Individual Details


(Abt 1770 - Bef 14 Sep 1829)

Durlin said to have married Elizabeth Engart/Enyart on 3 Jun 1795 in North Carolina. He actually married her in Madison Co KY. Their names were mispelled:
Durlin Right married Elizabeth Ingard. Bond dated 18 Jun 1795. Bondsman: Richard Winscott. Return also dated 18 Jun 1795.

Elizabeth's maiden name occurs a number of times in the Madison Co KY records, as well as in the censuses in Howard Co MO. It is a problem for those abstracting the records and is spelled, Enyart, Engard, Engart, Ingart.

There are other marriages of Wrights in Madison Co.
Hezekiah married Mary Lee on 7 Oct 1820; this is the son of Gideon, Durlin's brother
Thomas married Keturah Wells on 17 Jul 1817. William Wells was bondsman. Henry Wells was father of the bride. Probably Thomas was another son of Gideon.
Thomas L. married Polly Million on 2 Feb 1818. William Wright was bondsman.
William married Nancy Burros [Burroughs] on 17 Jan 1814. William Million was bondsman. Samuel Burroughs was father of the bride & gave consent.
I believe these last two - Thomas L. & Williams are a different Wright family.

Here are the records of the Wright brides in early Madison Co, late enough to have been possible daughters of either Durlin or Gideon. Information from Howard Co MO indicates a Townsend Wright may also have lived in Madison Co KY. A John Wright is also found in the marriage records as a father of grown children, so the following are not necessarily daughters of either Durlin or Gideon:
Mary Right married Alexander Searcy. Bond date 19 Jan 1819. Bondsman and father of the bride was John Right. He gave consent. Returned on 21 Jan 1819. [Obviously cannot be a daughter of Durlin, Gideon or Townsend. A John A. Wright died in Howard Co - bond for Administration by William C. Wright, dated Aug 1835.]
Elizabeth Wright married Jonathan Haines. Bond date 19 Aug 1822. Gideon Wright, Bondsman and father of the bride who gave his consent. Definitely daughter of Gideon.'
Rebecca Wright married James Cain. Bond date 23 Jan 1798. Bondsman Durlin Wright. Parent of the bride: Catren [sic] Wright. These records are often difficult to read. Obviously the abstractor couldn't tell if the person giving consent was the mother or the father. Gideon has a daughter Rebecca but she was too young to have married this man. If Durlin had a daughter Rebecca she died without heirs prior to 1831. Could this have been an unknown sister - there mother was Catherine.

An online listing of their children includes Catherine, Rachel, Sampson, Jane, Martha "Patsy", Durlin, Rhoda, Isabella, Elizabeth, and Gideon. Only five children shared in the estate of Durling, Catherine, Rachel, Isabella, Gideon & Elizabeth - at least three of those listed here were more likely grandchildren - Martha, Rhoda & Jane - and I believe Sampson belong to some other family.

Howard Co MO Marriage Book 1
p.112: Sampson Wright to Elizabeth Mullins 25 Oct 1821
p.95: Jane Wright to John Cully, 4 Mar 1821
p.125: Isabella Wright to Nathan Hunt, 20 Mar 1823

1810 Madison Co KY Census; p.238
Durlin Wright, 1m -10, 2m 10-16, 2m 16-26, 1m 26-45 [Durlin]; 2f -10, 3f 10-26, 1f 26-45 [Elizabeth]
The Durlin Wright found in Randolph Co MO by 1828, is not this Durlin, but instead his nephew, son of Gideon. The 1830 Census indicates a much younger man in Randolph Co.

A US Land Patent for 80 acres was issued to "Darling Wright" on 20 Oct 1824. The land was in Howard Co, the East half of the NE Quarter of Section 29, Township 52 North, and Range 16 West.

Missouri Wills & Probates, 1766-1988;
Howard Co, Missouri
Will Books, Vol. 1, p.519
18 Sep 1829 Bond of Elizabeth Wright and John Harvey as administrators of the good and chattels of Durling Wright, dec'd. Ignatius P. Owen & James Harrison, surety. $10,000.00. To make inventory and value all possessions of deceased. Signed by all four parties. Letters of administration granted. Recorded 14 Sep 1829.

Probates, Vol 2
p. 156 (img 371, Ancestry)
9 Nov 1829
Ordered that all the slaves of Durlin Wright dec’d after deducting the widow’s dower be hired out at public vendue at the residency of Elizabeth Wright for six months.
p.157 (same date and image)
Ordered that John Harvey, Seller of the estate Durlin Wright dec’d rent all the cleared land belonging to the estate of said dec’d which was rented in the lifetime of said deceased.

p.195, img 390, Ancestry
Feb Term, 1830
Patrick Woods, Asa Q. Thompson & John Walker, Commissioners appointed to assign lawful dower to Elizabeth Wright, widow of Dorling Wright, in the slaves of said estate and make report.
Fanny, girl about ten $225
Nathan, boy about 19 $450
Then they started over & Fanny & Nathan included in the list below…
Humphrey, about 36, $450
Lucy, a woman, 27, blind of one eye $150
Nathan, a boy, 19, $450
Fanny, 10 $226
Hannah, 9 $200
Sam, a boy, 6, $150
America, a girl, age 1, $100
Total value $1925.00
The Widow’s dower would be $641.66.
They could not make an equal distribution without causing the widow to pay to the estate or receive from the estate.
31 Dec 1929. Signed: Patarick Woods, A.Q. Thompson, Jno. Walker

p.201, img 393, Ancestry
Feb Term, 1830
Petition of John Harvey, one of the adminr of the estate of Durlin Wright, dec’d, ordered that the said adminr sell at private sale all the Slaves belonging to said Estate on the 1st Monday in July next before the Court House door in Fayette to the highest bidder at a credit of 12 months after giving legal notice.

