Individual Details
(1654 - 27 May 1727)
[299] Memorand: That Sam: Coumstock, & Elizabeth Arnold, theire publiccion of Marriage, was sett forth on ye 16th of Septembr. 1678 By John Whipple junr. Assistant And was joyned togather in Marriage on ye 22nd. of November 1678 By John Whipple junr. Assistant.
"The Early Records of the Town of Providence" Volume IX; Being part of the Book of Records of Town Meetings No. 3 1677 to 1750 and Other Papers. p.188 c1895
History of Woonsocket
p.17 "Richard Arnold and Samuel Comstock were the first settlers of Woonsocket (R.I.)."
p.32 "But, April 14, 1707, the town granted to Capt. Richard Arnold and Ensign Samuel Comstock the lands which they had already occupied for so long a time."
p.32,33 "In 1731, the town of Smithfield was set off from Providence...... Citizens of Western Woonsocket participated in the annual elections of Smithfield....March 8, 1871, a portion of its territory was annexed to the new town of Woonsocket."
p.39 "....a saw-mill ...existed in these parts in 1666. As its builder, Richard Arnold, was at that time but 24 years of age, it is fair to infer that it was erected about that time, and that then was 'the beginning.' The first settlers, as I have said before, were Richard Arnold and Samuel Comstock -- the latter 'pitching his tent' a little west of the Union Village, and the former locating himself at the river. During their lives they held the lands in common, and no lines were drawn between their estates until many years after their death. this was done by the heirs, March 26, 1731."
p.52 Tax Payers, June 16, 1713, include: Daniel Comstock, Hazadiah Comstock, Sam. Comstock, Capt., Samuel Comstock, Jr., Thomas Comstock (Samuel and his 4 oldest sons)
p.100 Footnote: "Aug 9, 1710, Capt Samuel Comstock ordered Henery Mowry of the 2nd Company, to impress men to go with him to Port Royal." (Queen Anne's War) I found the actual document in the Manuscript file of William A. Mowry, Mss 290, NEHGS Library, Boston:
Folder 37
Samuel Comstock, Capt 1710
"To you Henery Mory of the Second Company of the Town of
Providence you are hereby Required in her Majesties
name Anne Queen of Grate Britans, &c
To go forth with to Impress one or more able solder to go against
her majesties Enemies to Port Ryall that are under my Command
and make return of your Doing same and for your Acting in
The premeses this warrant Shall be your Discharge given
under my hand this 9th August 1710
Samuell Comstock Capt"'s_War
Queen Anne's War (1702–1713), as it was known in the English colonies, was the second in a series of French and Indian Wars fought between France and England in North America for control of the continent. The conflict was part of the War of the Spanish Succession, which was primarily fought in Europe. In addition to the two main combatants, the war also involved numerous American Indian tribes allied with each nation, and Spain, which was allied with France. The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 resulted in the French cession of claims to the territories of Hudson Bay, Acadia, and Newfoundland to Britain, while retaining Cape Breton and other islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The 1710 British campaign against Port Royal was under the command of the 55 year old Englishman, Francis Nicholson. The two other prominent officers in this campaign was a 42 year old gentleman from Edinburgh, Colonel Samuel Vetch and the Boston born Sir Charles Hobby, a 45 year old who had been knighted by the queen in 1705. The French, for their part, had one of their most capable leaders that they had ever sent to America, Daniel d'Auger de Subercase; but, the odds for Subercase this time around were too long: 2,000 well supplied English troops versus his 300 (ill-equipped, tired, and discouraged); the French garrison gave up within ten days. On the 25th of September all the British were ashore. Several days were to pass before the British artillery and stores were landed; and, all along, cannons roared from both the French fort and the English bomb-ketch. By the 29th the English were ready to get down to their siege business. Within 24 hours, the French sent out a white flag of truce and the guns fell silent. Unlike those of 1704 and 1707, the attack on Port Royal in 1710 had "royal support." This support, which consisted of ships-o-war and British regulars, accounted for its success in no small measure.
Port Royal had been taken before, indeed twice before, and both times by men from New England: under Major Robert Sedgwick in August of 1654 and under Sir William Phips in May of 1690: in each case it had been restored to France by treaty. The taking of Port Royal in 1710 is particularly important to our story, for, with its capture came England's claims to all of Acadia. The Conquest was a key element in the framing of the North American issues in French-British treaty negotiations of 1711-1713.
