Individual Details


( - 9 Aug 1782)

Gideon Wright and Hezekiah are referred to as brothers in the Moravian records. Parentage is unknown, see notes of their unknown father.

Here are a few records of Wrights in North Carolina very early.
From J. Franklin: Carolina Cradle by Robert W. Ramsy, 1964, p.14 & 15: "By 1734, so many Scotch-Irish has crossed the river into the Cumberland Valley that Samuel Blunson of Wright's Ferry was given authority to sell to trans-Susquehanna pioneers a limited number of licenses to settle." and p.31 Blunston issued license to John Wright. Indications are that some of these early settlers were there in 1722.

North Carolina Headwrights, Caroline B. Whitley, 2001 1 Jan 1694. Cornelius Lerry, planter, grant for 150 acres in Perquimans Precinct for transport of John, Elizabeth & Austin Wright.

Virginia's Colonial Soldiers, by Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, 1988; p.53
List of horses belonging to His Majesty and in the hands of the following person on the South Branch, 21 Oct 1755. Zeddick Wright 1 horse, given to Capt Ashby. [This Zadock Wright is the same as one who later lived in the disputed part of Western PA and VA - if he is any relation to Gideon, that could be the source of the Zadock Wright name used by descendants.] Gideon Wright and Martin Dunn, in Company 4, gone to Carolina.

Note: If Gideon was a soldier in 1755 - he was likely born by about 1730-35.

The first record of Gideon in North Carolina:
Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, found online at UNC University Library, Vol. 22, p.824-827
"Report of the Committee of Public Claims, Held at Wilmington, 18th Nov. A.D. 1760"
Capt. Gideon Wright and company were allowed their claim for scouting fifty-two days, dated April 17, 1760. 131£ 14sh 8p.

p.124; B.II/328 21 Apr 1761 Gideon Wright appointed Constable in room of Joseph Harrison.
p.140; B.II/382 20 Jul 1762 Gidion Wright, his Mark. A Crop & a Slit in the Left Ear & a halfpenny out of the underside of the Right. His brand "G" on shoulder & "W" on Buttock.

Grant from Earl of Granville to Gideon Wright dated 10 Aug 1762. The land was surveyed on 19 May 1762 by Gideon Wright & George Sprinkle.
p.49; DB 5/75 10 Aug 1762. Granville to Gideon Wright. 69 acres East side Yadkin opposite Benj. Pettit. Wit: Jno Agar, John Frohock. Proved Oct Court 1762
[Court orders, Book II, p.433 shows this deed was proved by Jno Frohock on 20 Oct 1762.]
p.70: DB 5/531 12 Sep 1763 John Dills to Benj Pettit for £40. 339 acres South side Yadkin R adj Dills. Wit: Gideon Wright, James Jones. Proved July Court 1764.

COLONIAL AMERICA 1706-1789 CENSUS INDEX [CD-Rom FTM] - Gideon Wright listed as a resident of Rowan Co NC in 1762; Surry Co NC in 1772

Moravians Record & Diaries; Vol I:
1763, Dec 28 [Bethabara Diary] Gideon Wright from the Yadkin, told Br. Gammern today that there was a [false] report current among the people around us, -- even as about the Brethren in Pennsylvania, --namely, that were supply the Indians on New River with ammunition, sending it to them by white people.
1769, Aug 5 [Wachovia Diary] Justice Gideon Wright summoned Br. Jacob Meyer to appear before him and give evidence in the matter of a lost horse.

Also there is a North Carolina Marriage Bond, for a marriage between Reuben Riggs and Mary Crawford, dated 2 Mar 1769, Rowan Co. Edward Riggs was bondsman. Gideon Wright a witness.
was this when the court met at Gideon's? He was also a witness for the following:
Fellty Reese to Christener Harman, 6 Apr 1769, Rowan Co. John Harmon and Frederick Shouse were bondsmen. Gideon Wright, witness.

p.52; Book II/630 July 1766 George Sprinkell appointed Constable in room of Gideon Wright.
p.53; Book II, p.634 July 1766 Gideon Wright appeared and qualifed as Justice of the Peace and took his seat.
p.70; Book II/716 Jul 1767 Gideon Wright was still a Justice of the Peace
p.86; Book 3/60 25 Oct 1768 Jury to lay out Road from Shoar's a little below Little Yadkin to Mitchell's River along Brashers Tract. Incl: Gideon & Hezekiah Wright.
p.86; Book 3/63 14 Jan 1769 Gov. William Tryon appointed as Justice of the Peace, Gideon Wright.
p.106; Court Records, Book 3/173 Feb, 1770 Thos. Mears, Allintine Van Houser, Jas. Sheppard, Gideon Wright, Jas. Glenn, Abram Creson, Robert Forbus, James Burk, & Michael lay out road from Mr. Hart's Store crossing Yadkin at the Yallow Banks Ford and to Edward Riggs new cut road; from Allin's Sawmill to Shallow Ford at Smith's Cabbin, the nearest & best way and Overseers and Hezekiah Wright from John Sneed's Store to Bean Shouls Creek....
p.115; Book 3/320 Sept 1770 Justices are to receive Taxables for 1770. Daniel Little, his own company and all in Forks below mouth of Hunting Creek and as far up as the Mouth of Deep Creek and West side above the Mouth of Bersheby Creek to Gidion Wright.
p.117; Book 3/233 Nov 1770 Gidion Wright has not returned the taxables in his district nor have the claims on the county been presented, so taxes cannot now be layed.

