Individual Details

ROBERT Walters

(Abt 1750 - 28 Feb 1834)

[I believe there to be some serious problems with the children's birth years in many of the databases soon. They span too long a period for all if them to have been children of the same wife. Then again there may be some very bad estimates in the online information. They are arranged here somewhat based on their approximate ages at the time of their marriages, taken into consideration males were usually at least 21, females often 18 or 19.]

Said to have been in the battle of Guilford Court House with Gen. Greene - post on Pittsylvania Co mail list. From HISTORY OF PITTSYLVANIA CO VA by Maud Carter Clement is the following: "Capt Joseph Morton commanded a company of Pittsylvania Militia in the battle of Guilford in which George Dodson served as a private and was wounded by and enemy ball in the knee. Robert Walters and John Terry both made affidavit that they saw Dodson during the battle and knew that he was wounded." A footnote states that this was from the Pittsylvania Legislative Petitions, Archivist Dept.
The Walters papers state that Robert was a Lt. in the Pittsylvania Co Militia during the Revolution. Helen W. D'Armond ( Eldridge) DAR #413667
Another DAR #588901, Naomi Dodson Mangum
Other DAR records state he was a Private at the Battle of Guilford Court House NC under Gen. Greene. Both this Robert, son of Thomas, and his 1st cousin Robert Jr, son of Robert, likely served in the Revolution - they were practically the same age. It's questionable as to which record belongs to which Robert Walters.

From Clement's book: Robert Walters was a Justice of the Peace of Pittsylvania Co in 1797. His cousin of the same name had by this time moved to Franklin Co GA.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 4
p.313 21 Feb 1777 Thomas Walters, planter, to Robert Walters Jr, planter, 200 acres both sides of the lower Double Crk of Dan R, bounded by low grounds of the creek, the old plantation, Griffins Tract, Watkins's line near Wynne's old road, Walters old line, John Walters, said Thomas Walters old line. Signed: Thomas (T) Walters. Wit: John Walters, Thomas Mading, Thomas Walters. Rec. 27 Mar 1777
Most of the time the records of Pittsylvania Co refer to Robert "Jr" as Robert, the son of Robert Walters. The two first cousins of the same name were very close to the same age. However, in this case "Jr" is definitely Thomas' son as he later passes 150 acres of this tract on to his son Jackson. The Thomas that witnesses this will may be Thomas Walters Jr - if so, it's practically the only record of him except mention of him as deceased in his father's will.Pittsylvania Co VA DB 4
p.473 10 Feb 1778 John Watkins to Robert Walters. 125 acres on south draughts of Lower Double Crk of Dan R bounded by Robt & John Walters, a ridge near the path, John Hall, sd John Watkins, and Thomas Walters. Signed: John Watkins. Wit: Geo. Carter, John Walters, Joseph Hall. Rec. 26 Mar 1778.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 5
p.149 9 Feb 1779 Geo Carter to Samuel Atkinson of Cumberland Co. 1000£.450 acres on branch of Lower Double Creek of the Dan River.
Wit: Richd Carter, Robert Walters, John Atkinson
20 Apr 1779 Ack by George Carter

Pittsylvania DB 5, p.335 10 Nov 1779. James Macbee & his wife to William Macbee for 80£. 100 acres, Pittsylvania Co on the branches of Mountain Crk, adj sd William Macbee's land, bounded by Jeremiah Walker. Signed: James Mcbee Wit: Joshua Stone, Robert Walters, George Morgan. Rec. 16 Nov 1779.
[William McBee was Robert Walters father-in-law]

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 6
p.39 16 Apr 1780 Robert Walters to Joseph Flippin for 1200£. 125 acres on branches of Double Crk, bounded by John Watkins, John Hall, Jonathan Hill, John Walters. Signed: Robert Walters. Wit: John Atkinson, Joseph Slayden, John Mading. Rec. 19 Sep 1780
[See deed dated 10 Feb 1778 for puchase of this land]
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 6

Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists, 1782. Robert Walters [son of Thomas] listed with 200 acres.

