Individual Details


(24 Nov 1775 - 13 Jun 1833)

In 1796/97, the family moved to Ontario County NY. "Holland Purchase" says Peter went into Pittstown in 1796 and in 1797, Nathaniel followed him from Canandaigua.

History of Ontario Co, by Everts, p.227, states that "In 1796 and 1797, Moses Allen, with his sons, Peter and Nathaniel, and their families became residents of this vicinity. Peter became a soldier, commanded a regiment at Queenstown, where he was captured, and rose to be a brigadier-general. He was a member of the Legislature from Ontario. He moved in 1816 to Terri Haute, in Indiana.

1800 Pitts, Ontario Co NY Census: Peter Allen, 2m -10 [Ira age 1, Henry age 3], 1m 16-26 [Peter age 25] and 1f 16-26 [Mary age 25]. Also 1m over 45 and 1f over 45. Were Moses and Chloe still living or did Mary's parents live with them?

24 Dec 1802 Peter Allen was one of nine Freemasons in Ontario Co, NY who signed a petetion to the Grand Lodge of New York, Free & Accepted Masons, for permission to from Genesse Lodge which was endorsed by Ontario Lodge No. 23 as the as the nearest lodge in Canandaiga, NY. The Charter for Genessee Lodge No. 32 was issued 14 Jun 1806.

Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821. New York, 1901-1902.
Volume I
p.739 - in 1804, Peter Allen was appointed Lt in the Ontario Co militia. [Peter B. Porter was commanding a Regiment, also in Ontario Co]
p.832 - 1806 - a New Regiment was composed under Maj. William Pitt, Lt Col. Peter Allen was Captain, his brother Nathaniel, lieutenant. Myron Holley was brigade inspector
p.887, 1807. Peter Allen appointed 2nd Major, Ontario Co.

The following is the first purchase of land for the Allen family in Ontario Co deed books - they had been there about eight years. Although Nathaniel was not of age when they family arrived in western New York, Peter certainly was. Since all of Peter's purchases and sales can be accounted for, their actual residence in prior years is a mystery - they may have purchased directly from the Holland Land Co. [I did in fact find an Index of Land Transactions of the Holland Land Co. It lists Moses Allen, his sons, Peter and Nathaniel Allen and sons-in-law Roswell Turner, Samuel Robinson, and Smauel Woodworth.]
Ontario Co DB 13, p.170
28 Sep 1805 Oliver Phelps of Canandaiga and Mary his wife, sold to Peter Allen of Pittstown for $500 a parcel in Twp 9, 5th range. 100 acres, part of the east half of lot number 36. Signed: Oliver Phelps, Mary Phelps. Wit: Jas. Smedley
28 Sep 1805 Oliver & Mary Phelps acknowledged before Moses Atwater. Recorded 16 Jun 1808.
Township 9, 5th Range was the site of Pittstown formed in 1796. The name was changed to Honeoye on 6 Apr 1808, and to Richmond 11 Apr 1815.

1806, the first Masonic lodge, the Genessee Lodge, No. 32, was organized at what would become Richmond. Some of the first members of the lodge were Nathaniel and Peter Allen. Nathaniel was at one time Master.

In 1808 Peter was one of the Vestrymen of St. Paul's Church, Honeoye, New York. History of Ontario Co, Everts, states that this was the Protestant Episcopal Church started in 1808 by Davenport Phelps, an English clergyman, who was on a mission tour. The first regualr annual meeting was not held until 19 Apr 1813. Vestrymen included Peter Allen, David & Orra Akins. Nathaniel Allen was one of the builders of the church. 25 Nov 1817, forty-two pews were auctioned - Nathaniel Allen, Uriel & Orra Akin were purchasers. One note says N. Allen was not a church member, but Nathaniel did give land for the church and a cemetery.

Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821. New York, 1901-1902.
Volume II
p.1039 1809. Peter Allen appointed Lt Col, of John Green's Regt - Green had resigned. [Peter B. Porter was also still a Lt Col of a Regt in Ontario Co]
Allen continued to serve as Lt Col of what was then called Lt Col Peter Allen's Regiment, later the 22nd Regt of the 39th Brigade, 7th Division, NY State Militia, until 1815.

