Individual Details
John Stockton
(Abt 1745 - Bef Jul 1807)
John was a signer of the Albemarle Declaration of Independence.
John Stockton married Mary "Polly" Morton and they lived in Pittsylvania Co VA. Polly and most of the children moved to Cumberland Co KY after his death.
Pittsylvania Co DB 5
p.2 26 Nov 1777 John Davis of Henry Co sold John Stockton, 500 acres in Virginia, on Turkey Cock Creek.
Pittsylvania Co DB 5
p.198 20 Jul 1779 John Stockton to Benjamin Menees. 700£. 500 acres, both sides Turky Cock Creek. Signed: John Stockton
Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists, 1782. John "Stocktone", 1546 acres. In 1783, he is listed as having acquired another 565 acres from James Roberts. He was issued a new grant of 200 acres sometime between 7 Jan 1782 and 1 Jul 1784. In 1785 he was listed as having sold 360 acres to Thomas Johns.
Pittsylvania Co DB 7
p.53 10 May 1783 James Roberts of Pittsy & William Tunstall of Henry Co to John Stockton. 300£. Two tracts.on the head of Sandy River. One containing 333 acres agreeable to bond given to said John Stockton by James Roberts to make him a right in fee simple, it being the said Tract whereon the sd Roberts now lives and where the court house formerly stood and bounded on lines of James Smith, George Jefferson, Abraham Aaron and adj new survey of sd James Roberts, also lines of William Roberts. The other Tract joining. 232 acres. Daniel Prewitts line, William Lovells line, Abraham Aarons line, crossing the river to Prewitts line. Signed: James Roberts, Will. Tunstall
Wit: Wm (X) Oliver, John (X) Smith, Eliza. (X) Smith, Saml Tarrant, Reuben Tarrant
21 May 1783 Ack by Roberts & Tunstall. Elizabeth wife of James Roberts, privately examined.
p.108 9 Sep 1782 Richard Swepson of Mecklinburg Co to John Stockton of Pittsy. 100£. Parcel on Sandy River. 525 acres. Begin Coxes former Line. Signed: Richd Swepson
Wit: Robt Hyde, Saml Harris, M/W Hamblton, R. Williams
p.226 William Oliver to John Stockton. 100£. cattle, furniture gun, etc. 3 Oct 1783
Deed of Mortgage
p.273 12 Apr 1784 John Stockton to Thomas Johns. 350£. Two tracts on branches of Sandy River. One remainder of 455 acres surveyed for Thos divided between Jacob Clanlend & sd Thomas Johns. 200 acres a moiety parcel conveyed by John Cox on 20 Jun 1769. Quantity being 400 acres. Signed: John Stockton. Ack 17 May 1784
Pittsylvania Co DB 8, p.99
15 Oct 1787. William & John Roberts to John Stockton for 100£. Tract containing by patent, 246 acres, both sides Wet Stone Creek. Signed: William Roberts, John Roberts. Elizabeth, wife of John Roberts examined & relinquished dower.
?p.219 21 Apr 1788. John Stockton to Edward Nunnelee. 170£. tract in Pittsy on Sandy River, 525 acres. Granted to Richard Simpson. Signed: John Stockton
21 Arp 1788. Ack by John Stockton
Pittsylvania Co DB 11
p.19 18 Feb 1797 Deed of James Oakes, witnessed by Robert Price, John Stockton, Robert Morrison, Samuel Gifford, David Rice Proved 20 Feb 1797 by three of witnesses.
