Individual Details
( - 1779)
When his father John Pledge wrote his will in Nov of 1720, he did not request that William be responsible for his brother John who can be assumed to have some sort of affliction. That would imply William was not old enough at that time. William was given the home plantation after the death/remarriage of his mother as is customary for the youngest son.
Goochland order Book 4, p.568
July Court 1740. William Pledge served on a jury in the action of Debt between John Cheadlo and John Godby, John Kidd and Daniel Baskett. Constant Perkins also served on this jury.
William Pledge along with William Redford, possibly his brother-in-law, was an Appraisor of the estate of Joseph Clark on 16 Sep 1743. [Goochland DB 4, p.262]
3 Jul 1747. The St. James Parish Vestry ordered William Pledge and Walter Leake to be processioners from Leakes Bridge on Lickinghole Creek. On 29 Mar 1748, they certified they had done so.
St. James Parish Vestry Book, 1744-1850, by William Lindsay Hopkins, self-published, 1987
Goochland DB 6
p.49 Inventory of Estate of John Maddox, deceased. William Pledge, William Redford, John Curd.
Rec 15 May 1750
p.68 Court Order dated in Nov 1749 for jurors to value land where John Payne wants to building a Mill. State there will be no damage of any person whatsoever. Signed 4 Apr 1750:
Wm Pledge, James Mayo, Abel Thaxton, Jno Woodson, John Clarkson, Jeffry Clarke, Tuckr Woodson Thomn. [Thompson?], Wm Farrar, Benj Bratcher, John Johnson, Rene Laforce, John Woodall. Rec. 15 May 1750.
p.151 John Maddox dec'd. Eliza. Maddox, Executor
Debts of the Estate: names include Wm Pledge
Rec. 22 May 1751
p.182 Estate of James Nowland decd. Wm. Pledge, Wm. Redford, Benja. (X) Bradshaw. Inventory rec. 20 Nov 1751
p.188 William Redford, LW&T [brother-in-law of William Pledge]
Son Milner Radford, plantation whereon I now live and 234 acres …Robert Pleasants, Wolf Branch, line of Stephen Sampson. Also land lying on James between Phillip Lightfoot & Wm Pledge abt 30 acres.
Son Edward remaining land on which I live Land of Robert Pleasants, Wolf Branch, Joseph Fuquay
Dau Martha, slave
Dau Mary, slave
Dau Milly, slave
Youngest Daughter slave
Six children.
Executors: loving wife, brother John Radford, friend Thomas Pleasants
10 Jan 1752. Signed: William Redford. Wit: Thos. Pleasants, Robt Cary. Robt Cary proved 19 May 1752.
p.220 25 Jun 1752 Appraisal & Inventory of Estate of David Wilson, Dec'd John McBrid, David (W) Walker, Wm Pledge 21 Jul 1752 Ordered to be recorded.
p.404 20 Aug 1754 William Pledge to John Payne. 120#'s 100 acres being part of plantation whereon the said William now lives. Corner land of William Pledge, Benjamin Cocke & John Cannon. No wit. Ack. 20 Aug 1754. No dower release noted.
Goochland Orders 1750-57, p.512 John, a free Negro posted bond in Goochland Co Court for his good behavior in March of 1755 when he was accused of threatening to beat Charles Bates. William Pledge was security. John is listed as an overseer in William Pledge'e household in the thithables for 1755.
Goochland DB 7
p.52 ___ Nov 1755 John Burk to Daniel Burk. Love & affection and 10#'s. 150 acres where John Burk now lives, granted to him by patent 16 Jun 1727 & adj Joseph Woodson, William RAE, John Woodall, John Bolling. Signed: John (X) Burk. Wit: Tucker Woodson, Wm Pledge, Ann Pledge. Ack. 16 Dec 1755.
Presumably this is William Pledge and wife.
p.124 18 May 1756 Daniel Burk to John Forrester Taylor. 50 acres where Burk dwells granted by panted 16 Jan 1756. Adj Joseph Woodson, John Woodall. Signed: Daniel Burks, Sit: Wm Pledge, Alexr Fowler, Jno Hill Proved by Witnesses 16 Nov 1756
p.138 18 Jan 1757 Richard Adams of New Kent to Richard Pleasants. 368 acres granted to Ebenezar Adams 9 Jul 1724 & by him devised by LW&T to said Richard. Signed: Richd Adams. Wit: Thos Adams, Wm Pledge, Val. Wood, Stoakes, McCaul Ack. 18 Jan 1757
p.217 20 Dec 1757 William Swanson of Halifax to William McGuire. Tract on branches of Lickinghole Creek. Henry Webbs line, Dean's line, David Mim's line. 300 acres part of larger tract granted to Daniel Johnson patent dated 15 Aug 1737. Wit: Wm. Pledge, John Mosley, John Smith Jr Proved by witnesses 20 Dec 1757
p.259 William Pledge as Gard. Of Milner Redford for board & Expenses etc.
1755, 1756
Examined and found to be just 15 Nov 1747. Reuben Shelton, William Burton.