VA Land Patent
21 Jun 1784 William Twidwell 440 acres, Pittsylvania Co on branches of Fall Creek adj John and Robert Walters. PB N, p.56
[Fall Creek runs into Dan River at the site of the town of Danville]

In a 1787 tax listing, Joseph Smith is listed under Robert Walters who was charged with his tax - he was apparently hired out to Robert at that time. In 1795, Ezra Walters would sign bond for Joseph Smith when he married; and in 1832, Capt John Walters would testify to Joseph Smith's service in the Revolution.
Pittsylvania County Virginia Heritage; 1767-2004, #996, p.315
Pittsylvania Co DB 8
____ July 1788 John Pettit of Caswell Co NC to Dan'l Farley of Halifax Co VA. 150£. To Danl. S. Farley the tract in Pittsy on waters of the upper Double Creek and Wolfhill branch. 362 acres. Grabriel Richards's line, David Allins line, Waddils line, named Danl. S. Farley's line to William Richardsons , Pleasant Shield's corner, his line to Nimrod Scotts line, his line to James Woody's line, to the beginning. Signed: John Pettit. Wit: Robert Walters, John Walters, William Harrison
20 Apr 1789 Proved by oaths of witnesses

Pittsylvania Co DB 9
p.288 7 Dec 1792 John Hall to Jonathan Hill. 50£.On upper Double Crk. Begin Littleberry Shield's line, crossing the creek, Watkins' line, Pleasant Shield's line, crossing the Crrek, William Harrison's line. 100 acres. Signed: John (I) Hall.
Wit: Pleasant Shields, William Richardson, Robert Walters, Littleberry (+) Shields.
17 Dec 1792 Ack. Wife Joanna relinquished.
p.290 18 Jul 1792 Robert Walters of Pittsylvania to Pleasant Shields. 22£ 10sh. Tract both sides of upper Double Creeks. Begin William Richardsons line & Daniel S. Farley's line near the old road, where the old road crosses on Richardsons line, thence his line, Shields line, up the creek, corner hickory of Nimrod Scotts line, Farley's line. 22 ½ acres.
Signed: Robert Walters Wit: Danl Farley, Betsy Walters, Archer Walters, John (I) Hall, Littleberry (X) Shields, Jonathan Hill, William Richardson. 17 Dec 1792. Proved by oaths of 3 witnesses. [Probably Betsy & Archer Walters who witnessed are two of Robert's children. His brother Archer has a wife Elizabeth but she had died a year before the date of this deed]p.292 11 Dec 1792 John Hall to Littleberry Shields. 15£ Tract both sides upper Double Creek. Begin William Harrison's line, new lines. 40 acres. Signed: John (I) Hall.
Wit: Pleasant Shields, Robert Walters, Jonathan Hill, William Richardson
17 Dec 1792 Ack.
p.365 15 Apr 1793 Joseph Flippen to John Johnson. 30£. parcel on draft of the Sandy Creek. Weatherfords old Order line being Anna Daniel's line; new line on Joseph Flippen, up a branch on the same Joseph Flippen to the head, sd John Johnson's line. 100 acres. Signed: Joseph Flippen Wit: Grief Barksdale, Robert Walters, Asa Thomas 15 Apr 1793 Ack by Flippen
p.376 13 Mar 1793 Samuel Walker to Robert Walters. 50£. Tract on both sides of the rode leading from Dixes ferry by Millers Church. 100 acres. Begin at Robert Maddins corner on John Bennets line, with his line to Nathan Tates line thence to Benjamin Terry's line thence to John Spencers line, to John Harris line, thence Robert Maddins line to the beginning. Signed: Samuel Walker Wit: James (X) Collie, John (X) Collie, Charles Collie, Nathan Pearman 15 Apr 1793 proved by Wit.
]Samuel Walker was married to Robert's sister Lucy.]
p.377 16 Mar 1793 Nathan Pearman to Charles Collie 25£ Parcel of 100 acres by survey dated 16 Mar 1793. Branches of Birches & the Double Creeks. Begin James Collie's corner at head of Turkey foot, new lines, crossing a branch of Birches Crk & the road to the Order line and along same. Crossing branch of Double Creek to James Collie's corner, along his line to the beginning. Signed: Charles Collie Wit: Robert Walters, William Slayden, Lacking Madding, John (X) Johnson 15 Apr 1793 Ack by Charles Collie
p.378 13 Mar 1793 William Collie to Samuel Walker. 50£. 150 acres. Corner of James Collie's in Weatherfords Order line, with Collie's line. Land where Collie now lives. Signed: William Collie Wit: Robert Walters, Margret (+) Walters, James (X) Collie, John (X) Collie, Peggy (X) Collie 15 Apr 1793 Ack by William Collie
p.445 24 Dec 1792 Robert Mading and Champness Mading of Cazwell Co NC to George Dodson of Patrick Co, VA. 80£. Begin at Robert Water's corner & running on Bennet's line to corner pointer with Samuel Watkins line, Joshua Dodsons line, Dodson & Spencers line. Old field belonging to Spencer, crossing branch to Robt Waterses corner in Slayden's line, thence with sd Walterses line to the beginning. 211 acres being land willed to the sd Madin's by John Madins dec'd. Signed: Robert (X) Mading, Champness (X) Mading. Wit: John Vaughn, Charles Collie, Robert Walters, Thomas Madding.
15 Apr 1793. Proved by two of wit.
21 Oct 1793. proved by 3rd wit