1810 Census Honeyoye, Ontario County NY:
Allen, Peter 1m -10 (Myron age 5); 2m 10-16 (Ira age 11, Henry age 13) 1m 26-45 (Peter was 35) 4f -10 (Chloe age 1, Amanda age 3, Harriett age 7, Catherine age 9) 1f 26-45 (wife Mary Peterson)

In 1812, he was a supervisor representing Richmond in the county legislature.
Honeoye was formed in 1796 as Pittstown; first settlement was by Capt. Peter Pitts and his sons in 1789. Changed to Honeoye in 1808 and then to Richmond in April 1815. Allen Hill is a hamlet nearby. [ Found at USGenWeb Ontario County NY site.]

"Brigadier General in War of 1812". In command of a regiment at the battle of Queenstown, in which he was taken prisoner. [This information found in "Phelps and Gorham's Purchase" - written by a nephew. Peter Allen was actually a lieutenant colonel in the militia - he was taken prisoner at Queenstown. He was promoted to Brigadier General in 1815 and resigned in 1817..]
From the Abstracts of Payrolls for the NY State Militia for the War of 1812 [copies from the New York State Archives]
Peter Allen, Lt. Col. in the 20th Regt was paid from June 28 to Sep 28, 1812 $202; and from Sept 29 to Oct 28, 1812 $98.70. In service at Lewiston, NY
Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Paid from Aug 28 to Sep 20, 1814 $46.45 Discharged Sept 20, 1814, by consolidation.
From an online History of the War of 1812:
13 Oct 1812: Gen. Stephen Van Rennsselaer was defeated in the battle of Queenstown Heights, Canada, on the the Niagara frontier by the British and Indians. About 1000 U. S. troops were killed or wounded. [This is an exaggeration - the number is closer to perhaps 500, although no correct count can be obtained. There were close to 1000 captured.

Peter Allen's Service Record from the National Archives;
Field and Staff Muster Roll
Peter Allen, Lt. Col.; 20 Reg't Detached Milita, State of New York
War of 1812
Appears on roll for Jun 28 to Sep 28, 1812
Commentent of this service or of this settlement: June 28, 1812
Expiration of this settlement: Sep 28, 1812
Present or absent: Present
Field and Staff Pay Roll
[same as above]
Term of service charged: 3 months
Pay per month 60 dollars
Forage per month 11 dollars
Amount of pay, 180 dollars
Amount of forage, 22 dollars
Total, 202 dollars
Remarks: One months forage drawn in kind.
Subsistence Account of Lieut. Col. Peter Allen from the 28th day of June 1812 to 26th day of Septermber 1812.
92 days; 5 rations per day; Total rations: 460
Post or Place where due: Lewiston New York
Price of Rations 20 cents
Amount $92
Requistion is signed by Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd.
Receipt: Received of Nathaniel Allen, District Paymaster [name printed on printed form - his brother], this 28th day of September the sum of $92 in full of payment for my subsistence from the 28th day of June 1812 to the 28th day of September 1812.
Signed: Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd.
Subsistence Account of Lieut. Col. Peter Allen from 29th Sep 1812 to 28th Octo. 1812, inclusive.
30 days rations, 5 per day, total 150 rations at Lewiston.
20 cents per ration, Total $30
Receipt same as above - received $30 on 25th December
Subsistence Account
To Lieut. Col. Peter Allen for his pay from the 29th day of September to the 28th day of October 1812, thirty days at sixty dollars per month - $58.06.
For his forage as Lieut. Col. from the 29th Sept to the 28th day of Octr. 1812, thirty days at eleven dollars per month - $10.64
For his subsistence as per account herewith - $30.00
Total: $98.70
Certified by Peter Allen Lieut. Col. Comd.
Received of Nathanial Allen, Esquire, district-paymaster, the sum of $98.70.
Signed Peter Allen, Lt. Col. Comd. [No date on receipt]
[This payment appears to overlap the rations as listed above, but perhaps the previous account was a regulation itemization of the rations received, as this form was slight different and included only totals.]

Handwritten Note
On back: Colo. Allens Order 2 Bushels of Oats, 14th July
Camp at 5 Mile Meadow [across the Niagara River from Queenstown]
14th July 1812
Quarter Master General
Deliver Alexander Case two bushel oats for Feeding his Horses while Halling boards for the building of Barracks.
Peter Allen, Lieut. Col. Comd.
[in separate handwriting] 5 1/3 Rat. Grain
Handwritten Note
[on back] Conl. Peter Allen order on Mr. Atwater in favour of Capt. Abraham Dox for 33 Muskets, 1 Box of Cartridges. Jul 1, 1812. 34 Muskets delivd. pr. Rect.
Moses Atwater, QM [I think]
Will deliver Thirty three stand of arms and one box ammunition for the men under the Command of Capt. A. Dox in my Regiment.
Peter Allen, Lieut. Col. Comd.

