Individual Details

Archer Pledge

(Abt 1747 - Bef Dec 1806)

Goochland DB 10
p.530 20 Feb 1775 William Pledge Senior to son Archer Pledge. 50 acres laid off from the tract where I now live. Wit: Joseph Watkins, Joseph Woodson Junr. Edward Mathews Ack. 17 Apr 1775

Archer Pledge had one child by his first marriage to Christian Ferrar - a son John born 15 Sep 1774 and baptized on 22 Sep.

Goochland Co VA Marriage Bonds abstracted in WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE QUARTERLY, Vol. VII, Series 1, p.199. 21 Feb 1775. Archer Pledge to Nancy Woodson, dau of Joseph Woodson. Security, William Pledge, Jr. Joseph Woodson consents to daughter's marriage. Wit: Joseph Woodson Jr, Wm Pledge, Jr.
Recorded in DOUGLAS REGISTER as:
Pledge, Archer & Nancy Woodson, both of this parish 2 Mar 1775.

Goochland DB 12
p.189 Robert Woodson, Geneto, Goochland for diverse good causes and love & affection to Joseph Woodson the younger ??? son to my Brother Joseph Woodson, granted to said Joseph the Younger, tract whereon I now live 175 acres, bounded by _______ together with eleven Negroes, livestock on my plantation, household & kitchen furniture, etc.
26 Sep 1778 Signed: Robt Woodson
Wit: Archer Pledge, Ann (+) Pledge, John Sanders
19 Oct 1778 Proved by witnesses.

There was also recorded one child of the marriage to Ann Woodson - a son Archer born 1 Jan 1782 and baptized 16 Jun 1782. There are other omissions in the records of Rev. Douglas; likely there were other children born to Archer and Ann.

Ann Woodson said to be the daughter of Joseph Woodson & Elizabeth Mattox. Her sister Ursula married Archer's brother William.

Goochland DB 14
p.45 Ursley Pledge for love and esteem to my son Francis Pledge give unto him after my death one Negro boy named Dave. If my son Francis should died without heir then Dave shall fall to the said Ursley Pledge.
17 Jun 1784 Signed: Ursley Pledge
Wit: Joseph Woodson, Archer Pledge, Perin Redford
19 Jul 1784 - proved by Archer Pledge & Perin Redford.& ordered recorded

Goochland DB 15, p. 106 Archer Pledge was admin of his sister-in-law Elizabeth Pledge, dec'd, who had been admin. of Francis Pledge. Archer was also named in the court order to audit his accounts as Guardian to Matilda Pledge - May 1788. Again the next year, his accounts were audited - the men commissioned for the audit were of the opinion that the estate was not sufficient to maintain the orphans.

Goochland DB 15
Inquisition at plantation of Thomas Pleasants on bank of James River, 12 May, 1789. Before John Curd, one of the coroners of the Commonwealth for Goochland County. View of body of Negro man then and there lying deceased. Men swon to inquire after said Negro man came to his death do say that he is unknown to all of them; that body being so putrified they can discover no injury but suppose him to have been accidentally drowned.
Signed: Tucker Woodson, Archer Pledge, J. W. Pleasants, Mathew Pleasants, John Sanders, Edward Redford, Richard (x) Sampson, Milner Redford, Geo Payne Sen, Arch Payne, John Hylton, William Perkins, Benj Sadler, Jonah Leak, Wm (x) Sadler, John Gray
18 May 1789 - returned to court and ordered recorded.

Goochland DB 16
25 Nov 1794 Archer Pledge to Joseph Woodson & Stephen Ellis
10 sh. Nine Slaves and livestock. Archer Pledge has entered into bond of 1000£ for the office of administrator of good & chattels of Francis Pledge, Dec'd. Signed: Archer Pledge
Presence of Josiah Woodson
10 Jan 1795 Presented & ack by Pledge and ordered recorded

Goochland DB 19, p.604 #7645022, img 337
15 Dec 1806. Granville Smith, Rodewick Payne, Richard Simpson, John Royster and Archilbald Pleasants or any three or more - appraise personal estate of Archer Pledge, dec'd.
Slaves listed: Edmund, Jack, Brady Virginia, Phillis, Henry, Amelia, Norris and child, Ned Anna, Kitty. Hogs, Oxen, furniture, etc. Total $2669.75. Signed: Richd. Sampson, Archd. Pleasants, Rodwick, P. Payne. 20 dec 1806. Presented in Court 19 Jan 1807.

