Individual Details
William Britt
(Abt 1720 - Bef 19 Feb 1787)
Old applications to NSDAR presumed that William Britt had an earlier wife and that she was a Randolph. There is not any record that proves either that he had an earlier wife before Hannah, although the births of children suggest that was possible. The following might be where someone assumed a Randolph wife - however, the recipient of a will bequest cannot be a witness to the will and neither Jane Randolph, nor her husband's will, suggest any daughter was ever married to William Britt. It must be noted, however, that William Britt Jr named a son Randolf.
It is stated that he rendered material aid, according to the Public Claims, Vol. 2, p.412. It is also noted that "Problems have been discovered with at least one previously verified paper - see Ancestor's full reconrd"
Earliest record of William Britt
Goochland DB 6, p. 61-61
11 Apr 1750. Jeremiah Wade, Pearce Wade & Thomas Cothon, Executors of the estate of Joseph Bellenger Dec'd sell to John Britt of Goochland Co for 60#'s - the tract where John Britt now dwells in Goochland on the Byrd Creek, 128 acres. On John Haden's line to coren of Bryan Connely's line, Arthur Hopkin's line, Meanders of Byrd Creek.
Wit: James George, William Britt, John Harris
Goochland DB 6, p.204
The 16th of June 1752 Bryant Conoly transferred land to his "loving son-in-law William Britt and Hannah Britt his wife", the plantation in Goochland whereon he formerly lived and 99 acres lying conveniant thereto. Signed Bryant (+) Conoly. Wit: John Mosely Junr., Chisley Daniel, Batholomen Marrian. Acknowledged same day
and the same day, p.205. To 'loving son-in-law, Richard Merian and Ann Merian his wife' The plantation in Goochland whereon then now live and ninety nice acres lying covenient thereto. Signed: Bryant (+) Conoly. Wit: Jno Mosley Junr., Chisley Daniel, William Britt. Acknowledged same day.
The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. III,
Randolph Family, Albemarle County Reconrds, p.1343
Will of Jane Randolph of Goochland County. Son Isam, the tract on which she lives known as Dungeness; William Randolph, land on Deep Creek in Cumberland Co.; Thomas Randolph, Muddy Creek tract in Cumberland Co; dau Elizabeth Raley, negro wench Fanny; dau Dorothea Woodson, negro wench Chloe; dau Ann Pleasants, negro Dianna and gold watch; dau Susannah Randolph, negro Gammore, boy Frank, girl, Moll. To Rev. W. Douglas, 5 Guineas; her three son the remainder to be equally divided.
Dated 5 Dec 1760. wit: Henry Patillo, William Britt
Proved 21 Jul 1761. Vol. 8 p.168
Will of William Britt Recorded 19 Feb 1787, Goochland, VA Names wife Hannah; sons William, John & Obediah; daughters Jennie Mitchell, Elizabeth Christian, Mary Wilkerson & Hannah Longmire.
Thomas Poor and William Britt served on juries for the purpose of confiscation [escheating] lands from British subjects in 1779. It is most likely Thomas Poor [husband of Elizabeth Moseley] and this William Britt, as their namesakes might have been a bit young for this duty. It is not possible to tell.
Goochland DB 12
p.297 Inquest taken 28 Sep 1779 by William Harrison, Escheator for Goochland Co and William H. Miller, Thomas Poor, David Jarratt, Archelaus Jarret, Edward Smith, George Richardson, Samuel Richardson, William Johnson, John Ware, William Holman, William Britt, Charles Price, jurors. Whether the lands in possession of Thomas Randolph , known by name of Dungeness Tract of Goochland whereon Joseph Wilkerson is overseer escheats to the Commonwealth of Virgina. 3000 acres. The jurors heard the evidence & own their oaths it is of their opinion that the Reversion of the said tract Escheats. [can't read all …. British Subjects]
Oct 18 1779 Proceedings were presented in Court and ordered recorded
p.298 Inquest by William Harrison, Escheator:
Wm Holman, Thos. Poor, Archl. Jarratt, John Hopkins, Wm Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, William Britt, Edward Smith, George Richardson, Saml Richardson, Charles Rice, Wm. H. Miller, jurors
Property of Lewis Braswell Martin, esq. who is a British Subject, escheats & forfeits. 2350 acres of land. Bounded by lines of Charles Lewis, James River, lines of Samuel Martin, tract of land where William Harrison now lives, all which the said Martin holds in Goochland Co. Also 88 slaves [named] 16 horses, mares & colts, stock of horned cattle, stock of sheep and hogs all the plantation utensils & the crops on the lands
….which is forfeited to the Commonwealth agreeable to an act of Assembly, an act concerning Escheats & forfeitures from British subjects…
27 Sep 1799
Recorded 18 Oct 1779
p.299 Inquest 27 Sep 1779 by William Harrison, Escheator
Tract known as the Lewis Elam Tract. 275 acres. Bounded by lines of Stephen Sampson, Stephen Davis, Huchin & others. Being the property of said Lewis Elam …British Subject, escheats to the Commonwealth of Virginia
Jury: William Holman, John Hopkins, William Miller, Thomas Poor, William Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, William Britt, George Richardson, Charles Rice, Samuel Richardson, Edward Smith, Archelaus Jarrett
Can't read "recorded"section
Inquest. 28 Oct 1779 William Harrison, Escheator. And Jury.
George Keppin and Company late merchant of Glasgow, subject of Great Britain.
