Individual Details

Alexander Goodman

(1789 - Jul 1849)

Although it is pure conjecture on my part, I suspect Alexander's father to have been Jesse Goodman, an older man found in Maury Co in 1820 and then in Hickman Co in 1830, next to Alexander. This older Jesse said to have married an Ann Davidson - Ann's father was Alexander Davidson who left a will in Barren Co, KY dated 15 Jun 1811, listing all his children and stepchildren [there were 20]. Ann believed born ca 1776 in North Carolina and having married Jesse Goodman prior to 1794, probably in Kentucky. Alexander Goodman named one son as Asa Davidson Goodman, and another son as Jesse. The names Asa and Jesse also occur among the children of Alexander Davidson.

Dates for Anna Davidson Goodman are these. She's said to have born about 1776, Buncombe Co NC, married Jesse Goodman prior to 1794. Died about 1852/54 in Maury Co TN. The problem with this death date is that there is no Ann, Anna, or Nancy Goodman in the 1850 census anywhere in Tennessee, of this age and I have found the above deed showing her deceased prior to 1849. Jesse last appears in 1830 in Hickman Co - his spouse age 60-70 [Anna, if born in 1776 would have been 54 - that almost makes her a bit young to have been Alexander's mother if he was born by 1790] But most of the ages were guestimates and only a few years either way makes a difference.

1810 Census. Barren Co KY
Alexr Goodman, 1m age 16-26. 1f under 10, 1f age 16-26. [Sarah would have been the only child in 1810]

Maury Co TN:  A genealogical Abstracy of Minute Books 2A and 3   Jun 1813 – Nov 1816
by Carol Wells; Ericson Books, Nacogdoches, TX, 1988
p.127   May 1815   Alexander Goodman appointed overseer in place of Alexander Dobbin; same hands.
WPA  Maury Co TN  Wills & Minutes   Vol 1, Book B  1810-1825
[Minutes of the court concerning work on the roads of the county]
Aug  1817 p.292  Joseph Sanders overseer of publick road from ford of Little Bigby to Thomas Jones with hands of Alexander Goodman, etc.

Maury Co Deeds   Roll 207, TSLA
G-1 G-290    Copied
Jesse & Alexander Goodman  96 acres 48 p.   Maury Co  Conveyed by Edwd B. Littlefield & Cornelia L. Littlefield, Registd 3 March 1818.  Edwd B. Littlefield of Maury, Esqr & Cornelia L. wife $450.  to Jesse & Alexander Goodman, both of Maury, parcel 96 acres, 48 pole in Maury Co. part of tract granted Genl. Greene by State of NC .  Begin on Elm Tree, running south 87 d 45'West 72 poles to stake.  NE corner of tract sold same day to George Frierson. Running South 1 d 10' East, 214 poles to stake near a Sugar tree. N. 87d45' E  72 poles to a stake near a Dogwood, N 1 d 10' West 214 poles to the Beginnning.  14 Aug 1814. Signed Edwd W. Littlefield, Cornelia L. Littlefield.  Wit: Jereh Gurley, A.W. Lafferty.
Written on back: Aug Session 1814.  Deed producedin open the court & Ack by Littlefield; John Spencer & Joseph Herndon Esqr to examine Cornelia, wife  - she consented.  23 Nov 1814.  signed John Spencer, Jos. Herndon.   Rec. 3 Mar 1818.

North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee  1778-1791, Betty Goff Cook Cartwright & Lillian Johnson Gardiner.  Memphis, 1958
p.70  Estimate of the Preemptions laid off & allotted the Settlers on Cumberland River by the commissioners for laying off the Lands granted the Continental Line, pursuant to Act of Assembly.    484 grants.   at end:  Major GenlNathaniel Green; 25,000 Acres on Duck river.

H - 44    Roll#208 
David Leach 96a, 48 poles  by Jesse & Alexander Goodman Mar 30 1819.  Jesse & Alexander Goodman, both of Maury, for $500 to David Leach of same, parcel 96 acres, 48 poles, part of land granted Genl. Nathaniel Greene by state of NC.  Same pointers as above.  17 Dec 1815. Signed:  Jesse (x) Goodman, Alexander Goodman.  Wit: Edwd B. Littlefield, John Monton Frierson   Jan Term 1819.  Ack by Jessse & Alexander Goodman & ordered recorded.