Moravians Record & Diaries; Vol I:
1771, Jan 20 [Bethabara, events leading up to the Battle of Alamance] One hears in these days all sorts of reports about the Regulators again.
Mar 8 Mr. Gideon Wright, Esq. returned from Salisbury. General Court should have been held there this week, but as neither the Chief Judge nor the King's Attorney came, the Court not be held.....the Regulatros have openly declared that at this General Court they were going to "regulate" the officers. Indeed, they gathered 700 strong on this side of the Yadkin...
Mar 11 Mr. Gideon Wright was here today, wishing to borrow £20 in order to secure from the Governor a Charter for the new Court House to be erected for Surry County.
Mar 22 ...notice was posted that the Indians would invade this Province this spring, especially to attack the Old Town, or Bethabara
Apr 15 ...the new Governor, Josiah Martin, destined for North Carolina, had landed in New York with 2000 Regulars from England ...march against the Regulators in Orange [Co.]. Gove. Tryson had published a Manifesto, citing some 60 of the Regulators to appear before him in May and any who do not answer are declared to be Traitors.
...Inferior Courts are to be held constantly at Gideon Wright's.
Apr 30 Gideon Wright sent a note to Br. Marshall saying that he and the 25 men he had enlisted, would be here next Monday on their way to join the Governor at Hillsborough and he hoped to secure guns & provisions here.
May 1 ....have threatened to attack Gideon Wright if he attempts to march with his enlisted men. The development of this critical situation can not be long delayed.
May 6 ...A large party of Regulators was in our Tavern today; also Mr. Gideon Wright who plans to take his fifteen men secretly to join the Governor.
May 7 Thirty Regulators were here and bought bread and other things ...Mr. Gideon Wright and his fifteen men also came in quietly for provisions; they left rather timidly, especially the drivers, as they fear attack on the road
May 11 Several Regulators passed through.... We hear that Mr. Gideon Wright and his company evaded the Regulators and reached the Governor.
May 14 ....From a man whom Mr. Gideon Wright sent back to watch the Regulators, Br. Meyer heard that the Regulators were threatening Bethabara, and planning to gather here next Thursday.
May 16 A number of Regulators marched through Bethabara, toward New Garden, to oppose the Governor.
May 17 Again a number of Regulators came through. ... In the evening, two men coming from Salisbury brought the unpleasant news that there had been a hot skirmish between the Governor's troops and the Regulators, and that many had been killed on both sides.
May 21 A small company of Regulators passed this morning, probably many went by during the night, ashamed to be seen. ...the Captains of the Regulators had taken to their heels, and the common folk after them; that the Governor had had a couple hanged..
May 22 ...Yesterday, in Gideon Wright's house, the first Court of Surry Co was opened, the Charter was read, and Br. Bonn was the first Justice sworn in.
May 24 ...Governor was still in the neighborhood of the homes of Herrman Husband and Hunter, whose houses and fields he had ruined. ...Those who come [to the Governor] and ask for pardon will receive it, if they swear & sign: 1st to be loyal subjects; 2nd to pay all back taxes; 3rd to give up their arms. He has two wagon-loads of weapons which he has sent to New Bern ....On the Governor's side three men had been killed and eight of the Regulators fell at the place not counting those found in the fields.
May 30 ...Toward evening Merell, from Abbots Creek, came in much distress, seeking his father, who is outlawed. [the father was Benjamin Merrill who was hung, drawn & quarterd] Merell had been pardoned, and had begged for his father.
Jun 1 ... He [the Governor] had inquired of Gideon Wright concerning our conduct under existing circumstances, who had given him a favorable account of use, telling him that lodgings here were already prepared for him. ...Mr. Martin Armstrong & his brother also came.... Told us a few particulars about the battle ...He had counted 13 dead Regulators at the place of battle, others had been found later, half burned, in the woods ...probably about 30 wounded. On the Governor's side there were three killed & about 12 wounded.
Jun 22 This afternoon Lt-Col Gideon Wright passed, with the men whom he had enrolled for the service of the Governor against the Regulators, and who have been honorably discharged. ...Trial of the prisoners had taken place and five had been hanged and six pardoned.
Diary of the Society on the South Fork, 1771
Jul 13 Early this morning various neighbors passed, on their way to the election at Gideon's Wright's.
Aug 22 Mr. Anthony Hampton, on of the Surry Co Commissioners was here. Three of the five Commissioners were at Court today and discussed another place for the Court House, as Gideon Wright's was very inconvenient, but they had been unable to agree. Mr. Dunn stood for Wright's, the others, especially Mr. Martin were opposed & Mr. Martin said he would not come to Court again for four years.

Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, found online at UNC University Library
Vol. 22, p.426 No date.
Received of His Excellency Governor Tryon Twenty pounds proc. for Bounty money for Ten Men I brought into the Service from Tryon County. Gideon Wright.
Vol. 22, p.441-442 Account of William Tryon's Expenses for the Campaign Against the Regulators, June 30, 1771
Expenditures made by His Excellency Governor Tryon for the Public Service from the time of his Marching from New Bern with the Troops the 24 of April, 1771, until their Return.
June 20th. Gave Col. Wright to support his party on their March home 5£.
This same account shows 2£ paid to his brother Hezekiah for expenses to & from the Moravians on May 31st.
Vol. 22, p.449
Invoice from Traugott Bagge for Supplies for the Militia, dated 7 May 1771
Dr. Captain Gideon Wright to Frangott Bagge
List of expenses included bread, knife, power, lead & shot
Bethabara, May 7th 1771. Received then of Frangott Bagge the above to the amount of 2£ 16sh 2d for the troops enlisted by me for the Service of the Province of North Carolina.
I say received by me. Gideon Wright
Vol. 22, p.463 A second Invoice of Bagge's includes the above amount "Gideon Wright's Acct for the Troops he enlisted"

Moravian Records, Vol II
"The Wright Court-House"; p.634f
Act of Assembly of 1771 provided that its Courts should be held at the home of Gideon Wright & General Musters were held at the same place. Gideon Wright was a Justice of The Peace and sat in County Court. He became a Colonel under Gov. Tryon and sided with the Gov. along with the Armstrongs and Martins. When the Revolution began, the Armstrongs & Martins took up arms for the country, but Col. Wright remained loyal to the King. In 1775, Col. Alexander Martin expressed fear that Col. Wright and his brother were "obstinate enemies" of the country. Gen. William Lenoir, when applying for his pension after the War, stated that he had helped arrest the Tory Gideon Wright and taken him to prison at Richmond. However, in the Spring of 1780, the State of NC gave him a grant for 200 acres of land, even though land of certain active Tories was being confiscated. He did join in a Tory uprising in the summer of 1780, but was not sufficiently prominent to have his lands seized. There is a family tradition that before his death he had taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State Govt. [Since there is evidence he died as a refugee in Charleston, SC, I'm not so sure about this part - sounds like wishful thinking on the part of descendants.] From 1771 to 1774, the Courts and Musters were held quite near Gideon's own dwelling, but at that time the Armstrongs out-manuvered him and the County Seat was moved to Richmond. The records of the Wright Court-House have been lost.
The lands on which the Wright Court-House stood can be located. In 1762 the Agent of the Earl of Granville granted Gideon Wright a strip of land east of the Yadkin with the River forming the western boundary. This tract contained about 69 acres. In Apr 1780, Wright bought from the State of NC another 200 acres which surrounded the original tract. Other grants refer to Gideon Wright's survey and it is evident that he also took out another tract but didn't perfect it for it was granted to James Badget the same month that Wright received his. Gideon must have sold the tract to Badget and taken back a mortgage based on the lawsuit filed against Badget by Elizabeth Wright as administrator of Gideon's Estate.
Gideon Wright died in 1782. In 1790, Elisabeth Wright, widow, listed 96 acres for taxation in Stokes Co. In 1791 Hezekiah & Elisabeth Wright deeded 200 acres to George Hauser; Hauser deeded the larger 200 acres to Leonard Scott in 1796. The land then passed by inheritance to John Scott. There was a Wright family cemetery on the original tract.
The Grant from the Earl of Granville to Gideon Wright was made 10 Aug 1762; Gideon Wright was said to be of Rowan County. The tract was on the East side of the Yadkin R opposite to Benjamin Pettit, 69 acres. This was a lease for 3sh for every hundred acres to be paid at the Court-house of Rowan - a typical grant from the crown in this time period. Surveyed 19 May 1762. Gideon Wright & George Sprinkle Surveyor & Chain Carriers. Proved in open Court at Rowan Co, Oct 1762 and Recorded in Book 5, p.75.
The Grant from the State of NC was granted 3 Apr 1780 for 200 acres lying then in the County of Surry. No neighbors were listed but the line of the old tract is. Surv 11 Mar 1779: Gidn Wright & Laughlin Flin were Chain Carriers. Reg. Surry Co 10 Mar 1782: Book B, p.83.
[my note: It is also true that the location of the land was basically across the Yadkin River from the 350 acres taken out by his brother Hezekiah.]
Bethabara Diary, 1772
May 15 Some miles from Bethania Mr. Gideon Wright's wife was thrown from her horse and broke her shoulder bone. In spite of this she went on foot to Bethania, and stayed there while Br. [Brother] Bonn was brought from Salem, who bound up her should and took charge of her.
Aug 6 Today there was a trial before the two Justices, James van der Merk & Gideon Wright.
Sept 18 Br. Marshall went to Bethania yesterday and today he met Philip Schause, in the presence of the Bethania Committee, to discuss claims which Schause makes for his improvements in Bethania. The conclusion was that the matter should be settled by arbitration within a month, and Schause chose Gideon Wright, Esq. as his representative, while Br. Marshall selected Esq. Bonn.
Nov 19 Brn. Bagge & Blum went to Mr. Gideon Wright's where the Court is at present held. Br. Bagge will see whether some of his [store] debtors will pay in corn.

SURRY CO NC DEEDS; Vol 1 DB A; 1770-1783; Mrs. W. O. Absher, Mrs. Robert K Hayes
p.12 24 Jan 1772 John Howard of Rowan Co, relinquished all claim to inventory produced Oct 1767, the good & chattels of Hannah Viniham of Rowan Co to dispose to her children born before above date. Wit: John Armstrong, Gideon Wright.