Appendix D, p.247-251 10 Apr 1812 Congress passed an Act to authorize a detachment from the Militia and gave permission for the president to mobilize these troops. 28 May 1812, New York's quota was 13, 500 officer and men and was to consist of eight brigades formed into two divisions. Maj. Gen. Van Renssalaer was appointed to command the First Division, consisting of Brigades Four through Eight, within which new regiments were to be formed. Lt. Col. Peter Allen was appointed to command the 20th Regt of Detached Militia drawn upon the various companies in Ontario Co rather than just his own 22nd Regt of Infantry. The 18th, 19th & 20th Regt formed the 7th Brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. William Wadsworth. Mustered on the Niagara River about the time of the attack on Queenston were the 16th & 17th Regt of the Sixth Brigade and the three units of the Seventh Brigade.
Taken prisoner were Brig. Gen. Wadsworth and his aide-de-camp Maj. William H. Spencer. From the 20th Regt: Lt. Col. Peter Allen, his Pay Master Joshia Robinson, Captains John Brown, Elijah Clarke, and Salma Stanley, Lieutenant Joshua Phillips, and Ensign Jacob Cast. [Enlisted men taken prisoner were not listed. Counts from muster rolls indicated a total of 443 men in the 20th Regt.]
p.59-60 The militia mobilized the week that spanned June and July, 1812. With Gen. Wadsworth leading, about 900 men had advanced to Batavia by 1 July including 300 men from Lt. Col. Peter Allen's 20th. They reached Buffalo on Wednesday, 3 July, and advanced to camps in and around Fort Niagara [Allen was encamped at Five Mile Meadow.] About a week behind the main column, four more companies from Allen's 20th arrived, about 185 additional men.
p.81 In early August, Van Renssalaer concentrated most of the militia units just south of Lewiston; he called in Lt. Col. Peter Allen's 20th Detached from their camps at Ft. Schlosser and Five Mile Meadow, leaving small detachments as guards at those places.
p.164-166 The Battle took place on Tuesday, 13 Oct 1812. The first wave of boats across the Niagara River was intended to include militia from the 18th and 20th Regt but they were pushed aside by Lt. Col. Chrystie's regulars. [There had been great confusion from the organization of the Detached Militia about whether or not they had authority to cross into Canada as they were organized as defense and, indeed, many of the militia did refuse to cross the River.] More than 700 of the militia were eventually able to cross the River - they were the rifle companies and some members of all five of the regiments mustered at the site. Lt. Col. Hugh Dobbin of the 18th was away on leave, but the four Lt. Col.'s of the other regiments helped lead the advance on Queenston and all were captured that day.
p. 191 By about 4 PM on the day of the Battle, William Wadsworth surrendured and presented his sword to British Gen. Roger Sheaffe.
p. 194 The British count of Americans captured was 436 regulars and 489 militia. "They sent the walking wounded back across the river the day after the battle, soon followed by all the militia. Officially, they were on parole and were honour-bound not to take up arms until formally exchanged for British prisoners. Brigadier General William Wadsworth was allso allowed to return because Major General Sheaffe hoped that 'his going with the Militia will ....only tend to ensure a strict execution of the agreement.'"

In History of Ontario Co, by Everts, p.230, are considerably more details about the regiment, mostly from Pittstown/Richmond, that served in the War of 1812. The book states the information had come from old soldiers. The regiment of Ontario Co. was about six hundred strong - four companies had gone from near Geneva. They served from June 1812 to October and were in Buffalo and the frontier. Peter Allen was colonel, Nathaniel Allen, paymaster. There is a partial list of those who served, those taken prisoner, etc. "The regiment lost heavily in killed, wounded, and prisoners at the action in September, 1812, at Queenstown."

Military Minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821. New York, 1901-1902.
Volume II
p. 1640, 1815. Peter Allen was appointed Brigadier General of the 39th Brigade in place of William Wadsworth who had been promoted to Major General of the 7th Division, Infantry.
p.1820, 1817. Micah Brooks was appointed Brigadier General in place of Peter Allen who resigned.

