomas Morton ordered recorded. [Amelia County, VA Court Order Book 2 (1746-1751), p. 227]
I believe this also to be Thomas (2). Now Thomas (2) has acquired 1108 acres of land in Amelia County.
The next deed is a bit puzzling. If one does the math from Thomas (1)’s will and Elizabeth Morton’s 1740 land transaction, John and Thomas (2) had acquired 667 acres of land between them. The following takes care of 573 acres of that land, leaving 94 acres but how is that 94 acres divided between John and Thomas (2)?
26 September 1751. Thomas & John Morton, Jr. of Amelia County to Thomas Brackett of Cumberland Co, for 265 pounds, 573 acres on south side Appomattox River joining Lax’s old line & Brackett’s land bought from Richard Morton, & adjoining William Archer’s land bought from Edward Goode, Jr., & Hudson & Watson’s land, & Archer’s land bought from Edward Goode, Sr., & down the river; part of said land patented to Thomas Morton in 1730, & part patented to Elizabeth Morton on May 25, 1734, part of which land was given by will to said Mortons (Thomas & John) & the other part conveyed by deed from Elizabeth Morton in 1734, with all due share of veins, mines & quarries discovered & not discovered, & the river waters & water courses therein contained, & with all houses, etc. Wits: (none listed). Possession obtained by Thomas Bracket on Sept. 6, 1751 & deed ordered recorded on Sept. 26, 1751. [Amelia County, VA Deeds, Volumes 4 (1747-1753), page 130]
Now Thomas (2) holds somewhere between 800 and 894 acres of land.
23 September 1751. Joseph Morton Jr of Amelia County to Thomas Morton Jr of Amelia County, for 30 pounds, 200 acres south side of the (Appomattox) River as it meanders, with all houses, being part of land said Joseph Morton purchased from Daniel Hamlin on Sept. 22, 1739 [Actually 16 April 1741?]. Wits: Charles Anderson, Richard Morton & John Morton, Jr. Possession obtained by Thomas Morton on Sept. 23, 1751. Deed proved by oaths of same witnesses on Sept. 26, 1751 & ordered recorded. [Amelia County, VA Deeds, Volumes 4 (1747-1753), page 173]
Note: There is no reason for Thomas to be referred to as Junior - his father was long dead. Unless there is an older Thomas Morton in the area.
Thomas (2)’s land again, being on the Briery River, and note the use of Jr with the name. Now Thomas (2) holds somewhere between 1000 and 1094 acres of land.
On 9 June 1757, Thomas Morton of Prince Edward County sold to James Sheldon of Prince Edward County, for 35£, a certain tract of land on the east side of Briery River in Prince Edward County, about 200 acres bounded by Richard Woodson, McGehee, the flat ground of a branch, a stony point by the riverside. Signed - Thomas Morton. Wit - John Fulton, Chas Venable, James Hervey (Harvey). Recorded 9 Aug 1757. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 1, p 106)
Thomas (2)’s land holdings now total between 800 and 894 acres of land and we actually have witnessed his full signature (according to the clerk who copied the deed).
Starting in 1782, for all existing tax lists for the Briery River area we find Thomas (2) Morton listed with 1 white tithe. Starting in 1784 and continuing through 1785, the tax lists name his slaves as Jack, Caesar, Lucy (84), Davy, Harry, Sall, Buck, Will, Parker, Judith (85). The number of horses he owned range from 0 to 11. On the first few tax lists starting in 1782, cattle were enumerated and he kept a herd of about 30. Later, carriages were assessed and very few people seemed to possess any - Thomas (2) had 2. So we have a man that is wealthier than most in the county.
1 Mar 1786 Humphrey Nelson of Prince Edward County to Thomas Morton of same, for 75 pounds, 100 acres on land in Prince Edward County adjoining Thomas Morton’s line, Carter’s line, Runall’s line. Signed Humphrey Nelson. Wit: A Nelson, Chrisson Strom, Robert Bowman, Joseph Morton. Recorded 17 Apr 1786. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 7, p 222)
Now Thomas (2)’s land holdings total 900 to 994 acres.
