Individual Details
Morris Veale
(Abt 1686 - 1750)
There would have two adult Morris Veales in the area for several years. This Morris, son of Morris & Dorothy, and a Morris Veal, son of John & Deliverance. A deed from Prince William County in March of 1733 reveals that John & Deliverance's Morris was deceased. He left no heirs. John & Deliverance's Morris was not yet age 18 in 1718. Any transactions prior to about 1720 and after 1733 would of necessity belong to this Morris, his uncle.
From Veale Website:
26 Jun 1707. Morice Veale, then of age. He was to considered to be of age at 16 if his mother remarried, but she did not and she was still living. Therefore, Morris must have been at least age 21, or born 1686. Sold to Nathaniel Pope, grandson of the emigrant, one acre whereon Nathaniel Pope erected his mill or the dam. The other heirs were of age when they signed a deed, 21 May 1712. Nathaniel Pope died 1719, and the mill came to his son John.
[These would be good deeds to view.....]
Westmoreland Co VA Deeds & Wills No. 6 1716-1720
John Frederick Dorman, 1989
p.21 26 Jun 1717 Morrice Veale & John Veale formerly sold Nathll. Pope one acre whereon he erected his mill or the damm with all the right John & Morrice had, reserving rent. 800# to. Release of the acre. Signed: Morris Veale
Wit: Da. McCarty, Wm Payne. 26 Jun 1717 Ack by Morris Veale
Said to have purchased land 10 Mar 1707, Stafford Co VA.
20 May 1712 Sold land in Cople Parish, Westmoreland [this may have been in connection with the one acre and mill sold to Pope]
From Veale Website:
Richmond Co VA. will of George Erwin, 23 oct 1713, probate 4 Nov 1713.
George Erwin called us and declared the following: to his goddaughter Millicent Veale, to be delivered to Morris Veale, father to Millicent. Erwin's wife was Sarah. Wit: John & Mary Jennings.
Richmond Co VA DB 6, p.203 Sarah Erwin of Cattenburgh Parish, Richmond Co for the love and affection I bear to Millesent Veal, daughter of Morris and Sarah of Westmoreland County...[household goods] at age 14. If I died before she arrives to 14, the goods to be delivered to her parents Morris & Sarah Veale until she is 14. Dated 3 Mar 1713/14
So Morris Veal was married to a Sarah a few years prior to 1713.
His children are:
Millicent who married a Carter and then Tillot. [Deceased in 1750]
William [married Lydia Turley?]
Susanna who also married a Carter.
Sarah, who married Thomas Pinson/Penson in Prince William Co. Thomas Pinson owned land on Neabsco Creek in Prince William, purchased from Morris Veale, father of William Veale who married Lydia Turley. Thomas sold this land to R. Blackburn in 1735
[I believe there was also a son John - left off because of a poor transcript of Morris Veale's will. See later. There was also a grandchild called Elizabeth Hampton and there's no indication who this might have been.]
Was this a deed of trust for the children of a deceased Sarah Veale who married Thomas Penson? She would have been a first cousin to Bond. But Sarah Pinson was living in 1750. This man does sign as Thomas Sr. - perhaps he had a son that married Sarah Veale
Prince William Co VA Deed Book Liber D 1738-1740
June Whitehurst Johnson, 1984
p.15/p.188-89 25 Jun 1738 Thomas Penson Sr of Truro Parish to Bond Veale of Hamilton Parish. 150a in Truro Parish. Standing above house of Bond Veale in line of James Waugh and Wm. Waugh to Jonnny Moore ….for term of natural lives of Rebecca Penson, Rachel Penson and Isaac Penson. Signed: Thomas (T) Penson, Bond Veale
Wit: Thomas Davies, Judith (x) Davies
24 Jul 1739 Thomas Penson ack.
p.35/p.422-424 23 Jun 1740 Thomas Penson of Truro Parish, Pr Wm, planter, to Nimrod Hot of Hamilton, Pr Wm 150a and water grist mill on Popes Head Run called Pensons Mill. Moiety of 300a leased by Penson of James Waugh of Stafford; the other moiety leased by Penson to Bond Veale . signed: Thos. Penson Sr, Nimrod Hot
[Rachel Penson, wife]
Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Five 1713-1715
John Frederick Dorman 1992
p.43 28 Jul 1714 Morris Veale security for Thomas Handerkin & Sarah his wife for their administration of Sarah Newstubbs, dec'd mother of Sarah Handerkin.
Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Six 1716-1717
John Frederick Dorman 1992
p.55 26 Sep 1716 Morrice Veale & Charles Childton to deliver body of defendant Joseph Woodward in a suit.
Westmoreland Co VA Deeds & Wills No. 6 1716-1720
John Frederick Dorman, 1989
p.21 26 Jun 1717 Morrice Veale & John Veale formerly sold Nathll. Pope one acre whereon he erected his mill or the damm with all the right John & Morrice had, reserving rent. 800# to. Release of the acre. Signed: Morris Veale
Wit: Da. McCarty, Wm Payne. 26 Jun 1717 Ack by Morris Veale
Westmoreland Co VA Order Book 1705-1721
Part Seven 1717-1718
John Frederick Dorman 1992
p.4 26 Jun 1717 Moriss Veal ack deed of land from him to Nathll. Pope
Found on Quit Rent Roll of 1723. Maurice Veale Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA 226 acres. Paid 4 years. Lives in Westmoreland Co.
3 Mar 1728/9 Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Book B, p.200
Burdett Ashton of Westmoreland. 457 acres Stafford Co on Occaquan adjacent road from Blands to Crouchers, Morris Veale, land of Arrington.
From Veale website:
1727 Morris Veale of Stafford Co bought 116 acres on Occaquan River adj John Waugh
This matches a Northern Neck Grant to Maurice Veal on 12 Jul 1727, 116 acres on branches of Occquan adj John Waugh. Stafford Co. Grants B, p.90
1728 additional land adj land of Veale
1733 Lease from John Waugh to Morris Veale [This document would be important to locate to discover the exact terms of the lease in view of the lawsuit by William Veale, 1755]
30 Oct 1737 Westmoreland Co VA Wills & Deeds No. 9. Morrice Veale of Prince William Co VA to John Jarvice of Westmoreland. 100 acres adjacent to Edward Bush, part of 200 acres held by said Veale, the aforesaid Bush having bought the other 100
26 Nov 1737 Prince William Co. Sold 100 acres to Edward Bush, part of original tract granted Maurice Veale [I think it likely that this is the 200 acres John Quigley sold to his father Morris Veale in 1672, not a grant]
1739 [I think this is probably a survey] 346 acres in the fork bet Bull Run & Occoquan adj Thos. Hooper, dec'd, etc. CC: Bond Veal & John Carter.
8 Dec 1740 The following grant:
Other than the 116 acres granted above, the only grant I could locate at the Library of Virginia website was a grant dated 8 Dec 1740 in Prince William. 368 acres in the fork bet Occoquan and Bull Run adj Hooper, Smith & others. Grants E, p.217
Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys Vol. III 1710-1780
Dunmore, Shenandoah, Culpeper, Prince William, Fauquier & Stafford Counties Peggy Shomo Joyner
Prince William Co.
p.120 John Mercer, assignee of Maurice/Morris Veale. No warrant. Date from survey, 1 Jan 1729/30 - 9 Apr 1731. 963 acres on branches of Bull Run and W side of Bull Run Mts on head of a br of Goose Creek. Surv: James Thomas.
p.132 Bond Veale, 20 Jul 1739 - 19 Nov 1739 229 acres on Sandy Run and across Ox Road, adj heirs of John Tillet, dec'd. CC: John Carter & William Simpson. Surv: James Thomas Junr [probably his nephew]
Morris Veale, 30 Jul 1739 - 12 Oct 1739 368 acres in fork between Bull Run and Occoquan, adj Mr. Thomas Hooper, dec'd, Jno Duncan, Edwd Barry, Peter Smith [across Bull Run] CC: Bond Veale & John Carter. Surv. James Thomas
William Veale & Morriss Veale 22 Aug 1746 - 7 Mar 1747/48 248 acres adj. Capt Burdet Ashton, John Peake & John Peake the son of William Peake, Morris Veale's own land, Jamr. Cock. Surv: William West [probably his son William - his brother William died in 1737]
3 Mar 1777 At request of Wm Veale I do certify I lived near Bond Veale & was well acquainted with him. About 1758 he with all of his family left County & never heard of in those parts since as far as I know. Signed: Francis Peyton.