p.494 29 Jun 1799 John Stockton to Moses Hubbard. 150£. both sides Wet stone Crk 246a Signed: John Stockton Wit: Jno Tompkins,James Stewart, Jesse Hodges, Edward Carter. 15 Jul 1799 ack by John Stockton
Pittsylvania Co DB 12
p.152 12 Jun 1800 John Stockton & Polley his wife to John Smith. 100£. Branches of Turkey Cock Crk 200a. grant to sd John Stockton on 30 Oct 1782. Signed: John Stockton 16 Jun 1800 Ack by John Stockton
p.155 23 May 1800 John Stockton to Jas. Stuart in consideration of his marriage with Elizabeth Stockton, daughter of sd Jno. One moiety of tract on Turky Cock Branch conveyed to said Jno by William Hoy upon which a water grist Mill stands. To be laid off to reserves to Stockton a lot at the upper end of his plantation in such manner as to include the mill. Reid's hickory, corner and running along his line; Longs Branch. Signed: John Stockton
Wit: Jno Tompkins, Jno Calland, William Calland. 16 Jun 1800 ack by Stockton
Pittsylvania Co DB 13
p.419 19 Sep 1803 John Stockton and Polly his wife & James Stuart & Elizabeth his wife of Campbell Co to John Garrett. Indenture dated 22 Nov 1777 conveyed to John Stockton for 500 acres on Turkey Cock Creek. Sd John Stockton by Indenture dated 23 May 1800 conveyed one half to said James Stuart. James Stuart afterwards sold the same to the said John Stockton. Then John Stockton sold the land which had been conveyed to him by William Hoy to John Garrott. James Stuart & Elizabeth do convey to sd John Garrott the tract of land. Signed: John Stockton, Mary Stockton, James Stuart, Elizabeth Stuart. Wit: John Buckley, Thos. B. Jones, John Stockton. 19 Sep [year cut off] Ack by John & Mary Stockton; Mary relinquished Dower. 17 Oct same year Ack by James Stuart; Elizabeth relinq dower.
Pittsylvania Co DB 14
p.79 7 May 1805 John Stockton to John Parrish. For good will & affection to my daughter Kiziah. Tract of land of 331 acres, both sides North fork of Sandy River. Line of the patent, John Mortons line Signed: John Stockton. Wit: Abram Parrish, Edith Stockton. 18 Jun 1804, ack by John Stockton
Pittsylvania Co VA AC Book 4, Page 78 Stockton's Inventory
Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of John Stockton, Dec'd
1 Bureau & Candle Stand, 1 Folding table, 1 Square Do, 8 Split bottom Chairs, 2 large Trunks, 2 Small Do, 1 Desk, book case & Books, 1 large Folding C. Table & 1 Square Do, 1 Cupboard & its Contents
1 Square Walnut table, 6 Windsor Chairs, 6 Split Bottom Do , 2 Fire Skreens, 2 looking Glasses, 1 Shott Gun (Bursted), 1 tea Tin (large), 12 Cloke Pins, 4 Silk Embroidered Pictures, 6 Prints in frames,
2 Crpetts, 1 Bed & furniture, 1 Do & Do & Stead, ! Womans Saddle, 2 Split bottom chairs, 1 Tin Trumpet & 1 Reel, 1 Square Pine table, 1 Bed & furniture &c, 1 Do & Do &c, 1 Do & Do, 1 Do Do, 1 Do Do, 2 Beds
6 Setts Window Curtains & 1 mantle Cloth, 1 Band Box, 8 Sheets & 4 new Counter Pens, 2 Worked Counterpanes fring'd, 1 bed quilt & 1 Counter pain, 1Bed quilt not finished hexegon Work,
Part suit Bed curtains, 3 table Covers, 6 furniture Do, 3 Pair bed blankets, Kitchen furniture,
2 Cotton wheels, 2 flax Do, 1 Sorrel mare Colt, 1 Bay mare Do, 1 Bay Horse Do, 1 Bald Eagle Horse,
1 large bay mare, 1 Dark Horse, 1 Do do, 1 Brown mareColt, 1 Bay Colt, 1 X cut Saw & 1 Pit Do,
1 X cut Saw & 2 Hand Do, 1 large Still, 1 Small Do, 11 head Sheep, 1 Grind Stone, 1 Riding Chair Harness
1 cuting box & knife, 1 Waggon & Gears, 1 old Do & 2 pair Breeches, 1 pair cart wheels
