Individual Details

William H Britt

(4 Sep 1773 - )

Did Susannah die and John remarry an Elizabeth before his death???
Goochland DB 30, p.536
Article of an Agreement made and entered into this 21st day of January 1829, between Elizabeth Britt, widow of John Britt Dec'dof the one part and William H. Britt orph. of the said Britt of the other part, both of the county of Goochland. witnesseth, that we the said Elizabeth and William being willing that the land as we are interested in from husband and father and that we have mutually agreed to call upon our friends William M. Holman, Jeremiah Woodward, and Richard James to lay off the Dower right of the said Elizabeth and do mutaly agree to stand to the division as they shall make. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first written
Elizabeth (x) Britt
William H. Britt
Wit: James H. Miller, Thos. Herndon, Jereh. Woodward
In compliance to the request of Mrs. Elizabeth Britt widow of John Britt dec'd and William Britt, orphan of the said John Britt to lay off the dower right of the said Elizabeth, we the undersigned have lay'd it off as follows, beginning at a Hickory on Houcins' line, thene along the old line to pointers on Holman's line, from thence along the said line to a Spanich Oak on the said James Holman and from thence along a new line to a perchimon tree on the bank of a gully, thence along the said gully to a branch from thence a stait line to the beinning, supposed to be 60 acres more or less. Given under our hands this 21st day of January 1829.
signed: Wm M. Holman, Jereh. Woodward, Richd. James
At a Court held for Goochland County, 20th July 1829
This agreement was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of Thomas Herndon and Jeremiah woodward to the act and deed of Elizabeth Britt & William H. Britt and ordered to be certified. and the certificate of William M. Holman, Jeremiah Woodward & Richard James thereto annexed, was acknowledged by the said William M. Holman and Jeremiah woodward, which was ordered to recorded as to them.
And at a Court held for the said County, 16th May 1836.
This Agrrmenet was fully proved by the oath of James H. Miller to be the act and deed of Elizabeth Britt and William H. Britt and ordered to be recorded. Teste. Nath. Miller DCGC

1810 Census. Goochland, VA, (alpha)
Wm H. Britt: 2m under 10, 1m 26-45. 1f under 10, 1f 16-26. 44 enslaved persons

This William was deceased by July of 1813:
Goochland DeedBook 21, p.451 #7676133, img 256
17 Jul 1813 William M. Richardson, Devereux Jarratt & John Woodson qualified to act as appraisers of the estate of Capt. Wm. Britt dec’d.
Negors: Jim, Cloye, Peter, Evylinah, Judah, Collins, Mensay
Mare, furniture, kitchen utensils, farm utensils, looking glass, gun, 2 saddles, 4 head of cattle, 6 hogs
The appraisement was made at my request, Marthy Britt, admin of the estate of Wm Britt, dec’d
16 Aug 1813 Present in court & ordered recorded

Goochland Deed Book 21, p.631-632 #7676133, img 346-347
9 Apr 1814
Martha Britt, widow of William H. Britt, dec.d and John Mullins, guardian of John, Mary, Granville & William H. Britt, infants & heirs of William H. Britt dec’d to William Salmon. In pursuance of decree of County Court of Goochland 17 Jan 1814 for & in consideration of tract of land conveyed by the said William Salmon Jr to the said infant heirs, 308 and ¾ acres do sell to the said William Salmon Jr., a parcel of 70 acres in Goochland on main road leading from Lickinghole to Carter’s Ferry, bounded on the South by William Bolling, on the east by Meshack Hicks, on the north by Rice Graves & on the west by lands belonging to the estate of James Quigg dec’d.
Signed: Martha Britt as widow of Wm H. Britt dec’d. John Mullins as Guardian
Wit: Archd Bryce Jr, Jesse Maddox, Devereux Jarrett
20 Jun 1814 Proved by Archibald Bryce.
15 Aug 1814 – fully proved by oaths of Jesse Maddox & Devereux Jarrett. Ordered to be recorded.
Note: the very next recorded deed – 23 May 1814, William Salmon Jr & wife Nancy sold to James B. Ferguson the same 70 acres for $1000.

1820 Census. Goochland, VA (alpha)
Martha Britt: 1m under 10, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-26. 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45 5 slaves

Goochland Deed Book 27, p.196 #7645035, img 115
19 Apr 1824 Appearing to the court that the estate of William Holman Britt, orphan of William H. Britt dec’d is not sufficient to support him and he being so young and infirm that no person can be got to take him as an apprentice; It is ordered that Thomas Herndon guardian of said William Holman Britt do sell a young negro for the personal estate of the said William H. Britt in order to support him, according to law, and that he return an account of said ale.
19 Feb 1827 Thos. Herndon did sell Maritcha, a negro slave girl belonging to Wm. H. Britt for $125 to James Poor as highest bidder, on 10 Feb 1827.
23 May 1827. Report returned to court and ordered recorded.
p.288 img 163
17 Sep 1827 Settlement of Account of Thos. Herndon, Guardian of William H. Britt, audited. Balance due the orphan - $33.61.

1830 Census. Goochland, VA
John H. Britt, 2 males 20-30. 1f under 5, 1f 20-30
Martha Britt, 1 30-40. (next to John)
William H. Britt, 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30
Elizabeth Britt, 1f 40-50 (next to William)
Tandy H. Britt, 2m 5-10, 1m 30-40, 2f under 5, 1f 20-30

1840 Census. Goochland, VA
W. H. Britt 1m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 30-40, 1m 60-70. 1f 5-10, 1f 20-30
John H. Brett, 1m under 5, 1m 30-40. 2f under 5, 1m 5-10, 1f 20-30, 1f 50-60, 1f 60-70 (obviously an older generation living with them)


Birth4 Sep 1773Goochland County, Virginia
Christen17 Oct 1773Saint James Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia


FatherJohn Britt (1747 - 1797)
SiblingMary Britt (1771 - )
SiblingObediah Britt (1783 - )
SiblingTandy Holman Britt (1791 - 1852)
SiblingAnn Britt ( - )
SiblingJohn Britt (1775 - 1802)
SiblingElizabeth Britt ( - )
SiblingGeorge H Britt ( - 1817)
Sibling[Daughter] Britt ( - )