Pittsylvania Co VA Deeds, DB 3, p.325
8 May 1773 Gideon Wright, Charles McHanally, and Moses Martin, Esqrs, on any two of her majestys Justices of the County of Surry Richard Murphy hath conveyed unto William Ragsdale of the County Of Pittsylvania a tract in the said county of Pittsylvania containing 200 acres. Keziah the wife of said Richard cannot conveniently trave to our said County Court of Pittsylvania. Trusting in your faithful & provident circumspection in examining Keziah the wife of said Richard from and apart from her husband whether she does fully & voluntarily relinquish her right of Dower in the said land. when you have done that you Certifie to our Justice of our said Court of Pittsylvania. Signed: Eill.Tunstall
We have examined Keziah the wife Richd Murphy apart from her husband trouching her relinquishment of her dower to the 200 acres of land conveyed by her said Husband to William Ragsdale.She did Relinquish. 12 Jul 1773.
Signed: Gideon Wright, Charles Mchanally, Moses Martin
22 Jul 1773 The within document recorded. Will Tunstall

Moravian Records, Vol II
Salem Diary, 1773
Feb 28 Gideon Wright's eldest daughter, Sally came to Salem today, and received permission to stay for a few weeks with Br. & Sr. Reuter.
Apr 12 New Vestry Men, twelve in all, included George & Michael Hauser.
Minutes of Aeltesten [Board of Elders] Conference, 1773
Mar 29 Some weeks ago Col Gideon Wright's daughter came to Br. Reuter's house to stay for a while, giving as the reason that she had been converted and would like to live here, but she soon left, after visiting her acquaintances in town and talking with them. Day before yesterday she came back, bringing her sister with her, and giving the same excuse. As they have neither asked nor received permission this time, and as the reason they have given does not appear to be the true one, nor will their presence benefit our town, Br. Reuter shall be asked to send them courteously away as soon as possible.
Bethabara Diary, 1773
Jan 24 A large number of Brethren & friends gathered for the funeral of Br. Merk, among them the three Justices of the Peace, Gideon Wright, Moses Martin & Malcome Curry together with Br. Bonn and Br. Charles Holder from Salem [also Justices].
Jul 12 The Brn. Bagge & Bonn came from Salem, on their way to mee the Chief Judge on his arrival at Gideon Wright's. They returned before night, bringing several packages of letters, which have come from Germany by way of Charlestown and Salisbury.
Aug 10 Many of the militia passed through today, on their way to General Muster at Gideon Wright's.

Moravian Record, Vol III 1776-1779
1776, p.1022
Gov. Josiah Martin of SC, spent much of Dec 1775 at Charleston SC conferring with the Loyalists there. He returned to the harbor of Cape Fear early in Jan, 1776, and sent out emissaries to rouse the Loyalists of NC expecting 6000 or more. Commissions were sent to various officers, Gideon Wright and James Glyn [also Glen/Glan] being appointed for Surry Co. His proclamation dated 10 Jan 1776 was made on board His Majesty's Sloop Scorpion, Cape Fear River.
North Carolina troops took part in the defense of Charleston in June. Those from the western Counties were more concerned with excursions against the Indians in July & August & in Aug, VA, NC & SC united in a succefful campaign, whereby the Indians were scatterd & driven back.
A Constitution was adopted for NC by the Provincial Congress on Dec 18 & on Dec 20, Richard Caswell was elected the first Governor of NC.
Manuscript of Brother Traugott Bagge, 1776
In early 1776 the Minute Men marched out to Shallowford road to the Petersbach, taking with them James Glen and Ezekiah Wright [Hezekiah or Giery], arrested as Tories, whom they shackled together in our blacksmith shop.
Salem Diary, 1776
Feb 7 Ealy this morning Giery Wright and some 20 men marched through, but had neither money nor provision.
Feb 8 Giery Wright and his party passed on their return. They had been turned back by men coming from the camp.
Feb 15 ...investigaation of the Moravian towns - the detachment had already been to Bethabara & Bethania before coming to Salem. ...They laid before us the Test authorized by the Congress in Hillsbury and asked us to sign it. The investigation was completed, Mr. Armstrong ordered all under his command not to molest us. Then they departed in peace, taking with them four prisoners, James Glen & Giery Wright whom they had arrested at their homes on the hither ...and two others whom they took in the tavern.
Bethabara Diary, 1776
Feb 1 Mr. Gideon Wright was here to find which party we hold. He had orders from the Governor to make this investigation throughout the country... Travelers were here from the Peedee... Probably they had left home from fear, because they had signed the Association. They brought a report that Charlestown in SC had been burned, and that soldiers had landed.
Feb. 5 Mr. Gideon Wright and his brother passed through our town, returning from the royal camp, where today and tomorrow more than 2000 men, who have gathered there, will go to help the Governor, who is said to have landed with troops.
Feb 7 This morning Giery Wright passed with a company of men. It was disturbed everywhere in the neighborhood, with some men fleeing and some going to join the Governor's Army.
Mar 11 Heinrich Schmidt and Gideon Wright arrived about seven o'clock and spent the night. They were glad to be so near home and we rejoiced with them that they had returned in safety and could till their fields. [A footnote says that it appears Gideon Wright had been serving in Capt Schmidt's Company. A favoite method of converting Tories was to force them into Continental service.]
Bethania Diary, 1776
Feb 11 It was reported that last night Gideon Wright was taken prisoner; on the contrary he surrendered himself to Heinrich Schmidt.