19 Feb 1787, Thomas Morton of Prince Edward County to Samuel F Spencer of Charlotte County, for natural love & affection & 5 shillings, 300 acres of land on Briery River in Prince Edward County adjoining Smith’s line, Purnall’s line, Carter’s line, said Thomas Morton’s line, being part of the tract upon which Thomas Morton now lives. Signed Thomas Morton. Recorded same day. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 7, p 269)
Thomas (2)’s land holdings total 600 to 694 acres. This is also the first indication of any children to reach marriageable age or majority. His daughter Agnes married Samuel Spencer 7 Sep 1786.
21 Dec 1795 Thomas Morton of Prince Edward County to Matthew Lyle of same, for 16 pounds 5 shillings, 16 1/4 acres of land in Prince Edward County adjoining said Morton and said Lyle, part of land where said Morton now lives. Signed Thomas Morton. No Wit. Recorded same day. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 10, p 396)
Thomas (2)’s total now stands at 584 to 678 acres.
The following land transactions I believe cancel each other out but since no acreage is given, I can’t be sure. They also give indication of another child of Thomas (2). Maryann, his daughter, married Joseph Morton. This Joseph was a grandson of the Joseph Morton who was a son of John Morton - the oldest son of John the immigrant. By this point in time Maryann is deceased and Joseph has remarried to Nancy Baker.
12 Jun 1797 Sarah Pettus, relict of John Pettus deceased of Lunenburg & executor of his estate, to Thomas Morton of Prince Edward County, for 240 pounds, (unspecified) acres of land in Prince Edward County on both sides of the Briery River. Signed Jno Pettus. Wit: Wm Womack Sr, J. League, Joseph Morton, Charles Morton. Recorded 19 Jun 1797. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 11, p 70)
12 Jun 1797 Thomas Morton of Prince Edward County to Joseph Morton of same, for affection for Joseph the father to his daughter’s children & 20 shillings, (unspecified) acres of land in Prince Edward County on both sides of the Briery River adjoining Thomas’s line. Signed Thomas Morton. Wit: Saml Venable, J. League, Wm Womack Sr, Charles Morton, John Hamlin. Recorded 19 Jun 1797. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 11, p 67)
Now for the last definite land transaction before 2 questionable ones:
12 Jun 1797 Thomas Morton & his wife Cicely of Prince Edward County to Wm Womack Sr of same, for 450 pounds, 391 3/4 acres of land in Prince Edward County, part of land where Thomas now lives, adjoining Samuel F Spencer, Matthew Lyle, James Morton, and James Calhoon. Signed Thomas Morton, Cicely Morton. Wit: Matthew Lyle, Joseph Morton, Dudley Barksdale. Recorded 19 Jun 1797. (11-123)
Thomas (2)’s total now stands at 192 to 286 acres. But more importantly we finally have indication of a wife. This is the first sale of land by Thomas (2) outside of the family since 1757, except for the sale to Matthew Lyle. Was Cicely really the mother of Agnes & Maryann or had Thomas remarried late in life? I feel that there was not the care taken with all these deeds by the grantee to have Cicely relinquish her dower. I can understand with Samuel and Joseph, as they were son-in-laws. But why with Matthew Lyle - certainly a good friend but no indication of a relationship? Both Agnes & Maryann named children Cicely. Would they have done that for a step mother that Thomas married late in life?
Certainly some of Thomas (2)’s acreage would be diminished from the following, unless it is someone else’s land and is being sold by the 3 men as administrators of an estate.