Samuel's Will was dated 21 Dec 1726, probated 18 Sep 1727. Executrix his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Phebe (Parkhurst) Arnold. Her will probated 8 Dec 1747.
The Early Records of the Town of Providence
Vol. III:206-7 7 Mar 1671 Deed of sale. Stephen Paine of Rehoboth sold to Samuel Whipple three house lots, with a dwelling house, and all of the out housing standing upon the lots, which Stephen Paine purchased from Mary Mowry, executor of the estate of her deceased husband Roger Mowry. One lot originally belonged to Daniel Comstock, one to John Smith, and one to Richard Prey, all of Providence. Also one right of commoning, one 25 acre right of commoning both reaching westward as the seven mile line. [Rec. 21 Sep 1671]
Vol.VIII Town Meetings #3, p.20. Towne Meeting 27 Jul 1677 "Voated by the Towne that Samuell Comstocks Bill be refered to the next meeting and then to receive a full Answer to the sayd Bill"
Vol.VIII,p.21-22 "Whereas Samuell Cumstock did prsent a bill to this Towne, this 12th day of Aug 1678: desireing yt they would sell a samll peice of Land to ye quantity of three Quarters of an Acar westerne End of ye sd Samll his Lott ....The towne doe by a free & full Voate Sell unto ye sd Samuel Comstock ...the sd peice of Land ...theire order six shillings."
Vol XIV Deed Book 1, p.102 Laid out unto Samuell Comstock in ye yeare 1678 three quarters of a acre of land, or theire abouts adjoyneing to ye west End of ye lott hee now dwelleth on, Wee say laid out by us, Arthur ffenner, Sirveior, William Hopkins, Sirveior
Vol.VIII, Town Meetings #3, p.36 Dated Jan 27 1679 "...Samuell Comstock prefered a bill ...desireing ye towne to grant ye Laying out of ye Land wch (he saith) is yet remaineing due unto him of his fathers Right wch he bought of John Smith (mason) ...Samuell Whipple had to Object ...Suspend an Answer thereto untill this day come fortnight wch will be upon ye 10th of Feb. next.
Vol.VIII, p.36-37 note in margin "his bill yet suspended" "because some are not sattisfied ..Adjurned until this day comes fortnight wch will be upon ye 24th of Feb.
Vol. VIII, p.37-38. Town met again on Feb 24, 1679. The best of my understanding is that Samuel Comstock believed John Smith (mason)'s Right was purchased by his deceased father Samuel but no one appeared for the drawing of the papers so Smith has continued to pay all dues and take possession of the Right. I'm not sure what the Town decided but it seems John Smith retained his Right!
Vol XV, p.185-191 Tax Levy 1 Jul 1679. Samawell Comstocke was one of the collectors. He was listed as paying 8p.
Vol XV, p.196 15 Aug 1679. Samuell Comstock was a member of a Coroners Inquest into the untimely Death of Elizabeth pearce, Daughter of Ephraim pearce and Hannah his wife, aged about one yeare and halfe. The child had slipped out the door with an older sister and drowned in the well. The jury found she "exadentally fell into the well and was overwhelmed in water, and by the providence of God Drownded." [This account also in Vol VIII, p.57-58)
Vol XV, p.200 27 Jan 1680. John Dexter petitions for a smal pecce of land betwen Samuel Comstocks and our hous and would have it as low as Samuel Comstockes Corner. Bill was granted at the same rate as Sam. Comstock paid. [Also noted in Vol.VIII, p.90.]
Vol.XV, p.206-214 Two Tax levys 16 Jul 1680. Sam: Comstock paid a total of 4p in one levy and 7p in the other.
Vol XV, p.223-225. Another tax levy dated 29 Jan 1680. Sam: Comstock paid 9p.
Vol XIV Deed Book 1, p.101-102 Upon ye 28th day of January in ye yeare 1681. Laid out unto Samuell Comstock in ye Right of Thomas Arnold 30 acrs of land, the which belonged unto ye said Thomas Arnold in a second Grant for devision betweene ye 7 mile line & ye 4 mile line & was by Towne order upon ye 27th of Januarey 1681 granted unto ye said Samuell Comstock to be layd out elsewhere upon ye Towns Comon. [proceeded to lay out part of farm formerly belonging to Thomas Wallin Senr, bounded by John Brownes land, to a piece of meadow formerly belonging to Stephen Northrup: Bound on North by Comon, East by Thomas Walling, North by Wallings farm, South by Meadow of Stephen Northup or brook. There is a surveryor's diagram of this piece of property.] Thomas Olney, Sirveior.