7 Mar 1777 - It appears by the enclosed Will of Morris Veale [not in folder] that this land except 100 acres was devised to his Son Wm Veale and that 100 acres [part of this tract] was devised to a certain John Veale, 2nd Cousin of Wm Veale. [Will copy below but a line appears to be missing] John removed from the Colony in 1758 or 59. His Lordship orders deed to Wm Veale for the whole.
William Veale of Loudon Co. 4 Mar 1777 - 6 Apr 1777 37 acres on Occoquan near mouth of Bull Run; adj his own land, Waugh, Hooper. CC: William Hughes & John Corum. Surv. John Moffett.
Will of Morris Vele. Prince William Co.
Virginia Archives, Richmond.
Unlisted, in collection of Wills from Land Office Records
A line or two has been omitted from the transcript of this will found online. One of the heirs omitted. It reads without stating a name: "......the Land belonging thereunto him and the heirs of his body lawfully begoten and if he should without heirs then to my son William Vele and the heirs of his body and if he should died then to the heirs at Law"
After the mention of William, to son Carnaby Vele, my Negro woman Day; the child she goeth with to granddaughter Elizabeth Carter. Also to Carnaby, one black walnut table
To son William Vale, all the rest of my Land which I have in Prince William County except 100 acres to John Vale [I believe this bequest is what was omitted - John Vale likely a cousin, see above] being the lower end of the track. Also to William Negro John called Jimbo and boy Harre and girl Nan and the first child Nan has to my grandchild Elizabeth Hampton and if she die the child to be his own. To son William, the bod on which I ly and one chest and half a dozen chairs and a oval table. My old gun to Carnaby, the other to William. Fore wooden chairs to son Carnaby.
To grandson John Tillot, cow and calf.
My two sons Carnaby and William to pay daughter Sarah Pinson 10#'s current money.
The bed to William Vale with all the furniture and bedstid.
To daughter Susanna Carter, sorrell horse and square table.
To daughter Melia Carter heir at law George Tillot, one Cow and calf
All the rest of moveable estate to be sold to the highes bidder to discharge my debts and what is over to be divided equally between sons Carnaby and William. If not enough to cover debts, then sons Carnaby and William to be equal in paying.
I leave my son William Vale to be for himself.
I appoint son Carnaby and Peter Carter to be Executors. ( apr 1750
Morris (M) Vale
Wit: Thomas (x) Smith, William (x) Coram, Mary Corum
The orphan child Joseph Richards, I leave to my son Carnaby who is the boys' godfather.
25 Jun 1750 Prince William Co Court. Will proved by oath of William & Mary Coram, witnesses hereto. 23 Jul 1750, further proved by oath of Thomas Smith. Admitted to record. Carnaby Veale, one of the Executors made oath and gave security. Ceritficate granted for probate.
