Individual Details

Hezekiah WRIGHT

( - Bef Feb 1782)

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] - Hezekiah Wright listed as a resident of Rowan Co NC in 1768; Surry Co NC in 1772
[This 1768 date is the earliest record I find for Hezekiah; he seems not to have come as early as Gideon, or perhaps he was some younger and not yet creating records.]

p.86; Book 3/60 25 Oct 1768 Jury to lay out Road from Shoar's a little below Little Yadkin to Mitchell's River along Brashers Tract. Incl: Gideon & Hezekiah Wright.
p.106; Book 3/173 Feb, 1770 Thos. Mears, Allintine Van Houser, Jas. Sheppard, Gideon Wright, Jas. Glenn, Abram Creson, Robert Forbus, James Burk, & Michael lay out road from Mr. Hart's Store crossing Yadkin at the Yallow Banks Ford and to Edward Riggs new cut road; from Allin's Sawmill to Shallow Ford at Smith's Cabbin, the nearest & best way and Overseers and Hezekiah Wright from John Sneed's Store to Bean Shouls Creek....

Found in Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, digitized on the UNC University Library website, Vol. 22, p.441-442
Expenditures made by His Excellency Gov Tryon for the Public Service from the time of his Marching from New Bern with the Troops the 24 of April, 1771, until their Return.
31 May Paid Hezekiah Wright Expenses to & from the Moravians [2 £]
20 Jun Gave Col. Wright to support his party on their March home [5 £]

There was a second receipt, same volume, p.462, that I believe may have been misread - I have typed it here as found:
Rec'd the 31 May 1771, of His Excellency Governor Tryon, Six pound Proc. to defray my Expenses in pursuit of some Outlaws. Signed Hezekiah Knight.
Mr. Wright returned Four pounds of the above.

Moravians Record & Diaries; Vol I:
Bethabara Dairy, 1771, events leading up to the Battle of Alamance]; p.457
May 19 ...Mr Hughs came from the Governor's camp on the Alamance, where the recent battle was fought. ...the Regulators had fled after the first fire from the cannon. Hall's [William Hall] wife and children, and Giery Wright's wife and child, came in great distress, for they feared that the Regulators would burn their houses, -- we comforted them as well as we could. [This entry leads me to believe that at that time Hezekiah & wife had only one child; that they are some younger than Gideon & Elizabeth. This is also the 1st mention of Hezekiah whose nickname was "Kiery" derived from "Kiah" in the Moravian records. The K and G sounds are phonetically the same in Moravian German. Kiah continues to be seen as a nickname or a given name in subsequent generations.]

Moravian Records, Vol II
"The Wright Court-House"; p.634f
In 1775, Col. Alexander Martin expressed fear that Col. Wright and his brother were "obstinate enemies" of the country.

Moravian Record, Vol III 1776-1779
Manuscript of Brother Traugott Bagge, 1776
In early 1776 the Minute Men marched out to Shallowford road to the Petersbach, taking with them James Glen and Ezekiah Wright [Hezekiah or Giery], arrested as Tories, whom they shackled together in our blacksmith shop.

Salem Diary, 1776
Feb 7 Early this morning Giery Wright and some 20 men marched through, but had neither money nor provision.
Feb 8 Giery Wright and his party passed on their return. They had been turned back by men coming from the camp.
Feb 15 ...investigation of the Moravian towns - the detachment had already been to Bethabara & Bethanis before coming to Salem. ...They laid before us the Test authorized by the Congress in Hillsbury and asked us to sign it. The investigation was completed, Mr. Armstrong ordered all under his command not to molest us. Then they departed in peace, taking with them four prisoners, James Glen & Giery Wright whom they had arrested at their homes on the hither ...and two others whom they took in the tavern.

Bethabara Diary, 1776
Feb. 5 Mr. Gideon Wright and his brother passed through our town, returning from the royal camp, where today and tomorrow more than 2000 men, who have gathered there, will go to help the Governor, who is said to have landed with troops.
Feb 7 This morning Giery Wright passed with a company of men. It was disturbed everywhere in the neighborhood, with some men fleeing and some going to join the Governor's Army.