Vol XV, p.226 20 Feb 1681. Towne voted on a sufficient highway begining at ye North End of ye land taken up already by Samuell Comstock in ye Right of Thomas Arnold, and so to run Northward.
Vol.VIII, p.93 11 Mar 1681 Samuell Comstock & Benjamin Hernden witnessed for Jonathan Morey that he is heir to father Roger Morey and claims his 12 acres of upland and new fields and desires his claim to be placed in the record.
Vol VIII, p.109 10 Feb 1681 "Voated that there shall be sufficient highway Continnually in being, on the west side of Thomas Wallings farme beginning at North End of ye land taken up allready by Samuell Comstock in the Right of Thomas Arnold." [See Vol.XIV, p.101-102]
Vol. VIII, p.108 27 Apr 1681 Town votes & grants to lay out 30 acres of land to Samuell Comstocke - from his brother in law Thomas Arnold, provided it doesn't interfere with convenient highways.
Vol.VIII, p.120 15 Nov 1682 "Ordred that Samuell Comstocks Bill for forty foote square of land on ye norwesterne part of Thomas Olney his foure staked meadow, for severall reasons is not, nor shall not be granted."
Vol XVII p.28 to the town of Providance met this 28th of January 1683 or 84 naibours and freinds I pray let me have the quontati of 40 foot square of land or theabout agineing to the west end of my lot I now dwel one and I shall bee willing soe to alow as others deid that had lots 40 foot square by the water side your to Command Samuell Comstock
Vol.VIII, p.140 2 Jun 1684 "It being the day of Election of Towne officers ....Samuel Cumstock chosen serjant & engaged."
Vol XVII p.44 Tax levied Oct 29 1684: Samuell Comstock 1 shilling
Vol XIV Deed Book 1, p.122-123 John Smith, son of John Smith (Jameco John) now deceased, deeds to Samuel Comstock 25 acres in Providence. John now lives in Meadfield, MA, and is likely the half brother of Samuel. [See Anne (Tucker) Comstock Smith] 21 May 1685. Witnessed by Thomas Olney, Thomas Olney Junr, Abraham Harding.
Vol XIV, p.126-127 Thomas Arnold deeds to Samuel Comstock the 30 acres laid out in 1681 "for and in Consideration of a valuable sum of money" 29 June 1685. Witnessed by Thomas Olney and John Browne. Acknowledged by Richard Arnold, Assistant.
Vol IV, pp.115-121 29 Jun 1685. Settlement of estate of Thomas Arnold who died in Sep 1674. Thomas died intestate; this is an agreement among remaining heirs. Samuel & Elizabeth received 20 pounds. The sons of Thomas received land; Elizabeth through Samuel appears to have already received most of her inheritance.
Vol XIV, p.164 Nov 4, 1685. Land laid out to Thomas Estance in the Right of John Warner borders on the East, land laid out to Samuel Comstock. Thomas Olney, Surveior.
Vol VIII, p.156 9 Nov 1685. "Whereas there is a debt due from ye towne to Mr. John Sanford Recorder & ye towne being willing to discharge ye same, the sayd Mr. Sanford having this day demanded ye sayd debt. And whereas there is a part of a rate of 27 lb gathered & in ye hands of Samuell Comstock the which was made ye ye 1st of July 1679. It is ordred that ye sayd Samuell Comstock shall deliver up to ye towne this day 10 shillings of ye sayd Rate the which sayd 10 shillings shall be to defray he said debt to Mr. Sanford. The towne hath Received ye sayd 10 shillings of ye sd Samuell Comstock, the which is delivered to ye sayd towne in money."
Vol XIV, p.184-185 Nov 19, 1685. Land laid out to Joseph Smith bounds Samuel Comstock.
Vol VIII, p.159-160 2 Dec 1685. Thomas Olney to lay out highway through the land of Samuell Comstock & John Browne and lay them out other land at the town's charge. In the same session: "Granted unto Samuell Comstock that he may Exchange five acres of land which was layd out unto him in the neck betweene ye great swampe & ye land which formerly belonged to Phillipp Taber..."