Militia payroll for Robert Walters, Lt. in Lt. Walters' Company.
Lt. Robert Walters' Company of Militia of Gen. Carrington's Brigade from Pittsylvania, 6 Nov 1794 (his uncle and cousin of the same name were by now in Georgia)
He was paid for 58 days, $50.26 from 25 Sep 1794 to 21 Nov 1794. The brigade rendezvouse was 250 miles

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 10
p.157 7 Jan 1795 John Spencer & Henry Terrell for 200£ sell to Robert Walters, one Negro woman called Judy and her children Dickey, Charles, Betty & Sam. Signed: John Spencer, Harry Terrell Test: Jackson Walters, Walker Goding, Robt Clopton, Josiah (+) Earp, William (+) Watkins.
Memorandum that the within Bill of Sail is given as Security to indemnify the said Walters as Security for the said Spencer to Harry Turrell for 185£. Robt. Walters Test: Robt Clopton, Josiah (+) Earp, William (+) Watkins 20 Apr 1795 proved by oaths of witnesses
p.158 7 Apr 1795 John Spencer for 200£ paid by Robt Walters sell to said Robert Walters one Negro man Abram, the Bricklayer, one sorrel steed called the Gold fender. Signed: John Spencer Test: Jackson Walters, Walker (+) Gooding 20 Apr 1795 Proved by witnesses
p.170 20 Apr 1795 Robert Walters to Jackson Walters. 100£. Tract on Lower Double Creek on the S side of said Creek 150 acres. Begin bank of the Creek in Thomas Walters line. Down the creek as it meanders, new chopt line, corner in John Watkins dec'd line, along sd Watkins line, to Thomas Walters corner tree in Watkins line, new chopt line to Thomas Walters line, crossing a branch. Part of the tract deeded from Thomas Walters to Robert. Signed: Robert Walters. 20 Apr 1795 Ack by Robert Walters
[See next deed for deed from Thomas to Robert Walters.]
p.171 20 Apr 1795 Thomas Walters to Robert Walters. Sum of 100£. Tract on branches of Double Creek, 185 acres. Begin Robert Walters corner tree in Atkinsons line, sd Atkinsons line to Robert Madding line; to sd Thomas Walters line, meanders of branch to Robert Walters line & his line to the beginning. Being the plantation and part of Tract of the Land Deeded from Chichester Mathews to said Thomas Walters. Signed: Thomas (T) Walters. Wit: Othe Thorp, William Finch Thorp, James Thorp, Obadiah Walters, Jackson Walters, Walker Gooding.
Sum of 100 pounds rec'd from Robert Walters. Signed: Thomas (T) Walters Wit: Othe Thorp, Wm Finch Thorp, James Thorp, Obediah Walters 20 Apr 1795 Ack by Thomas Walters

