Individual Details

Thomas Davis Williams

(27 Apr 1822 - 5 Mar 1908)

Thomas D. Williams & Huldy Sebastian were married 2 Aug 1842 by Zeno T. Blank, JP, at St. Francois Co, MO.

In 1850 T. D. Williams and wife "H" lived in Fannin Co TX only 3 households from Hulda's parents. Children listed were M J, female, age 7; Jno, male, age 5; E, male, age 3; and M E, female, age 1. The two older children born in Missouri; the two younger in Texas indicating their arrival in Texas by 1847.

1860: The family was still in Fannin Co with several more children.

Marriage date of Thomas & Martha Ford is an estimate from birth of William in 1867.

I suspect there were two Thomas D. Williams that served in the War - this service doesn't agree with the pension noted later.
Civil War Soldiers.
Thomas D. Williams, enlisted as a private, Co C, Arkansas 32nd Infantry, CSA

Hulda is said to have died about 1864 in Fannin Co. An online database gives a marriage for Thomas D. to Martha E. Ford, but no date. By 1870, I find a Thomas D. Williams in Sugar Creek Twp of Benton Co AR, with wife Martha and some of the children seem to be those that were in Texas. Household 22:
Thomas D. William, age 48, Farmer, b. TN
Martha E. age 37, b. TN
Nancy C. age 17, b. TX [present in 1860 as Nancy C. age 5]
Benjamin F., age 14, b. TX [present in 1860 as Benjamin F age 4]
Louiza R., age 11, b. TX [prob the Rachel in 1860, listed as age 2]
William H. age 3, b. TX
Thomas J. age 1, b. AR

In 1880, T. D. Williams is living in Bright Water, still in Benton Co AR. He is now age 58, b. TN. His father born in NC; his mother b. TN. Martha, age 41 [she was likely older], b. TN as were both her parents. The children are Wm. H. age 13, b. TX, Thomas J. age 11, b. AR, George W. age 9, b. AR, Robt M. age 5, b. AR. Living with the family and listed as a Boarder is Jane Goodall, age 26, b. AR.

1900 Census. Garfield Twp, Benton Co, AR, Hh 120 [Son Robert M. was in Hh 119]
Thomas D. Williams, b. Apr 1822, age 78, married for 35 years, b. TN, father b. VA, mother b. TN
Martha E., wife, b. Dec 1835, age 64, has had 7 children, 4 are living, b. TN, parent b. TN

Arkansas Confederate Pension Records, 1891-1935
Thomas D. Williams, soldier. Martha E. Williams, spouse
Served in Company I, the Benton Co Regiment, Texas Cavalry (?)
Died 5 Mar 1908; widow applied.

Thomas provides a very good example of the incorrect data in The History of the Bowles Family by Thomas M. Farquhar who is known to have falsified records. On p.232, Farquhar mentions a daughter who married Mr. Williams and that her son Thomas became very wealthy and lived at Honey Grove, Fannin Co, TX where he died about 1886. There was of course a Thomas Williams - that he became wealthy is not indicated since he was a farmer, and although he did live in Texas, he certainly did not die in 1886.

Buried Snodderly Cemetery, Brightwater, Benton Co, AR.


Birth27 Apr 1822Warren County, Tennessee
Marriage2 Aug 1842Saint Francois County, Missouri - Hulda Sebastian
MarriageAbt 1865Martha Elizabeth Ford
Death5 Mar 1908Benton County, Arkansas
BurialSnoderly Cemetery, Brightwater, Benton County, Arkansas


SpouseHulda Sebastian (1823 - 1864)
ChildMary J. Williams (1843 - )
ChildJohn Hiram Williams (1845 - 1914)
ChildElijah Williams (1847 - )
ChildMourning C. Williams (1849 - )
ChildJosephus Williams (1851 - )
ChildNancy C. Williams (1853 - )
ChildBenjamin F. Williams (1856 - )
ChildRachel Louisa Williams (1858 - )
SpouseMartha Elizabeth Ford (1838 - 1920)
ChildWilliam Henry Williams (1866 - )
ChildThomas Jefferson Williams (1868 - 1951)
ChildGeorge W. Williams (1870 - 1962)
ChildHarriett Williams (1872 - 1875)
ChildRobert Marshall Williams (1874 - 1952)
MotherNANCY M. Bowles (1796 - 1876)
SiblingLouisa WILLIAMS (1816 - 1860)
SiblingFrances "Fannie" WILLIAMS (1818 - 1877)
SiblingCharlotta WILLIAMS (1820 - 1869)
SiblingJohn WILLIAMS (1825 - 1898)
SiblingElias WILLIAMS (1827 - 1892)
SiblingMary A. WILLIAMS (1829 - 1917)
SiblingAmbrose/Ambers WILLIAMS (1832 - 1913)
SiblingLucinda WILLIAMS (1833 - 1920)
SiblingSARAH C. WILLIAMS (1833 - 1914)
SiblingNancy E. WILLIAMS (1837 - 1887)