Moravian Record, Vol IV 1780-1783
Memorabilia, 1780
Oct 9 Andreas Volk's son came for the doctor for his bro-in-law Johann Krause who was shot in the leg yesterday while standing guard at Richmond, which was again visited by a strong party of Tories under Gideon Wright.
Oct 15 ...It is reported that Gideon Wright's party was defeated at the Shallow Ford by Capt. Gambly and completely routed.
Nov 1 ...From that village [Bethabara] we hear many reports of violence, for instance Giery Wright was shot in his own home; very likely he had intended to give himself up, as many are doing at the present.
1780 [failed to note Diary, probably Bethabara]
Mar 26 Easter ...Several outsiders were here, among the rest, Gideon Wright.
Minutes of the Board, 1780
Sept 10, Sunday ...From Bethania we heard that Capt Campbell & his company arrived last evening with 2 or 3 prisoners, and after supper Geier Riet [Kiah Wright] was whipped.
1780 [failed to note Diary, probably Bethania]
Sept 9 Capt Cambell's company brought Geyer Wright as a prisoner and this evening he was cruelly treated, though several of the mean here tried repeatedly to intercede fro him.
Sept 10 ...In the evening we heard that Geyer Wright had escaped from his guards.
Oct 11 This morning George Aust was brought in as a prison, but was left here until further orders. At noon they [Tories] left again, in order to reach the home of Gideon Wright on the Atkin today.
Oct 12 Before dawn Col. Gideon Wright and about a hundred men arrived and inquired whether any Libery Men were here. ...They remained on their horses and were served there, and those who wished received bread, and then they set off toward Bethabara ..a direct act of Providence that the last of the Liberty Men set out scarcely an hour earlier.

The Heritage of Yadkin County, 1981, Frances H. Casstevens, Editor.
Yadkin county was the site of an engagement between Tories and Patriots on October 14, 1780, at Shallow Ford near the village of Huntsville. The Tories, under Gideon Wright, moved toward Old Richmond with a force of about 500 men. ....A party of Virginia and Surry County patriots under Capt Cloyd attacked the Tories at Shallow Ford. The militia lost Capt Francis and four were wounded. Fourteen of the Tories were killed, among them Capt Bryan and Capt Burke.

Of North Carolina. Gideon Wright, authorized by Gov. Martin, 10 Jan 1776, to errect the King's standard, to enlist and array in arms the loyal subjects of Surry Co and "to oppose all rebels and traitors"
Led the Loyalists (Tories) at the Battle of Shallow Ford 14 Oct 1780 - this was very near the home of Thomas Poindexter/Elizabeth Pledge. Was a Captain; served in the French and Indian War with his brother Hezekiah. [I have not found this record....]

Revolutionary Pension Application of Michael Buster, #S1178, dated 18 Jun 1833 in Pulaski Co KY. ... still a resident of Montgomery County Virginia, in the month of April 1781 I volunteered or joined a company of Light Horse commanded by Captain Isaac Campbell.... marched together with another Company of Light Horse into the State of North Carolina and was engaged in ranging on the Adkin & Catawba Rivers and on the Border of South Carolina.... I was in the Battle fought between the Americans and the Tories at the Shallow Ford of the Adkin River, the Tories under the Command of Colo. Wright and the two horse companies of the Americans under the Command of Captain Campbell and Man and the Footmen engaged in the Battle were under the Command of Major Cloyd - in which Battle the Tories were defeated with considerable loss....

JOSEPH WINSTON HIS ENTRY BOOK, SURRY CO NC, LAND ENTRIES; 1778-1781 by Agnes M. Wells, Virginia G. Phillips, Carol J. Leonard; 1987
p.45/497 George Sprinkle entered 360 acres in Surry Co, North side of the Yadkin below Gidion Ritts [Wrights], it being an old entry made in Earl of Granville's office. 12 Aug 1788.
p.50/550 Gidion Wright entered 200 acres in Surry on the Yadkin R, beg at upper corner of George Springles, thence NE up the river and round to my old line. 13 Aug 1778.

SURRY CO NC DEEDS; Vol 1 DB A; 1770-1783; Mrs. W. O. Absher, Mrs. Robert K Hayes
p.229-30 10 Dec 1778 NC Grant #18 to John Armstrong. 640 acres both sides Fralesy Crk [Frays, Freys, Freese Crk?] including the town of Richmond. On Gideon Wright's line crossing Tarrarat Road, Townfork Rd, the agreed line bet Armstrong & Robert Walker.
p.243-244 10 Dec 1778 NC Grant to Samuel Cummins. 640 acres Yadkin R adj Gideon Wrights line, below mouth of the Little Yakin crossing Tarrarat Rd to Great Yadkin.

