Individual Details

Samuel Comstock Jr.

(16 Apr 1679 - 1 Apr 1727)

14 May 1707 - Fined for not training, he being a Quaker

The Early Records of the Town of Providence
Vol XX Deed Book 2, p.284-287 2 Oct 1708, Reign of Queen Anne. Indenture between Eliezer Arnold of one part and Thomas Smith, Joseph Smith Junr, Samuell Wilkinson junr, Samuell Comstock junr, Thomas Arnold, junr, Eliezer Arnold junr, and Joseph Arnold all of Providence in the collony of Rhode Island, Husbandmen, of the other part. Sold all that tract of land near his now dwellinghouse on the West side of the highway from Mendon to Providence, containing halfe an acre on which stands a Certaine Meatinghouse of the People called Quakers. There shall be No devision or Partition made of ye granted primises, or any part thereof, but that ye Same Shall be held & Used in common. Signed by all 8 gentlement in the presence of Walter Phettiplace and Benjamin Smith. Aknowledge before Joseph Jenckes, Assistant on 7 Mar 1709. Recorded 17 Mar 1709, Thos. Olney, Clerk.

Vol XIII, Town Meeting No. 2, p.2-3 14 Feb 1716 Samuel Comstock Junr John Arnold Junr & Henry Mawry Chosen to Lay out a highway from the highway formerly Layed out by the Town to Westquotomset: to Wansocut so far as they shall think meete: and make Returne of there proceedings to the towne for the Towns allowance and Confirmation of sd work

Vol. IX, p.29-30 23rd of Aprill 1716. Laying out of a highway through Wesquetomscutt and Wansocott [Woonsocket] Lands and so over the River Called the branch ...."Crassing the said path sevorall times with bounds plainely marked by Hazadiah Comestockes and a Long by Samuell Comestockes and Richard Spreagues to the Branch of the River" Signed by John Arnold, Henry Mawrey, Samuell Comestock Junr.

Vol XIII, Town Meeting No. 2, p.11. 28 Jan 1717. Capt Richard Waterman Chosen Moderator. Mr Jonathan Spreague Chosen Grand juriman to serve att the next Genrl Court of Tryals to be holden att Newport the Last tusday in March Next. And Samuel Comestock Junr, Leiut Roger Burlinggame, Leiut William Harris, Ebenezer Spreague to serve pette Jurimen att sd Court

Vol XIII, Town Meeting No. 2, p.6-7 27 Jan 1718. Upon a bill presented by severall persons Liveing in the northern part of the Towne ship: that they may have a pound build in that parte of the Towne: the which by voate is Granted: and also a Comittee of three men Chosen to appoynt where sd Pound shall be sett.
Ensigne James Whipple, John Arnold Junr and Saml Comstock Junr are the three men Chosen

Vol.XVI, p.50-52. Samuel Comstock, Jr. and John Mowre appraised the estate of Jathaniel Mawrey who died 24 Mar 1718. Date of appraisal was 31 Mar 1718. Nathaniel's son Joseph was Executor.
p.85-88 Accounts of the estate of Nathaniel Mowrey reveals a payment of 6 shillings to Samuell Comestock on 1 Aug 1718.
p.83-85. Samuel Comstock, Junr, Joseph Smith and Daniell Mathewson witnessed the Last Will and Testament of John Malavery dated 15 Sep 1718.
p.274-275. Agreement among heirs of Anne (Inman) Comstocks two deceased sisters, Tabitha and Joannah, signed by Samuel Barlet, John Inman, Valentine Inman, Deborah Inman, Daniel Mathewson, John Belaue, Samuel Comstock, Junr. 2 Nov 1723.

Vol XIII, Town Meeting No. 2, p.30. 1 Jun 1724 Samuel Comestock Junr Chosen seacond Constable. Marked with an X to indicate he was Engaged.

Will dated 1 Apr 1727, proved 13 Apr 1727. Bequests to wife Anne and children Sarah Aldrich, David, and Anne, who is under 18. Wit: Richard Sprague, Hazadiah Comstock, Joseph Arnold.
27 Feb 1727, his father Samuel Comstock deeded to Samuel, Jr. 100 acres "on both sides of a river that runs out of a cedar swamp known as Wansocut (Woonsocket) cedar swamp, being that on which son Samuel now resides"


Birth16 Apr 1679Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
Death1 Apr 1727Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island
MarriageAnne Inman


SpouseAnne Inman ( - 1727)
ChildDavid Comstock (1704 - 1771)
ChildSarah Comstock (1706 - )
ChildAnne Comstock (1709 - 1731)
FatherSAMUEL COMSTOCK (1654 - 1727)
MotherELIZABETH ARNOLD (1654 - 1747)
SiblingHazadiah Comstock (1682 - 1764)
SiblingThomas Comstock (1684 - 1761)
SiblingDANIEL COMSTOCK (1686 - 1768)
SiblingElizabeth Comstock (1690 - )
SiblingJohn Comstock (1693 - 1749)
SiblingIchabod Comstock (1696 - 1775)
SiblingJob Comstock (1699 - )
