Individual Details
(Abt 1630 - )
The surname "Tucker" has been assigned to Anne. In the early Comstock books, she is not given a surname. I answered an online query in which the person stated a Jeremy Crites said his great, great uncle Ernest Comstock wrote a Comstock genealogy in 1939 which listed Samuel's wife as Ann Tucker. This researcher also stated that she had found a Noah Tooker/Tucker living in New London, Connecticut at approximately the right time. I did find that one Ernest Bernard Comstock of Dallas TX did write in 1930 a small book called, Family History, Comstock & Allied Families and he stated the purpose was to add several hundred names to the history of the Comstock family as published by Gen. Cyrus Ballou Comstock in 1907. Cyrus B. Comstock did edit in 1907, A Comstock Genealogy; Descendants of William Comstock of New London, Conn. who died after 1662. Ten Generations - I know Anne has no surname in this book of 1907. I was able to obtain Ernest B. Comstock's book on microfilm from the LDS, #1405178, and Anne is listed as the wife of Samuel Comstock simply as Anne _______. There is no further discussion about this line as Ernest B. Comstock descended from another son of William Comstock.
When John A. Comstock wrote his A History of the Descendants of the Comstock Family in America, in 1949, he listed Anne as Anne ?Tucker and offered no explanation. When I examined his manuscript collection, I discovered in the last folder of miscellaneous research notes a copy of the book written by Ernest B. Comstock - it's actually just a small booklet, compiled in 1939. It was autographed by the author.
Research at the NEHGS library in the manuscript collection of Samuel W. Comstock revealed he had found a court case in New Amsterdam [New York City] that he believed indicated the surname of Anne. He had sent this information on to John A. Comstock, claiming he had copies. These court records were originally in Dutch and I do not know whether or Samuel W. Comstock had a translation or had someone do it for him. There are problems with this record, but I believe that her name was certainly not "Tucker". It may be doubtful that these records involved this Anne - see Samuel's notes.
"The Town Council of Providence took action about estates of Samuel Comstock and John Smith deceased, on 9 March 1660. On 4 May, 1661, Anne Smith, of Providence, widow of John Smith, formerly wife of Samuel Comstock, deceased, sold to Roger Mowry the house and home share of her husband, Samuel Comstock. It comprised four acres in a row of houses in the north part of Providence." She was still living in February of 1667.
The Early Records of the Town of Providence:
Vol III, (Brass Clasps) p.2 contains a partial entry of what was obviously copied in Vol XV: There is an additional note: hath taken this which the widdow Anne Sm... full satisfaction for securetye, of her son john.
Vol. XV, p.85 "I Ann Smith widdow doe put in to the Townes hand of Providence all the right of my husband John Smith deceased excepting the share of meddow which was due to my husband, for the securitye of my child John witnes my hand this 27 of aprill 1661.
the marke X of An Smith
Wittness: Thomas Olney deputye William Carpenter, dupuy
When Mary Mowry, widow of Roger & Administrator of his estate sold property to
Stephen Paine of Rehoboth [senior] in New Plimouth Colony, there was a better description of the property of Samuel Comstock. Mary Mowry sold three house Lotts or home Shares, one originally belonging to Daniel Comstock, another belonged to John Smith, the third belonged to Richard Prey. The lots with housing are in"the north part of ...Towne of Providence. Bounding on the south side the home share of Lawrance Willkenson; the north with a home share formerly belonging to Edward Inman, on the East with the Common, or high way & on the west End with the high way, or Towne streete. She also sold to Stephon Paine, one puchase Right of Commoning within the limits of the Towne of Providence, reading so far west ward as the seven mile line and a 25 acres right of Commoning reaching so far West as the said seven mile, and the lands that belonged to the said two Rights of Comming on the East side the seven mile line which was not devided before my said husband Roger "Mawrey" his decease.
1 Sep 1671
Early Record of Providence, Vol. III, p.209-213
2 Sept 1671 Stephen Paine of Rehoboth of Plimouth, sold to Samuel Whipple of Rhode Island & Providence Planatation, three house lots or home shares with dwellings and out houses, in the north part of the Town of Providence. Bounded on the South with the home share of Lawrence Wilkenson, the north by Edward Inman, the East by the Common, or highway, and on the West with the high way, or Town Street. They were purchased by me of Mary Mawrey, Executrix of her deceased husband Roger Mawrey. One of the lots originally belonged to Daniel Comstock, former inhabitant, another to John Smith, inhabitant of Providence, the third did belong to Richard Prey of Providence. Vol. III, p.206-209
John Smith, the Mason, had sold his house lot to Samuel Comstock in 1654. In 1661, Anne, widow first of Samuel, then widow of John Smith, son of the John, the mason, had sold it to Roger Mowry in 1661.
Spouse | SAMUEL COMSTOCK (1629 - 1657) |
Child | SAMUEL COMSTOCK (1654 - 1727) |
Child | Daniel Comstock (1656 - 1725) |
Spouse | John "Jameco" Smith (1625 - 1661) |
Child | John Smith (1661 - ) |
1. Ancestral File, version 4.19 (2002), Family History Library [FHL], Salt Lake City, Utah. Available online at .
2. The Early Records of the Town of Providence. 21 Volumes commissioned by the City Council to be collected and printed from the early records of the town. (Snow & Farnham City Printers).
3. Cyrus B. Comstock, Editor, A Comstock Genealogy; Descendants of William Comstock of New London, Conn. who died after 1662. Ten Generations (New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1907) Now available online at FamilySearch Books, p.6.
4. The Early Records of the Town of Providence. 21 Volumes commissioned by the City Council to be collected and printed from the early records of the town. (Snow & Farnham City Printers).