SURRY CO NC DEEDS; Vol 1 DB B; 1770-1783; Mrs. W. O. Absher, Mrs. Robert K Hayes
p.84 3 Apr 1780 NC Grant to Gideon Wright. 200 acres Yadkin R, his own line
p.138 1 Aug 1781 Samuel Cummins to Joseph Phillips. 640 acres on Yadkin adj Gideon Wright line, below mouth of the little Yadkin, crossing Tararat [Ararat] Rd. [This 640 acres was a NC grant to Saml Cummins on 10 Dec 1778]
p.185 11 Sep 1781 Joseph Phillips sold the above 640 acres to William Shepperd. Adj Gideon Wright's line, below mouth of the Little Yadkin, crossing Tararat Rd & the Little Yadkin to Great Yadkin.
p. 297-8 6 Feb 1783 Samuel Cummins & wife Mary to Robert Walker for 20 sh. 7 1/2 sq poles in Town of Richmond adj Diamond between sd Cummins & Walker NW Square of Town adj Broad St, lot formerly claimed by Gideon Wright. signed: Samuel Cummins, Mary Cummins. Wit: Martin Armstrong, John Armstrong.

The Loyalists in North Carolina During the Revolution, by Robert O. DeMond, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 1940, Reprinted GPC, 1979, p.237
Militia Officers at present Refugees in Charlestown We the Officers of the South and North Carolina Militia at present Refugees in Charlestown, have received by order of the Commt. Lt. Genl. Lealy of Robert Gray Dy. P.M.M. the same annexed to our respective Names in the right hand column below upon the dates prefixed thereto, having also signed a duplicate hereof the same being in part pay allowed us as Refugees for the several periods undermentioned as per following Abstract No. 24.
1782 Col. Wright, Gideon, from North Carolina
Maj. Thomas, Torrence, from North Carolina
[P.R.O. Treasury 50. Bundle 3, Book 11.]

North Carolina Loyalists
Pay Abstract Nr. 13, NC Militia, Charlestown SC 3 Jun 1782. Six months pay in ful for service: Col. Gideon Wright. Robert Gray, Col., Pay Master. [Public Record Office, London]
p.421 Col Gideon Wright rec'd £50 paid at rate of $1 per day 1 Apr 1782-1 Oct 1782.
p.491 Militia Officers at Present Refugees in Charlestown SC of the S&NC Regiments, paid from the time they were obliged to leave their property in the country or from the dates of their last payment.
p.492 Col. Gideon Wright, NC, 61 days 1 Apr -31 May [1782]
p.495 Refugees of 1st Class in Charlestown SC July 1782 Col. Gideon Wright, NC 30 days, 1 Jun - 30 Jun 1782
p.497 Refugees of 1st Class, 62 days, 1 Jul - 31 Aug 1782
Col Gideon Wright, died. 40 days, 1 Jul - 9 Aug '82 North Carolina [residence]
p.499 Refugees of 1st Class, 16 Sep 1782, 62 days, 1 Jul - 31 Aug 1782
Col Gideon Wright, 40 days, 1 Jul - 9 Aug. Died. North Carolina

An explanation of how Gideon Wright came to be in Charlestown may lie in this Claim by two British soldiers for the property they had lost during the Revolution: 1786, Jan 19th. Peter Blewer a native of SC, late of Mecklenburgh NC stated that he refused to sign with the Americans. He joined the British at Camden under Lord Rawdon in 1781, was taken Prisoner at the Congaree with Major Maxwell. Afterwards he was exchanged & sent to Charlestown until the Evacuation and then went to Shelbourne [Nova Scotia] where he now resides. He served under Capt Wright. His brother John Blewer testified in his behalf as did a James WRIGHT who said he knew the Claimant at the Congaree in 1781. 1786, Jan. 19th. John Blewer, late of Mecklenburgh Co NC stated he had done "everything to avoid serving with the Americans". He was drafted into the North Carolina Militia in 1780 but fled and joined Cornwallis at Camden; served as a Lieutenant & went to Charlestown; then he came to Shelburne. He had a certificate from Capt Brian & Col. Gideon Wright that he had served two years with the British as Lt of Militia. Peter Blewer testified on his behalf, as did Jacob Blewer, another brother. These cases found on CD LOYALISTS IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION from the book, "United Empire Loyalists: Enquiry into the Losses and Services in Consequence of Their Loyalty. Evidence in Canadian Claims. Second Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario" (2 Volumes)

Feb 15, 1782, court records Surry Co NC, Ordered commissioners confiscated property deduct from Len Flinn’s bond (acct Negro wench he hired of Colo. Wright’s estate which was out of his possession), 12 bush corn, Matthew Brooks as commissioner not chargeable.
Surry Co NC Court Minutes Vol I & II 1768-1789, Absher.

Surry Co Court Minutes:
p.48 15 Nov 1782 Administration of the estate of Gideon Wright, deceased, was granted Elizabeth Wright, wife and relict. Securities: Samuel Cummins & Laughlin Flinn.