Index to the Newspapers Published in Geneva, New York, Vol. I 1806-1819, Edited by Gary B. Thompson, Geneva, NY, 1981
From the "Geneva Gazette"
1 Jul 1812, p. 3 Peter Allen (of Richmond Twp) commands 20th regiment to Niagara frontier
28 Oct 1812, p.2 Commands detachment in battle of Queenstown
13 Apr 1814, p.2 Nominated Republican candidate for Assembly
24 Aug 1814, p. 3 Assigned to regiment.
19 Apr 1815, p. 3 Nominated Republican candidate for Assembly
24 May 1815, p. 3 Appointed justice of the peace
14 Jun 1815, p.3 Returns to Assembly
26 Jul 1815, p.3 Appointed brigadier general
3 Apr 1816, p. 3 Named Republican assembly candidate
17 Apr 1816, p.2 Nomination criticized
17 Apr 1816, p.2 Runs for assembly
22 May 1816, p.3 Elected to assembly

Abstracts of Wills and Guardianships in NY State, 1787-1835,
Ontario Co NY. Book 5, p.13
Gd. for Russel Boyd, a minor of 15 yrs last June of town of Honeoye, Co. Ontario, appt. Peter Allen of town of Honeoye to be Guardian. 21 Mar 1810
Book 6, p.248-249
Adm. On estate of Era Pearl late Co. Ontario died intestate Granted to Peter Allen friend of sd Ira Pearl dec'd as admin. 19 Apr 1813
Book 11, p.20
Account of the estate of Sylvester Curtis dec'd. Peter Allen, Admin. Admin granted to Lemuel C. Curtis. 21 May 1817. [Interesting - on 11 Dec 1823, the Masonic Lodge in Vigo Co, IN, noted in their minutes that Amos Curtis from the New York Genessee Lodge was a visitor]
Book 11, p.21
Account of the estate of Ira Pearl. Peter Allen, Admin. 21 May 1817
Book 13, p.77
Real estate of Ira Pearl late of town of Richmond, Co. Ontario, dec'd. Petition by Peter Allen, Admin - land situate in the Holland Purchase, Co. Genessee. 9 Sep 1820 Although Peter Allen was the administrator in 1813, he was by 1820, in Indiana.

Ontario Co DB 22, p.292
10 Dec 1814 The State of Connecticut for $395.99 from Peter Allen of Honeoye, do sell to Peter Allen, part of lot 36 in township 9, 5th range. Bounded on land formerly sold to said Peter Allen. 42 1/2 acres, the same land articled to William Boyd by the late Oliver Phelps on 22 May 1802. Signed Andrew Kinsbury, Treasurer of the State of Connecticut.
Rec. 26 Jan 1815 by Myron Holley, Clk.

Ontario Co DB 38, p.225
27 Dec 1814 William Ogden of New York, Merchant, and Susan his wife to Peter Allen of Honeoye for $544.11. Parcel in township 9, 4th range, part of the east half of lot 37. 50 acres. Signed: William Ogden, Susan Ogden
Wit: Sarah Ogden, James Campbell
27 Dec 1814 William & Susan Ogden acknowledged. Rec. 7 Jun 1821.

Ontario Co DB 24, p.51
25 Jul 1815 William Shepard late Sheriff of Ontario Co by virtue of a writ of fi fa on the goods and chattels and lands of Ebenezer Jones of Richard to levy $104. Parcel in township 9, 5th range, called Honeoye otherwise Richmond, bounded on lands of Hugh Hamilton, Honeoye Lake, lands of William Lane. 45 acres, part of lot number 19. For sale at public vindue and purchased by Peter Allen for $104. Signed: Wm. Shepard, late Shff.
25 Jul 1815, William Shepard acknowledged the deed. Rec. 25 Jul 1815.

History of Ontario Co, New York; Everts, Ensign & Everts; Philadelphia; 1876
Ontario Assemblymen
1812 Nathl. Allen
1815: Peter Allen
1816: Peter Allen [brief time], M. Holley
1817: P. Allen
1821: Myron Holley

