Individual Details
John Rice Sr.
(23 Feb 1728/29 - 1796)
John Rice whose wife was Letisha has been placed in various Rice families from Virginia. Too many men of the same name and I make no attempt to sort them out. What I have here is from the Caswell deed, will, and marriage records. There is some speculation regarding the marriages of some of the children, but even that is based on strong circumstantial evidence. There were multiple men named John Rice living in Caswell Co, and other deeds for a John Rice at the time this man lived there, but I have not included those I could not definitely ascribe to this man. This John had a son of the same name who died before his father, but not before he was old enough to marry. He also had a son-in-law named John Rice, and a nephew, John Rice, who was killed by Indians in Tennessee.
I worked primarily from deed abstracts. Caswell County NC Deed Books, 1777-1817 by Katherine Kerr Kendall. They are abstracts. The full documents might disclose additional information and anyone with direct ties to this family should investigate further.
Here is the will of John Rice Senr which names some of his children, but perhaps not all. I have highlighted key points.
The Will of John Rice of Caswell County, North Carolina
Book C, pages 197 and 198
January Court 1797
In The Name of God Amen, I John Rice of the County of Caswell and State of
North Carolina, being in low State of health, but of perfect sence and
Memory, thanks be to God for the blessings, calling to mind the Mortallity
of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed unto man to Die, do make and
Ordain this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and form following, to
Wit, I commend my soul to God who Gave It hoping thro~ the Mediation of
Jesus Christ to be received of him, my body to be decently buried at the
discretion of my after named Executors, Hoping Its resurection thro~ Jesus
Christ to Eternal Glory at the last Day. And to what Worldly Goods It hat
pleased God to endow me with, I will and bequeath them in Manner and form
following, to Wit, I lend unto my beloved wife Lettisha during her life or
widdowhood, the land and plantation whereon I now live except thirty acres,
together with three feather beds and furniture, Four Cows and their
Yearlings, her Choice, Ten Head of Sheep, three Horses, to Wit, a Gray Mare
and Brown baldfaced Mare and Coult, and all the Household and Kitchen
Utensils together with the Stock of Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Item I lend to Susannah Rice, widow of my son John Rice Decd, thirty acres
of land Including the the Improvement whereon she now lives in the Most
convenient Manner to be Occupied and enjoyed by her during her Widdowhood
Item I also lend unto my beloved wife during her life or Widdowhood my Two
Negroes, to Wit, Will and Agness - -
Item, I also lend unto my Daughter Anna Williams my Negroe woman Frank
which she now has in her possession during her life and at her Death, I
leave the said Negroe woman Frank and her Increase to be equally Divided
among the surviving Children of my Daughter Anna Williams to them their
Heirs or Assigns forever - -
Item I will and Desire that the residue of my estate not lent or given
before except the plantation tools, which I also lend unto my beloved wife,
be sold and the Money be applied to use of paying my Debts, and the balance
if any to be Kept in the Hands of my Executors for purposes hereafter to be
Mentioned - -
Item my will and Desire further is that after the Death or Intermariage of
my Wife that all the estate that to her both real and personal be sold, and
out of the Money arising therefrom, I Give and bequeath to my son Thomas
Rice Thirty Pounds Virginia Money and likewise to my Daughter Mary Rice
Thirty Pounds Virginia Money, and likewise to my son William Rice Thirty
Pounds Virginia Money, and likewise to my son Nathaniel Rice Thirty Pounds
Virginia Money to them their Heirs or assigns forever and the balance I
leave to be equally Divided among the whole of my Children or their Heirs
or assigns forever - -
Item, I also leave that part of my estate which is lent to Susannah Rice at
her Death or Intermariage to be sold and the Money arising therefrom to be
in like Manner equally Divided among the whole of my Children or their
Heirs or assigns forever - -
Lastly I nominate and appoint my son William Rice and my Son Nathaniel Rice
and my Son in law John Rice executors
of this my last will and Testament to be performed. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand
and seal this fourteenth day of November one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Six
Signed Sealed Published and]
Declared in presence of ]
John Rice (Seal)
Robert Mitchell (Jurat)
John Henslee (Jurat)
Caswell County,
The Execution of this Will was duly proved in Open Court by
the Oaths of Robert Mitchell and John Henslee Two Subscribing Witnesses
thereto and on Motion Ordered to be recorded - -
Test Ald Murphey
In Summary. Letisha was the name of John Rice's wife and she was living in 1796. It cannot be assumed she was his only wife or the mother of all or any of the children. A son John Rice was deceased, leaving a widow Susannah. Both of these ladies receive life estates - Susannah for 30 acres, Letisha the remainder of his plantation. One daughter was Anna Williams who had been given a slave. Another daughter was Mary Rice, but she seems to have been married to still another John Rice, as John Rice, son-in-law, was one of the Executors. Four children received 30£ - probably to make them equal in inheritance to Anna - they were Thomas, Mary, William, and Nathaniel. After Letisha's death, the estate was to be sold and the money paid to those four, the remainder to be divided between the whole of his children, indicating there were possibly others not named in this will. [This would not have to be the case but there are indications in the Caswell records of at least another daughter.] Nathaniel & William, as well as son-in-law John Rice, were Executors. The will was proved in January 1797, only a couple of months after it was written. John Rice was a very old man, subsequent records show that he had many grandchildren, some of whom were likely grown or nearly so, at the time of this will.