Moravian Record, Vol IV 1780-1783
1780 [failed to note Diary, probably Bethabara]
Sept 10, Sunday ...From Bethania we heard that Capt Campbell & his company arrived last evening with 2 or 3 prisoners, and after supper Geier Riet [Kiah Wright] was whipped.

1780 [failed to note Diary, probably Bethania]
Sept 9 Capt Cambell's company brought Geyer Wright as a prisoner and this evening he was cruelly treated, though several of the mean here tried repeatedly to intercede for him.
Sept 10 ...In the evening we heard that Geyer Wright had escaped from his guards.

Memorabilia, 1780
Nov 1 ...From that village [Bethabara] we hear many reports of violence, for instance Giery Wright was shot in his own home; very likely he had intended to give himself up, as many are doing at the present.
[There is no record yet found to know if this was when Hezekiah Wright died, or if he died between Nov 1, 1780 and February of 1782. It's possible he did die from the shot or the wound that resulted. The delay in settling the estate could easily be attributed to the confusion in this area during the war.]

JOSEPH WINSTON HIS ENTRY BOOK, SURRY CO NC, LAND ENTRIES; 1778-1781 by Agnes M. Wells, Virginia G. Phillips, Carol J. Leonard; 1987
p.102/1155 Abraham Creeson entered 350 acres in Surry on South side Yadkin R adj Thomas Poindexter & Benjn. Pettit, Senr. Including improvement of Hezh. Wright known as Stewarts Old Survey. 30 Dec 1778. [Entry withdrawn, transferred to Hezekiah Wright and money settle with sd Wright.]
p.139/1607 [Probably entry of the above] Hezekiah Wright entered 350 acres on South side of the Yadkin adj Thomas Poindexter & Benjamin Pettit Senr, to include his improvement. [no date given]

The later deed of sale of the 350 acres by Hezekiah's sons, mentions that it is below [usually means upriver in this time period] the Yellow Bank ford. Donaha Station [possibly origin of the "Chief Donaha" stories in the Poindexter family - although there was plainly a white family with the surname Donaha living in the area - was the location of the Yellow Bank Ford. So this places the Poindexters, Pettits, and Hezekiah Wright as neighbors and living in this area. The Poindexter's established a Ferry here in 1799. US Highway 67 now crosses the Yadkin just south of Donaha Station, also referred to as "old Richmond".

Surry Co Court Minutes
p.40 17 Feb 1782. Zachariah Martin, named overseer in room of Hezekiah Wright, deceased.
p.45 17 Aug 1782 Account of estate of Hezekiah Wright. He was possessed of 350 acres of land at the time of his death. [I think there's a good possibility that this grant had not been issued for this land, or the land had been under confiscation, and it's the same as the 350 acres granted to son Gideon on 5 Dec 1798] On application Catharine Wright, widow & relict of Hezekiah Wright, deceased, who has taken up arms against this and the United States, for a maintanence of herself and children. Ordered she be allowed rent said husband's plantation; also everything now in her possession. [I believe this could indicate the children were all minors, if she's being allowed to use everything. The 1840 census gives son's Gideon's age as 60-70 and the 1850 census indicates he was born 1771, so he certainly would have been a minor in 1782.]
p.98 18 Aug 1786 The orphans of Hezekiah Wright vs. Thomas Poindexter.
Surry County, North Carolina, Wills: 1771-1827; Annotated Genealogial Abstracts, by Jo White Linn, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc., Baltimore MD, 1992; Reprinted 2007.
Book 2, p.32
Inv. of Est. of Hezekiah Wright decd returned by Abrim Wood & Cartin Wood, admin. Rec. Aug Ct 1784. [Note: Sury Co. Min of Court of P & QS, 17 Feb 1782. Zachariah Martin apptd overseer of road in room of Hezekiah Wright; 17 Aug 1782, acct of estate. 350 acres, 6 horse creatures, 19 head cattle, 11 head sheep, 14 head hoggs, 2 beds and furniture, 2 potts, 7 plates, 3 dishes, 5 basons, 1 loom, 1 mans saddle & bridle, 1 set plow irons, 1 fluke plow, 3 pair Iron traces, half a waggon, 1 lock chain, 2 weeding hoes, 1 grubing hoe, 2 iron wedges, 1 pair saddle baggs, 2 geer, 1 small chest, 1 sack bagg, 1 field of oats, 50 barrels corn. 15 Feb 1785. Acct of Sale of Hezekiah Wright dec'd ret. by the sheriff. Surry Co Min of Court of P & QS 1768: Hezekiah Wright on 13 Aug 1770 did with force & arms take one certain mair, goods & chattels of some person unknown. Earlier he was in Rowan Co.]
Book 2, p.95 Return of perishable estate of Hezekiah Wright at £38:15 by John Thomas Longino. Rec. Feb. Court 1785.