Goochland DB 21, p.147 #7676133, img 90
Distribution of the estate of Archer Pledge - each share to be 72#'s
Absolom Garthright, in right of wife Ann, negro girl Anna 90#
Jno W. Pledge, boy Sam 40#
Wm Pledge, girl Permela 50#
Archer Pledge woman Biddy 90#
Elizabeth W Pledge, girl Ketty 90#
Frs. Pledge, boy Edmund 30#
Wm Pledge owes the estate 49.4#
Distributees to pay eacother to make them equal. Wm Pledge alledges that he has an act against the estate of the sd dec'd which is he established to our satisfaction in any short time it is our opinion that it be allowed and deducted from each distributee in equall proportions. 5 Jany 1811. Jno Royster, G. W. Smith
21 Oct 1811. William Pledge has failed to produce any evidence. We have closed the papers. Presented in Court and ordered recorded.

Goochland DB 23, p.421 #7645033, img 226
Account of William Redford, Administrator, estate of Archer Pledge, dec'd.
Dates from 27 Dec 1806 through 1811. Order of the county court of Goocland to audit and settle the accounts of William Redford, admin of Archer Pledge Decd. Benj. Anderson, TaW Pleasants, Wm H Pleasants
21 Dec 1818. Settlement returned to court and ordered recorded. Payments to Ann Pledge out of sales money - wife. Corn and wheat furnished Ann Pledge.

Goochland DB 27, p.338 #7645035, img 188
Commissioners sold the estate of Archer Pledge dec'd. 14 May 1827
Buyers: Frederick Woodson, Milner Woodson, Joseph M. Woodson, William Woodson, Elizabeth W. Pledge, Archer Pledge.
Comrs. Wm Miller, Jno Morris. Presented in court 20 Nov 1827.
Changed in Genealogies of Virginia Families from the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Volume V:
Additions and Corrections to this entry shows:
Vol. X, page 46. Strike out paragraph beginning with "Joseph Woodson, and insert
(1) Joseph Woodson (Robert, Robert, John) married Elizabeth Mattox and had issue one son:
A. Joseph Woodson of Gentoe who married Mildred Redford January 2, 1770 (Quarterly, Vol. VII for marriage bond, p. 103)
and six daughters,
(2) Sally Woodson, who married Jesse Ellis 9 March 1763;
(3) Moll Woodson married Thomas Woodson
(4) Judith Woodson married Jonathan Knight of Lunenburg 24 February 1757
(5) Ann Woodson, married Archer Pledge marriage bond 1775
(6) Ursula Woodson who married William Pledge on 28 May 1775
(7) Agnes Woodson who marrid Pleasant Turner (marriage bond 1781)
(8) Susanna who married in 1784 Perrin Redford;
(9) Probably Elizabeth who married in 1771 William Jordan was another daughter (Quarterly VII, 106):


BirthAbt 1747Virginia
Marriage17 Feb 1774Henrico County, Virginia - Christian Ferrar
Marriage2 Mar 1775Goochland County, Virginia - Ann "Nancy" Woodson
DeathBef Dec 1806Goochland County, Virginia


SpouseAnn "Nancy" Woodson (1755 - )
ChildArcher Pledge (1782 - 1858)
ChildAnn Pledge ( - )
ChildWilliam Pledge ( - )
ChildElizabeth W Pledge ( - )
ChildFrancis Pledge ( - )
SpouseChristian Ferrar ( - 1775)
ChildJohn S. Pledge (1774 - )
FatherWILLIAM PLEDGE ( - 1779)
MotherANN REDFORD (1716 - )
SiblingDorothy PLEDGE (1736 - 1796)
SiblingMartha Pledge (1739 - )
SiblingELIZABETH PLEDGE (1740 - 1816)
SiblingWilliam Pledge Jr. ( - 1781)
SiblingFrancis "Frank" Pledge (1744 - 1784)
