Individual Details

Jesse Goodman

(Ca 1760 - )

Found on Barren-L mail list:
From: Sandi Gorin
Subject: BARREN CO ORDER BOOK 1 - NOV 1802
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004
Tuesday, 23 Nov 1802. Present: John McFERRAN, Thos FLIPPIN, John BUFORD,
WIlliam WELSH and Daniel CURD.
County levy for the year approved. Paid the following: Jesse GOODMAN (same [judge at elections-three days] and 7 young wolves),

Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002
August Court held 17 August 1807. Haiden TRIGG, Sam'l RENNICK & Wm
DUNWOODY, esquires, present.
Alexander DAVIDSON surveyor of the road from Barren River to Peters Creek; Wm DINWIDDIE and Haiden TRIGG to allot his helpers. Jesse GOODMAN same from MARTIN'S Cabin.

Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002
Continuation of July 1809 court.
Road report Jesse GOODMAN same from Peters Creek to the state road near MARTIN's Cabbin; Hardin DAVIS & Joseph RALSTON to allot hands.
Jacob GOODMAN, Reubin COTHRAN, Saml CARPENTER and Abraham CAMPBELL to view a road from Barren River to COTHRAN'S, then to intersect the road from Nashville to Lexington near Saml CARPENTER'S.

Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2002
August Court 1809. Thomas DICKINSON, Archer CRADDOCK & John FORBIS present.
Allotment of hands to work under Jesse GOODMAN, surveyor of a road

1810 Census. Barren Co KY
Jessee Goodman, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 1f under 10, 1f 26-45.

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003
April Court Monday, 15 Apr 1811. Present: Archabald
SLOAN, David HARDIN and Joshua CRUMP.
Simeon WHITE appt surveyor of road from the mouth of Boyd's Creek to the Forks of the road near HAMMOND's old place. Field COLMAN same on road from MARTIN's cabin to Peter's Creek near Alexr. DAVIDSON'S instead of Jesse GOODMAN.

Early Tennessee Tax Lists, Byron & Barbara Sistler, 1977. Jesse Goodman was on a tax list in Maury County, TN in 1811, and again in 1816. A Thomas Goodman was in Maury on the same two tax lists. No other Goodmans found that early.

Maury Co TN Newspapers (Abstract) 1810-1844
 The Western Chronicle
,   Sat Mar 28, 1812     p.4 Maury Co  Taken up by Jesse Goodman, a sorrel mare
Military Hall of Fame
Goodman, Jacob Rev War NC marker Munford-Crenshaw Cemetery
Goodman, Jesse Pvt War of 1812 Brown's 1st Regt KY Mtd Militia
Goodman, Michael Pvt War of 1812 Yeaky's 3rd Inf Reg KY Militia
Goodman, Solomon Pvt War of 1812 Brown's 1st Regt KY Mtd Militia
Goodman, Thomas Sgt Rev War; War of 1812 Glovr's Mtd Vol Militia; Harrison's Art

Maury Co TN:  A genealogical Abstract of Minute Books 2A and 3   Jun 1813 – Nov 1816
by Carol Wells; Ericson Books, Nacogdoches, TX, 1988
p.27  Sept 1813  Jesse Goodman, on jury State vs. A.Younger
p.86  Aug 1814  Deed of Edwd B. Littlefield & Cornelia L. His wife to Jesse & Alexander Goodman, acknowledged.
p.103  Feb 1815   Jesse Goodman on jury Robert Weekley v. George M. Decker
p.164   Nov 1815  Jesse Goodman on jury   Sarah a. Estis & David Martin, admrs. vs.Joseph B. Porter, admr.  Appeal.    
p.168  Jesse Goodman On jury, Saml. Overton v. Jacob Rogers admr.
p.178  Feb 1816  Jesse Goodman on jury  Gideon Hensley vs. Isaac Simpson.  Not guilty.  p.180 Doe Lessee of James Pursell vs. Joseph Brown.  Juror withdrew, rest were withdrawn.  New trial next term. p.183  Jury – Admrs of John  Glass v. Joshua Caudle.  Find for plaintiff.
p. 44   Feb 1814  Alexander Dobbin to oversee publick road in place of Elias Frierson. Following hands include Goodman.  E. B. Littlefield
p.157  Nov 1815  J. Goodman, Edwd B. Littlefield,and others to go upon lands of Robert Weakley & George M. Dickie where the road runs through & assess damages and make return
p.127   May 1815   Alexander Goodman appointed overseer in place of Alexander Dobbin; same hands.
Maury Co TN  Court Minutes   1817-1821
20 Dec 1819  Jesse Goodman on jury, William Pillow Sr v. Mordicai Pillow. Appeal... Adjourned until tomorrow.
21 Dec 1819 Jesse Goodman one of the Jurors is withdrawn and the rest are discharged.  Cause continued until next term

1820 Census. Maury Co, TN
Jessey Goodman, 1m over 45. 2f 10-16, and 2 females over age 45.

Maury Co TN  Court Minutes 1807-1809
Wills & Inventories, Book D
Terrell Goodman bought at estate sale of  William Farris, recorded 22 Nov 1825, p.12 WB D
p.179 Settlement with Jesse Goodman,admr. Of Joseph Sanders, dec'd  16 Apr1824.  John Mathews, George Johnston, JP's

1830 Census. Hickman Co, TN
On the same page with Alexander and Asa Goodman
Jesse Goodman, age 70-80, spouse age 60-70.

LDS Microfilm #977670 Perry Co Deeds
Book G Dec 1842 - Jul 1849
p.363 Appoint Pleasant Whitwell my attorney to demand from Isaac Davison, distributive share from Anna Goodman, dec'd wife of Jesse Goodman, heir of one Alexander Davidson, now dec'd. in Barren Co KY
1 Dec 1849 Signed: Mary (x) Saunders
Wit: John Depriest, John (x) Murray
p.365 Pleasant Whitwell, attorney for Alexander (x) Davidson for his distributive share descended from James Davidson dec'd heir of one Alexander Davidson dec'd of Barren Co KY 1 Dec 1849. Wit: John (x) Murray, E. H. Whitwell
p.368 Thomas Murray, attorney for Nancy (x) Murray and John (x) Murray to receive share from James Davidson dec'd heir of Alexander Davidson of Baron Co KY. 3 Dec 1849 Wit: Lewallen Murray, John O. Murry


BirthCa 1760


SpouseAnna Davidson (1770 - )
ChildAlexander Goodman (1789 - 1849)
ChildNancy Goodman (1794 - )
ChildMary "Polly" Goodman (1805 - 1878)