Individual Details


(Abt 1676 - Bef Mar 1733)

The Will of Thomas Carter of St. James Parish, Henrico was witnessed on 2 Nov 1726 by Thomas Edwards, William Pledge, and Dorothy (herXmark) Pledge. Recorded 21 Jun 1738.
GOOCHLAND WILLS & DEEDS 1736-1742, Benj B. Weisiger III 1984, p.19

Her surname is sometimes seen as Milner and Redford. From the "Milner Family Genealogy Forum" posted 21 Oct 2000:
According to the book "Those Southern Milners", a Dorothy Milner was born to Luke and Mary Milner on Feb 16 1736 in Richmond County, Va. The book also states that there are no marriage records of a Dorothy Milner being married in Richmond County. The supposition is that she may have died prior to her father's death because she is not mentioned in his will at time of probate in 1746.


BirthAbt 1676
MarriageAbt 1696JOHN PLEDGE Jr.
DeathBef Mar 1733Goochland County, Virginia


SpouseJOHN PLEDGE Jr. (1675 - 1720)
ChildJohn Pledge III (1698 - )
ChildElizabeth PLEDGE ( - )
ChildMARY Pledge ( - 1763)
ChildAgnes Pledge (1702 - )
ChildMartha Pledge (1704 - )
ChildWILLIAM PLEDGE ( - 1779)
ChildJudith Pledge (1706 - )
ChildAnn Pledge (1708 - )
ChildTabitha PLEDGE ( - )