Vol XVII p.76-77 Where as thair is a paper presented to the towne of providence this 27: of July 1686 wher in thair is a Requeste of the honered governer and others of the Comittie Judging it very Convenient for the satisfing of som dissatisfied persons as if the Court and Comitty war about to surender of the goverment of this Colony under the govermente of Yorke we the subscribers do her by deClare that our minds ar that ther be a surender or prosterating our Charter and the priviledge there in Contained unto our gratious sovrin lord King Jeames the second and to us other person or goverment. the subscridberes ar: Joseph Jenckes, Daniell Abbott, Thomas Arnold, Thomas Harris, Eliezar Arnold, Samuell Comestock.
Vol VIII, p.170 25 Mar 1687 "Voated, Sam: Comstocks Bill is refered to ye next meeteing. The meeting is desolved"
Vol XIV Deed Book 1 p.170-171 John Field deeds to Samuel Comstock for 4 pounds, 10 shillings silver money, two pieces of Meadow, each containing about 1 acre. Bounded on each side by stream or brook, near Wallings farm and bounds Wallings or land belonging to said Samuel Comstock. 5 July 1687, third year of the Reign of King James II. Signed John ffield. Witnessed by John Whipple and Epenetus Olney.
Vol XVII p.98-103 Tax levy of Jul 20 1687. Samuel Comstock 3 shillings.
p.108-112 Tax levy for upkeep of the Tinkers child, the Pound, etc. Sam: Comstock 1 shilling, 6 pence. Oct 31, 1687.
Vol XIV Deed Book 1 p.185 26 Sep 1687. Samuell Comstock & Samuell Winsor witnessed deed of Thomas Clemenc [Clements] to George Keetch, 7 pounds for 30 acres.
Vol XVII p. 122-127 Levy of August 1688. Samuell Comestoke 2 shillings 10 pence.
p.117-188 and 127-130 List of all Male Persons 16 years and upwards ordered by John Usher, Receiver General of His Majesty's Revenues within His Territory and Dominion in New England includes Samuell Comestock. August 1688.
Vol XIV Deed Book 1 p.233-234 Thomas Arnold sells to Joseph Whipple 7 1/2 acres, 7 of which he had formerly purchased of Samuell Comstock of Providence. 27 Mar 1691. Witnessed by Thomas Olney and Samuell Comstock.
p.240-242 Samuell Comestock sells to Jonathan Whipple for 25 pounds, 60 acres with all Meadow grounds, through which tract there is a common highway marked out by the surveyor of the Town of Providence. Near Wallings farm, bounded by John Browns land, corner of John Smiths land (deceased). "Sufficiently Saved & Kept harmeless .... Dowryes, Power & Thirds of Elizabeth his now wife" 10 Jun 1695. Witnessed by Thomas Olney, William Olney.
Vol. XI, Town Meeting 1 p.32 8 Apr 1697 Jonathan Whipple wants the highway laid through his land bought of Samuel Comstock, "have ye Way Turned". Matter left with Surveyor. p.33 John Smith refuses to serve in proportioning tax levies: Samuel Comstock is chosen by the Magistrates in his place.
Vol XVII p.163-165 Whereas there hath Bin a late inCurtion & invation made upon some of Our English plantations: by the Cruel and Barborous Indian Enemies ...Wee the Councel of war for the Town of providence Have thought fitt: in his Majesties: Name to Nominate and Appoynt you ...17: Samuel Comstocke ...Every of you to take the Comand and Conduct of Ten men ...Rainge beyound the outmost of our plantations Each of you two Daies at a time or more as Need shall Require ....indevour to Resest Expulse Kill and Distroy them according to the best of your Indevour ... 24 Apr 1697
Vol XI, Town Meeting 1, p.47-48 1 Mar 1699 Chosen for Deputies to serve at the General Assembly in Newport the day before the Election & at the Election include Saml. Comstock. Saml. Comstock had to bill to stop those who have no Right in Common from getting timber; voted to refer decision to the next quarter day.
Vol V, p.267-268. Register of marriage of Samuel Comstock & Elizabeth Arnold and the births of all the children. Marriages and births of many of the townspeople were recorded in the record book about the the same time as the town records of the early 1700's.
Vol XI, Town Meeting 1, p.67 6 Mar 1702 Deputies to serve in General Assembly, the last Tuesday are Maj. John Dexter, Mr. Gideon Crawford, Joseph Whipple & Samuel Comstock.
20 Apr 1702 Nathaniel Waterman, Gideon Crawford, Joseph Whipple & Samuel Comstock are chosen deputies to serve in the General Assembly at Newport on the 1st Wednesday in May next, the day before the Election.