Stokes DB 1, p.62
9 Dec 1790 Constantine Ladd, sheriff, to satisfy debt of Abraham Wood to William Hughlett, sold a small tract of land at public sale to Justice Reynolds but it was subject to the natural life of Catherine Wright, widow of Hezekiah Wright. Described as a parcel in Stokes on the South side of the Yadkin, beginning on Thomas Petit's line and the mouth of Brooke Creek, up the River, etc. No acres stated.
Note: This would appear to be the widow's dower - yet her sons will sell the entire 350 acre grant in 1800.

Possible sister of Hezekiah and Gideon?
There was a Miriam Wright in Surry Co NC who married David Riggs and named a son born 1 Mar 1782, Hezekiah Wright Riggs. Her place in the Wright family is unproved, and she has been placed by various researchers as a daughter of both Gideon and Hezekiah. She is thought to have married about 1771 in Surry Co, perhaps indicating a birth year of around 1750. [This possibly makes her a bit old to be a daughter of either Hezekiah or Gideon - was she a sister? Or were these dates too early?] She also had sons named Zadok and Gideon Wright Riggs. The name Zadok also does occur in the Riggs family as David Riggs had a first cousin named Zadock b. 4 Jan 1754 - this Zadok Riggs was a son of Samuel Riggs of Morris Co NJ and Surry Co NC. David Riggs [Born 8 Nov 1749, NJ and d. 1837 in Bedford Co TN] had a second marriage about 1815 in Williamson Co TN.
Also there is a North Carolina Marriage Bond, for a marriage between Reuben Riggs and Mary Crawford, dated 2 Mar 1769, Rowan Co. Edward Riggs was bondsman. Gideon Wright a witness.

These following records are apparently for the sons of Hezekiah Wright and they seem to be the only heirs of Hezekiah, by 1798.

VOL G 1795-1797
p.44: DB G/228 5 Dec 1798 State of NC to Gideon Wright. 350 acres. #1814. South side Yadkin, below the Yellow Bank Ford adj Thomas Poindexter & Thomas Pettit. Entered 12 May 1779. [Land entered by Hezekiah, but he died before grant could be issed.]