p.259, img 423, Ancestry
Nov Term, 1830
Elizabeth Wright & John Harvey, Admrs of the Estate of Darling Wright, dec’d presented the following accts … annual settlement, received & ordered recorded.
Cash from sale - $6.75 From James Lee, Wm Green, James Cochram, Richard Lee - $50 for hire of negro, notes from Chas McLane, J. Hackley, Saml. Coy. Seven items paid out (amounts are obscured by tight binding)

p.321-22, img 454-5, Ancestry
Nov Term 1831: 14 Nov 1831
Elizabeth Wright & John Harvey, Admrs of estate of Darling Wright make annual report. Balance in their hands was $1910.08, which included cash for sale of slaves, 5 July 1830, $1330.00. They sold seven slaves – Humphrey, Lucy & child, Hannah, Jack, Sam, and America.
They were ordered to pay each distributee the sum of $300 out of the proceeds from the sale of the slaves.
Note: that would suggest four distributees each receiving $300.00 – see later – but there were five - so that was more than the total received for the slaves.

p.405-6, img 496-7, Ancestry
Tues., Feb 6th, 1833
John Harvey & Elizabeth Wright, admrs of Estate of Durling Wright made report for final settlement.
Included: Amt of sale bill, $504.51. Property retained by widow approved valuation $152.12. Cash received for hire of slave, rent of corn, rent of field, rent of 2 acres in Randolph Co. Sale of slaves.
Paid out, Nov 1831, included the widow’s portion above. $300 paid out to Catherine Wilder,
Nathan Hunts, Wm Cross, Gideon Wright, Wm Christabel. Other amounts to the widow. $5 to Richard Lee for coffin. Tax receipt for 1831 - $2.73. Subscription to meeting house - $2.00
Balance in the hands of Admrs - $877.29.

A lawsuit in 1861, to settle the estate of the widow Elizabeth, which included the final settlement of her dower, names all the living heirs. Children Catherine and Gideon were living. Daughter Isabell, dec'd, had married Nathan Hunt and left seven living children. Daughter Rachel, dec'd, had married William Cross and left seven living children. Daughter Elizabeth is a bit of a puzzle as she was never mentioned by name in either the payout after Durlin's death or in the suit. The 5th heir when Durlin died was William Christabel. Elizabeth Enyart Wright identified in her will, a granddaughter Elizabeth Drinkard, married to William H. Rice. The four grandchildren and heirs whose parent was not identified in the lawsuit were Elizabeth Drinkard & husband William H. Rice, Martha & Jackson Hines, Mary A. & William Titus, and a William Choyolet Jr (likely receiving in right of his wife). The only conclusion is that daughter Elizabeth was married at least twice - probably having children from more than one husband.

Found on Howard Co MO USGenWeb.
A Complete list of All Lands Subject to Taxation for Howard Co Including New Madrid Grants & Spanish Grants, 1 Jan 1831
Wright, Durlin
Wright, Townsen I also found a bio online for Townsend Wright Jr, whose father Townsend had been one of the earliest settlers of Howard Co. The senior Townsend Wright was a native of Virginia but had moved to Madison Co KY and then in 1817 to Howard Co where he lived until his death in 1862. Durlin had moved to Madison Co KY from North Carolina, but no family connection is known.
I believe that Durlin & Elizabeth moved to Howard Co MO perhaps around 1820.

In 1830, along with Enyart families, I find Elizabeth, in Howard Co, MO, age 50-60. 1 male age 20-30, 1f age 5-10 and 1f age 20-30. Possibly a married child living with her.

In 1840, Howard Co MO, Elizabeth is listed as age 60-70. One male age 20-30 is living with her - likely Gideon.

1850 Census, Howard Co, MO, Household 4
E. Wright, age 78. Born NC. If this is Elizabeth, widow of Durlin, her maiden name was said to be Enyart. There are Enyarts living in this neighborhood.
Household 5
G. Wright age 41, b. KY and Jane Wright age 38, b. Ill. G. is probably a Gideon Wright and probably Elizabeth's son. A few houses away is found another Gideon Wright, possibly the son of Hezekiah & Delilah Wright. [Hezekiah was a son of brother Gideon]

1860 Census, Howard Co MO.
Gideon Wright, age 48 [b. 1812] b. KY marked "idiotic"
Living with Elizabeth Wright, age 86, b. KY [1774]
Would appear that Gideon has remained in his mother's care.. Little is known about the descendants of Durlin. There are numerous Wright families in Howard Co MO - some would be descendants of Townsend Wright who was also in Howard Co. An index of wills in Howard Co reveals Guardian's bonds for one Gideon Wright to include one that mentions Gideon Wright, insane. From Book 5, 1857-1864. This would suggest perhaps Gideon was mentally handicapped.

Obviously there were at least five children born to Durlin and Elizabeth - only five were living when Durlin died in 1829, any others having died young without issue. Discovery of those children is compounded by the Townsend Wright family, also a large family, that was contemporary.


BirthAbt 1770North Carolina
Marriage18 Jun 1795Madison County, Kentucky - Elizabeth Enyart
DeathBef 14 Sep 1829Howard County, Missouri


SpouseElizabeth Enyart (1772 - 1861)
ChildCatherine "Katy" Wright (1796 - )
ChildGideon Wright (1809 - 1870)
ChildIsabella Wright (1807 - 1855)
ChildRachel Wright ( - 1861)
ChildElizabeth Wright (1800 - 1829)
FatherHezekiah WRIGHT ( - 1782)
MotherCatherine ?Durland/Dowling ( - 1790)
SiblingGideon WRIGHT (1771 - 1858)