Individual Details

ARCHIBALD "Archer" Walters

(Bet 1770 and 1780 - 1846)

Censuses indicate Archibald was born between 1770 and 1780,

The following may be this Archer witnessing a deed of his father's. If so he had to be at least age 14 or born by 1778. Could also be his uncle of the same name, particularly given the location on the upper Double Creek and the neighbors named.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 9
p.290 18 Jul 1792 Robert Walters of Pittsylvania to Pleasant Shields. 22£ 10sh. Tract both sides of upper Double Creeks. Begin William Richardsons line & Daniel S. Farley's line near the old road, where the old road crosses on Richardsons line, thence his line, Shields line, up the creek, corner hickory of Nimrod Scotts line, Farley's line. 22 ½ acres.
Signed: Robert Walters Wit: Danl Farley, Betsy Walters, Archer Walters, John (I) Hall, Littleberry (X) Shields, Jonathan Hill, William Richardson. 17 Dec 1792. Proved by oaths of 3 witnesses. [Probably Betsy & Archer Walters who witnessed are two of Robert's children. His brother Archer has a wife Elizabeth but she had died a year before the date of this deed]

Archer Walters married Catey Stamps on 16 Oct 1798. The bondsman was William Walters. John Stamps, her father, gave permission. John Atkinson was the minister.

Pittsylvania Co Va DB 12
p.96 18 Jan 1800 Robert Walters to Archer Walters of Halifax. In consideration of love, good will & affection to the said Archer and for the better maintenance of the said Archer Walters, confirms to him a tract of 103a. In Pittsy Co. S side of lower double Crk; metes & bounds. Signed Robert Walters. Wit: Laban Walters, John Slaydon, Geo. Dodson
17 Feb 1800 ack by Robert Walters

The witness of this deed may be his uncle Archer, since it is on the upper double creeks and includes Samuel Walker & William Walker who would have been a brother-in-law and brother to the uncle.
Pittsylvania DB 13
p.98 22 May 1802 Henry Cook of Halifax to Achilles Whitlock . 177£, 2sh. Tract on upper double Crrek, 99 and ¼ acres. Begin at corner pine, metes & bounds. Signed: Henry Cook. Wit: Wm Barksdale, Samuel Walker, Bird Moore, Bartlett Cates, Presley Dodson, John Dismukes, Archer Walters, Jas. Richarson, Wm Walters, Robert Carter, Benjamin Marable, Stepn Edwards, Fleming Bates. 20 Sep 1802 Ack. By Henry Cook

This deed is also likely the uncle's since he is known to have been in Caswell Co about this time. The younger Archibald did not move to Caswell until about 1832. However Jackson Walters was young Archibald's brother.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.81 29 Nov 1805 Jackson Walters to Archer Walters of Caswell Co NC. For $350. Tract of 125 acres in Pittsylvania on the Lower Double Creeks. Begin black walnut tree on S side of Creek, course with the sd Archer Walters line, red oak in Pillipses line. John Walterses line, down the meanders of the creek. Signed: Jackson Walters Wit: Thomas Walters, William Simpson, Lemuel Walters, John Dodson. 16 Dec 1805 presented by one of witnesses. 16 Jun 1806, ack by Jackson Walters. Polley the wife relinquished her right of Dower.

An Archibald Walters was a private in the 4th Regt (Greenhill's) Virginia Militia in the War of 1812. database.

1820 Census. Pittsylvania Co VA. Archer Walters enumerated next to Pleasant Waller.
1m -10 [Azariah], 2m 10-16 Alexander & Felix; 1m 26-45 [Archibald]; 3f under 10 [Martha, Mary Frances & Matilda]; 1f 10-16 [Permelia]; 2f 16-26 [Leannah & Rebecca]; 1f 26-45 [Catey].

Pittsylvania Co. Deeds of gift from Deed Books [1767-1850].
Abstracted on Pittsylvania Co Message Board.
Jan 1828 Archer Walters & wife Catherine to Alexander J. Walters, gift of land.

1830 Census. Pittsylvania co VA. Archd. Walters. 1m -5 [unknown], 1m 10-15 [Iverson], 1m 50-60 [Arch]. 1f 5-10 [Eliza], 1f 10-15 [Martha], 2f 15-20 [Mary & Matilda], 1f 50-60 [Catey]

Caswell Co Will Book M, July Court 1835
p.477 Inv and sale of estate of Andrew Harrison, 17 Apr 1835. Buyers included Wm. W. Richardson, Azariah Walters, Archibald Walters, Noel Burton.