Stokes County Court Session
December Term
This Indenture made this twenty forth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred between GIDEON WRIGHT and DURLIN WRIGHT both Heirs of HEZIKIAH WRIGHT and of Madison County State of Kentucky, Planters of the One Part and GEORGE HAUSER of Stokes County, State of North Carolina of the other Part. Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the Sum of one thousand dollars by the said GEORGE HAUSER to the said Gideon Wright and Durlin Wright in Hands paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is fully acknowledged by the said Gideon and Durlin Wright. They the said Gideon and Durlin Wright have Bargained and sold and by these Presents do bargin, sel1 , alien and confirm in fee simple unto the said Geo. Hauser a certain tract or Parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Surry, State of North Carolina. on the south side of the Yadkin River, Beginning at Two box elders on the Bank of said River, below the Yellowbank ford, THOMAS POINDEXTER Corner, runs West on his line, eighty eight Chains to a post Oak thense South sixty one chains to a Pine on THOMAS PETTITS Line, East along the same, forty Chains to a Stake on the Bank of said River, Thence up the same as it meanders to Ye Beggining Containing by computation Three Hundred & Fifty Acres be the same more or less, it being a tract formerly granted by the State to Gideon Wright (him and Durlin Wright being heirs of Hezikiah Wright) by a grant bearing date December the 5th AD 1798 Registered in the Registers Office of Surry County Book G page 228 pr. Wm. Thornton P. A. Reference thereunto being had, will more fully and at large appear. To have and To hold unto the above sd George Hauser his Heirs or assigns Forever, and the said Gideon Wright and Durlin Wright do for them selves, Their Heirs, Executors, Administrators covenant and agree to and with the sd George Hauser, that he the said George Hauser his Heirs and Assigns, shall and may for ever hereafter, peaceably and quitely, Have, Hold, Occupy, Possess and enjoy the hereby granted Land and Premicies, together with all its impronements, Hereditaments, Rights, Privledges, Profits, Commodities, Woods, Ways, Waters and Minerals and all Appurtenances Thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, without the Let, Hinderance or Molestation of any person whatever and free and clear from all manner of Incumbrance whatsoever and the said Gideon Wright and Durlin Wright, do bind themselves Their Heirs, Executors or Administrators do warrent and to defend the hereby granted Land and Premises, unto him the said George liatiser his Heirs and assigns forever, against the Lawful Claims or Demands of any person or Persons whatsoever: In Witness whereof the said Gideon Wright and Durlin Wright have to these presents set their hands and Affixed Their seals the Day and Year above written.
Signed, Sealed & Delivered in presence of------ Jacob Lash, Jurat John Rank
Gideon Wright...... Seal
Durlin X Wright
Stokes County December Term 1800. The executation of the within Deed was proved in open court by the oath of Jacob Lash & Ordered to be registered. Robt. Williams, CC
Stokes County Registered in the Registers Office Book C, folio 355. Test A. Robinson, P. R.
[George Hauser became the owner of the land that had belonged to both Gideon & Hezekiah Wright.]

p.92: Book I, p.497 13 Dec 1802 George Hauser of Town of Bethany, Stokes Co NC to Adam Hauser of same. $1000. 350 acres South side Yadkin R begin at two box elders on bank of sd river below the Yellow Bank Ford, Thomas Poindexter's corner. Also adj Thom. Pettit: being a tract formerly granted by state to Gideon Wright [him and Durlin Wright being heirs of Hezekiah Wright] by grant bearing date 5 Dec 1798, registered Surry Co Book G, p.228 pr Wm Thornton and by sd Gideon and Durlin Wright conveyed to sd George Hauser. Signed: George Hauser. Wit: John H. Hauser, Britain Clayton, Jacob Hauser. Ack. May Term by George Hauser and ordered registered.

1810 Madison Co KY Census:
p.238 Durlin: 1m -10, 2m 10-16, 2m 16-26, 1m 26-45; 2f -10, 3f 10-16, 1f 26-45 [This census shows Durlin with 5 sons, 5 daughters. There names are unknown.]
p.241 Gideon: 2m -10, 1m 10-16; 1m 26-45; 1f 26-45

1830 Randolph Co MO Census:
p.322 Gideon: 1m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 1m 50-60; 2f 5-10, 2f 10-15, 1f 50-60
1840 Randolph Co MO: Gideon was 60-70.
1850 Randolph Co MO: Gideon was living with his grandson Richard Wright.

So Gideon was born between 1770-1780. Possibly younger than Durlin given the number of children Durlin had in 1810.


DeathBef Feb 1782
MarriageCatherine ?Durland/Dowling


SpouseCatherine ?Durland/Dowling ( - 1790)
ChildDurlin WRIGHT (1770 - 1829)
ChildGideon WRIGHT (1771 - 1858)
Father??? WRIGHT ( - )
SiblingCol. GIDEON WRIGHT ( - 1782)
SiblingMiriam Wright (1748 - 1814)