4 Mar 1793 Thomas Morton, William Carter, and Joseph Morton of Prince Edward County to James Calhoun of same, for 139 pounds, 2 shillings 6 pence, 185 1/2 acres of land in Prince Edward County on Briery River adjoining Thomas Flournoy, William Carter, and Samuel Spencer. Signed William Carter, Thomas Morton, Joseph Morton. No wit. Recorded 16 Sep 1793. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 9, p 277)
The last deed is indeed puzzling since I feel that it too involves our Thomas (2) but again could he be acting as an administrator to someone else’s estate since there’s not enough acreage left to sell OR have records of some deeds been lost?
16 Nov 1767 Thomas Morton Jr of Prince Edward County to Miles Gathwright Jr of New Kent County, for 100 pounds, 600 acres of land in Prince Edward County on Briery River adjoining James Cook & John Martin. (Prince Edward County VA Deeds, Vol 3, p 112)
Looking back over all land transactions for Thomas (2) we see no indication of any male children. The only children that can conclusively be attributed to Thomas (2) are the wife of Samuel Spencer, Agnes Morton, and the wife of Joseph Morton, Mary Ann Morton. Thomas (2)’s will bears this out. The complete will, inventory, and accounts have been transcribed here following.
In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Morton of Prince Edward County do make my last will & testament as follows. In the first place I desire my executor hereafter mentioned to pay all my debts out of my perishable estate and money due me. Secondly I desire and bequeath all my estate both real and personal, whatever kind, or wheresoever it may be situated, to the children which Joseph Morton had by my daughter Maryan equally to be divided between them my said grand children and to their heirs. It is not my intention that the children of Samuel Spencer should have any part of my estate, they having been sufficiently provided for by the property which I have already given the said Samuel Spencer. Lastly I appoint my friend James Morton executor of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19th day of October 1800. Signed Thomas Morton. Wit: William Dillon, Christopher Todd, Josiah Morton.
At a district court held at Prince Edward Court House April the 2nd 1802, this last will and testament of Thomas Morton deceased was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of William Dillon and Josiah Morton two of the witnesses. Thereto ordered that the same be recorded. On the motion of James Morton the only executor therein named who with Josiah Morton his security entered into and acknowledged their bond for that purpose in the penalty of six thousand dollars and conditioned according to law. Thereupon the said James Morton took the oath required by law, certificate for obtaining probate thereof in due form is granted him.
An inventory of the Slaves and personal estate Thomas Morton decd with the appraisement annexed this twenty-eighth day of April 1802.
1 case Bittles 0/10/0
1 two-gallon jug 0/4/0
1 quart bottle 0/0/6
2 baskets & bag 0/1/6
10 pewter plates 1/0/0 each
3 pewter dishes 0/10/6
2 brass candlesticks & snuffers 0/8/0
1 Sundry glass vase 1/4/0
1 pewter basin spoons knives forks 1/5/0
1/2 dozen silver tea spoons 1/8/0
Sundry earthen ware 2/3/0
Sundry tinn ware 0/18/0
1 Moravian quart jug 0/3/0
1 spice mortar 0/10/0
1 Jacry? comb 0/1/0
1 tea board 1/0/0
1 breadbasket and waiter 0/3/0
2 shot guns 2/0/0
1 large walnut chest 0/18/0
8 chairs 0/12/0 each
1 hackle 0/18/0
1 copper kettle 0/15/0
1 stock lock 0/8/0
1 Dutch oven 0/8/0
1 steel trap 0/15/0