Crops: Corn, Tobacco, Wheat
21 Feb 1758 Account Returned in Court by Shelton & Burn and OR
p.338-339 16 Jan 1759 Wm Davis of Goochland to Edmond Brewer of Louisa Co. 50#'s Tract on North side James River and branch of Lickinghole Crk…..corner of Henry Chiles line. 200 acres to include the plantation Wm Davis lives on. Signed: William Davis. Wit: Anthony Askew, Wm Pledge, Philemon Williams. 16 Jan 1759 Ack.
St. James Parish Vestry Book, 1744-1850, by William Lindsay Hopkins, self-published, 1987
22 Oct 1759, William Pledge and Joseph Shelton were again appointed processioners - to walk the lands that Thomas Bailey and John Woodson had done in 1755.
Goochland DB 8
p.74 Inventory of estate of John Clarkson dec'd. Signed: Josias Payne Junr, Thos Oliver, Wm Pledge. 15 Apr 1760 Ordered Recorded.
p.126 17 Mar 1761 Henry Cox of Lunenburg to John Cox of St. James Northam. 120 #'s. Branches of Licking Hole, 100 acres. Thomas Edwardses line, Robert Pleasants, John Bradshaws, Thomas Dawsons, Anthony Logans line. Signed: Henry Cox, Elizabeth (X) Cox. Wit: Joseph Davis, William Pledge Junr, Wm Clarkson, Jno Daniel Coleman. Proved by wit. 21 Apr 1761
William Pledge's son would have been only about age 11. There doesn't seem to have been any reason to designate this man as Junior or Senior. Perhaps misread? Or was William Junr older than estimated? A 14 year old could witness. Another deed appears with William Junr's signature in 1763.
p.155 14 Jul 1761 Robert Pleasants of Henrico, Thomas Pleasants of Goochland & Jacob Oglesby of Albermarle to John Bradshaw of Goochland. 50#'s 200 acres on branches of Beaverdam. Part of 600 acres granted by patent to Richard Oglesby & by him in his LW&T bequeath'd to sd Jacob. Bounded by James & Samuel Coleman, Josias Payne Junr, Gill Whitlock, Willm Rountree. Signed: Robert Pleasants, Tho. Pleasants, Jacob Oglesby. Wit: Wm Pledge, Thos. Poindexter, John (X) Prewit. Proved by wit. 21 Jul 1761.
p.161 21 Jul 1761 John Woodall Junr to John Jude of Henrico. 50#'s Land where John Woodall now lives which his father ??? on both sides of Jenetor Crk. Begin at mouth of John Woodall Senr's Spring branch & up the branch to Jane Watkins corner, William Woodalls corner, Samsons Woodalls corner, John Woodall Sr. 100 acres. Signed: John (X) Woodall. Wit: Wm Pledge, David Pollock, John Lee. Proved by witnesses. Dorothy, wife, relinquished. 21 Jul 1761.
p.255 16 Jun 1762 Henry Farley & Ann his wife of Chesterfield Co to John Payne of Goochland. N side of James near the Courthouse of that county. 119 acres. Tract sd John Payne formerly purchased of one Robt Atkinson now dec'd. After Atkinson's Death John Payne sued Ann Atkinson, infant dau and heir for possession. Decree obtained 1745, but sd Ann Atkinson dau of Robert, being an infant was allowed six months after arriving of age. In 1761, sd Ann having intermarried with sd Henry Farley petitioned the Court not to confirm. At a Trial, decree to convey to sd John Payne the 119 acres. Signed: Henry Farly, Ann Farley. Wit: Tarlton Woodson Junr., Wm Starke, Richard Pleasants Junr, Wm Pledge. Ack 16 Jun 1762.
p.358 23 Jul 1763 John McBride for love & affection to son in law Jno Lewis & Elizabeth his wife, Slave Nan. Wit: Wm Pledge Junr, Joseph Lewis Junr, Solmn Higgins Ack. 16 Aug 1763
Goochland DB 9
p.10 Order of Sep Court 1765 Appraisal of estate of William Liggon dec'd. Signed: 3 Oct 1765 Wm Pledge, Thos. Poindexter, Mathew Martin Presented 16 Oct 1765 Ordered Recorded.
p.45 20 Aug 1766 William Pledge Senr to David Ross. 368# 12sh. South side of Western branch of Beaverdam Creek. 200A. Begin on James River on William Morris' line to Armstead Lightfoots line; to Benjamin Cocks line; to Beaverdam Creek, up the Creek to land the sd Pledge formerly conveyed to John Payne, to John Camman's line to James R and down its meanders. Being land & plantation whereon sd Pledge now lives. Also for 5 sh. Eight slaves.. For 5 sh bed, furniture, livestock. Deed of Trust until 25 Dec 1768. 199# 5sh 9p indebted to said David Ross; to Thoms. Pleasants 210# 5sh; to Alexander Baine 19# 1sh 3p Signed: Wm Pledge. Wit: Henry Martin, Wm Pledge Junr, Archer Pledge, Thos Poindexter. Henry Martin, Wm Pledge Junr & Thomas Poindexter proved 16 Sep 1766.