Pittsylvania Deed Book 11
p.52 17 Apr 1797 Robert Walters to William Seal 28£ 10s
47 acres. Begin white oak in Dodson's line, sassafras corner in Tates line, wagon road, with the road to said Tates, up the road to an old Blacksmith's Shop, Spring in Joshua Dodson's line with sd Joshua Dodsons & George Dodson's line. Signed: Robert Walters
17 Apr 1797. Robert Walters acknowledged
Second DB 11
p.270 4 Oct 1797 Charles Waddill to Allen Waddill 300£ land on Sanday Creek of Dan River. 400 acres. Begin black oak S side of Sandy Creek, new dividing line to corner pin in Robert Williams, Woodes line, William Harrison dec'd line to Noell Waddill Junr corner in Harrisons line thence Noel Waddills line to his Spring branch, down the branch to Sandy Creek
Signed: Charles Waddill Wit: Henry Cook, Champness Terry, John Scott, Robt Walters, Wm Walters, Archer Walters 16 Apr 1798 Proved by three witnesses
p.271 3 Oct 1797 Noel Wadill Senr to Charles Waddill. 300£.Tract both side Sandy Creek 800 acres. Begin mouth of Noel Waddill Junior's Spring branch, to Charles Waddills line, his line to Robt Williams, along Williams to John Walters, along his line to Williams line across the Creek to Woddes, along his line toAkisson, to Burgess's, his line to the creek Signed: Noel Waddill Wit: Robert Walters, Wm Walters, Archer Walters Proved 16 Apr 1798 by witnesses
p.327 26 Nov 1797 Allen Caldwell of Halifax to Robert Walters of Pittsy. 40#. Tract on branches of lower Dubble Creek. Begin corner post oke in Walters & Josiah Atkinsons line, along Atkinsons line to Alexander Lees line as it turns to Thos Bennets line, along his line to Nathan Tates line, to Robert Walters line, George Dodson line to the beginning. 175 acres. Land said Caldwell purchased of John & Jesse Bennett. Signed: Allen Caldwell Wit: Jackson Walters, Stokley Slayden, Arter Shaydon, William Bryson, Archer Walters 16 Jul 1798 Proved by 3 witnesses
p.387 6 Dec 1798 William Seale to Robert Walters. 30£. Tract on branches of lower Double Creeks. Begin post oak on George Dodson & Robrt Walters line, thence to Joshuway Dodson's line, thence to George Dodson's line to the beg. The tract deeded from the sd Walters to sd Seal containing 57 acres. Signed: William (x) Seale 17 Dec 1798, Ack by Seale.
p.435-6 16 Feb 1799. Robert Walters of Pittsy to Leonard Price of same. 60£. Parcel on lower Double Creek, 100a. Begin at Dodson's corner on the Wagon Road, with the road to NW corner Tates line, with Tates line to head of branch in said Tates little field. Down the branch to Tates corner white oak in Madings line, said Walters line to Dodson's corner & with said Dodson's line crossing a branch to red oak in George Dodson's line. Being the land formerly calld Samuel Walkers. Signed: Robert Walters Wit: George Dodson, Archer Walters, Hazle (K) Butt [Hezekiah?] 15 Apr 1799 Ack by Robert Walters.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.24 20 Apr 1799 Mary Watkins admin & widow of John Watkins dec'd and Gregory Watkins, son of said John Watkins to James Philips. 220£ Waters of Lower Double Creek, 375a, one acre excepted for a grave yard. Begin Walters corner red oak, Walters line. Signed: Mary (x) Watkins, Gregory (x) Watkins. Wit: George Dodson, Robt Walters, Jackson Walters, Joseph Hill, Pleasant Shields. 21 Oct 1799 proved by three witnesses.
p.25 12 Jun 1799 Thomas Atkinson of Dinwiddie Co to Joel Neal of Pittsylvania Co. 615£. Tract on branch of Byrd & Elkhorn Crks, 879a. Begin William Rices corner, Vinsent Cumptons line. Pointers Terrys Order Line, Allins former line, pointers in Isham Farmers line, John Irbys lines. Signed: Thomas Atkinson. Wit: Robert Payne, Robert Walters, B. Barksdale, James Chalmers. 16 Sep 1799 proved by one witness. 21 Oct 1799 proved by two others.
