Individual Details

Anson Critcher

(29 Jun 1811 - 15 Feb 1882)

Although in many online trees, Anson is seen as John Anson, Anson John, and A. J. - I find no actual records showing any name except Anson. I believe there has been confusion with a nephew Albert had the initials A. J.

Granville Tax Records:
Anson Critcher – son of John Gore Critcher
1833 – Oxford Dist – 1 white poll

Granville Deed Book 6, p.112
14 Mar 1834. Mortgage Deed. John G. Critcher to Robert I. Yancey, trustee and Anson Critcher of the 3rd part. John G. is indebted to Anson Critcher in the sum of $40 with interest due 14 Mar 1834. IN consideration of the above and for $1, Critcher sells to Yancey, two bay mares & one colt. After June 1st he may sell said property to the highest bidder to apply to the discharge of the debt to the said Anson Critcher. Signed: J. G. Critcher, Robt I Yancey Jr. Wit: Jas. M. Wiggins
15 Mar 1834. Acknowledged by John G. Critcher.

DB 6, p. 532
27 Jul 1833 Parker F. Stone to Anson Critcher, both of Granville Co, for $110. tract of land in Granville adjoining lands of John G. Critcher and others. 66 1/3 acres. Signed: Park F. Stone
Wit: Robt I Yancey Jr
Robert A. Stone
Novr Court 1835. Robt I Yancey Jr and Robert A. Stone, subscribing witnesses live beyond the limits of this state. James M. Wiggins came to court & made oath that the signature of Robert J. Yancey signed to the said deed is in the proper handwriting of the said Yancey.

1840 Census. Tarr River District, Granville, NC
Anson Crutcher, 2m under 5, 1m 20-30. 2f under 5, 1f age 20-30.

Granville Deed Book 9, p.470
15 Jan 1840 Anson Critcher to Isaac P. Hester for the sum of $400, tract of land in Granville Co adjoining lands of William Critcher, Andrew Badgett and others. 66 and 2/3 acres. Signed: Anson Critcher. Wit: Jno Jones, Louis Bennett. Proved by Louis Bennett, Feb Court, 1840

Granville Deed Book 10, p.332
25 Nov 1840 Anson Critcher to William Evans both of Granville for $182, sells to William Evans, as Trustee for Winifred Tyler and the heirs of her body a tract of land in Granville on the waters of Cat Tail, adjoining lands of William Evans, Jacob Anderson & others. Begin corner of William Evans & Isaac Anderson; 52 acres. Signed: Anson Critcher. Wit: Charles Mallory, A. H. Higgs
Feb Court 1841. Acknowledged in court by Anson Critcher.

Granville Deed Book 14, p.16
7 Nov 1845. Anson Critcher to Charles Mallory both of Granville for $137.75, tract in Granville near to Cattail Creek. Begin red oak on Mallorys line, to Tylers line - 33 3/4 acres. Signed: Anson Critcher. No witnesses
Nov Court 1845. Acknowledged in court by Anson Critcher.

Granville Court Records
8 Nov 1848, Wednesday. Anson Critcher's hands on the road crew from Hatcher's Run to Oxford.

Granville Deed Book 15, p. 345
16 Jun 1849. Mortgage Deed. James Day to Anson Critcher. Day is indebted to J. C. & S. S. Cooper in the sum of $35.67 due by bond dated 16 Jun 1849 with interest from 1 Jan 1849. For further sum of $4 paid to Critcher sells the following: one bay mare & colt, five head of cattle, and a parcel of tobacco (prized & in the hands of B. F. Jenkins). Null and void if debt paid. Signed: James (x) Day, Anson Critcher. Wit: Joseph F. Hobgood
16 Jun 1849. Joseph F. Hobgood proved.

Granville Court Records
4 Feb 1850, Monday Anson Critcher upon satisfactory evidence, exempted from work on public roads.

