Individual Details

John Britt

(Abt 1747 - Bef 18 Sep 1797)

John Britt, born probably between 1745 and 1750, possibly earlier. Marriage May 23, 1770, St. James Northam, Goochland County, VA.. His first child, of whom I've found any record, was born 4 Sept. 1771 (Douglas Register). died after 12 December 1792, on which date he gave his consent for daughter Mary to marry William Johnson (Goochland Co. Marriage Register, 1730-1853, page 49). Died Sep 18, 1797 Licking Hole Creek, Goochland County, VA.. His estate was administered on August 21, 1799.

From The Douglas Register,
p.69 (marriages)
Holman, Susannah & John Bret, both in this parish, May 23, 1770, p.11 p.163 (births/baptisms)
Jo: Bret & Susan Holman, a daughter named Mary born Sep: 4 1771. Baptized Sep: 22 1771. p.90
John Brett & Susannah Holman, a son named Will Holman born Sep. 4, 1773, Baptized Oct. 17, 1773. p.95
Jo: Bret & Susanna Holman a son Obed born Oct 19, 1783. Baptized June 20, 1784. p.112
The following is either wrong wife, wrong husband - could well fit in the family of John & Susanna - an Obed/Obediah that died prior to 1783. (it is known and proved that the Rev. Douglas did make errors in his records)
Jo: Brit & Ann Adams a son named Obediah, born Dec 27, 1780. Baptized, Apr 12, 1781. p.103

Goochland Deed Book 17, p.163 #7645030, img 97 [proof of two Johns, no doubt father and son]
18 Sep 1797 John Perkins, James Holman, James Ware, Archelaus Perkins & Robert Lewis Jr or any three to appraise slaves and personal estate of John Britt dec’d. That John Britt, his Administrator return the same to this court.
Negroes: Jacob 90#, James 60#, Patsey 70#, Suck 60#, Clorey 75#, Mary 30#, Sylvey 30#
23 head of Hogs
Sorrell hore, Grey horse, Black horse
2 red cows, 5 yearlings
9 sheep
Farm tools
Kitchen ware
Large desk, parcel of old books
Ox cart
At request of Jno Britt, property that was out of his power to produce: Negro girl named Lucey in possession of Wm Johnson in Campbell Co; hogs & shoats from information of overseer
16 Oct 1797. Inventory & appraisement of estate of John Britt Dec’d returned to Court and ordered recorded.

Book 18, p. 375-6 #7645030, img 502-503
Agreeable to order, we the subscribers have proceeded to divide the personal estate of John Britt dec’d amongst his coheirs in the following manner to wit. To each the sum of sixty two pounds fifteen shillings & five pence half penny, leaving in the hands of the admr. 269 pounds, eight shillings, nine pence half penny in bonds.
Thos. Hernden to take 2 children 25#’s 37.15.6 ½
George Britt to pay for Patsy 17.4.5 ½
Elizabeth Britt to receive for Silvey 32.15.6 ½
Jno Britt to pay for Jacob 37.4.5 ½
William Britt to pay for Cloe 12.4.5 ½
Tandy Britt to receive for Mary 37.15.6 ½
William Johnson to pay for Sookey 12.4.5 ½ (daughter Mary Britt)
Ann Britt to pay for Lucy 12.4.5 ½
Obediah Britt to pay for James 17.4.5 ½
Signed: Geo. Woodson Payne, James Holman, Ro. Lewis Jr.
21 Jun 1802. Division returned to court and ordered to be recorded.


BirthAbt 1747Goochland County, Virginia
Marriage23 May 1770Goochland County, Virginia - Living
DeathBef 18 Sep 1797


ChildMary Britt (1771 - )
ChildWilliam H Britt (1773 - )
ChildObediah Britt (1783 - )
ChildTandy Holman Britt (1791 - 1852)
ChildAnn Britt ( - )
ChildJohn Britt (1775 - 1802)
ChildElizabeth Britt ( - )
ChildGeorge H Britt ( - 1817)
Child[Daughter] Britt ( - )
FatherWilliam Britt (1720 - 1787)
MotherHannah Conolly ( - 1799)
SiblingHANNAH Britt (1750 - 1807)
SiblingMary Britt (1748 - 1821)
SiblingElizabeth Britt (1752 - )
SiblingObadiah Britt (1759 - 1834)
SiblingJesse Britt (1761 - )
SiblingJeanie Britt (1763 - )
SiblingWilliam Britt (1766 - 1816)