3 ploughs &c, 3 Cotton Do &c, 1 Sett Black Smith's tools, 50 lbs Iron In Parcels, 1 bar Share Plough &c, 1 Small Do Do, 1 Pair Stylards, 40 lbs old Iron, 19 Hhds. & Casks, 1 Small Steal Trap, 1 Crow Bare, 1 large Bell, 1 large Bell, 31 head hogs, 1 Hackle, 3 Tin Funnels & 3 brass cocks, 3 Waggon Boxes, 3 Broad axes & one froe, 1 Sett Irons for Cutting mill Stones, 6 Hilling hoes & 6 Grubing Do,
6 axes, 1 pair Iron Wedges, Carpenters tools, 5 old Shovels & 11 Reap hooks, 1 Parcel Tobo., 1 Ditto Bill for 1649 lbs Iron, 3 Cows & yearlings, 1 Stear & 2 work Bulls, 1 Heifer, 1 Cow & 2 yearlings,
1 Pair Saddle bags, 1 Negro Woman Milley, 1 " Man Harry, 1 " Charles, 1 " Jack, 1 " Harry,
1 Boy Nero, 1 Woman Tiller & Child Amanda, 1 " Cabel, 1 " Dorcas, 1 Girl Chaney, 1 " Mary,
1 " Lucey, 2 Boys Hallaway & Ned, 1 pewter, 2 Potts, omitted, 1 Cow & Calf, 1 Sow, five Shoats,
5 Small pigs, 1 large Pott & Skillet, An account against Edward Popejay for rent, 1 Trunk, 1 Bed & furniture, 1 Bed Do Do, 1 Bed Quilt & 1 Counter Pane, 1 Pair Sheets, 1 Worked Counter Paine,
1 Negro Girl Phillis
Total: £1830.15.10
We the undersigned being first duly Sworn agreable to an Order of the Worshipful Court of Pittsylvania County have appraised all the Personal Estate of John Stockton Dec'd Shown to us by the admrs. Of the said John Stockton, Dec'd as Stated above. Given under Our hands & Seals this 18th Day of July 1807.
Jas. Hopkins,. Caleb Hundley, Nich' Parrish
Pittsylvania Co VA. May Court 1815, Order Book 16, p.469
Polly Stockton and Samuel Stockton, Patsy Stockton and Hiram Stockton by their next friend Polly Stockton, John P. Stockton, Ichabod Stockton & Edith Stockton - Plaintiffs
Peter H. Stockton, John Parrish & Keziah his wife, James W. Taylor & Phoebe his wife, John Smith and Stella Smith, Camilla, Smith, John Smith, Samuel Smith, and Ralph Smith by John Smith their father and next friend, and James Stuart and Elizabeth his wife - Defendants.
Order made in this court, January 1812 - Commissioners named to make partition of the Estate of John Stockton, Dec'd. John Smith, James W. Taylor, John Parrish & James Stuart have received by way of advance to their wives, full satisfation out of the said estate and the complainants no longer desing that the Estate should be divided. It is ordered and decreed by consent of the parties that 1/3 of the tract on the waters of the Sandy River, of which said John Stockton died seized and on which he resided containing 936 acres, be confirmed to Polly Stockton to hold as her dower. The reamining two thirds to the other complainants. The infant defendants Hiram Stockton, Camilla, John & Samuel Smith be allowed six months from the time they reach 21 years to show cause against this decree.
Note: John Smith married Agnes Stockton, Pittsylvania Co, 7 Dec 1790.
Cumberland Co KY DB B:
p.504 17 Jul 1815 Jno. Parish & Kezia his wife, Peter H. Stockton & Rachel his wife, James W. Taylor & Phebe his wife, Ichabod Stockton, Lemuel Stockton and Edith Stockton. To Thomas Shelton of Pittsylvania Co VA. Tract in Pittsylvania on the waters of Sandy River. 936 acres. By Polly Stockton, John P. Stockton, Hiram Stockton & Patsy Stockton in their proper persons, and by Ichabod Stockton, Lemuel Stockton, Peter H. Stockton & Edith Stockton by James W. Taylor & John Parish as their attorneys in fact. For the sum of 100£ to Parish, Taylor, Peter H. Stockton, Ichabod Stockton & Patsy Stockton paid by Thomas Shelton. Do confirm all title & interest.