Inventory of Estate of Gideon Wright, deceased, presented to Surry County NC Court, 8 Jan 1783. Eliz. [E] Wright, Administrix. Included the tract of land & improvements whereon Wright lived. Bond due from James Badget. A Negro fellow Tom. Tools. A looking glass. A Bible, Common prayer book, Hymnal & 2 other books. Clothing & household items.
May Session 1783, Surry Co Court. Ordered by the Court that the sheriff expose to sale the perishable part of the Estate of Gideon Wright, Dec'd.
Return of the sale 4 Aug 1783. Total proceeds from the sale £121 10sh 7p. The slave Tom brought £66. Buyers are not given. The sale bill is signed by John Thos. Longino.
Surry County, North Carolina, Wills: 1771-1827; Annotated Genealogial Abstracts, by Jo White Linn, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc., Baltimore MD, 1992; Reprinted 2007.
Book I, p.12a
Sept Ct. 1772 People who had claims against the County: Griffith Rutherford, Gideon Wright, William Robertson, Richard Goode, John Armstrong, Charles McAnally, George Sprinkle, Anthony Hampton, William Rutlage, Thomas Evis. Paid at 4 pence per taxable: Gideon Wright 125, Chas. McAnally 103, James Mark 71, William Hall 95, John Duncan 96, Robert Walker 17, Moses Martin 121, Malcom Curry 70, Edward Riggs 330. No. ov Taxables: 1028. [Note: Gideon Wright, William Hall, Edward Riggs, and Thomas Evans were captains in the 1774 Surry Co. militia. Gideon Wright had Rev. War service
Book I, p.13a Will of Jacobus Vande Merk. 16 Dec 1772. Wife, Christina. Exr: Jacob Bonn, Esq. who qualified Feb Cot. 1773
Note: Moravian. Died from dropsy. Bethabara Diary of 24 Jan 1773: "A large number of Brethren & friends gathered for the funeral of Br. Merk, among them the three Justices of the Peace, Gideon Wright, Moses Martin, and Malcom Curry, together with Br. Bonn and Br. Charles Holder from Salem (who were also Justices). Mr. Curry, especially, was much affected, and offered to help carry the bier, saying that he loved Br. Merk. It rained gently all day, but not enough to soak the ground. At one o'clock the entire company gathered in the Sall, there was not even standing room, and some fo the Brethren had to remain outside....The remains were taken to God's Acre. His tombstone says he died aged 44.
Book I, p.62a 21 Aug 1775 Gideon Wright, Justice of Surry Co, binds to Hugh Dunham/Dunnum, an orphan child, and Samuel Harbison, son of Samuel Harbison dec'd, as apprentice & servant to be a hat maker. Wit: Jo. Williams. Rec. Aug Ct. 1775.
Book 2, p.8a 5 Jan 1783 Inv of Est of Gideon Wright decd incl bonds, due by James Badgett, Martin Armstrong & Samuel Cummins & negro Tom. Returned by Elizabeth Wright, admin. Rec. Feb Ct. 1783 [Note: Surry Co Minutes of Court of P & QS, 15 Aug 1782, "Whatever the Commissioners of Confiscated Property has done with any part of Gideon Wright's Estate granted to his wife is illegal." Gideon Wright was a Lt. Col. in the 1774 Surry Co militia in 1774, was a Justice in Surry. The first Surry Co courthouse was on his farm. He was a Tory in the Revolution. His wife was born Elizabeth Dowling. Gideon Wright can be identified by 21 Apr 1761 in Rowan Co. when was apptd Constable in the Room of Joseph Harrison, Rowan Min. of Court of P & QS 2:329; he was also a Justice in Rowan.
Book 2, p.13a 4 Aug 1783 Return of sales of perishable est. of Gideon Right dec'd by Jno. Thos. Longino with amt. L121:10:7. Rec. Aug Ct. 1783
Book 2, p.31 Return of Matt. Brooks on Confiscated Estates - Richard Thomason for rent of Wm. Appliwhite's plantation; Robert Lanier
(cont. p. 54)
for rent of John & William Neels plantation. For rent of plantations of Henry Burche, Reuben Jackson, George Turner, John Pans, John Irwin, Lytle Irwin, Ison Thompson, William Ramsey, West Mosbey, John Harvies, William Lake, Thomas Skidmore, George Gunston. Cash was also rec'd from James Badgett due Gideon Wright & John Lynch. Total: L773:15:4. Wit: Jos. Winston, Ben Watson. Rec. May Ct 1784

SURRY CO NC DEEDS; Vol 1 DB B; 1770-1783; Mrs. W. O. Absher, Mrs. Robert K Hayes
p.297-298 6 Feb 1783 Samuel Cummins & wife Mary to Robert Walker for 20 shillings. 7 1/2 square poles in Town of Richmond, corner Diamond bet sd Cummins & Walker. NW Square of town, corner Broad St, lot formerly claimed by Gideon Wright. Wit: Martin & John Armstrong. The entry book found under Land Records, 1790-1795 in the unindexed North Carolina Probates, Stokes County.
Image 30:
#18. Warrant Granted State of North Carolina
Justice Reynolds Enters fifty Acres of Land lying in Stokes County on the Waters of the Yadkin adjoining the lines of Edmund Kerbey to the South & the Lands of Gideon Wright to the West & North of Thos. Flyns bee the same More or less being Vacant land without Improvement.
3 April 1790
In the Margin: February the 2nd, 1791. Entry withdrew & money returnd.

