Individual Details

Catherine ?Durland/Dowling

( - Bet Dec 1790 and Sep 1800)

The wives of Gideon & Hezekiah Wright are thought to have been sisters by some researchers. Their parentage is doubtful. I have also seen that Catherine was a Wright, a cousin, but since the parentage of Hezekiah & Gideon as usually givenin Oyster Bay, NY is faulty, I would presume Catherine's was too. Further discussion is in the notes of Elizabeth, wife of Gideon Wright. Given the use of the unusual given name Durlin or Durling among the descendants of Hezekiah, surely the name is derived from a family name.


DeathBet Dec 1790 and Sep 1800Surry County, North Carolina
MarriageHezekiah WRIGHT


SpouseHezekiah WRIGHT ( - 1782)
ChildDurlin WRIGHT (1770 - 1829)
ChildGideon WRIGHT (1771 - 1858)