Individual Details


(1654 - 20 Oct 1747)

Most publications give Elizabeth's year of birth as 1645 - makes her a bit too old to have several of the children. I have never found the original source of this year. I also doubt that she was 11 years older than husband. That birth year would have made her past 30 at her marriage and about 102 when she died - both seem unlikely. I have reversed digits, making her some ten years younger and the youngest child in her family until further information is found. Another factor involved is known ages of her siblings and her parents ages and marriage - she could have been born either date but the date of 1645 seems a bit too close to known birth dates of some of her brothers. Her death date is recorded and she lived to be very old - however being in her 90's instead of over 100, seems more within the range of probability.
"A Comstock Genealogy" gives year at 1645 as well - this would make her age 54 at the birth of Job - just not likely.

Elizabeth is the ggg grandaunt of Samuel Greene Arnold, historian of Rhode Island.

Will of widow Elizabeth Comstock of Smithfield, 10 Apr 1745, proved 8 Dec 1747. Bequests to sons, Thomas, Daniel, Ichabod, John, Job, Hazadiah; daughter, Elizabeth Sayles; grandson, David Comstock; granddaughter Sarah Aldrich & great granddaughter Anne Steere. [these last three descendants of son Samuel, deceased.] Son Thomas was Executor, witnesses to the will were Joseph Arnold Junr, Enoch Arnold, and Thomas Sayles [who was also the Council Clerk]. Daniel Arnold and David Comstock took the inventory and appraised the estate the value of which was over 400 pounds.
Recorded in the Smithfield Council Book, Vol. 1, LDS Microfilm #959528

Elizabeth Comstock, widow, departed this life 20 October 1747.

This Tenth Day of April in the Eighteenth year of
his majesties reign George the Second Kin og
Great Britain &c AD 1745 I Elizabeth Comsto
ck of Smithfield in the County of Providence and
Colony of Rhodeisland in New England widow being
in reasonable good health and of perfect mind
and memory and considering the mortality of my
body do make and ordain this my Last Will &
Testament. My body I recomend to ye Earth to
be buried Decently at ye disc retion of my Exe
cutor here after named and as touching that
worldly estate as it hath pleased God to Bless
me with in this Life I Give demise and dispose
of as followeth --
Im primis I Give and Bequeath to my Grand Son David
Comstock Twenty shillings old tenor to be paid out of my
estate to him or his heirs.
Item I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Sarah
Aldrich ten shillings old tenor to be paid out of my
estate to her or to her heirs

Item I give and Bequeath to my great grand daughter
Anne Steer Ten Shillings old tenor to be paid
out of my estate
Item I Give and bequeath to my son John Comstock
Twenty shillings old tenor to be paid to him or his
Heirs out of my estate
Item I Give and Bequeath to my son Job Comstock Twenty
Shillings old tenor to be paid to him or his heirs
The reason of my giving my above named grand
Children only twenty shillings to one and Ten
shillings apiece to ye others is because their
father has had more out of his fathers estate
Than some other of my children have had: and
the Reason of my giving my sons John & Job
only Twenty Shilling apiece is because they have had
more out of their fathers estate than some other
of my children had had
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Son Hazadiah Comstock
forty Shillings old tenor to be paid out of my estate
to him or his heirs
Item I Give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Comstock
Twenty pounds old tenor to be paid out of my estate
to him or his heirs
Item I Give and bequeath to my son Daniel Comstock
Ten pounds old tenor to be paid out of my estate
to him or his heirs
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Son Ichabod Comstock
five pounds old tenor to be paid out of my estate
to him or his heirs
Item I Give to my Daughter Elizabeth Sayles Forty shillings
old tenor to be paid to her or heirs out of my estate
and also my wearing apparial of al Sorts I Give to
my Said Daughter and if after my debts and
funeral charges paid and ye above sums given
and bequeathed and paid in manner as above said if

There should remain any part more that then I
give and Bequeath the remaining part to be
Eqully divided between my children and their heirs whose
names are here after mentioned. Hazadiah Com
stock Daniel Comstock Ichabod Comstock Job Com
stock and Thomas Comstock which said Thomas
Comstock I make my sole Executor of this my
Last Will and Testament and I do utterly disa
[word marked out, prob should have been "vow"] revoke and Dissalow
all and every other
former Testaments wills Legacies and bequests
and Executors by me in any ways before named willed
and bequeathed ratefying and Confirming this and
no other to be my Last Will and Testament.
In Witness where of I have hereunto Sett my hand
and Seal the Day and year first within mentioned.
Signed Sealed published pro
nouned and declared by the said
Elizabeth Comstock to be her
Last Will & Testament in the
present of us
Jos Arnold Junr
Enoch Arnold
Thos Sayles
The mark of Elizabeth Comstock

At a Town Council held in Smithfield in the County of
Providence by adjournment the Eighth day of December
AD 1747 the above written will will was presented
before this Council and Mr. Thomas Comstock who
was made Executor to sd will approved before this
Council and accepted of ye place of Being executor
to sd will: And the witnesses to sd will Viz: Mr
Enoch Arnold & Thomas Sayles Two of ye sd witnesses
to sd will approved before this Council and on Solemn
Engagement Declared that they see the afore said
Elizabeth Comstock the testator Sign publish pro-
nounce & Declare the same to be her Last Will &
Testament and that they in her presents Signed

as witness to the same and at the same time saw
Joseph Arnold Junr sign as ye other witness and
that she ye sd Testator was at ye same time in
perfect mind & memory where upon it is voted
by this Council that ye afore written will be
and it is here by proved & accipted to be a Last full
will & Testament & and ord. to be recorded.
Test. Thos. Sayles, Council Cler
Recorded Decbr ye 15th AD 1747 pr Thos Sayles Council Cler

A True Inventory of all and Singular the goods
chattles and Audits of Elizabeth Comstock of Smith
field in the County of Providence &c widow Deceased
Prised at Smithfield aforesd ye 27 of October 1747
by us the Subscribers.


Birth1654Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Marriage22 Nov 1678Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island - SAMUEL COMSTOCK
Death20 Oct 1747Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island


SpouseSAMUEL COMSTOCK (1654 - 1727)
ChildSamuel Comstock Jr. (1679 - 1727)
ChildHazadiah Comstock (1682 - 1764)
ChildThomas Comstock (1684 - 1761)
ChildDANIEL COMSTOCK (1686 - 1768)
ChildElizabeth Comstock (1690 - )
ChildJohn Comstock (1693 - 1749)
ChildIchabod Comstock (1696 - 1775)
ChildJob Comstock (1699 - )
FatherTHOMAS ARNOLD ( - 1674)
MotherPHEBE PARKHURST ( - 1688)
SiblingIchabod Arnold (1640 - )
SiblingCapt. Richard Arnold (1642 - 1710)
SiblingThomas Arnold (1646 - 1721)
SiblingJohn Arnold (1647 - 1722)
SiblingEleazar Arnold (1651 - 1722)