The sale of part of the estate of John Rice was held 7 Feb 1797. Buyers included Letisha Rice, Edmund Rice, Nathaniel Rice, William Rice, and others. [Caswell WB C, p.274.]
Additional sales report of sale on 16 Jan 1798 by Nathaniel Rice, Exec. Buyers numbered about 75 and included William Rice, Nathaniel Rice, Lancelot Johnston, Elizabeth Williams, William B. Brooks, Robert Kimbrought, Alexander & John Kerr, Archibald Rice, Bartlett Estes, Anne Brooks, Nathan Williams, Susannah Rice, Henry Rice. [Caswell WB C, p.338]
WB E, p.85 April Court, 1804. Estate of John Rice Sen, account with William Rice, Exec. Cash paid Thomas Rice, Danl. Williams, Frances Gooch, Anthony & Mary Thompson.
Here is the first appearance of John Rice in the Caswell deeds:
DB A, p.239, NC Grant #95
3 Mar 1779. To John Rice SENR, 640 acres on Country Line Creek adj Henry Williams, Alexander Kerr, Richard Estes, William Rice, Leonard Brown.
John's neighbors:
DB B, p.94 NC Grant #312
29 Oct 1782 To James Rice, 100 A Country Line Crk adj John Rice, James Rice's former corner.
13 Oct 1783 - a grant to Richard Estes names neighbors on Dry fork of Country Line Crk as James Rice, John Rice, Alexander Kerr, William Rice
Caswell Co Tax List, St. David's District 1784:
John Rice, Sen. 640 acres, CL [County Line], 1 white poll, 3 slaves
John (of Jno Rice) - no land, 1 white poll, no slaves
Thomas Rice, CB [Cabin Branch and John's brother] - 350 acres, CL, 1 white poll, 3 slaves
William H. Rice, 55 acres CL, 1 white poll
Nathan Rice, 300 acres CL, 1 white poll
Thomas Rice Esq [sheriff], 820 acres CL, 1 white poll, 4 slaves
Zeri Rice - no land, 1 white poll, no slaves
Jephtha Rice - no land, 1 white poll, 1 slave
Nathaniel Rice, no land, 1 white poll, no slaves
Hezekiah Rich, 816 acres Moons, 1 white poll, 2 slaves
This one appears not to be the same John Rice. It's in the same area and the neighbors are all the same. It was sold and the date of sale was after the death of this John, so that eliminates both John Rice Senr and Junr. Is this his son-in-law who was married to daughter Mary?
DB B, p.308 NC Grant #613 or #623
13 Oct 1783 To John Rice, 400 acres south fork Country Line Crk adj James Rice's old corner, Estes, the dry fork
DB K, p.109 4 Oct 1797 John Rice to Lewis Shepherd for 233 £, 400 acres, south fork Country Line Crk adj James Rice, Richard Estes. Wit: William Gooch Jun., Duncan Carmical, William Carmikel.
Notice the presence of William Rice in the 640 acres grant to John Rice and the grant to Richard Estes. I did find another property sold by William, 231 acres on Moon's Creek in 1788, but I did not find his purchase deed. Yet the son William was made an Executor in 1797 so one would think he had not left the area. Perhaps this was a different William, selling out by 1789 and moving on. There is some evidence, however, that John's son William was married to Anna or Ann Williams, daughter of Henry Williams and, if so, he certainly owned property in the right place to know her.
DB A, p.249 NC Grant #72
3 Mar 1779 To William Rice, 255 acres on a fork Country Line Crk adj John Rice, claims of Richard Estis & William Jones, Leonard Brown. Chc William Brown, John Rice, Jr.