Surry Co Court Minutes:
1st Mon Mar 1790. To the sheriff of Stokes Co: You are commanded to take the body of James Badget so that you have him before the Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions on the 1st Mondy, Jun next. To answer Elizabeth Wright, Admr. of Gideon Wright dec'd, Debt for £100 and Damages of £20. [Lawsuit for Badgett for the uncollected Bond listed in the inventory of Gideon Wright]
8 Jun 1790 Wrights Admr. vs. Jas. Badgett for debt. Elizabeth Wright & John Williams of Stokes Co state that they will be indebted to Badget cost & damages that acrue if the plaintiff fails in their prosecution. [there is nothing further to indicate the outcome of this suit]

SURRY CO NC COURT OF PLEAS & QUARTER SESSIONS; Vol. 1; 1790-1795; Agnes M. Wells & Iris M. Harvey, 1990
May Term 1790; #21,22, & 23
Gideon Wright's Admin vs. James Badget. Verdict: £31.21.5 William Freeman, wit for plaintiff. Proved 50 miles & 4 days.
Gideon Wright's Admin vs. James Badget Verdict: £30.4.3
Gideon Wright's Admin vs. James Badget Verdict: £28.16.1

ABSTRACTS OF LAND ENTRIES, STOKES CO NC 17901798; Dr. A. B. Pruitt, 1987
p.5/18 3 Apr 1790 Warrant Granted. Justice Reynolds enters 50 acres in Stokes on waters of Yadkin. Borders Edmund Kirby on S; Gideon Wright on N; N of Thomas Flyn and vacant land w/out improvement.
p.19/76 8 Jun 1791 Wt Granted. Thomas Flin entered 100 acres on waters of Frees Crk; includes three springs, borders Leoflin Flin.
p.20/77 8 Jun 1791 Wt Granted. Thomas Flin entered 50 acres, N side big Yadkin on branch called Rail Run. Borders E line of entry formerly made by Gideon Wright dec'd and runs up both sides of the branch.
p.101/402 24 Nov 1794 Wt Granted. George Houser entered 250 acres in Stokes on waters of Big Yadkin. Borders George Springle, Leoflin Flynn, Gidn. Wright and Edmond Kerbey.

SURRY COUNTY NC DEEDS; DB E; Mrs. W. O Absher, Mrs. Robert K. Hayes
p.238 11 Oct 1792 Arthur Scott to Edward Lovell, Arthur Scott, Jean Thompson, Execx. & Joseph Ashley, Execr., Will of Samuel Thompson dec'd. For £500. 640 acres in Surry & Stokes Counties on Yadkin R adj tract formerly claimed by Gideon Wright below the mouth of the Little Yadkin, except the saw & grist Mills & seats on which they stand which is conveyed by Arthur Scott to Edward Lovill & Arthur Scott separate & apart from c-partnership of Scott, Lovell, & Thompson. Signed: Arthur Scott. Wit: Jeremiah Early, Nathan Haines, Samuel Thompson.

Surry Co NC County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Vol III, 1801-1804
Iris M. Harvey & Agnes M. Wells 1992
Wed 11 Nov 1801
p.41 Letter of admin de bonis non upon the estate of Gideon Wright dec'd granted to Thos. Flynn who entered bond with Leofflin Flynn security in sum of 400# & qualified according to law.
This is odd - Gideon had died in 1782. His widow died in 1797 - final payments from her estate settlement were made in 1800. Is this a much younger Gideon? A grandson? Thomas and Laughlin Flynn were both married to Wright daughters.

In the Poindexter book, this family is traced back through an emigrating ancestor, Peter, born Norfolk Co England in 1612 and settled in Oyster Bay NY as one of the earliest settlers. The Wright line goes back to Edward III King of England, as well as to a signer of the Magna Carta and Charlemagne, King of France. Unfortunately the parents as given for Gideon Wright have proved to be erroneous, eliminating this connection, though it remains remotely possible he was in some other way, part of this family.

This man is not a son as he doesn't figure in the settlement of the estate of Elizabeth, widow of Gideon, but his presence is curious.
Aaron Wright married 16 Nov 1792. Bondsman: David Riggs (married Miriam Wright who also has been proposed as a child of Gideon, although she seems older and more likely as sister) and Thos. York. No wife is named - perhaps unreadable. Researchers have given her the name Mary Murphy.
1810 Census. Surry, NC
Aaron Wright. 3m under 10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 2f under 10, 2f 10-16, 1f 26-45
1820 Census. Capt. Patterson's Dist
Aaron Wright: 2m under 10, 1m 10-16, 4m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1f 10-16, 3f 16-26, 1f over 45
Aaron said to have died about 1825.
The following has been proposed as Aaron's widow, Mary but I have no proof - a possible grandchild named Zadoc is definitely curious.
1850 Census - Union Co, SC, Hh 155
Richard Wright, 49, farmer, b. KY (unlikely if he is a son of Aaron & Mary)
Mary W., 79, b. NC
Kisiah Wright, 44, b. NC
Sally Crummmell, 18. Zadoc Crummell, 8 - both born in NC
Mary Wright, 7, b. NC
Kisiah Crummell, 14, b. NC


Death9 Aug 1782Charleston, South Carolina


ChildSarah Wright (1756 - )
ChildHezekiah Wright (1758 - )
Child[Infant] WRIGHT ( - 1761)
ChildSeruu WRIGHT ( - )
ChildSusannah Wright (1765 - )
Father??? WRIGHT ( - )
SiblingHezekiah WRIGHT ( - 1782)
SiblingMiriam Wright (1748 - 1814)