Maury Co, 1820:
Alexander Goodman was age 26-45. He had a boy under 10 [Asa D. Goodman] and apparently himself age 26-45; a girl under 10 [Mahala, married Roberts], a girl 10-16 [Sarah, married DePriest] and two females age 26-45 [one of these his wife, Nancy]. [Alexander can be removed as a possible candidate for husband of Nancy Goodman. He did move to Hickman and then Perry Counties. His wife was also named Nancy - she can be found as head of household in the Perry County 1850 census - some have mistaken her for the same as the Nancy Goodman in Carroll Co in 1830 but the age and deed records from Perry Co show this cannot be so. They had one more son after 1820 - Jesse Goodman.]

WPA  Maury Co TN  Wills & Minutes   Vol 1, Book B  1810-1825
[Minutes of the court concerning work on the roads of the county]
Jun 1819 p.336  Malacai Helms, overseer of road from James Armstrong to east fork of Bigby.  Hands: Alexander Goodman, John Goodman
Apr 1822 p.428 Alexander Goodman overseer of road called McGee's road from Armstrongs to the east fork of Bigby in place of Henry Gibson, all hands in the bounds that formerly worked on said road under his direction
19 Oct 1824 p.454  Warren Brisco in place of Alexander Goodman [same description as above]

From Maury Co, TN
Will Book C-1, p.128 Alexander Goodman and Jesse Goodman were administrators for the estate of Joseph Saunders, 5 Jan 1824. On 14 Feb 1821, Peggy Saunders married Toliver T. Goodman. The 1850 Census, Perry Co TN, has Toliver as age 52, born in NC - wife is Margaret, age 45, b. KY. Could Toliver have been a brother of Alexander?
Buyers at the estate sale of Joseph Saunders which took place on 31 Dec 1823 included these Goodmans: Jesse, Fleming, John, Toliver, and Abisha [son of Abraham Goodman]. Note: I have also seen the suggestion that Alexander had a sister Mary who was married to a Saunders.
Will Book D, p.179 Settlement with Jesse Goodman, admr. Of Joseph Sanders, dec'd  16 Apr 1824.  John Mathews, George Johnston,JP's
Will Book D, p.477
Sale of perishable property of Nathaniel Williams was held 19 Dec 1828. Buyers included Alexander and Jesse Goodman.

Then the family appears to have gone to Hickman Co.

1830 Census. Hickman Co TN:
Alexander Goodman, 1m age 30-40. 1f age 10-15 [Mahala], 1f 30-40 [Nancy]
on same page:
Jesse Goodman, age 70-80 [b. 1750-60], 1 female age 60-70
Asa Goodman, 1m 15-20; 1f 15-20.
Several DePriest families were in Hickman, as well as what appeared to be the family of John Goodman, born NC circa 1780 - John, Terrell, Drury, Robertson, etc.

CourtRecords of Hickman Co TN  1833-1856; Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leeper, 1968
Execution Docket, Circuit Court, Centreville, Hickman Co TN
Mar Term 1834  David curry vs. T. T. Goodman & Shadrick Lewis
Mar Term 1835  John Bates vs. John Cates. Wit:  Zeb. Jenkins, Terrell Goodman, Alex Goodman

1836 Tax List of Hickman Co TN; Linn-Shell Publishing Co; Lyles TN, 1987
p.10; District 310
Hugh 1 poll
Jesse 49a 1p
John 36a 1p
Randolph 75a 1p
Simpson A.
Alexander 35a 1p
Asa B. 1P
Drury D. 1P
Jesse, Slave
Martial [Marshall] D. 1P
Robertson 1p
Terrell, 10a 1p

Maury Deed Book U-443 Roll #214, TSLA 
30 Jan 1838  T. T. Goodman To Joseph N. Puckett.  $1600.  Woman slave Jude about 28, one girl Sarahabout 7, one boy about 3 named Henderson. Warrant them to be sound & healthy in body and mind and sensible and slaves for life.  Signed:  T. T. Goodman.  wit: Alexander Goodman, John Goodman.  A. B. Weaver, Bryant Ascue.  Weaver & Ascue proved 12 Mar 1838.