p.30 26 Sep 1799 John Hall of Boon Co KY, attorney for Daniel & Sarah Johnson of Scott Co KY to John Herring of Pittsylvania. 100#s. Waters of Birches Crk 100a. tract sold by Joseph Terry dec'd to Chichester Grubbs. Signed: John Hall Wit: Robert Walters, William Walters, Bennett Shelton, Allen Watson 21 Oct 1799 proved by three wit
p.39 16 Oct 1799 Henry Terry to Robert Clopton. 100£. 200a branches of Sandy Crk. Pine in the Order line, Peter Terry's line. Singed: Harry Terry Wit: David Terry, Barton Terry, Thomas T. Williams, William Russell, Jas. M. Williams, J. Williams, Robert Walters, John Herring, Daniel Everett 21 Oct 1799 proved by three wit
p.40 Robert Walters, James M. Williams & Richard Johnson, Gentlemen Justices of Pittsylvania Co. Harry Terry sold Robert Clopton 200 acres. Mary Terry, wife of said Harry Terry cannot travel. Personally go & examine. 17 Oct 1799. 17 Oct 1799 In obedience, Mary Terry privately examined & relinquished. Signed: Robert Walters, J. W. Williams
p.96 18 Jan 1800 Robert Walters to Archer Walters of Halifax. In consideration of love, good will & affection to the said Archer and for the better maintenance of the said Archer Walters, confirms to him a tract of 103a. In Pittsy Co. S side of lower double Crk; metes & bounds. Signed Robert Walters. Wit: Laban Walters, John Slaydon, Geo. Dodson
17 Feb 1800 ack by Robert Walters
p.97 5 Oct 1798 Rodrick McDaniel of Caswell Co NC to Robert Walters of Pittsylvania. 35£. tract on branches of lower Dubble Crk. Begin at the school house spring in Wm Madings old line, up the main branch to Hardys old line, Mading's line. 100a Signed: Rodrick (x) Mcdaniel Wit: James (x) Seal, John (o) Seal, William (3) Seal, Billey Bennett. 17 Dec 1798 proved by two. 17 Feb 1800, proved by third.
p.110 18 Jan 1800 Robert Walters to William Rice. 37£. Waters of lower double Creek, 50a. Begin in Dodson line, with Dodsons line & the said Walterses line, Atkinson's line, Winteres corner. Signed: Robert Walters Wit: Geo. Dodson, Archer Walters, Laban Walters, John Slaydon
17 Feb 1800 Ack by Robert Walters
p.132 18 May 1800 Robert Walters & Leonard Rice to Thomas Richardson. 75£. 325 acres on waters of lower Double Creek & Birches Crk. Begin George Dodsons corner, with his line to Joshua Dodson's line, said Walters's line, Trues line, Tates line, Thomas Bennetts line, William Dodson's line, to William Rices corner pine, his lines, said George Dodson's line to the beginning. Signed: Robert Walters, Lenerd (x) Rise Wit: Creed Tanner, Thomas Shelton, Matthew Tanner [name cut off at bottom of page] 16 Jun 1800 Ack by Robert Walters. Leonard Rice proved by Creed Thomas & Thomas Shelton. 21 Jul 1800 - ack by Leonard Rice & Lydia his wife relinq dower.
p.147 13 Jun 1800 John Collie & Fanney his wife to Samuel Walker. 45£. Begin James Collies corner, to Burgesses corner, his line, dividing line to Dodson's line, to Samuel Walkers corner pine, along his line. 72A Signed: John (x) Collie Fanney (x) Collie Wit: Charles Shelton, Robert Walters, Ralph Dodson, Peyn Thomas 16 Jun 1800 Ack by John Collie. Fanny relinq dower
p.170 11 Sep 1800 John Templemon to Samuel Walker. 50£. Begin pointers in Samuel Walkers red oak in Benjamin Burgesses line. Robert Walters's old line, along the same. Dodsons line to Samuel Walkers corner, along Walkers corner. [no acres given] Signed: John (x) Templeman, Ann(X) Templemon Wit: Charles Shelton, Laban Walters, Elisha Ford, Daniel (x) Slaydon Junr, John (X) Hubbard 15 Sep 1800 Proved by oaths of 3 wittnesses. Anne, wife, relinq dower.
p.378 2 Apr 1801 Robert Walters to Timothy Dodson. $100. Tract on waters of lower Double Creek, 100 acres. Begin Joshua Dodsons corner, Richardsons line, Joshua Dodson, corner of another tract, with Dodsons line, Thomas Chathams line, Cloptons line. Land deeded from Rotherick McDonald to said Walters. Signed: Robt Walters Wit: Geo. Dodson William Tates, Laban Walters, Washington Herring. 21 Sep 1801 - ack by Robert Walters. [See p.97, DB 12]

