Individual Details


(1777 - Abt 1853)

John Critcher & Sarah Marshal, married 14 Jan 1794. John Craft Jr., bondsman. Stephen Sneed, witness.

Possible relatives of Sarah:
Granville County North Carolina Deeds; 1772-1778; abstracted by Timothy W. Rackley
16 Feb 1773
Granville DB K, p.131 John Champion and wife Keziah to James Blackwell, all of Granville, for 133.65.8, tract of 300 acres both sides Middle Creek a branch of Tar River. Granted to Alexander McCulloch, Esq for the honorable Francis Corbin, Esq, special agent, deed dated 14 Oct 1759 and then conveyed from McCullock to Humphrey Marshal, 7 Mar 1762 and from Humphry Marshal and wife Mary to John Champion. Signed: John Champion, Keziah Champion. Wit: John Pope, Thomas Pope. Feb Court 1773, proved by John Pope, Esq.

There is a will abstract from Isle of Wight which names a Humphrey Marshall, son of a man who died in 1698. May be an older Humphrey but it seems to be a name that could be handed down.
Robert Marshall. Leg.-son Robert; son John; son Humphrey the land which my father Richard Penny gave me; son Joseph; son James; daughter Mary; daughter Elizabeth; wife Mary. Wife Extx.
Book: 2-387
Proved Date: 9 Aug 1698

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina 1740-1820 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
April Court 1787, p. 5. John Marshall and William Longmire were requested to help build a bridge across Tar River requested by John Marshall.
Feb Court 1788, p.18 - repeat of request (Longmire not included)
Nov 1788 , p.29 Admin on estate of John Marshal, dec'd granted Dixon Marshall with Rech. Henderson and Ro. Bell his securites for 10,000#'s.
p.31 Dixon Marshall returns inventory of estate of Jno. Marshall, dec’d
A Dixon Marshall was the son of John Marshall who died in Bute, NC, 1781 and his wife Tabitha. This cannot be that Dixon's father's estate - but Dixon did have a brother named John, b. about 1762 No daughter Sarah possible in this family...

Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina: 1746-1808, by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1978
Will Book 2, p. 108
Feb Court 1789 Dixon Marshall, admstr. renders account of inventory of estate of Jno. Marshall, deceased
Will Book 2, p. 109
12 Jun 1788 Jno. Marshall and Wm. Longmire were witnesses to a deed - John Robards to Jno. Williams for 125 #'s: a slave, livestock, household furniture, etc. and probably a mortgage deed.
[This is an interesting connection of names since the wife of John Gore Critcher was a Marshall and apparently the second wife of Mastin Critcher was Martha Longmire...]

There was obviously a second John Marshall..
Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina 1740-1820 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
Feb Court 1791, p. 92 Sarah Western, ophan of Joshua Western, bound to John Marshall
May Court 1791, p.93 Dixon Marshall renders inventory of estate of John Marshall, dec’d
p.94 Ordered that Elisha Sims, Col. Phillip Hawkins, John Daniel, on motion of Dixon Marshall, that property of John Marshall, dec’d be divided to heirs.
p.94 Will of Henry R. Chandler, dec’d, proved by John Brodie and Smith Ogelvie; the John Marshall qualified as executor and returned inventory of estate. John Marshall sold all personal estate of Henry R. Chandler, dec’d.
Nov Court 1791, p.95 John Marshall petitions to build a grist mill on Tar River