Prince William DB L
p.98-102 7 Oct 1748 William Cunditt of Paraish of Dettingen, Prince William Co to James Muse of the same. For 600# of tobacco paid yearly during Cunditt's life and 40 acres of land where the said Cunditt will want to house for himself during his life and if required his Board at the said Muse's house. At the time of Cunditt's going to housekeeping he is to have a cow and calf, sow & pigs, one Iron pot. To James Muse all that track of land of 140 acres being part of Humphrey Pope's dec'd, Grandfather to me the said William Cunditt which was divided between the said Pope, John Veale and Maurice Veale - a tract of 800 acres. 266 2/3 acres were alloted for said Humphry Pope his part being in the Parish of Dittingen. Bounded as follows: dividing line of Mason, parallel to King's back line and the dividing lines of Pope and John & Maurice Veale thence to line dividing from Mr. Linton's land to Burbidge's line near the White Marsh thence to lind dividing from the land of John Veale. Signed: William Cunditt
Wit: Thos. Arrington, George [x] Elmore, James [x] Johnson
24 Oct 1748. William cunditt acknowledged this deed
p.110-115 25 & 26 Nov 1748. Henry Elley and Esther his wife of Orange County to William Butler of Prince William. Sum of 45 #'s sold to William Butler, 150 acres on branches of the Little Creek in Prince William Co, being part of a great dividend of land of 1600 acres taken up by Mr. William Harrison, 16 May 1679 which was afterwards regranted to the said Harrison & Lewis Markham by Deed from the Proprietors. Lewis Markham sold his moiety or half part to John Redman who sold the same equally to Humphry Pope, John Veal & Morrice Veale and was equally divided between them by Capt. Thomas Hooper, the 5th day of Nov 1718, the middle part falling to John Veale who left the land by his LW&T dated 21 Nov 1718, to be equally divided betwen his two sons John and Morrice who dying both without heirs it fell to Bond Veale he being the heir at Law to his brothers John & Morrice who sold the same to the said Henry Elley by Deeds of Lease and Release on 21 Apr 1736. Parcel bounded, North side of South branch of Little Creek to Colo. Masons line and opposite land sold by Bond Veale to Richard Blackburn, thence along Mason's line, lower side of a small branch, along Pope's line, Scarlet Hancock's line, Blackburns, lower side of County road, down the road, to the Little Creek, to said Blackburn, finally up the Creek and the South fork thereof. Signed: Henry Elley
Wit: Thos. Young, John Linton, Wm Baylis
28 Nov 1748 Henry Elley acknowledge Lease & Release with receipt endorsed to William Butler.
Order Book Abstracts of Prince William Co VA 1752-1753
Ruth & Sam Sparacio 1988
p.13 24 Jun 1752 James Nisbett Gent against Carnaby Veale, Dismissed
p.31 28 Jul 1752 Carnaby Veale, Exr of Morris Veale who was Exr of John Tillet dec'd and John Turley the other Exr of sd John Tillet agst Job Carter. Deft hath till the next Court to answer bill of Complaint.
Several lawsuits regarding settlement of this estate - nothing new. By the 1760's all the Veales were gone. William Veale's wife was Lydia.
Order Book Abstracts of Prince William Co, VA 1753-1757
Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1988
Order Book 1754-1755, p.257
28 May 1755
William Veale, Plaintiff Andrew Edwards, Defendant In Ejectment
The parties by their Attorneys came before the Jurors. The Jury said that the Defendant was Guilty of Trespass and Ejectment as the Pltf. declared and assessed damages of one penny. The Plaintiff to recover all costs. The Defendant by Benjamin Sebastian, his Attorney prayed that the Verdict be stayed, saying that the Plaintiff hath no lawful title under the Last Will & Testament of Maurice Veale, his father, or by the Lease executed for lives unto the Testator for his life, the life of the Plaintiff and his sister Elizabeth Veale under which claims. Secondly the Lease for Lives was never recorded or ever executed by John Waugh the lessor. Third the plaintiff is not heir at law to the said testator nor has he any right to the land. Fourthly the service on the Tenant is not according to Law and the Declaration and proceedings are Erronious. The 4th Monday in next month the Court was to make their Judgment on this request.
[This appears to refer to the William who married Lydia, son of Morris whose will was in Prince William, 1750. But no sister Elizabeth is known - or was she a sister-in-law, wife of the son John who seems to have been omitted from the will transcription?]
A list of children from the Thomas Balch Library files, [Leesburg, VA] includes a death date for William Veale as 1793 and gives his wife as Lydia. Children given as William, John, Thomas who went to SC ca 1809, Sarah m. Danl Bishop, Susannah, Lucas, Peggy, and Polly.
Birth | Abt 1686 | ||||
Death | 1750 | Prince William County, Virginia |
Father | Maurice Veale (1650 - 1696) |
Mother | Dorothy [Veale] ( - ) |
Sibling | Amy Veale (1680 - 1732) |
Sibling | John Veale (1688 - 1718) |
Sibling | William Veale ( - 1737) |
Sibling | Eleanor Veale ( - 1746) |
Sibling | Mary Veale ( - ) |