Pittsylvania Co DB 13
p.139 27 Jan 1802 James Woody to the people of said county. For sum of $1 paid by Richard Jones. One acres between the forks of the road below sd Jones that leads to Sandy Creek and Milton & the use of a spring & a plenty of fire wood for use of a meeting house & school. Signed: James Woody. Wit: John Walters, Robt Walters, Jno. Dismukes. Ack by Woody 18 Oct 1802
p.226 28 Aug 1802. Robert Gooding of Hallifax to William Johnson. 75£. Tract of 135 acres on lower double creek. Joshua Dodsons line, said Johnsons spring, George Dodson's line, Slaydens corner, line. Mouth of Cloptons spring branch. Signed: Robt (x) Goodwin. Wit: Thos. Shelton, Robt Walters, Wm Shelton, Walker Goodwin 18 Apr 1803 Proved by witnesses
p.229 21 Jan 1803 Allen Watson & Walker Gooding to Martin Daniel of Halifax Co 150£. Tract on waters of Double Crk, 75 acres. Begin dead oak above the Mill, pine on Madings line, Cloptons line. Signed: Allen Watson, Walker (x) Gooding. Wit: Thomas Shelton, George Dodson, John Ford, Robt Walters. 18 Apr 1803 proved by witnesses.
p.324 14 Jan 1803. William Seal to Thomas Hardy. 30£. Fifty ?? [cut off] acres. Waters of Upper Double Creek. Begin Phillip Earps corner. Land Seal purchased of the said Hardy. Signed: William (x) Seale. Wit: Robert Walters, Thos. Hill, James Richardson, Thomas Walters, Samuel Walters, James Fillips, William Bryant, John Hardy, John Seal, Berryman Dalton. 20 Jun 1803 proved by three of witnesses.
I know of no Samuel Walters in this time and place - should this have been Samuel Walker?
p.474 30 Aug 1803. This day John Slaton came forward and before a number of his neighbors acknowledges that respecting a report which has been put out against Thomas Sheltons daughter Frances, he the sd Slaton makes the following Confession. 1st that he never saw any undeason behaver by the sd lady 2nd that he was very sorry he ever said any thing about her. 3rd that he verily believes it to be a lie, the sd Slaton is to be at all Lawfull Cost. Signed: John Slaydon
Wit: William Thompson, George Dodson, Josiah Atkinson, Thomas Hill, Robert Madin
This is to certify that I Robert Walters being a neighbor to the sd within Shelton do acknowledge that I never saw any undeson behaviour in his Daughter Frances being acquainted with her from a child and do no believe the report to be in circulation to be true. Given under my hand this 30th day of Aug 1803. Robert Walters. Wit: William Thompson, George Dotson, Josiah Atkison, Robert Madin, Thomas Hill
21 Nov 1803 Letter of Recantation from John Slaydon to Thomas Shelton and his daughter Frances was presented in Court & proved by oath of William Thompson & ordered recorded.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.34 29 Feb 1804 Thomas Richardson to Benjamin Watkins. 40£. 105 acres. Lower double Creek & Birches Creek. Begin oak in George Dodsons line, Tates line to the courthouse road, Mading's line, Joshua Dodsons corner, his line. Signed: Thomas Richardson, Lucey Richardson. Wit: Robt Walters, Thos Shelton, John S. Oliver. 16 Apr 1804 Ack & Lucy relinq dower.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.93 25 Jan 1806 Thomas Tulloh & Anna his wife of Halifax to William Newbald of Pittsyl 75£. 100 acres. Patsey Harrisons corner post oak, Nimrod Scotts line, Achilles Whitlock's line, Thomas Tulloh's line. Signed: Thomas Tulloh Wit: John Shields, George D. S. Newbill, Robt. Walters, Achilles Whitlock
16 Jun 1806. Ack by Tulloh.
p.237 Robert Walters & Benjamin Watkins, Gent. Justices. Presley Dodson sale of 7 Jan 1806. Elizabeth his wife cannot travel. 19 May 1806.
6 Dec 1806. Robert Walters & Benja Watkins obtained Elizabeth Dodson's dower release.
p.278 Robert Walters & Benjamin Watkins, Gent. Justices to examine Rhoda Wilson and get dower release, which they did 15 Nov 1806.
p.287 15 Oct 1806 Martin Daniel to John Dodson for 25£. 25 acres on waters of Lower Double Creek. Corner with said Dodsons line, Madings corner, Madings line, Chaneys line to Sheltons corner, Sheltons line, down the branch. Signed: Martin Daniel. Wit; Robert Walters, Lemuel Walters, Thos Shelton Junr, Thomas Richardson. 16 Feb 1807 proved by three of witnesses.
Robert Walters bought back land that had once belonged to his uncle, Robert Walters:
p.350 5 Feb 1807 Elijah Creel to Robert Walters. 160£. 300 acres on waters of fall and Birches Creek, part of a tract of 504 acres granted to Robert Walters Senr by patent duly recorded. The said Robert Walters Senr sold unto William Rice and William Rice conveyed to William Russell as by record in the County Court in the Clerks office. Joining Reynolds land and others. Signed: Elijah Creel. Wit: Geo. Dodson, Josiah Atkinson, Laban Walters, Lemuel Walters, A. Whitlock, John Dodson, Lemuel Walters, John Slayden, Thos. Shelton, Robert W Ragland, William Ragland
15 Jun 1807. Proved by three of witnesses. [Lemuel Walters was listed twice as a witness.]
p.482 1 Jul 1807 Arther Slayden to Robert Walters. In consideration of a debt due Daniel Slayden from Arther Slayden for 39£ 11s 6p, payable 25 Dec next and for $1 paid by said Walters to the said Arther. To Walters one Negro woman Anneka & her child Gabirel. In Trust. In case the said Arthur Slayden does not pay the said Bond off to the said Daniel Slayden, said Walters shall advertise the property for ten days and proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder. Signed: Arther Slayton, Robt. Walters. Wit: Ben. Watkins, J. P. Wilkinson
15 Feb 1808. Deed of Trust from Arthur Slayden to Robert Walters to secure payments of a debt due from said Arthur to Daniel Slayden was presented & proved by the oath of Benjamin Watkins. 20 Feb 1809, further proved by oath of the other witness.
p.506 Robert Walters & Benjamin Watkins, Gent. Justices. Elijah Creel & Nancy, deed of 4/6 day of Jun 1807, to Stockley Turner, 221 acres. She is unable to travel. 30 Oct !807
31 Oct 1807 - Return from Robert Walters & Benj Watkins. Nancy Creel relinquished dower rights.
p.528 Ro. Walters & Sto. Turner, Justices of the Peace do certify that Rhody Seal, wife of Solomon Seal, parties to deed to George Cook dated 20 Dec 1816, was examined privily and apart from her husband and acknowledged same. Signed 8 Jun 1816 Ro. Walters, Sto. Turner At court held 19 Jun 1816, the certificate herein was ordered to be recorded