Vol IX, p.186: July 14, 1703. Samuell Comestock, Senr.....had taken up two stray Maares
Vol XI, Town Meeting 1, p.82 17 Feb 1704 Jonathan Whipple may change 3 or 4 acres of land which he bought of Samuel Comstock & take it up some other Place.
Vol XIV Deed Book 1, p.286-288 Daniell Apply sold to Stephen Hawkings 46 acres "bordering upon the land which was Samuell Comstocks formerly" 31 Oct 1704.
Vol XX Deed Book 2, p.139-141 Samuell ComeStock for 62 pounds, 10 shillings sells to Benjamin Smith one Whole Right of lands & Comons being on the West side of the 7 mile line, said Right is in the Right of One John Smith (John Jameco) formerly of Said Providence but now deceased. 150 acres being already laid out & bounded from the Common. Gives up dower rights of Elizabeth his now wife. 16 Nov 1706. Witnessed by Tho. Olney Senior and William Hawkins. Acknowledged by William Hopkins, Assistant. Recorded by Tho. Olney Towne Clerk, Nov 18 1706.
p.189-190 Petition of Richard Arnold & Ensign Samuel Comestock for grant of land "haveing Some yeares Made Some improvement of Said land by building & Settling thereon, with Other Manufactions on Said land". Mentions several families placed on said land, Saw Mill and other improvements for benefit of said Towne. "Whereupon the Purchasers & Proprietors of Said Providence Doe Now Grant unto the Said Richard Arnold & Samuell ComeStock that Said Percell of land So lieing as aforeSaid betweene Said Pautuckett River & Said land of Edward Inman & Associates". Aprill the 14th, 1707. Recorded April 25, 1707, Tho. Olney, Clerk. Also recorded in Vol. XVII p.224-225.
Vol XI, Town Meeting 1, p.115 28 Apr 1707 Chosen for deputies in serve in General Assembly in May next at the Election & the day before are Capt. Jenckes, Mr. Jonathan Sprague, Ensigne Saml Comstock, Lt. Tho. Olney.
Vol.XVII p.228-229 The Proprietors of Providence grant the Northern Grant (1000 acres) to 5 persons: Maj. William Hopkins, Capt. Richard Arnold, Mr. Jonathan Sprague, Mr. Joseph Whipple & Ensigne Samuell Comestock to share equally and prevent any intrechment or inroads into the Northern part of Providence Plantation. May 19, 1707.
Vol XI, Town Metting 1, p.129 23 Apr 1708 Chosen for deputies to serve in General Assembly at the election the 1st Wed. May next at Newport & day before: Major Jecnckes, Mr. Jonathan Sprague, Saml. Comatock, Mr. Phillip Tillinghast.
Vol.XVII p.357-258 Peleg Roades for Privilege that Nehemiah Sheldon has for cutting of timber in virture of a deed from my father Zachary Roades to his father John Sheldon Deceased bearing date 12 Feb 1660 have deeded two small tracts of land in Pautuxet containing 15 acres. 4 Feb 1710. Witnessed by Samuell ComeStock, Malachy Roades, Richard Philipps.
p.358-359 Nehemiah Sheldon for 3 small tracts of land containing 15 acres received of Peleg Roades have surrended up all right & Title I have for Cutting of timber. 4 Feb 1710. Witnessed by Samuell ComeStock, Malachy Rhoades, Richard Phillipps.
p.380-381 Sarah Arnold, Widdow & Relict of the late deceased Richard Arnold on the one Party & Richard Arnold, John Arnold, & Thomas Arnold Sones of the aforesd Richard Arnold.
Whereas she received by last will & Testament of Richard Arnold two lotts in Providence with Orchard & dwellinghouse, but she cannot because of age improve said to any advantage, relinquishes to Richard, John, and Thomas, Executors, provided they pay her 8 Pounds on or before the 29th of May in every year during her natural life, or the lotts revert back to her. 12 May 1710. Signed Sarah (her X mark) Arnold, Richard Arnold, John Arnold, Thomas Arnold. Witnessed by Jos. Jenckes junr., Samuell Comestock. Recorded Jun 3, 1710.
p.393 3 Dec 1685 Land laid out unto William Hawkins junr in right of his father William Hawkins Senr, 50 acres in 2 parcels. "Cornner with a White Oake Tree marked Which is also a bound tree of land of Samuell ComStock....with land of Samuell ComStock" Laid out ye day & yeare abovesaid by me Thomas Olney Surveior; Recorded Jul 21, 1710 by Tho. Olney, Clerk
Vol XI, Town Meeting 1, p.153 27 Jan 1711 Chosen for Pettey jury: Capt. Sml. Comstock & Lt. Tho. Harris
Vol.XVII p.424-425 16 Mar 1710/11. Dividing run between John Sayles & Nathaniell Mawrey between their homestead farms. Signed by both. Witnessed by Samuell Comestock and Richard Phillipps. Recorded Aprill the 6th 1711 by Tho. Olney, Clerk.