Granville County Kinfolks,
p.65, Deed Book O, p.387 [note: deeds in Book O precede those in Book N]
14 Jun 1784 Joseph Glover to Tabitha Marshal of Warren Co NC. Phebe Glover, his wife, reliquished dower.
p.82, Deed Book N., p. 92
10 Jan 1791. Tabitha Marshall of Warren Co, NC to William Marshall. Wit: Dixon Marshall & Mathew Marshall
(probably a different John....)
p.86, Deed Book N, p.163
2 Feb 1793. Robert Lewis of Goochland VA, to John Marshall of Granville
450a north side Dan River, part of what is called the great Longrounds that Robert Lewis owns below the Mouth of Bowlings Creek. Bounded by Edmond Taylor, Thomas Person's entry. wit: James Robards, Henry Mullins. Proved by Robards, Feb Court, 1793.
29 Aug 1791. Lands of John Marshal, dec'd were divided among the following: Dixon Marshall, William Marshall, Mathew Marshall, Charles Marshall. Note that there was a huge amount of land - this must have been the father's - no son John shared so likely deceased. Capt. Dixon Marshall stated that he and his brothers had agreed upon this division 24 Aug 1791. Certified by Phil Hawkins, 10 Maya 1792. Commissioners were Phillip Hawkins, John Daniel & Elisha Sims. In the division, Dixon & William each received 1508 acres, Matthew & Chas, 1920 acres from various grants most for 640 acres each. Also Matthew was to receive another 412 acres, Charles another 400 acres at a a later division to be accounted for by them to Dixon & William.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina 1740-1820 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
Feb 1793 p.103 Cases tried. In 1791 August, committee ordered to divide real estate of John Marshall, dec’d; return made by Phillip Hawkins.
Aug 1794 p.119 Brodie and Brodie vs. John Marshall, plea insufficient

Deed Book P, p.253
2 Aug 1795 Samuel Peck, John Comer Peck and Henry Peck of Georgia, and Charles Peck of Virginia, deed to John Marshall of Granville, land in Granville. For 500#'s, land near the mouth of the Naper Reed Creek, with their improvement. No acreage stated.
26 Aug 1795. John Marshall to Allen Howard, both of Granville. For sum of 210.29.2. Tract of 500 acres in Granville on Knap Reed Creed, adj Wyatt Wilkinson, Burford's line, M. Culloh's line. Signed: John Marshal. Wit: Jno. E. Critcher, Arthur Johnson. Ack by Marshall in Feb Court 1796.
26 Aug 1795 John Comer Peck to John Marshall.. 500#'s. Tract of land & plantation on Knap Reed Creek, 1185 acres. Burford's line, McCullohs' line Eleazey's line. Tract joined together with 640 acres granted from the State to John Comer Peck; two other tracts from MCulloh to Leonard Peck and from Leonard to John Comer Peck. signed: John Comer Peck. Wit: Wm. Hunt, Allen Howard. Proven by Howard, Feb Court 1796.
Deed Book Q, p.28
15 Nov 1796 John Marshall of Granville to Richard Benneham of Orange Co NC. Sum of 108#'s. tract in Granville, west side Knap Reed Creek; Richard Bennehan's line & corner, courses of the creek. 120 acres. Sold by John Comer Peck to John Marshall on 25 Aug 1795. wit: Bryan Stonman, John Green. Green proved the deed.
p.257 23 Aug 1797 Jonathan Badgett to John Marshall Jr. both of Granville. 100#'s. Tract both sides of Ceader Creek, 250 acres, lines of Thomas Clements, Wilkerson, Allen Howard, John Williams. Wit: Allin Howard, Jessee Wilkerson. Proved by Howard, May Court, 1799.
30 Feb 1799 John Marshall of Granville to John Green of Orange Co NC. for 250#'s. Tract on Waters of Neuce River adj lands of Micajah Bullock, Greens Corner & line. 121 acres. wit: John Williams, Shearman Goss. Proved by Williams, May Court, 1799.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina 1740-1820 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
Feb 1797 p.149 John Marshall and William Bullock appointed justices of the county

Deed Book Q, p.353
30 Oct 1797 William Clements of Wake Co NC, deed to John Longmire, Granville.
From the deed book: For 15#'s, tract on waters of Cedar Creek; Tuggle's line formerly Bagley's line, Clement's corner, Daniel's line, Bagley's corner. 30 acres with all improvements thereon. Signed: William Clements. Wit: Jno Marshall, Geo. Brasfield. Proved by John Marshall, August Court, 1800.
Abstracts of Land Entries: Granville Co NC 1778-1877, Dr. R. B. Pruitt, 1988
p. 63 #744 8 Aug 1800 William Marshal entered 70 acres in the fork of Island Creek, bordering Wm Marshal, William Bullock, Mrs. Bullock.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina 1740-1820 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
May Court 1800 p.181 Abram Smith, 10 years old, bound to William Marshall