Children born to Phoebe:
James T. Critcher, b. 1832, d. 1884, Person Co, NC. Wife was Hannah - they married 25 Nov 1831, Granville Co.
James, b. 1832
Rebecca, b. 1835
Frances, b. 1836
Joseph Critcher, b. 1838
William Critcher, b. 1840
Lucy, b. 1842
John, b. 1844
Elizabeth, b. 1846
Charles, b. 1848

1850 Census. Oxford, Granville, NC, Hh 78, between his brother Thomas's widow and his parents.
Anson Critcher, 39, farmer
Phebe, 37
Rebecca, 15. Frances, 14 (female). Joseph, 12. William, 10. Lucy, 8. John, 6. Elizabeth, 4. Charles, 2, and James, age 18

Granville Court Orders
9 May 1851, Friday
State vs. Nathaniel Moore, Affray (public fighting) - Anson Critcher served on jury. Verdict was not guilty
State vs. James P. Peace & Thos. W. Hicks, Affray - Anson Critcher served on jury. Peace judged guilty; Hicks not guilty.

Granville Court Orders
8 May 1852, Saturday
Anson Critcher & others - Petition for road. Dismissed for payment of costs.

Granville Co Court Orders, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1852-1857
7 Feb 1853, Monday
Solomon Howard appointed overseer of the road from Hatchers Run to the Corporation line of Oxford with the hands living on the lands of: John Montague, Thomas T. Hester, William Jones, Thomas Pittard, Thomas Grifson, A. M. Clay, Anson Critcher, B. Jones' heirs, Charles Mallory, Charles Clay, I. J. Osborn, James M. Wiggins, George Knott, Thomas Brown, Joseph N. Gooch, William A. Philpott, John Mallory and his own.
4 May 1853
On motion Anson Critcher appointed Administrator of Phoebe Critcher deceased - who enters into bond for $2,000 with John D. Barnett & Benjamin F. Jenkins sureties and duly qualifies as such.
5 Aug 1853, Friday
Joseph W. Gooch, Sheriff of the county, renews his bonds with Anson Critcher, William A. Philpott, William R. White, William W. Lyon, Daniel A. Paschall, Lewis Parham & William L. McClanahan.
7 Feb 1854, Tuesday
...vacancy in the office of Constable, Oxford district, the people having failed to elect. Anson Critcher is appointed constable and enters into bond for $4000 with John D. Barnett, Augustine Landis, Isaiah M. Paschall and Joseph M. Gooch as securities, and qualifies.

Granville Deed Book 18, p.148
18 Feb 1854 Anson Critcher to Henry H. House. Anson Critcher became the purchaser and owner of the property sold by John D. Barnett as the property of Robert Rowland by virtue of a deed of trust the said Barnett duly executed. For $25 to Henry H. House. One black mare, one brindle cow, one painted cow & calf & their increase to hold for the use & benefit of Mrs. Elizabeth J. Rowland, wife of Robert Rowland and at her death to be divided among the children of said Robert Rowland. Signed: Anson Critcher. Wit: Eugene Gipson
20 Sep 1854. Proved by Eugene Gipson.

Granville Co Court Orders, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1852-1857
12 Aug 1834, Saturday
Jurors drawn for November Term Included Wm H. Crutcher and Anson Crutcher
8 Nov 1854, Wednesday
Anson & William Critcher served on jury, Charles Yancy vs. Peyton R. Talley & B. B. Barham
p.251 - also the case of Leonida C. Taylor vs. Samuel A. Hunt
6 Feb 1835
Vacancy in the office of Constable in Oxford District is filled by appointment of Anson Critcher. Bond of $4000 - securities John D. Barnett, Fielden Harris, Rush J. Mitchell, Joseph N. Gooch and Isaiah M. Paschall. Duly qualified.

DB 18, p. 421
21 Jul 1855 Mortgage Deed. Edward Mitchell of Granville is indebted to L. A. Paschall in the sum of $88.71, bond dated this day. For further consideration of $1 paid by Anson Critcher sell to him my present growing crop of corn fodder & tobacco, my crop of wheat. Signed: Edward (X) Mitchell. wit: A. Landis
July 1855. Acknowledged by Edward Mitchell. A. Landis, Clerk.