I discovered why Peter Allen served only a brief time in the year 1816
The History of Political Parties in the Satate of New York, Vol. I, by Jabez D. Hammond; Albany, 1842
Chapter 21, May 1 1815 to May 1, 1816; p.402, 413-418
The scheduled meeting of the New York legislature began Tues, 30 Jan 1816. The two parties - federalist & republican had been severely divided over the issue of the War of 1812. Not everyone had arrived so the meeting was adjourned until the next day. On Wednesday, William Duer, a member of the federal party from Dutchess county presented the petition of Henry Fellows of Ontario County, claiming the right to a seat in the house as the member elected from Ontario Co in place of Peter Allen, who he claimed had been improperly elected. Allen was the republican candidate and had won because 49 votes for Fellows from the town of Pennington had been disallowed by the Ontario county clerk, giving Allen the election by only 19 votes. The legislature itself was made up of 62 republicans counting Allen, and 61 federalists - if Fellows received the legislative seat, the federalists would then have the majority. Several points of order were raise and denied by the speaker and several votes were taken, but all carried as Allen was allowed to vote, or the republican speaker himself voted to break ties. After several days, a resolution to choose a council of appointed was elected, Peter Allen did vote on the members of the council. However, the council of appointment did recommend the adoption of a resolution that Peter Allen was not entitled to the seat in the house and all but one member of the legislature voted in the affirmative. Mr. Hammond pointed out the following: the Clerk of Ontario county must have been stupid or acted fraudulently; Allen had a direct interest in retaining his seat in the house and no member can vote on a question in which he is interested; and the council, chosen with the vote of Peter Allen, had no right therefore, to functions of their office.
Hammond notes that several gentlemen of the republican party in Albany at the time, gave Allen a dinner, which was all he received for "the shameful prostitution of himself for party purposes."
In spite of Hammond's harsh judgment, Peter Allen is shown as serving the following year; he must have then been legally elected.
A curious fact noted in the above chapter was the importance of ONE VOTE. In Otsego County during the same election, Dr. William Campbell, the federalist candidate, was elected by a single vote. Had he not been elected, the critical position of Peter Allen as a republican would not have existed.

The following would appear to be Peter's sale to his brother, before leaving for Indiana. The sales account for all lands purchased as found in the Ontario Deed Books.
Ontario Co DB 28, p.384
16 May 1817 Peter Allen and Polly his wife to Nathaniel Allen, all of Richmond, for $800. Part of lot number 19, in township 9, 5th range. Bounded by Hugh Hamilton, Honeoye Lake, lands late of William Lane. 45 acres, land conveyed to Peter Allen by William Shepard, Sheriff, deed dated 25 Jul 1815 and recorded in Lib. 24, folio 51. Signed: Peter Allen, Polly Allen
Wit: Virtue Bronson, Ezra Waite
16 May 1817 Peter & Polly ackinowledged. Rec. 18 Jul 1817.
and on the same day Peter Allen and Polly his wife to Nathaniel Allen for $6006. parcel in Richmond, township 9, 5th range. Part of lots 36 and 37. 100 acres part of Lot number 36 [bought from Oliver Phelps], 42 1/2 acres part of the same lot [land bought from the State of Connecticut] and part of lot number 37, 50 acres [bought from William Ogden] in the whole 192 1/2 acres. Signed: Peter Allen, Polly Allen. Wit: Virtue Bronson, Ezra Waite.
16 May 1817 Peter & Polly acknowledged before Ezra Waite. Rec. 18 Jul 1817.
Charts of comparison concerning the worth of money then and now, indicate that Peter Allen received somewhere in the neighborhood of the equivalent of $100,000 for his property sold to Nathaniel.

Index to the Newspapers Published in Geneva, New York, Vol. I 1820-29,
Edited by Gary B. Thompson, Geneva, NY, 1981
Published in the "Geneva Palladium" 30 Oct 1822, p.3 - a letter of criticism directed to Peter Allen of Richmond Township (he had already left New York)

Vigo County, Indiana Deed Records: Book 1, 1816-1821; Immogne B. Hannan Brown, 197?
[deeds are from assorted deed books, arranged by date of deed, not recording date]
24 Apr 1817, Bk 6, p. 239. Robert Huggins & wife Mary of Niagara, NY to Peter Allen of Ontario Co, NY. Land Grant in Indiana given to Huggins as Lt in Corps of Canadian Volunteers. Section 12, Twp 12, Range 9.
16 Feb 1818, Bk 1, p.113. From Peter Allen & wife Mary (or Polly) to Abraham Markle and wife Catherine. Sec 22, Twp 12, R 9 [I wonder if this isn't the Huggins grant?]
19 Feb 1818, Bk 9, p.357 Arnold Potter of Sullivan Co, IN to Peter Allen of Vigo Co. Sec 28, Twp 13, R 8 (18?)
Even though Peter Allen is said to have arrived in June of 1818, he was somehow doing business in Vigo County, and listed "of" there in January of that year. His lands in New York sold in May of 1817.
10 May 1819, Bk 1, p.103 John Gough to Peter Allen. Sec 11, Twp 12, R 9
29 Jul 1819, Bk 1, p. 201 Peter Allen & wife Polly (or Mary) to John F. Keyes and Russel Boyd. Sec 12 Twp ___ R 9.
6 Jun 1820, Bk 1, p.185 Peter Allen & wife Mary (or Polly) to Anthony B. Conner. Sec 9, Twp 12, R 8.
6 Jun 1820. Bk 1, p. 186 Anthony B. Conner & wife Ailcy to Peter Allen. Sec 9, Twp 12, R 8.