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 16
p.544 [written as 542, but it's between 543 & 545] 18 Aug 1809 Sto. Turner to Robert Walters. Deed of Trust. For amount of 140.15.3 Bond due on 15 Oct 1810 to Benjamin Watkins and in considerations of 6 shillings. 400 acres on Prestages branch being land said Turner purchased of William Thompson, conveyed to him by the legatees of John White Holt to: Thomas B. Holt, Joseph Holt and Matthew W. Holt as holding title to the said land in virtue of the LS&T of said John White Holt. If the said Stockley Turner does not pay the said sum to Walters before 25 Dec 1810 then the said Trustee shall advertising the sale and proceed to sell the premises for the best price. Signed: Sto. Turner, Robt Walters. Wit: Thos. Shelton, Thos. Chaney, W. Wilkinson.
19 Feb 1810 The within deed of Trust from Stockley Turner to Robert Walters to secure the payment of a Debt due from said Turner to Benjamin Watkins was present in Court - acknowledged & ordered recorded.

Pittsylvania AC Book 4, Page 40 Nathan Tate's Inventory
Agreeable to the within order we have convened together at the house of Nathan Tate Dec'd and appraised the said Estate as follows to wit:
2 hammers, 1 Case Knives &c, Shoe Tax & alls, 1 Doz Flints, 1 Iron Skillet, 2 Vials
Appraised by us this 13 October 1806
Robt Walters, Geo Dodson, Jno Clopton
Sworn to before me
Benj Watkins
Recorded: October 20,. 1806