Vol. XI, Town Meeting, 1, p.158 8 Nov 1711 Chosen for Deputies at General Assembly at Newport ye 14th instant: Capt. Saml. Comstock, Mr. Eleazar Arnold, Tho. Arnold Junr, Willm Wilkinson.
Vol. IX, p.29-30 23rd of Aprill 1716. Laying out of a highway through Wesquetomscutt and Wansocott [Woonsocket] Lands and so over the River Called the branch ...."Crassing the said path sevorall times with bounds plainely marked by Hazadiah Comestockes and a Long by Samuell Comestockes and Richard Spreagues to the Branch of the River" Signed by John Arnold, Henry Mawrey, Samuell Comestock Junr.
Vol.XVI, p.64-67 Last Will and Testament of Thomas Hopkins witnessed by Eliezer Arnold and Samuel Comstock on 26 Apr 1711. Recorded 3 Jun 1718.
p.98-100 Last Will & Testament of Joseph Phillips dated 21 Aug 1719 witnessed by Samuell Comestock, Samuell Wilkinson, and Phillip Pheteplace. Recorded 5 Oct 1719. [I believe both of these Wills to have been witnessed by this Samuel as his son Samuel is usually designated Samuel, Junr.)
Vol.XVII p.297 26 Feb 1722 Petition of Mr. Eliezer Arnold, Capt. Samuel Comstock, Mr. Edward Smith and 29 others for a "Conveniant High way" through that Tract of Land Called Inmans Purchase. [Also Vol XII, p.30]
Vol XII, p.81 9 Nov 1724 Concerning opening the highway at Westcotomset, Samuel Comstock is appointed Constable in place of Joseph Hernden.
Will at Providence dated 21 Dec 1726; proved 18 Sep 1727. He died 27 May 1727. Names wife Elizabeth. Sons Samuel, Hazadiah, Thomas, Daniel, John, Ichabod, & Job. Daughter Elizabeth Sayles. Wit: Joseph Arnold Jr, Thomas Arnold Jr., Robt Douglass.
Death recorded as Capt. Samuel Comstock
New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial, 1914, Vol. 2, by William Richard Cutter, 1914, "Comstock", p. 1020-1023 - Article perpetuates some errors such as Elizabeth was William's 2nd wife, etc.
Birth | 1654 | Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island | |||
Marriage | 22 Nov 1678 | Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island - ELIZABETH ARNOLD | |||
Death | 27 May 1727 | Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island |
Spouse | ELIZABETH ARNOLD (1654 - 1747) |
Child | Samuel Comstock Jr. (1679 - 1727) |
Child | Hazadiah Comstock (1682 - 1764) |
Child | Thomas Comstock (1684 - 1761) |
Child | DANIEL COMSTOCK (1686 - 1768) |
Child | Elizabeth Comstock (1690 - ) |
Child | John Comstock (1693 - 1749) |
Child | Ichabod Comstock (1696 - 1775) |
Child | Job Comstock (1699 - ) |
Father | SAMUEL COMSTOCK (1629 - 1657) |
Mother | ANNE ?TUCKER (1630 - ) |
Sibling | Daniel Comstock (1656 - 1725) |
1. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
2. Clarence Almon Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700. [Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. c.1985), p.175.
3. James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.. Birth, Marriages & Deaths (3 Volumes) (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co c1892), Vol.2 Providence - Marriages p.46.
4. The Early Records of the Town of Providence. 21 Volumes commissioned by the City Council to be collected and printed from the early records of the town. (Snow & Farnham City Printers).
5. The Early Records of the Town of Providence. 21 Volumes commissioned by the City Council to be collected and printed from the early records of the town. (Snow & Farnham City Printers), Vol. V, p.267-8.
6. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
7. James N. Arnold, Vital Records of Rhode Island 1636-1850.. Birth, Marriages & Deaths (3 Volumes) (Narragansett Historical Publishing Co c1892), Vol.2 Providence - Deaths p.264.