Indiana Roots, Vol 2, No. 1, Aug 1984:
One of the records kept by Curtis Gilbert, Clerk, were the marks & brands for livestock. In 1818, Peter Allen registered his brand.

History of Vigo County, IN by H. C. Bradsby. Chicago: S. B. Nelson & Co. 1891.
Also lists deeds - most of these were covered earlier, but town lot was not. It would appear that the exchange of deeds on the same date could be a mortgage.
Peter Allen & Wife to Abraham Markle NW1/4 of S22, T1?, R9 on 16 Feb 1818;
Abraham Markle & wife to Peter Allen, 120 acres of the SW1/4 of S15, T12, R9 also on 16 Feb 1818;
(Lot) same to Peter Allen, 10 acres NE1/4 of S11, T12, R9 on 12 May 1819;
John Gough to Peter Allen 40 acres in S12, T12, R9 and 140 acres in S11, T12, R9 and from Peter Allen to John Gough, 40 acres in S12 and 140 acres in S11, T12, R9 - all transactions on 22 May 1819;
Peter Allen to Anthony Conner SE1/4 of S9, T12, R8 on 6 Jun 1820 (Allen held a mortgage).

Beckwith's History of Vigo & Parke County, p. 10
p.24 In 1816, the town of Terre Haute was laid out.... very early settlers of the country prior to 1818 included Curtis Gilbert, the first county Clerk and recorder, Peter Allen. "Peter Allen had been a general in the war which had just closed." John Britton listed among those that came within the next five years.
p.151 "Freemasons"
The first lodge in this city was the "Terre Haute Lodge, No. 19". In 1818 a petition was presented to the Grand Lodge of Indiana for a warrant of constitution. Signatures included Peter Allen (first on the list) and Curtis Gilbert. ....on July 12, 1819, the Terre Haute Lodge was constituted by past master Elihu Stoul. The last meeting of the lodge was held November 22, 1834. The jewels and furniture of the lodge remained in charge of Elijah Tillotson. When revived, the members numbered seventy-eight. Reorganization was effected January 23, 1846.

By 1818, Peter Buell is referred to as a pioneer settler of Terre Haute, IN. [Orsamus Turner says Peter went to Indiana in 1816. Peter's lands in New York were sold in May in 1817 - he did not leave as early as 1816.] Land Patent for 320 acres in Vigo County IN signed 3 Feb 1819 by Peter Allen as assignee of Daniel Phillips late a private in the corps of Canadian Volunteers - Warrant #43. This was in the district of Vincennes. Letter to the Nat'l Archives for copy reveals that there is a large gap in the Canadian Refugee Warrants and they are missing this one. It was for a total of 320 acres - SW 1/4 of Section 9, Twp 12N, Range 8W and the SE 1/4 of Section 9, Twp 12 N, Range 8W, Vigo County.
When Orasmus Turner wrote "Phelps and Gorham's Purchase" in 1851, he stated that many of Peter's descendants were residents of Terra Haute. The 1850 Census confirms this.

Indiana Centinel, Vincennes, Knox County, 12 Jun 1819, p.3, col. 3. Found in the Hoosier State Chronicles linked from the Vigo Co Public Library:
Gen. Peter Allen, will serve as a Representative in the next General Assembly of the State of Indiana, if elected by his Fellow Citizens in the District composed of the Counties of Knox, Sullivan, Vigo, Owens and Davis.
Candidates for Offices at the next August Election:
For Representatives: Thomas H. Blake, Joseph Warner, Peter Allen

Peter Allen was elected...
A Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly: Vol 1; 1816-1899, p. 5
Allen, Peter. House. 1819-1820 (Daviess, Knox, Owen Sullivan, Vigo and parts of Dubois and Pike) Born November 24, 1775, Duchess County, New York. Married. Children. Presbyterian. (Probably wrong - in New York he was Anglican- there seems to not have even been a Presbyterian church in Terre Haute this early) War of 1812: general. Moved to Vermont, returned to New York and moved to Vigo County, Indiana, ca. 1817. Farmer. Whig. Member, New York legislature, 1814 or 1815 (actually 1815-1816). elections inspector, Harrison Township, Vigo County, 1819; road supervisor for district 7, Vigo County, 1823. Freemason. Died in 1837, near Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. (taken from Bradsby's history of Virgo County)

The Western Sun and General Advertiser, published at Vincennes, Saturday, 15 Aug 1818, had the election results for 1818 and Allen did not win that year. Results printed Saturday, 14 Aug 1819, told a different story as he won by a decisive vote totaling 1625, compared to 1069 votes for his nearest rival, Warner.