And now there is a third John Marshall
Granville Deed Book Q, p.461-2 Kinfolks of Granville
6 Aug 1801. John Marshall Sr and John Marshall Jr, of Granville to John & William Bell, Merchants and Partners of Petersburg, VA. For $2000. Tract geginning at John Greens corner, his line, Micajah Bullock's line, Richard Bennehans' line, Nap of Reed Creek. 585 acres by recent survey. Signed: John Marshall, Jn. Jno. Mrshall Senr. Wit: C. Moore Jn, John butler, Micajah Bullock. Proved by Bullock in August Court, 1801
10 Jun 1800 John Marshall Sr of Wake Co NC, deed to John Marshall Jr. of Granville. 156#'s. Tract the Nap of Reed Creek. 300 acres. Begin mouth of lower Spring Branch, Green's line, Peck's old line. wit: John Williams, William Williams, Micajah Bullock. Proved by Bullock, Aug Court 1801.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina 1740-1820 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
Aug 1801 p.191 Will of Elijah Veazey, dec’d proved by John Marshall Sr and Jr, and Abner Veazey and Mark Veazey qualified as executors
Nov 1801 p.193 Land of Fielding Hefflin sold for debt due John Marshall, Sr.
May 1803 p.203 Will of Mary Johnson proved by William Marshall and John C. Courtney
Nov 1804 p.208 Accounts of estate of John Marshall, dec’d, with Dickson Marshall, admr. Settled.
p.209 William Marshall and Richard Inge paid for bridge across Island Creek near Bullock’s
Nov 1809 p.232 Release from William Marshall

Granville Deed Book V, p. 28
23 Mar 1810. William Marshall to Daniel Glover for 126#'s, 12 shillings - a tract of land in Granville in the fork of Island Creek; Bullock's line. 338 1/4 acres. Wit: Step. Sneed, Jno. Glasgow. May Court 1810. Proven by oath of Stephen Sneed.
Granville Deed Book V, p.119
18 Feb 1809 William Marshall, deed of gift to daughter Elizabeth Blackwell
29 Aug 1810 On 7 Dec 1804, William Marshall gave to his daughter Elizabeth Blackwell, formerly Marshall - gift was made 18 Feb 1809, when William and Elizabeth Blackwell took possession.
Granville Deed Book W, p. 440
24 Aug 1811 William Marshall sold to Spotswood Burwell, all of his interest in the estate of his mother, Tabitha Marshall, after her decease.
Interesting estate settlement from Chatham Co, NC, 1817. Settlement with Solomon Dixon & William Marshall, executors of John Marshall, decd. Made by Thomas Wadley, Ephraim Doan & Joshua Chamness. The only paper on file is the list of the property of John Marshall - income from Sales, bills owed, and a number of debts owed to the estate, many marked as "bad debt". Expenses including proving of a Will, to Levi Gifford from making the Coffin, to Joseph Wells for digging the grave; land sold in Surry County, taxes paid in both Surry & Chatham Counties. Total due the estate: $374.57.
There is no reference to heirs.


Birth1777Granville County, North Carolina
Marriage14 Jan 1794Granville County, North Carolina - JOHN GORE Critcher
DeathAbt 1853Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina


SpouseJOHN GORE Critcher (1770 - 1851)
ChildRebecca Critcher (1795 - )
ChildMASTIN Crutcher (1797 - 1847)
ChildThomas Critcher (1800 - 1844)
ChildNathaniel Rochester Critcher (1803 - 1883)
ChildJames Critcher (1808 - 1893)
ChildAnson Critcher (1811 - 1882)
ChildWilliam N. Critcher (1813 - 1897)
ChildFrances T Critcher (1815 - 1904)