1 frying pan old pot and hooks 0/7/6
1 pair shovel and tongs 0/8/0
1 pair end irons and shovel 0/15/0
2 iron wedges screw and chisel 0/15/0
4 grubbing hoes and ax 0/12/0
1 coffee mill 0/3/0
1 coopers adz 0/3/0
1 foot adz 0/3/0
1 curry comb and brush 0/3/0
1 pair saddle irons 0/4/0
1 stand 0/3/0
3 Riddles (bridles?) 0/12/0
2 men's saddles 3/0/0
1 half-bushel measure 0/6/0
4 scythe blades, 2 belly & lock chains 0/15/0
--- (can’t read)
1 rawhide 0/10/0
1 spinning wheel 4/ 1 whip saw 20/ 1/14/0
1 pot rack 0/18/0
1 horse-riding chair with whip 37/10/0
1 bed and furniture 12/0/0
2 bed and furniture 25/10/0
1 bed and furniture 10/0/0
1 Taussel 0/9/0
Parcel of ? 0/12/0
1 chest and 2 stays 1/4/0
2 pillows 2 counter? rains? 2 sheets 2 table clothes 5/13/0
1 walnut table 0/15/0
1 ax 0/1/6
1 large pine table 0/12/0
1 chamber pot and 1 large jug 0/8/0
4 butter pots 0/18/0
1 all? mettle skillet 1/10/0
1 Iron skillet 0/2/6
3 pots 1 pair pot hooks 1/2/6
1 wash bowl 1 keg vinegar 0/10/0
1 pair end irons 2 weeding hoes 1/3/0
3 hilling hoes, 3 plow hoes 0/18/0
1 cutter & ax, 1 coffee mill 0/10/0
parcels of ? 1 raw hide ? 1/8/6
2 raw hides 1 looking glass 1/1/0
sundry razor case money scales 2/2/6
1 pair cast irons 7 pair cast wheels 1/19/0
parcel of peas in shell 1/0/0
1 plow hoe 1 meal sifter 0/5/6
1 pine chest 0/18/0
1 writing desk & parcel of books 7/5/0
1 pair steel yards 0/15/0
1 red and white bull 2/14/0
1 dunn colored steer 2/0/0
1 red cow 3/0/0
2 small steers 4/4/0
Shaving box hammer sundry other things 0/12/6
1 pair saddle bags 1/10/0
1 sorrel horse 15/0/0
1 bay horse 13/0/0
1 currycomb 0/1/6
8 bushels Oats 1/4/0
347 pounds bacon 13/0/3
2 pots hog lard 1/3/0
86 pounds seed cotton 1/6/6
Harry 90/0/0
David 90/0/0
Old Judy 5/0/0
Becka 80/0/0
Judy 80/0/0
Lucinder 85/0/0
Phill 65/0/0
Signed James Morton Exec. Wit: John Hudson, Sharp Spencer, Abner Watson.
At a district court held at Prince Edward Court House 3 Sep 1802, this inventory and appraisement of the estate of Thomas Morton deceased was returned and ordered that the same be recorded. Watkins.
Agreeable to an order from the ? the District Court of Prince Edward Dated Sep term 1803 we have proceeded to settle the accounts current of James Morton executor of Thomas Morton Deceased and on comparing the accounts with the vouchers -- -- produced by the executors do find the accounts justly stated with the proper debits credits given under our hands the 9th day of Mar 1805. Signed John Hudson, Ben. Watkins. At a District Court held at Prince Edward Court House 1 Apr 1805, this account current of James Morton executor of Thomas Morton deceased was returned or direct that the same be recorded. Watkins.
Just a note about the Morton’s mentioned in the will and above accounts. I believe James Morton to be the son of Thomas (2)’s brother John. The Joseph Morton mentioned was certainly the son-in-law of Thomas (2). Quin Morton was the son of Richard, Thomas (2)’s older brother. Thomas A Morton was Quin’s son. William H Morton was a child of Joseph & Mary Ann - Thomas (2)’s grandchild. The only puzzlement is Josiah Morton - could this be one of Thomas (2)’s grandchildren - a brother to William H Morton?
Spouse | Cecily Catherine Moore ( - ) |
Child | MaryAnn Morton ( - ) |
Child | Agnes Morton ( - ) |
Father | Thomas Morton (1690 - 1731) |
Mother | Elizabeth Woodson (1699 - ) |
Sibling | Ann Morton (1718 - ) |
Sibling | Richard Morton (1720 - 1815) |
Sibling | Judith Morton (1723 - ) |
Sibling | John Morton (1729 - 1796) |
1. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.
2. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.