Individual Details
William Pledge Jr.
( - Bef Nov 1781)
I believe William Pledge, Junr was older than the 1750 birth year usually guesstimated for him. He was signing deeds as a witness in Goochland Co as early as 1761 and he would have had to be at least 14 by that year. He was likely the eldest of William Pledge Senr.'s sons.
Goochland Co VA DB 8
p.126 17 Mar 1761 Henry Cox of Lunenburg to John Cox of St. James Northam. 120 #'s. Branches of Licking Hole, 100 acres. Thomas Edwardses line, Robert Pleasants, John Bradshaws, Thomas Dawsons, Anthony Logans line. Signed: Henry Cox, Elizabeth (X) Cox. Wit: Joseph Davis, William Pledge Junr, Wm Clarkson, Jno Daniel Coleman. Proved by wit. 21 Apr 1761
p.358 23 Jul 1763 John McBride for love & affection to son in law Jno Lewis & Elizabeth his wife, Slave Nan. Wit: Wm Pledge Junr, Joseph Lewis Junr, Solmn Higgins Ack. 16 Aug 1763
Goochland DB 9
p.45 20 Aug 1766 William Pledge Senr to David Ross. 368# 12sh. South side of Western branch of Beaverdam Creek. 200A. Begin on James River on William Morris' line to Armstead Lightfoots line; to Benjamin Cocks line; to Beaverdam Creek, up the Creek to land the sd Pledge formerly conveyed to John Payne, to John Camman's line to James R and down its meanders. Being land & plantation whereon sd Pledge now lives. Also for 5sh. Eight slaves.. For 5sh bed, furniture, livestock. Deed of Trust until 25 Dec 1768. 199# 5sh 9p indebted to said David Ross; to Thoms. Pleasants 210# 5sh; to Alexander Baine 19# 1sh 3p Signed: Wm Pledge. Wit: Henry Martin, Wm Pledge Junr, Archer Pledge, Thos Poindexter. Henry Martin, Wm Pledge Junr & Thomas Poindexter proved 16 Sep 1766.
p.172 25 Jun 1768 David Widram to Benjamin Weaver of Cumberland Co 50A on Geneto Crk. Granted to John Widram & by him given unto sd David Widram by LS&T. Bounded by John Crouch, Joseph Watkins, Peter Walker, William Stamps and the sd Benjamin Weaver. Signed: David Widram Wit: Wm Pledge Junr, Nimrod Poindexter, James Bennet, Thos. Pleasants. Susanna, wife, relinquished.
Rev. Douglas recorded funerals for two Mrs. Pledges on 3 Dec 1773. One funeral was likely for Ann Redford Pledge, William's mother - some think the other might have been William's first wife, Ann. No births were recorded for this marriage, but Martha Milner Pledge may have been born to the couple.
Two children were record for William and Ursley Woodson: William, born 4 Mar 1776 and baptized 31 Aug 1776 and son Francis born 15 Aug 1781, baptized 21 Feb 1782.
Goochland DB 12
Deed of John & Susannah Clark, wit by Jo. Watkins, Wm Parish, Wm Pledge Junr.
21 Jul 1777 Ack by Clarks
Goochland DB 13
p.43 19 Mar 1780 Steph. Sampson, Joseph Woodson & John Woodson to Thomas Chancellor. For 30£. Tract adjoining lands of Benjamin Weaver, John Johnson, William Willis, the orphans of William Rountree D'd, Charles Johnson & John Neaves. 125 acres.
Wit: Willm. Pledge Junr, Francis Pledge, John Britt, Junr
Ack. By grantors. 20 Mar 1780 …fully proved
William wrote his will on 4 May 1781 and it was recorded 19 Nov 1781. He named son William and daughter Martha Milner Pledge and "all my children". One of the executors was Joseph Woodson Junr.
Goochland DB 13, p. 151 [some of the words faded out]
I William Pledge of Goochland County am in ______ of health but of a sound and perfect memory ____ this to be my Last will and Testament as followeth.
first my will & desire is that my Executors after _____ pay all my just debts
Secondly my will further is that the land left me by my father by Deed I do give unto my dear and loving wife, also three young Negroes namely Bestin, Flory and Dave during her widowhood
Thirdly I give unto my Son William Pledge one Negro boy named Bestin, to him and his heirs forever
Fourthly I give unto my Daughter Martha Milner Pledge one Negro girl Flory to her and her heirs forever
Fifthly my desire is that all the Residue of my Estate be Equally divided amongst all my children
I do nominate Thomas Bates, Joseph Woodson, Junr, Jesse Elliss and my dear and loving Wife to be my Executors to this my last will & Testament
Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of May 1781. Wm Pledge.
Teste: James Jordan, Thomas Ellis, Giles Harding, Edward Valentine
At a Court held in Goochland County the 19th of November 1781, this writing was presented in Court & proved by the oaths of Thos. Ellis & Edwd. Valentine two of the witnesses thereto and admitted to record. Geo. Payne Cl.G.C.
His Inventory was presented to the Goochland County Court, 16 Jul 1782, taken by Tucker Woodson, James Bennett, and Richard Sampson.
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol 18, No 1, 1 Jan 1980
"Some Miscellaneous Henrico County Marriage" - found among loose court papers.
William Redford to Martha M. Pledge. Bond dated 10 May 1799
Surety. Jno. Redford.
Consent: John Redford.
Goochland County Court, 16 Feb 1789, John Redford is appointed guardian to Martha M. Pledge orphan of William Pledge Jr who gave bond with Joseph Woodson [of Robert] his security.
Apparently John Redford married Ursula after the death of William. A deed in Goochland from all the daughters of Joseph Woodson, includes Ursula, who is listed as "John Redford and wife Ursula", to Joseph Woodson Jr. is dated in 1791. That would certainly explain why John Redford became the guardian to Martha Milner Pledge.
Marriage | 16 Feb 1773 | Goochland County, Virginia - Ann Clarkson | |||
Marriage | 28 May 1775 | Goochland County, Virginia - Ursula Woodson | |||
Death | Bef Nov 1781 |
Spouse | Ann Clarkson ( - ) |
Spouse | Ursula Woodson (1750 - ) |
Child | William Pledge (1776 - ) |
Child | Martha Milner Pledge ( - ) |
Child | Francis Pledge (1781 - ) |
Father | WILLIAM PLEDGE ( - 1779) |
Mother | ANN REDFORD (1716 - ) |
Sibling | Dorothy PLEDGE (1736 - 1796) |
Sibling | Martha Pledge (1739 - ) |
Sibling | ELIZABETH PLEDGE (1740 - 1816) |
Sibling | Francis "Frank" Pledge (1744 - 1784) |
Sibling | Archer Pledge (1747 - 1806) |
1. Mary Courtright Pettitt and Robert J. Pettitt, Thomas M. Pettitt's Family (Self Published. Highland CA: c1996. Out of print but available on LDS Microfilm #1750818, Item 13.).
2. Mary Courtright Pettitt and Robert J. Pettitt, Thomas M. Pettitt's Family (Self Published. Highland CA: c1996. Out of print but available on LDS Microfilm #1750818, Item 13.).