Individual Details
Col. Richard Johnson
(7 Jul 1715 - 29 Sep 1771)
Louisa Co VA Book: B, Page: 284
I Anne Cosby (late Anne Johnson) of Fredericksville Pare., Louisa Co. for natural love and affection to my son Richard Johnson of St. Paul's Par., Hanover Co. 14 Negro slaves Stephen, Dick, Toby, Arthur, Moses, Janney, Polley, Bettey, Janey, Margaret, Polley, Sarah, Judy and Milley. Sig. Ann Cosby. wit. William Johnson, John Freeman, Thomas Perkins.
Book: C, Page: 11
Date: 25-Jan-1760
Richard Johnson and Dorothy Johnson his wife of Hanover Co. to Thomas Johnson, Jr. of Louisa Co.; #410 curr. money; 400 acres on north side of the Southanna River, part in Louisa and part in Hanover Co., where sd. Richard Johnson formerly lived; bounded by the river and by the lands of David Johnson, Richard Johnson, James Johnson, William Johnson and John Glen. Sig. Richard Johnson. Wit. Nicholas Johnson, David Johnson, Richard Anderson
26 Feb 1760 Proved by oaths of the three witnesses
Richard's brothers Nicholas & Thomas, both had sons named Thomas Johnson. Which was Thomas, Jr?
Book: C, Page: 12
Richard Johnson and Dorothy his wife of Hanover to David Johnson of Louisa ?155 currt. money for 720 acres by patent on Maidlins Folly and branches thereof adj. William Johnson, upper fork of Maidlins folly, Robert Dupriests. Sig. Richard Johnson. Wit. John Boswell, Richard Anderson, Robert Wilson, Nicholas Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Jr.
Book: C, Page: 256
Richard Johnson of Hanover Co. and Doretha his wife to Sarah Johnson of Louisa Co.; #28 curr money; all land and plantation of Richard Johnson in St. Martin's par., Louisa Co.... Sarah Johnsons and Robert Tenhams corner tree in Richard Johnson's now Thomas Johnson's line ..... Thomas Johnson's corner l.....along David Johnson's line ... 2000 acres [another abstract says 200 acres and that's what I read on the microfilm] granted by patent at Williamsburg 16 June 1737 unto Lanslott Crest late of the Co. of Hanover and by sd. Crest sold to Edward Arnold; by sd. Arnold conveyed to Benjamin Arnold of whom the sd. Richard Johnson purchased it. Sig. Richard Johnson Wit. William Johnson, Richard Johnson, Isham Johnson.
I found the patent referred above on the Library of Virginia website. It was issued 16 Jun 1727, not 1737, to Lancelot Crest of Hanover County, for 200 acres; boundary markers described as Clark's corner, Johnson's line and corner, Wm. Alvis's line and corner, Capt. Clark's line. Also here is my own abstract from the LDS microfilm:
p.256 ____ 1765. Richard Johnson of Hanover Co & Dortha his wife to Sarah Johnson of Louisa. 128#'s. All that tract & plantation of sd Richard Johnson in parish of St. Martin, Louisa. Begin at Clarks now the sd Sarah Johnsons & Robert Tenham's corner, several markt trees in Richard Johnson's now Thomas Johnson's line; to sd Thomas Johnson's corner; thence along David Johnson's line; White oak in David's Johnson's line, along his line [part too dark] 200 acres. Said tract by letters patent at Williamsburg 16 Jun 1727, Lanslott Crest, late of Hanover. Sold by sd Crest to Edward Arnold and by Arnold conveyed to Benjamin Arnold from whom Richard Johnson purchased it. Signed: Richard Johnson. Wit: Wm Johnson, Richard Johnson, Isham Johnson
8 Apr 1765 Proved by witnesses
Richard's wife was Dorothy, perhaps Dorothy Minor. They had nine children. Richard, William, John Boswell, Nicholas Meriwether, Elizabeth, Nancy, Jane, Dorothy, and Thomas Minor.
He was also referred to in the records as Col. Richard.
He is listed in a 1767 tithables list in Louisa Co with several slaves, see list of 14 slaves from his mother in 1758.
Louisa Co Va DB D 1/2
p.454 21 Aug 1772 Dorothy Johnson of St Pauls Parish in Hanover Co, relict & Executrix of Col. Richd. Johnson Dec'd to John Fortwell of St Martins, Louisa. 55#'s. [very dark] tract in Louisa; lines of David Johnson, Wm Priddy, Wm Henderson, Thomas Henderson Decd., Col. Dudley Digges & Wm Johnson. 200 acres. Signed: Dorothy Johnson. Wit: John Sanders, John Thompson, Alex. Henderson.
Virginia Genalogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 6, 1968, p.7
Hanover County. In the graveyard at "Solitude" opposite Bethlehem Church on the Old Church Road [Route 606] the following tombstones are found and were copies by the late Judge Leon M. Bazile....
On a flat stone, broken, is the following:
Here lyeth the remains of Col. Richard Johnson who was born in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen and departed this life the 29 of September One Thousand seven Hundred and Seventy-one. He was the son of Mr. Thomas Johnson of King William County and grandson to Richard Johnson, Esq. of King William who was a member of his Majesty's honourable Council in Virginia."
Father | Thomas Johnson (1685 - 1733) |
Mother | Anne Meriwether (1694 - 1784) |
Sibling | Nicholas Johnson (1713 - 1766) |
Sibling | Maj. Thomas Johnson (1722 - 1798) |
Sibling | Jane Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | Ann Johnson ( - ) |
Sibling | William Johnson (1722 - ) |
1. Bonnie Flythe, "Colonel Richard Johnson of King William County, Virginia," Virginia Researchers Mail Group (27 Jun 2006):.
2. Bonnie Flythe, "Colonel Richard Johnson of King William County, Virginia," Virginia Researchers Mail Group (27 Jun 2006):.