Caswell Co Deed Books:
DB AA, p.380-2 18 Aug 1832 Willis D. Harrison & Martha his wife to Archibald Walters of Pittsylvania Co VA for $3641, 331 A on Dan River & Moon's Crk adj Everett, part of tract owned by Andrew Harrison Sen decd and conveyed by him to Willis D. Harrison, Jan 1827. Wit: Jno P. Richardson, John Everett, Azariah G. Walters [First land purchase in Caswell Co]
DB DD, p.247-8 10 Mar 1837 William W. Richardson to Stephen Sergent for $7000, 293 A & 59 pole on Dan River adj Azariah G. Walters, Archd Walters; to mouth of Hogan's Crk adj Evans B. Knight, Noel Burton. Ack.
DB DD, p.267 28 Apr 1837 John Everett to James R. Harrison for $66.10, 10 1/4 A said land sold him by James R. & Mary Harrison in 1832 and by mistake as it seems to be property of Archibald Walters on a side of Moon's Crk on mill road adj Azariah G. Walters. Wit: Azariah G. Walters.
DB EE, p.54 17 Sep 1838 Andrew Harrison, Clerk & Master, to Archibald Walters for $2355, 85 A on Moon's Crk with mills adj John P. Harrison old line, Azariah Walters. Wit: H. McAden

Caswell DB EE, p.259 1 Jul 1839 Archer Walters to daughter Rebecca Thomas, wife of Nathaniel P. Thomas, for love & Affection and $1, negro Mary with all her children now possessed by them and to be an extra donation not considered in distribution of estate. Wit: N. J. Palmer

NC Marriage Bonds: Archer Walters to Elizabeth Rice, 2 Jul 1840, Rockingham Co, Security: Robert J. Richar...[possibly Richards or Richardson, truncated], Witness: J. Holderby.

Caswell Co Will Books:
Book P:
Jan Court 1847; p.388 Allotment to Elizabeth Walters, widow of Archibald Walters dec'd.
p.400 Sale of property of Archibald Walters dec'd 29 Oct 1846. Buyers included sons Iverson B., Alexander, and A. G., as well as the widow Elizabeth Walters.
p.404 Property of Archbald Walters decd sold 7 Nov 1846 at his plantation in Pittsylvania Co VA. Buyers included Hugh Falding [Fallen], Pinkney B. Walters. By Azariah G. Walters, Admin.
p.405 Allotment to Elizabeth Walters, widow of Archibald Walters decd, her share of slaves, 37 in number, 9 of whom are held under terms of last will of James B. Rice of Pittsylvania Co who bequeathed them to Elizabeth Walters who had been wife of said Rice.
p.443 Inventory of property of Archibald Walters decd taken at his late residence 7 Oct 1846. Azariah G. Walters, adm.
p.450 Sale of negro slaves of Archibald Walters. A. J. Walters, Iverson Walters, & H. Fallen were among the buyers.
Book Q
p.170 Azariah G. Walters, adm in account with estate of Archibald Walters decd. Pd. John Kerr atty fee. A. G. Walters for hauling tobacco, clerks of Caswell & Pittsylvania Counties, Pd Thomas Day $25 for coffin; commission to A. G. Walters $318.20.

Survey: Plat represents tract of land belonging to the estate of Archibald Walters deceased, containing 345.9 acres on which 166 acres was laid off and assigned to the widow Elizabeth Walters and bounded as specified in the report of the Jury annexed. Surveyed June 17, 1847. Henry Bushnell, CCS.
Boundaries shown do not give neighbors. One is "Down the river" and shows 25.38 poles bordering a river. Moon's Crrek is one of the boundaries, as it empties into the River. There is also a boundary to the road and "with the road", which is probably the Mill Road.

The estate file of Archibald Walters shows his generousity to his children. The following list of advancements was noted.
Amount of Advancements made by Arhd Walters dec'd to his children during his Life
Nathaniel P. Thomas $919.00
Hugh Fallen $969.00
F. M. Walters $1100.00
A. J.Walters $780.00
Pleasant Woody $150.00
A. G. Walters $1240.00
James Carter $1300.00
Wm H. Haymes $1300.00
J. W. McKinsey $1465,00
John S. Waller $1500.00
Iverson B. Walters $1150.00


BirthBet 1770 and 1780
Marriage16 Oct 1798Pittsylvania County, Virginia - CATHERINE "Catey" Stamps
Marriage2 Jul 1840Rockingham County, North Carolina - Elizabeth Richardson
Death1846Caswell County, North Carolina


SpouseCATHERINE "Catey" Stamps (1778 - 1839)
ChildREBECCA E. Walters (1799 - 1846)
ChildFelix M. Walters (1801 - 1844)
ChildLeannah S. Walters (1803 - 1876)
ChildAlexander J. Walters (1805 - 1848)
ChildPermelia F. Walters (1807 - 1830)
ChildAzariah Graves Walters (1810 - 1899)
ChildMatilda C. Walters (1812 - 1847)
ChildMary Frances Walters (1814 - 1861)
ChildMartha C. Walters (1818 - 1857)
ChildIverson B. Walters (1820 - )
ChildAnn Eliza Walters (1815 - 1887)
SpouseElizabeth Richardson (1785 - )
FatherROBERT Walters (1750 - 1834)
MotherSELETHA MCBEE (1751 - 1830)
SiblingJackson Walters (1772 - 1843)
SiblingElizabeth "Betsy" Walters ( - )
SiblingLaban Walters (1779 - 1854)
SiblingThomas Walters ( - 1853)
SiblingLettice "Letty" Walters (1785 - 1871)
SiblingLemuel Walters (1786 - 1837)
SiblingLevina Walters ( - 1837)
SiblingRobert Wister Walters (1795 - 1853)
SiblingSelethia Walters (1797 - 1850)
SiblingWilliam H. Walters ( - 1840)