1840 Census. Hickman Co TN
Alexander Goodman: 1m 5-10 [Jesse], 1m 50-60 [Alexander]. 1f 50-60 [Nancy]
This census, Alexander was on the same page as John, Robert & Drury, thought to be sons of a John Goodman.
Asa D. Goodman had 3m under 5, 1m 30-40 [himself]; 3f 5-10 and his wife age 30-40.
Again there were several DePriest families. Randolph Depriest was the eldest - age 50-60 in 1840.

LDS Microfilm #977670 Perry Co Deeds
Book G Dec 1842 - Jul 1849
p.161 27 Mar 1848 Alexander Goodman to William Wood/Ward $4.16.
Range 11, S4. George Horn, Wallace Dixon
Another tract, same range & section, Corner of 540 acres, entry in the name of Alexander Goodman. 69 acres & 60 poles. Signed Alexander Goodman
Wit: J. A. Saunders, John Depriest. Ack 27 Mar 1848 and reg.

Perry Co by 1850.
Hh 63 Nancy, age 62, b. SC [widow of Alexander]. William age 28, Elemor age 18, and Christian Roberts, age 11, probably a grandchild because Mahala Roberts, once married but now widowed daughter was living next door, Hh 64

Listed in the Mortality Census, 1850, Perry Co, TN
Alexander Goodman, age 60, died in July [1849]. Said born in SC, although I think he was more likely born in NC. He was a farmer. He died of a "fever" and was ill for 18 days.

The following deeds occurring after the death of Jesse continue to show the relationship between Jesse Goodman and others in Perry Co. There may be a court case in Barren Co to examine.

LDS Microfilm #977670 Perry Co Deeds
Book G Dec 1842 - Jul 1849
p.363 Appoint Pleasant Whitwell my attorney to demand from Isaac Davison, distributive share from Anna Goodman, dec'd wife of Jesse Goodman, heir of one Alexander Davidson, now dec'd. in Barren Co KY
1 Dec 1849 Signed: Mary (x) Saunders
Wit: John Depriest, John (x) Murray
p.365 Pleasant Whitwell, attorney for Alexander (x) Davidson for his distributive share descended from James Davidson dec'd heir of one Alexander Davidson dec'd of Barren Co KY 1 Dec 1849. Wit: John (x) Murray, E. H. Whitwell
p.368 Thomas Murray, attorney for Nancy (x) Murray and John (x) Murray to receive share from James Davidson dec'd heir of Alexander Davidson of Baron Co KY. 3 Dec 1849 Wit: Lewallen Murray, John O. Murry

Here is evidence of the distribution of the property of Alexander Goodman, naming his heirs:
LDS Microfilm #977670 Perry Co Deeds
DB H Jan 1845 - Jan 1853
[2nd p.407 - misnumbered]
12 Oct 1852 Asa D. Goodman to Nathan Ward. $600. all interest & title in a lot of undivided Negroes, property belonging to estate of Alexander Goodman, dec'd. Also all right & title of Hugh Depriest & wife Sarah them having conveyed their interest to Asa D. Goodman. Do defend the title I have in the two shares with all their increase in the possession of Nancy Goodman, widow of Alexander Goodman dec'd and to remain in her possession during her natural life and to be equally divided between Sarah Depreist, Mahala Roberts, A. D. Goodman and Jesse E. Goodman, all lawful heirs of Alexander Goodman. Good Title to one-half. Signed: A. D. Goodman
Wit: Thos. A. Kelly, G. B. Craig
Ack by Goodman, 25 Oct 1852

#0977671 Perry Co TN
Deed Book I Jan 1853 - Jan 1855
p.553 We have this day sold to Hugh Depriest, all title & claim in two shares in three Negroes, Adaline, William & Jane, belonging to estate of Alexander Goodman & Mahala Roberts being heirs of said estate for $625 paid by Depriest. Signed: Thomas Brashear
17 Jan 1755. Wit: James Morgan, S. B. Johnson
Brashear ack 17 Jan 1755


DeathJul 1849Perry County, Tennessee
MarriageNancy [Goodman]


SpouseNancy [Goodman] (1788 - )
ChildSarah Goodman (1809 - )
ChildAsa Davidson Goodman (1810 - 1899)
ChildMahala Goodman (1818 - )
ChildJesse E. Goodman (1832 - )
FatherJesse Goodman (1760 - )
MotherAnna Davidson (1770 - )
SiblingNancy Goodman (1794 - )
SiblingMary "Polly" Goodman (1805 - 1878)