Terre Haute, Queen City of the Wabash, Mike McCormick; Arcadia Publishing; Chicago; 2005
p.24 "Advertisments soliciting bids (for the courthouse) first appeared in the Vincennes newspaper on March 31, 1818. General Peter B. Allen and Major Markle, seasoned military men, were the general contractors. Construction began that summer.

May, 1819, Circuit Court for Vigo Co was held at the house of Robert Harrison in Terre Haute. Peter Allen was a member of the grand jury empaneled. He was also one of the men responsible for the building of the Court House which was not finished until 1824. There was a lawsuit initiated by the Commissioners against some of the builders, including Peter Allen, for failure to finish construction but arbiters worked out an agreement.
History of Indiana from Its Exploration to 1922; Logan Esarey [Google Books]

1820 Census, Vigo Co IN
Peter Allin. 1m under 10 [young Peter] 1m 10-16 [Myron], 2m over age 45 [One would be Peter age 45, the other unknown].
1f under 10 [Adaline], 2f 10-16 [Chloe & Amanda], 1f over 45 [Mary]
Ire Allen. 2m 16-26 [Ira & perhaps his brother Henry who was not yet married and not listed elsewhere?], 1f 16-26 [Lydia]
Peter and Ira were on the same page, a few households apart.

Acts of the State of Ohio, 1822
, Ohio General Assembly [Google Books]
Chapter XXVII, Appropriations for 1822, p.61 Peter Allen, for his services and expenses in transporting William Watkins (who was charged with burglary) from Vincennes in the state of Indiana, to Huron County, by order of the Governor of Ohio, one hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixty cents.

Vigo County Probate Court Records, Book 1 [Order Book & Complete Book]:
p.6 Peter Allen was one of the securities for Salome Gillet as Administratrix of Simeon Gillet, deceased. May Term 1819. He was also security for Betsey Ellis as Administratrix of Calvin Ellis at the same Court term.
1 Dec 1819; Peter Allen was security for Anne Earl on Administration of the estate of John Earle. (recorded May Term 1820]
Nov Term 1822; Peter again served as one of the securities - for John Hays re the estate of Robert Hays.
p.105 of "Complete" Book; Final settlement of estate of Elearan Aspinwall, 6 Jul 1831, showed that debts paid and presented in April of 1821 included a debt to Peter Allen of $2.87.
p.167; Final settlement of estate of Robert Hays, 6 Dec 1831. The rendering of sales presented to the counrt Nov 1822 - Peter Allen bought a sieve for $1.60.
Probate "Complete Records, Book 2" p.177. Feb Term 1839 Settlement of Estate of Truman Blackman revealed that on 15 Oct 1821, Peter Allen and George Conn (future son-in-law) bought a number of household items at the estate sale. Peter bought 4 windsor chairs, a cake oven, a keg of powder & a rifle. Conn bought plates and a kettle.

1830 Census, Vigo Co IN
Peter Allen. 1m 20-30 [young Peter], 1m 30-40, 2 males 50-60 [one would be Peter]
1f under 5 [grandchild?], 1f 10-15 [Adaline], 1f 20-30
This page has faded places but there does not seem to be a older female in the household. All of these are found within a few households.
Myron Allen. 1m 20-30. 1f age 5-10, 1f 30-40.
Charlton Belt. 2m 20-30. 1f under 5. 1f 20-30 [Chloe Allen].
Ira Allen. 1m 5-10. 2m 30-40 [one of these was Ira]. 2f 5-10. 2f 10-15. 2f 30-40 [one was Lydia]. Two households living together?
and some 10 pages sooner in the census:
Henry Allen. 1m under 5. 1m 20-30, 1m 30-40 [Henry]. 1f under 5, 1f 5-10, 1f 20-30.