The following sold to his nephews, son of brother, Thomas Critcher.
DB 18, p. 540
24 Jan 1852 Anson Crutcher to Albert J. Crutcher for $175, the following tract of land. Begin at a post oak in William H. Critcher's line; Gooches corner. 38 1/2 acres. On waters of Hatches Run. Signed: A. Crutcher. Wit: Thomas H. McClanahan
13 Dec 1855. Acknowledged by Anson Crutcher.
DB 18, p.541
24 Jan 1852 Anson Crutcher to William H. Crutcher for $375. Tract begin post oak Kings line, metes & bounds. 70 acres on waters of Hatches Run. Signed A. Crutcher. Wit: Thomas H. McClanahan
13 Dec 1855. Acknowledged by Anson Crutcher.

DB 18, p.627
16 Jan 1856. James Hart Senr of Granville Co executed his will on the 29th day of March 1839 and has since departed this life. In his will - in the event of the death his daughters, Nancy Hart, Polly Barnett, & Rebecca Strum, without leaving children of their bodies, the property consisting of lands & slaves bequeathed to them should revert back to his estate and disposed of as in the will provided. We, Cephus Hudson and Charles Hudson have this day conveyed to Anson Critcher for the sum of $100, all the interest we may have in the above property. Signed: Charles W. Hudson, Cephus Hudson. Wit: Wm. F. Hutcheson
7 Jun 1856. Acknowledged by Cephus & Charles Hudson.

Granville DB 19, p.233
24 Nov 1855. Mary Ann Allen to Anson Critcher, both of Granville. For $750, sells a tract of land in Granville on Fishing Creek adjoining lands of Henry B Bridges, John P. Ream, James Mantague and the said Creek, 155 Acres. Signed: Mary Ann (+) Allen. Wit: L. A. Paschall
Feb Court 1857. Proved in open court by oath of Lunsford A. Paschall.

Granville DB 20, 222
21 Dec 1858 Lunsford A Paschall, Trustee for Kennon Parham and Anson Critcher, all of Graville. Kennon Parham did on 9 Feb 1858 did execute a deed to L. A. Paschall as trustee for a tract of land in Granville adjoing lands of Thomas D. Averett, Duncan C. Herndon & others containing 110 acres being where Parham lives. Paschall to advertise to 20 days and seel the same to the highest bidder. Paschall did expose the property to public auction on 4 Sep 1858 on a credit of three months. Anson Critcher was the last and highest bidder for $840. Signed: L. A. Paschall, Trustee for Kennon Parham. wit: Jno G. Watson
Feb Court 1859. Acknowledged by L. A. Paschall.

Granville DB 20, p.404
22 Oct 1859 Mortgage Deed. Charles Curtis of the 1st part, Joseph Critcher of the 2nd part, and Anson Critcher of the 3rd part, all of Granville. Curtis is justly indebted to Anson Critcher for $50 due by bond. Curtis sells for $1 to Anson Critcher, one Bay mare, 1 cow yearling, __ head of Hogs. It shall be the duty of Joseph Critcher when requires by said Anson Critcher to advertise the property for ten days and sell to the highest bidder for cash. Signed: Charles (X) Curtis. Wit: Jno. G. Watson
22 Oct 1859. Proved by oath of Charles Curtis.

Granville DB 21, p.437
16 Jan 1856 $900 received of Anson Critcher in full payment for a negro man named Friday aged thirty three years. Singed; Cephus Hudson. Wit: D. D. Cargill
Nov Court 1861 Bill of sale exhibited in probate court and proved by L. P. Paschool who testified to the handwriting of David D. Cargill.
p.438 $600 received from Anson Critcher, full payment for a negro man named Jack aged forty three years. Signed: Cephus Hudson. Wit: D. D. Cargill.
Nov Court 1861 Bill of sale exhibited in probate court and probed by Paschall as before.