No dower release indicated. This is a mortgage deed and her release may not have been necessary.
Goochland DB 10
p.530 20 Feb 1775 William Pledge Senior to son Archer Pledge. 50 acres laid off from the tract where I now live. Wit: Joseph Watkins, Joseph Woodson Junr. Edward Mathews Ack. 17 Apr 1775
No dower release indicated.
Will probated Nov 1779. His wife was not mentioned in the will, presumably she died earlier. THE DOUGLAS REGISTER has references to a funeral for Mrs. Pledge on 3 Dec 1773, which may be Ann Redford Pledge. The funeral of William Pledge was 24 Nov 1779 in Goochland Co.
Henrico Wills & Deeds, Book 1778-1779
William Pledge of Goochland Co. Lately made gifts of 50 acres to my three sons, William, Francis & Archer. 50 acres to my daughter Martha Clarkson for her use during her natural life to be divided between Francis & Archer after her decease. Several other bequests of slaves, etc. A slave was given to John Hampton of Bedford Co and one to Sarah, the wife of Henry Stratton - no relationship to William Pledge stated. Martha Clarkson also to have the use of personal estate and then if she should hereafter bear children, go to them, or revert back to her siblings. Remainder to be divided between three sons and daughters Martha Clarkson and Elizabeth Poindexter. Exec: Three sons and friend Thomas Pleasants. Dated 22 Oct 1779. Signed: Wm (his W mark) Pledge.
Wit: James Bennatt, Eliza (X) Bennatt, Charity (X) Salmon, Susn (X) Woodson.
The will was also recorded in Goochland DB 12
p.322 Will of William Pledge
All just debts be paid
I have lately made Deeds of Gift to my three Sons William, Francis & Archer Pledge for 50 acres to be laid off from the Tract whereon I now live in manner & form in th said deeds, which I now confirm to them. Reserving 50 acres which my daughter Martha Clarkson may have the use of during her natural life. After her decease it may be equally divided between my two sons Francis & Archer.
I have lately entered into a verbal contract with son William Pledge that he pay to Charles Woodson, Thomas Underwood, John Shelton, John Payne & Thomas Pleasants all the money I owe to each of them respectively & pay me 50£ Cash besides the 38£ he owd me at the making of this Contract for which I agreed to make him title to two young negroes, David & Lidia. If my son do faithfully perform the contract he is to have the two Negroes, exclusive of his equal share of the remainder. If he should refuse to comply the said Negroes are to be divided with the remainder part of my estate
To John Hampton of Bedford County, one Negro man Jammy.
To Sarah, wife of Henry Stratton, one Negro woman Chloe.
Lend to my daughter Martha Clarkson one-fifth of all the remainder of my Estate during her life. If she should bear children, the estate I now lend her shall go to them after her decease. If she dies with issue, the estate should be equally divided between the remainder of my children.
The remainder to be equal divided between my three sons, William, Francis & Archer Pledge and my daughter Elizabeth Poindexter, share and share alike.
Executors: sons William, Francis & Archer Pledge with friend Thomas Pleasants.
22 Oct 1779
Signed: Wm (W.) Pledge
Wit: James Bennett, Eliza. (x) Bennett, Susn. (x) Woodson
Charity (x) Salmon
Proved by James & Eliza. Bennett. 15 Nov 1779
Inventory of his Estate was ordered recorded when presented in Goochland Co Court 20 Dec 1779. 15 slaves were listed. He had hogs, sheep, cattle, a flea-bitten mare and colt and a cart. He had a large lot of Virginia cloth - 84 yards - perhaps for slave clothing. He may have been engaged in cock-fighting, as 6 cocks blades were in the inventory. Total appraisal was 17,380 £. Tucker Woodson, Richard Sampson, John Payne Junr, and James Bennett were the commissioners.
Spouse | ANN REDFORD (1716 - ) |
Child | Dorothy PLEDGE (1736 - 1796) |
Child | Martha Pledge (1739 - ) |
Child | ELIZABETH PLEDGE (1740 - 1816) |
Child | William Pledge Jr. ( - 1781) |
Child | Francis "Frank" Pledge (1744 - 1784) |
Child | Archer Pledge (1747 - 1806) |
Father | JOHN PLEDGE Jr. (1675 - 1720) |
Mother | DOROTHY [PLEDGE] (1676 - 1733) |
Sibling | John Pledge III (1698 - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth PLEDGE ( - ) |
Sibling | MARY Pledge ( - 1763) |
Sibling | Agnes Pledge (1702 - ) |
Sibling | Martha Pledge (1704 - ) |
Sibling | Judith Pledge (1706 - ) |
Sibling | Ann Pledge (1708 - ) |
Sibling | Tabitha PLEDGE ( - ) |
1. Nealon Rhea Agee and Dorothy Louise (Knox) Brown, Poindexter Family History: Knox-Bard; Kreager-Harrell; Crawford-Pledge-Flynn & Related Families (Self-Published Nov. 1995), Pledge Family p. 470.
2. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973), p.118.