Came personally before me in Cumberland: John Parish & wife, Peter H. Stockton & wife, James W. Taylor & wife, Ichabod Stockton, Lemuel Stockton & Edithe Stockton, and ack. Kezia Parish, Rachel Stockton & Phebe Taylor relinq. Dower. 17 Jul 1815
p.543 28 Aug 1815. Polly Stockton late of Pittsylvania VA now of Cumberland Co KY makes oath that her removal to this state was with an intention of becoming a citizen therof and that she brought with her no slaves into this state and that she would bring no slave into this State with intent of selling them. Signed: Robert L. Faril JP. Rec. 2 Sep 1815.
Cumberland DB D:
p.142 7 Aug 1819 Peter H. Stockton & Rachel his wife, Polly Stockton, John Parrish & Kiza his wife, Ichabod Stockton, James M. Taylor & Phebe his wife, Lemuel Stockton, Edith Stockton, James D. Donley & Patsey his wife & Eliza Stewart of KY of the one part and Thomas Shelton of Pittsylvania VA of the other part. Heirs at law of John Stockton, Dec'd of Pittsylvania. 936 acres dated 17 Jul 1815, being the tract where Shelton now lives & the last residence of John Stockton dec'd. On the waters of Sandy River and whereon Hiram Stockton Dec'd not being a party dying under age, single, and without making disposition of his property the same hath descended to the above named Heirs of John Stockton. Hiram being one of the sd Heirs. Signed by all. Ack same date.
A WorldConnect file lists the following as children of John - many of these dates are likely incorrect - there is at least one omission.
Icabod Stockton
John Peyton Stockton [not listed as heir above in 1819 - but was in the lawsuit in 1815]
Lemuel Stockton [this perhaps should be Samuel - see lawsuit, 1815]
Peter Hargard Stockton b: ABT. 1765 in Albemarle Co, . Virginia
Nathaniel Stockton b: 25 APR 1776 [not listed as heir above, nor in any of the lawsuits]
Katherine Stockton b: 13 MAY 1779 [Keziah, not Katherine - married John Parrish]
Phoebe Stockton b: ABT. 1790 [Married James W. Taylor]
Edith Stockton b: ABT. 1793
Patsy Stockton b: ABT. 1795 [married James Donley]
Elizabeth Stockton b: ABT. 1797 [married James Stuart]
Hiram Stockton b: ABT. 1799
[daughter Agnes who married John Smith was omitted from this list]
John's nephew Robert, son of the Rev. Robert Stockton and his family were also in Cumberland. There were other Stockton names that do not fit in either of these two families. John's brother Thomas and/or his children may also have removed to Cumberland.
Birth | Abt 1745 | Albemarle County, Virginia | |||
Death | Bef Jul 1807 | Pittsylvania County, Virginia |
Father | Richard Stockton (1710 - 1775) |
Mother | Agnes Anthony ( - ) |
Sibling | Deborah Stockton (1738 - 1810) |
Sibling | Thomas Stockton (1740 - 1809) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Stockton (1742 - ) |
Sibling | Rev. Robert Stockton (1742 - 1825) |
Sibling | Anne "Nancy" Stockton (1745 - 1805) |
Sibling | Richard Stockton (1746 - 1719) |
Sibling | Jemima Stockton (1747 - 1833) |
Sibling | Mourning Stockton (1750 - ) |
Sibling | Margaret Stockton (1750 - 1797) |
Sibling | David Stockton (1750 - 1792) |
Sibling | Winneford Stockton (1750 - ) |
Sibling | Sarah Stockton (1750 - ) |