1860 Census. Oxford, Granville, NC, Hh 561
Anson Critcher, 48, Farmer
Tabitha, 37 (married in 1857 if the transcript is correct - Robert & Roger were born after Phoebe died and before 1857)
Joseph, 23
Will., 20
Lucy, 17
John, 15
Bettie, 13
Charles, 11
Emma, 8
Robert, 6
Roger, 4 (marked as female but he wasn't)
Webster, 2
Pattie, one month old (this baby must not have survived)
Ann Barnett, 30
Mary Milford, age 10

Granville DB 21, p.491-2
[right side of deed cut off in fold]
18 Sep 1862 Anson Critcher to Joseph A. Critcher both of Granville. For sum of $1068 one half ____ house and lot of land in the Town of Oxford and known as the Tan ___ and lot adjoining the lots of John H. Mills & Son, James F. Gilliam including ___ half of all leather & Hides on hand and one half of all and every other ___ Tools, furniture etc belonging thereto. Signed: A. Critcher. Witness: A. Landis.
18 Sep 1862 Acknowledged by Anson Critcher

DB 21, p. 671
17 Dec 1863. Joseph A. Critcher to Anson Critcher both of Granville. For the sum of $2750, all right in title in one half share of the house and lot of land occupied by me in the town of Oxford and known as the Tan Yard lot, adjoining lots of John H. Mills & Jas T. Gilliams. Signed: J. H. Critcher.
17 Dec 1863. Acknowledged by Joseph A. Critcher.

Granville DB 22, p. 194
20 Dec 1866. Mortgage Deed. For $1 by Anson Critcher to secure payment of a note made by me 18 Oct 1866 in the sum of $46 with interest payable 1 Jun 1867 to Anson Critcher of Oxford. On order, I transfer to the said Anson Critcher my entire crop corn, fodder, oats, tobacoo, shuck peas, etc. of every sort and description during the present year in the present in the hands of James Hunt of Granville Co. Signed: Samuel A. Hunt. Wit: Edward Cantwell
22 Dec 1866. Acknowledged by Samuel A. Hunt

Granville DB 23, p.29
1 Mar 1869. Between Anson Critcher and Tabitha his wife, to William H. Harris, all of Granville Co. For $100, all right and title to tract on waters of Fishing Creek adjoining lands of Mrs. Henry Bridges & others, about 113 acres, being the interest purchased by L. A. Paschall of Jas. Morton & Francis Morton his wife and sold by Paschall to said Anson Critcher, the said interest about 28 acres. Signed: A. Critcher, Tabitha J. Critcher. Wit: John C. Connell.
1 Mar 1869, In Probate Court. Anson Critcher acknowledged the deed and Tabitha J. Critcher freely gave her consent.

1870 Census. Oxford, Granville, NC, Hh 66
A. Critcher, 59, Farmer
Tabitha, 47
Elizabeth, 23, school Teacher
Emma, 17, school teacher
Charles, 22, Farmer
Robert O., 15
Roger, 13
Webster, 10
Martamose, age 6 (male - Mortimer)

Granville DB 26, p.319
18 Mar 1872. Anson Critcher & wife, Tabby Critcher to Mary F. Osborn, all of Granville. For $3000, sell and convey a tract of land in Oxford known as the Tanyard Lot, being the same now occupied by the said Anson. Begin West side of Raleigh road at a planted stone Leslie Gilliams old corner; including the Tanyard. signed: Anson Critcher; Tabitha J. Critcher.
18 Mar 1872. In probate court the same day - Anson Critcher acknowledged and Tabitha released her dower rights.

1880 Census. Fishing Creek, Granville, NC, Hh 318
"Anderson" Crutcher, 67
Tabitha J., 55, wife
Robert O., 25, son
Lucy H., 21, dau-in-law
Robert Cooper, 19, servant
Lucy Wortham, 12, Black, servant
Lillian Critcher, 9 months old, b. September (has to be Robert & Lucy's child - a grandchild)

