Individual Details


(25 Apr 1829 - 28 Feb 1917)

Mary married Andrew Jackson Bennett. [These are the ancestors of Anita Tally.] He is said to have been a son of George Washington Bennett and Abigail Gunn.

1850 Census. Dist 80, St Francois, MO
Andrew Bennet, 28. Mary, 20. George, age 1.

1860 Census. Liberty Twp, St. Francois Co MO, Hh 160
Andy Bennett, age 37, b. MO as was the whole family. Mary, age 30.
G. W., age 11, male. N. E., age 8, female. Sarah, age 6. Lawrence, 4 mo. old. [he probably did not survive as he isn't in the next census]

1870 Census. Liberty, St. Francois Co MO. Hh 95
Andrew Bennett, age 47, farmer, b. MO. Mary A., age 40, b. MO
George W. 20, Nancy E. 19, Sarah L. 17, John W. 8, Mary F. 4, Charles, 3 mo., b. in Feb. Martha F. age 12.

In 1880, they were in Kings Prairie Twp, Barry Co, MO. A. J. Bennett, age 57, b. MO, his father b. KY, no birthplace for mother. Mary A. Bennett, age 51, b. MO, father & mother born TN. Children born in MO: John W. age 18, Mary F. age 14, Charles M. age 10. And a grandson, R. A. Turpin, age 8, living with them. There were older children.
George W. Bennett, the oldest son, was living in McDonald Twp, Barry Co, enumerated p.271D. He was age 30, born in MO. Wife was Titha L. age 22. They had a daughter, Columbia, age 2.

20 May 1897. Land Patent issued in Springfield for 160 acres in Barry Co, Twp 24N, Range 26W, Section 10, to Mary A. Bennett, widow of J. Bennett, dec'd.

1900 Census. Jenkins Twp, Barry Co, MO. Hh 166
Rusel Turpin, b. Feb 1872, age 28, b. TX, parents b. MO
Mary A. Bennett, grandmother, b. Apr 1829, age 71, widow, had 7 children, 4 are living, b. MO, parents b. TN

1910 Census. Kings Prairie Twp, Barry Co, MO Hh 65
Carroll C. Fly, age 48, married 1 time for 26 years, b. MO
Mary F., wife, age 43, has 8 living children
Hubert E., son, age 25. Elisha A., son, age 22. Elbert C., son, age 19. Herschel B., son, age 16. Ana C., dau, age 14. Sowel E., son, age 9. Allie E., dau, age 6. Lottie E., dau, age 4
Mary A. Bennett, mother-in-law, age 81, widow, b. MO, parents b. KY [not...]


Birth25 Apr 1829Saint Francois County, Missouri
MarriageCa 1847Andrew Jackson Bennett
Death28 Feb 1917Barry County, Missouri


SpouseAndrew Jackson Bennett (1823 - 1893)
ChildGeorge W. Bennett (1849 - )
ChildNancy E. Bennett (1851 - )
ChildSarah L. Bennett (1853 - )
ChildMartha F. Bennett (1858 - )
ChildLawrence Bennett (1860 - )
ChildJohn W. Bennett (1862 - 1926)
ChildMary F. Bennett (1866 - )
ChildCharles M. Bennett (1870 - )
MotherNANCY M. Bowles (1796 - 1876)
SiblingLouisa WILLIAMS (1816 - 1860)
SiblingFrances "Fannie" WILLIAMS (1818 - 1877)
SiblingCharlotta WILLIAMS (1820 - 1869)
SiblingThomas Davis Williams (1822 - 1908)
SiblingJohn WILLIAMS (1825 - 1898)
SiblingElias WILLIAMS (1827 - 1892)
SiblingAmbrose/Ambers WILLIAMS (1832 - 1913)
SiblingLucinda WILLIAMS (1833 - 1920)
SiblingSARAH C. WILLIAMS (1833 - 1914)
SiblingNancy E. WILLIAMS (1837 - 1887)
