Individual Details

Amy Veale

(Ca 1680 - 10 Jan 1732)

Amy thought to be the eldest; perhaps older than the sons. She married Humphry Pope, son of Humphrey Pope & Elizabeth Hawkins. Believed to have had children Ann, Sophia, Sarah, Mary, John and Humphrey 3rd.

Prince William DB L
p.98-102 7 Oct 1748 William Cunditt of Paraish of Dettingen, Prince William Co to James Muse of the same. For 600# of tobacco paid yearly during Cunditt's life and 40 acres of land where the said Cunditt will want to house for himself during his life and if required his Board at the said Muse's house. At the time of Cunditt's going to housekeeping he is to have a cow and calf, sow & pigs, one Iron pot. To James Muse all that track of land of 140 acres being part of Humphrey Pope's dec'd, Grandfather to me the said William Cunditt which was divided between the said Pope, John Veale and Maurice Veale - a tract of 800 acres. 266 2/3 acres were alloted for said Humphry Pope his part being in the Parish of Dittingen. Bounded as follows: dividing line of Mason, parallel to King's back line and the dividing lines of Pope and John & Maurice Veale thence to line dividing from Mr. Linton's land to Burbidge's line near the White Marsh thence to lind dividing from the land of John Veale. Signed: William Cunditt
Wit: Thos. Arrington, George [x] Elmore, James [x] Johnson
24 Oct 1748. William cunditt acknowledged this deed
p.110-115 25 & 26 Nov 1748. Henry Elley and Esther his wife of Orange County to William Butler of Prince William. Sum of 45 #'s sold to William Butler, 150 acres on branches of the Little Creek in Prince William Co, being part of a great dividend of land of 1600 acres taken up by Mr. William Harrison, 16 May 1679 which was afterwards regranted to the said Harrison & Lewis Markham by Deed from the Proprietors. Lewis Markham sold his moiety or half part to John Redman who sold the same equally to Humphry Pope, John Veal & Morrice Veale and was equally divided between them by Capt. Thomas Hooper, the 5th day of Nov 1718, the middle part falling to John Veale who left the land by his LW&T dated 21 Nov 1718, to be equally divided betwen his two sons John and Morrice who dying both without heirs it fell to Bond Veale he being the heir at Law to his brothers John & Morrice who sold the same to the said Henry Elley by Deeds of Lease and Release on 21 Apr 1736. Parcel bounded, North side of South branch of Little Creek to Colo. Masons line and opposite land sold by Bond Veale to Richard Blackburn, thence along Mason's line, lower side of a small branch, along Pope's line, Scarlet Hancock's line, Blackburns, lower side of County road, down the road, to the Little Creek, to said Blackburn, finally up the Creek and the South fork thereof. Signed: Henry Elley
Wit: Thos. Young, John Linton, Wm Baylis
28 Nov 1748 Henry Elley acknowledge Lease & Release with receipt endorsed to William Butler.


BirthCa 1680Virginia
Marriage3 Oct 1695Westmoreland County Virginia - Humphrey Pope
Death10 Jan 1732Westmoreland County Virginia


SpouseHumphrey Pope (1674 - 1734)
FatherMaurice Veale (1650 - 1696)
MotherDorothy [Veale] ( - )
SiblingMorris Veale (1686 - 1750)
SiblingJohn Veale (1688 - 1718)
SiblingWilliam Veale ( - 1737)
SiblingEleanor Veale ( - 1746)
SiblingMary Veale ( - )