Granville, NC Will Book 23, p.438
18 Dec 1879 Will of Anson Critcher. To beloved wife Tabitha, one half of my estate both real and personal during her natural life. After her death, to the children of my son John, one dollar.
One child's part of all of my estate to the following four grandchildren to be equally divided - one half at my death and one half at my wife's death. Anson, Joseph & Sarah Barnet, children of my daughter Rebecca Jane and Ervineca F. Clay, daughter of my daughter Frances.
The balance of my estate to my other children - one half at my decease and one half at my wife's decease to be equally divided with the following exceptions: one bond, principal ninety odd dollars I hold against my son Joseph is to be deducted from his share; two hundred dollars to be deducted from Roger S. which he as received; two hundred dollars from Robert O. which he has received; on hundred dollars from Emma for the Piano; forty dollars from Webster which he has received.
I appoint my wife Tabitha and my son Robert O., my Executors.
Signed: Anson Critcher. Wit: J. R. Ward, S. V. Ellis
27 Feb 1882, Probate Court. The will was proved by the oaths and examinations of James R. Ward and S. V. Ellis. Tabitha J. Critcher and Robt. O. Critcher qualified as executors.

Estate Files
Found in the estate file of A. J. Critcher (Albert), his nephew, was the following: Account of sales of Anson Crutcher deceased by R. O. Crutcher, Extr. - tobacco crop and wheat, dated 30 Sep 1882. Listing of his estate sale in March of 1882 includes the following purchasers: S. H. Blalock, R. S. Critcher, D. W. Critcher, A. C. Longmire, J. A. Critcher (not dated). There was a tract of land of 25 acres adjoining lands T. L. Hargrove, W. H. Critcher & others; a house and lot in Oxford on the corner of Hillsboro, purchased of M. B. Jones where Jones resides; notes on J. A. Critcher to be deducted from his share of the estate, note on D. W. Critcher, etc as well as notes unlikely to be collected.
A separate estate file was created for "Anderson Critcher" and contains a single court order - the name obviously wrong. This, too, is for Anson Critcher. Dated 16 Aug 1889 to R. O. Critcher as Executor of the estate of Anderson Critcher citing that he has failed to exhibit his final account to the Clerk of the Court as required by law. It was served by the Sheriff, C. M. Rogers, 5 Sep 1889.
Then there is his own file - Anson Critcher, 1882.
Anson Critcher died in Feb of 1882 leaving the widow Tabitha B. Critcher and the following children and heirs at law: Joseph A. Critcher; Betty A. Blalock wife of Simeon Blalock, Charles L. Critcher, Emma S. Critcher, Robert O. Critcher, Roger S. Critcher, D. W. Critcher (Webster) and M. M. Critcher (Mortimer). A note states that Jo & Betty are in Durham. Charles is in Eilkes, P.O. Moravian Falls. It would seem a number of the children have predeceased their father - there should be grandchildren that are heirs - four were named in the will.
7 Jun 1884. Subpoena to Ro. O. Critcher & Tabitha J. Critcher, Executors of the estate of Anson Critcher, Dec'd, requesting their annual & final account. Served 17 Jun 1884.
18 Mar 1887. Subpoena to Robert O. Critcher & Tabitha Critcher, Executors of the estate of Anson Critcher, Dec'd, requesting their annual & final account. Served 10 May 1887.
28 Mar 1887. Subpoena to Tabitha Critcher, Executrix, etc. Served by reading the written citation to Tabitha Critcher, 1 Apr 1887.
An annual return was filed, Nov 1889, with a return of accounts.