Real & personal Estate. 254 acres. Bounded by John Perkins, Stephen Sampson, Robt Cardin, John Thurston, Ansil George, Gervis Ealam, Jennings Pullam. Land mortgaged by James George to the said George Kippin & Co which mortgage has been foreclosed.
Jury: Robert Lewis, Henry Mullins, George Richardson, Edmond Duke, John Ware, John Perkins, Wm. H. Miller, Thos Poor, William Johnson, Charles Rice, John Martin, William Britt.
15 Nov 1779 Recorded.
Probably these records with John Perkins are also the senior William Britt:
Goochland DB 14
p.200 Appraisal of estate of Robert Carden. John Perkins, Henry Mullins, William Britt Presented in Court 17 Oct 1785
p.241 March Court 1785. Geo. Robards, Nathl. Massie, William H. Miller, Wm Britt, John Perkins or any three to lay off dower of Jane Matthews, relict & widow of Edward Matthews
Done 29 Mar 1785 by Massie, Miller & Perkins
20 Feb 1786. Presented in court
Goochland Deed Book 14
p.373 Will of William Britt. Any records after the date of this probate, 19 Feb 1787, would be those of the younger William Britt.
Bequeath to wife Hannah during her life or widowhood 100 acres, part of tract purchased of John Page Senr on the West side of the Creek including the dwelling etc. After her death to fall to son William Britt. To son John Britt 135 acres part of land purchased of Neil Campbell, agent for Missrs. George Hopper and Co. of Glasgow, lying in Rock Castle Neck bounded by lines of Thomas Bolling and Thomas Randolph, Esqrs., Benjamin Clopton, etc. To son Obed Britt, remainder part of the tract of land in Rock Castle Neck supposed to be 400 acres. To son William Britt the tract whereon I now live being the tract I purchased of John Page Senr, lying on one of the branches of Lickinghold Creek, 250 acres - my wife Hannah to possess and enjoy 100 acres thereof. Also to William Britt another tract of 100 acres lying in the Fork of the Byrd Creek, bounded by lands of Colo. Robert Lewis, Colo. John Hopkins, and Bryant Connely. Slaves, saddle, livestock, household furniture, etc. wife Hannah to be divided among the three sons at her decease or remarriage, to Wit: John, Obed & William Britt. Slaves to each of the sons. Slaves to daughters: Jane Michell, Elizabeth Christian, Mary Wilkerson, Hannah Longmire. Remainder of real & personal Estate be Equally divided amongst my children to Wit: John Britt, Mary Wilkerson, Hannah Longmire, Elisabeth Christian, Obed Britt, Janey Michell, & William Britt. Sons John, Obed & William to be Executors. 4 January 1787.
Signed: William Britt
Wit: Archs. Perkins, John Perkins, Saml. Costy
19 Feb 1787. Will was presented in Goochland Co Court by John Britt and proved by oaths of John Perkins & Archs. Perkins two of the witnesses thereto. John Britt made oath with John Perkins & Edward Mathews his secutieis, bond of 4000#'s, Probate granted him in due form with leave for the other Executors to come on when they shall think fit. The same day, Obed Britt, acknowledged said bond and made oath according to law and probate granted him.
p.426 Appraisement of estate of William Britt, dec'd 28 Feb 1787
13 Slaves, 4 horses, cattle, etc. Over 681 #'s.
Taken by Saml Richardson, Abraham Poor, Archs. Perkins
15 Jul 1787 ….ordered recorded
Goochland DB 15, p.191
9 Feb 1789. Hannah Britt, William Britt & Sally Britt (wife of William) sell to John Hopkins for 100#'s. 99 acres. Tract between Great & Little Byrd Creeks bounded by John Hopkins, Howell Lewis, John Ware, Jesse Pace. Land given by Bryant Conley to William Britt, now dec'd, and Hannah.
Signed: Hannah Britt, William Britt, Sally Britt
Wit: Wm H. Miller, Thos. Hopkins, Wm. Poor
16 Feb 1789. Acknowledged by William Britt and recorded.
Goochland Deed Book 17, p.471 #7645030, img 252
15 Jul 1799
Archelaus Perkins, George Richardson, William H. Miller, William George & William Perksins or any three appointed to divide estate of William Britt dec’d left his widow during life agreeable to his will among John Britt dec’d heirs, Obed Britt & William Britt and report the same to this court.
20 July 1799. We have divided the estate of William Britt dec’d left his widow during life agreeable to his will among John Britt administrator of John Britt dec’d, Obed Britt and William Britt and find the sum of 28 pounds 19 shillings & four pence each. Signed: George Richardson, Archs Perkins, Wm Perkins.
16 Sep 1799. Division returned to court and ordered recorded.
Provision in the Will: Slaves, saddle, livestock, household furniture, etc. wife Hannah to be divided among the three sons at her decease or remarriage, to Wit: John, Obed & William Britt.
Birth | Abt 1720 | ||||
Death | Bef 19 Feb 1787 | Goochland County, Virginia | |||
Marriage | Hannah Conolly |
Spouse | Hannah Conolly ( - 1799) |
Child | John Britt (1747 - 1797) |
Child | HANNAH Britt (1750 - 1807) |
Child | Mary Britt (1748 - 1821) |
Child | Elizabeth Britt (1752 - ) |
Child | Obadiah Britt (1759 - 1834) |
Child | Jesse Britt (1761 - ) |
Child | Jeanie Britt (1763 - ) |
Child | William Britt (1766 - 1816) |
Father | Britt ( - ) |
Sibling | Obadiah Britt (1730 - 1797) |
Sibling | John Britt ( - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Britt ( - ) |