Individual Details

James Popwell

(9 Aug 1849 - 28 Nov 1917)

James married Jane Harriet Gray about 1869. They are buried Bethsalem Baptist Church Cemetery, Clanton.

1870 Census. Prec 4, Baker, AL
James Popwell, age 20. Jane, age 21.

1880 Census. Clanton, Chilton, AL
James Popwell, age 31
L. J., wife, 31
E. B., son, 10 (Ethan)
L. D., 9, dau
S. D. C., 6, dau
G. C., age 1 month, b. May, dau

1900 Census. Kincheon, Chilton, AL, Hh 225
James Popwell, b. Oct 1849, age 50, married 31 years
Jane, wife, b. Apr 1849, 5 children - all living

1910 Census. Thorsby, Chilton, AL, Hh 215
Thorsby Road
Ethan Popwell, 39, married 17 years. Beatrice, wife, 33, three children.
Leon, son, 14. Hattie, dau, 10. Raymond, son, 8
Jim, father, age 60, married 40 years
Jane, mother, age 61, 5 children - all living

Alabama Death Record shows James Popwell, died 28 Nov 1917, Autauga Co, AL, age 68. He was buried BethSalem Cemetery. Widowed at the time of his death. His father was Rubin Popwell; his mother Sallie Popwell


Birth9 Aug 1849Autauga County, Alabama
Death28 Nov 1917Clanton, Chilton County, Alabama


FatherReuben Popwell (1811 - 1873)
MotherSarah "Sally" Moore (1815 - 1894)
SiblingMary Ann Popwell (1832 - 1913)
SiblingMartha Popwell (1834 - )
SiblingWilliam Popwell (1836 - )
SiblingSarah Jane Popwell (1838 - 1929)
SiblingCatharine Popwell (1840 - 1888)
SiblingMadison Popwell (1842 - 1933)
SiblingAlfred Popwell (1844 - 1931)
SiblingSarah "Sallie" Popwell (1846 - 1912)
SiblingJohn Popwell (1847 - 1982)
SiblingElizabeth Popwell (1851 - 1925)
SiblingMoses Popwell (1852 - 1928)
SiblingAmanda Popwell (1854 - 1924)
SiblingJoseph Popwell (1856 - 1924)
SiblingLoney Popwell (1858 - )
SiblingBenjamin Popwell (1860 - 1884)