Another Estate file is named "Susan Critcher, no date". It is not for a Susan - Anson's name was misread. It is obvious that this is more of the papers regarding Anson Critcher. Robert O. Critcher & Tabitha B. Critcher are the Executors.
9 Dec 1882 - Petition to the Superior Court to sell real estate to pay debts. Robert O. Critcher & Tabitha B. Critcher, Extrs of Anson Critcher, plaintiffs, vs. Joseph A. Critcher, Simeon Blaylock & wife Bettie, Rebecca J. Upchurch, Sarah Barnett, Anson Barnett, Joseph Barnett, Erina F. Bradley, L. B. Allen & wife Emma S., Roger S. Critcher, D. W. Critcher, Mannie M. Critcher, Lillie Critcher, John H. Critcher, Anson Critcher & Jennie Critcher. Anson Critcher departed this life in the year of 1882, leaving a will. Your petitioners are Executors. There is no power conferred upon them to sell real estate to pay his debts. His debts are about $1000 and the personal estate amounts to about $900, insufficient to pay the debts. The lands are then described in a different and almost illegible hand - I can make out: tract on Fishing Creek adjoining T. L. Hargrove, W. H. Gootch & others, 25 acres; another tract in Oxford Township adjoining lots of D. R. Copper, Hud N. Hicks, J. L. Harper & others about 2 acres. These lands were devised to the defendants named & your petitioners. The sale of all the lands will be necessary to pay the debts and costs of administration. Defendants Rebecca J. Upchurch, Sarah, Anson & Joseph Barnett, and Erina F. Bradley are non-residents of North Carolina. Mannie Critcher, Anson Critcher, John H. Critcher, Sarah Critcher & Jennie Critcher are under the age of 21 years without guardian [this list doesn't match - should be Lillie instead of Sarah]. Your petitioners request to sell the real estate.
22 Dec 1882 Mannie M. Critcher, Lillie Critcher, John H. Critcher, Anson Critcher, Jennie Critcher are under the age of 21 years. Roger S. Critcher appointed guardian ad litem [ I find these names confusing - deceased son John had three children underage - Lillie, Henry J. who could have been John Henry and William Edward. Mannie could have been Mortimer, the youngest son of Anson who would have been about 19 in 1882 - he is the only child of Anson still underage. Robert O. had a daughter Lillian, b. in 1879 - but he was the heir since he was living, not his daughter.]
Roger S. Critcher, as Guardian Ad Litem, made his answer in January of 1883, that the minors were in agreement with the sale of the real estate.
11 May 1883 Court decree with permission to sell the lands of Anson Critcher, dec'd. at public auction at the court house in Oxford, one half in cash and the balance in six months.
2 Jul 1883 The lands were sold. The tract of 25 acres was bid off by Roger S. Critcher at $16 per acre for a total of $400. The Town Lots in Oxford on Grange & Hillsboro, No. 1 & 2 & 4 were purchased by: No. 1 by Henry G. Cooper for $190; No. 2 by R. W. Harris for $200; No. 4 by Charlie Turner for $220. Submitted by Robt O. Critcher & Tabitha J. Critcher


Birth29 Jun 1811Granville County, North Carolina
Marriage25 Nov 1831Granville County, North Carolina - Phoebe Mallory
Marriage29 Oct 1857Granville County, North Carolina - Tabitha J. Barnett
Death15 Feb 1882Granville County, North Carolina


SpousePhoebe Mallory (1813 - 1856)
ChildJames T. Critcher (1832 - 1900)
ChildRebecca Jane Critcher (1835 - 1912)
ChildFrances J. Critcher (1836 - )
ChildJoseph A. Critcher (1838 - )
ChildWilliam H. Critcher (1840 - 1862)
ChildLucy Critcher (1842 - )
ChildJohn Henry Critcher (1844 - 1878)
ChildElizabeth Critcher (1846 - )
ChildCharles Critcher (1848 - )
ChildEmma Critcher (1852 - )
ChildRobert O. Critcher (1854 - )
ChildRoger Sameul Critcher (1856 - 1957)
SpouseTabitha J. Barnett (1822 - 1910)
ChildWebster Critcher (1858 - )
ChildPattie Critcher (1860 - 1870)
ChildMortimer Critcher (1864 - )
FatherJOHN GORE Critcher (1770 - 1851)
MotherSARAH JANE Marshall (1777 - 1853)
SiblingRebecca Critcher (1795 - )
SiblingMASTIN Crutcher (1797 - 1847)
SiblingThomas Critcher (1800 - 1844)
SiblingNathaniel Rochester Critcher (1803 - 1883)
SiblingJames Critcher (1808 - 1893)
SiblingWilliam N. Critcher (1813 - 1897)
SiblingFrances T Critcher (1815 - 1904)