List of persons who voted at an election in Harrison Township, held at the Vigo County Court House, Terre Haute, 1 Feb 1832, includes: Silas Hoskins, Curtiss Gilbert, Peter Allen (probably Sr because Peter Jr was not quite 21), Myron Allen, Henry Allen, Ira Allen.
Indiana Roots, Vol 2, No. 1, Aug 1984

"History of Vigo and Park Counties" by H. A. Beckwith. Chicago. H. H. Hill & N. Iddings. 1880. Reprinted 1977. States General Peter B. Allen was born in Dover, MA in 1766; removed to Ontario Co 1804; came to Vigo Co 18 Jun 1818 [None of these dates agree with anything else I have and it's more likely he was born Dover, Dutchess Co, NY, since his father took out a lease in the Beekman Patent in 1756. The Allens were likely in Ontario Co by 1795, although Peter's first deed is dated about 1805.].
General PETER B. ALLEN was born in the town of Dover, Mass., in the year 1766. He removed to Ontario county, N.Y., in 1804, where he continued to live until 1818, when he came to Vigo county. He traveled by the "usual route" at that day, namely, by flat-boat down the Ohio, thence up the Wabash to "Old Terre Haute," two miles below the city. He landed on the 18th of June. He located land in different parts of the county, with "Canadian rights," the same as described in the notice of Major MARKLE. Among the lands then located was the tract where the Rose Polytechnic Institute now stands; also, 480 acres where the county poor farm in now located. His house was constructed of the lumber that constituted his flat-boat. This house stood on the same spot now occupied by Mr. PRESTON's house, two and a half miles of Fort Harrison. Gen. ALLEN located many valuable tracts of land in this county and also in Clay. He had nine children, all of whom came to this county with him. His daughter, Catherine, afterward married Curtis GILBERT. His son, Henry ALLEN, served in the war of 1812, and was afterward sheriff of Vigo county. [It was Peter Allen himself that served in 1812 - not Henry.] Another son, Ira ALLEN, served one year in the Black Hawk war. He was a farmer, as were two other sons, Myron H. and Peter B., jr. His daughters, Amanda and Harriet, married Mr. Silas HOSKINS and Mr. George CONN, respectively.

The obituary of son Peter B. Allen states that the family came west when he was nine years old (1820). "By wagon they went to the Ohio river where a flat boat was built and loaded their goods. In it they went down the Ohio to the Wabash and up the Wabash to where Terre Haute is now situated and entered land in what is now within the present limits of Terre Haute, Ind."

I found in Leaves of Thyme, Sept 1966, Vol. XVII, No. 7, the reprint of a letter from Curtis Gilbert dated 3 Oct 1870, Terre Haute. Gilbert had been invited to the 80th anniversary celebration of the Terre Haute Lodge, No. 19 (Masonic). The lengthy letter describes the early settlement of the area around Terre Haute and offered his regrets due to ill health and declining years (he was 75). He stated that Congress had granted lands to certain Canadian Volunteers who had once been citizens of the US and had joined our forces during the War of 1812 and as a result had their property in Canada confiscated. Peter Allen was an assignee of one of these grants. Gilbert stated he arrived at Fort Harrison, 20 Dec 1815. One of the early settlers was Peter Allen who located two miles east of the fort. In the fall of 1816 when the town of Terre Haute was laid out, one of the first residents was John Britton. Gilbert remarked about the sickness from 1829 through 1837 when Lost Creek was drained. Listed among the probable first members upon organization of the Lodge were General Peter Allen and John Britton.


Birth24 Nov 1775Dutchess County, New York
Marriage25 Sep 1796MARY PETERSON
Military1812Lt. Col. in the 20th Regt, NY State Militia, War of 1812
Death13 Jun 1833Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana


SpouseMARY PETERSON (1774 - 1832)
ChildHenry Cromwell Allen (1797 - 1837)
ChildIra Allen (1799 - 1866)
ChildCatherine Allen (1801 - 1821)
ChildHarriett Allen (1803 - 1855)
ChildMyron Holley Allen (1805 - 1872)
ChildAmanda Allen (1807 - 1866)
ChildChloe Ward Allen (1809 - 1869)
ChildAdaline Allen (1814 - 1857)
FatherMOSES ALLEN (1739 - 1796)
MotherCHLOE WARD (1743 - )
SiblingDeborah Allen (1765 - 1841)
SiblingCatherine "Caty" Allen (1766 - 1817)
SiblingSarah Allen (1766 - 1821)
SiblingLydia Allen (1771 - )
SiblingMary Allen (1778 - 1820)
SiblingNathaniel Allen (1780 - 1832)
SiblingClara Allen (1783 - 1850)