1820 Census. Pittsylvania Co VA. Robert Walters, Senr. 1m and 1f over age 45 - no doubt Robert & Seletha. They must have a grown and married child living them because there is also a man and a woman age 26-45 and a boy under age 10 in the household.

1830 Census. Pittsylvania Co VA. Robt Walters Senr. One male age 70-80. No females in household; apparently wife deceased.


BirthAbt 1750Lunenburg County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1770Pittsylvania County, Virginia - SELETHA MCBEE
Death28 Feb 1834Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseSELETHA MCBEE (1751 - 1830)
ChildJackson Walters (1772 - 1843)
ChildARCHIBALD "Archer" Walters (1770 - 1846)
ChildElizabeth "Betsy" Walters ( - )
ChildLaban Walters (1779 - 1854)
ChildThomas Walters ( - 1853)
ChildLettice "Letty" Walters (1785 - 1871)
ChildLemuel Walters (1786 - 1837)
ChildLevina Walters ( - 1837)
ChildRobert Wister Walters (1795 - 1853)
ChildSelethia Walters (1797 - 1850)
ChildWilliam H. Walters ( - 1840)
FatherTHOMAS WALTERS (1727 - 1796)
MotherLUCY ?Clement or Walker (1731 - )
SiblingThomas WALTERS Jr. ( - 1795)
SiblingCapt John Walters (1753 - 1836)
SiblingWilmoth Walters ( - 1830)
SiblingAgatha Walters (1760 - )
SiblingLucy Walters ( - )
SiblingClement Walters (1762 - 1835)
SiblingObediah Walters (1765 - 1836)
SiblingArchibald "Archer" Walters (1768 - )
SiblingWilliam Walters (1775 - 1839)
SiblingMargaret Walters (1778 - 1843)
SiblingAbraham Walters (1781 - 1847)