DB F, p.300 26 Sep 1789 William Rice to William Slade for 40 £, 255 acres on a fork of Country Line Cr, nw side, adj John Rice, Richard Estes, Wm. Jones and Leonard Brown. Wit: Thomas Slade, J. Williamson.
Here is the proof that a William Rice was certainly married to Henry Williams's daughter Nancy. From Henry Williams's will of 1785: .....I give and bequeath to my DAUGHTER NANCY RICE one mare and saddle one feather bed and furniture two cows and calves two Ewes and lambs, half dozen pewter plates, two pewter basins - one pewter dish one iron pot, one iron skillet to her and her heirs forever, I also lend to my daughter Nancy Rice one Negro woman named Rachael and one Negro boy named Bob during her natural life and at her death they and their increase to be equally divided among the heirs of her body Lawfully begotten in wedlock ...... I leave to be conducted by my SON-IN-LAW WILLIAM RICE and her Negro I leave to be equally divided with the other part of my estate that is divided -- Lastly I appoint my wife and my son-in-law William Rice and my son Daniel Williams at the arrival of twenty one years of age, whole and sole executors and executrix of this my last will and testament.
And this deed ties Nancy and William together: DB P, p.326. 12 Mar 1804. William Rice for $10 relinquishes all interest in warrant granted Henry Williams, #1759 for 1500 acres, his interest due to former wife Nancey being heir of Henry Williams. A younger daughter, Susannah, of Henry Williams had married William H. Rice, son of Thomas Rice and grandson of old John [probably William's nephew] and his release in right of Susannah who was also a former wife by 1804, is also listed on 12 Mar 1804. Some have interpreted as this being two daughters married in succession to the same man, but that is not so, as both releases are in the Caswell deeds.
The following could also be the records of his son-in-law, also a John Rice, or the nephew of John Rice Sr, son of his brother Thomas. The nephew seems most likely as this was about the time he obtained vast lands in Tennessee and left North Carolina.
John Rice sold slaves to Thomas and William H. Rice. William H. was a son of Thomas Rice, whose full name was William Higgason Rice, but he also had a brother Thomas. However, William H. & Thomas also had a brother named John. At any rate the slaves stayed in the family.
DB H, p.94 16 Nov 1788 John Rice to Thomas Rice for consideration, one negro girl Easter, age 15. Wit: William H. Rice, Geo. Oldham
p.95 11 Aug 1789 John Rice to William H. Rice for 100£, negro boy Harry age 13. Wit: Rebekah Windsor [Rebekah was William H. Rice's sister ….see later]
Just prior to the writing of his will, John sold part of the 640 grant to his son Nathaniel:
DB H, p.389 27 Oct 1794 John Rice sold to son Nathaniel Rice for love & affection, 200 acres south fork of Country Line Crk, tract where he now lives and adj where John Rice lives, adj Alexander Kerr. Wit: Robt Mitchell, Robt Kimbrough
This was part of his original grant and figures in subsequent deeds..
Here is the indication that John Rice Sr. had a daughter named Frances that married William Gooch, Sr. as his second, and younger wife. Although exact dates are not known, the age would be approximate. William Gooch Sr. wrote his will 5 Nov 1801, and he did name his wife as Frances and he did certainly state that his older children should receive a portion equal to that of the seven youngest if they receive from the estate of John Rice, deceased, “the legacy left my said wife by his last will and testament”. This statement is most curious in that John Rice's will makes no mention of a daughter Frances, but Rice's will did say, following the bequests of 30 £ each to Thomas, Mary, William & Nathaniel, “the balance I leave to be equally Divided among the whole of my Children” implying that indeed there may have been others. William Gooch's will adds to this premise. William Gooch & Frances did name a son Nathaniel, a common given name in this Rice family.
Although not much about the deceased son John is revealed, it is evident that his widow Susannah was still living as late as 1807 when a deed of a grandchild of John Rice Sr.'s exempts her 30 acres to which she was entitled during her lifetime. We know that Susannah, wife of the deceased younger John, received the 30 acres from John Rice Senr's will. More about this deed will be explained later, although this a very good summary of what happened to John Rice Senr's original grant for 640 acres.
DB P, p.221 12 Mar 1807 Anderson Birk to Solomon Debow. 382 ¼ acres south fork Country Line Crk adj Henry Williams, Alexander Kerr now Thomas Johnston, Nathaniel Rice, Archibald Rice, Leonard Brown, being part of tract of John Rice Sen. Dec'd granted by State in 1779 of which Nathaniel Rice had 200 acres conveyed to him by John Rice Sen and 57 ¾ acres were conveyed by Anderson Williams out of the original grant of 640 acres, to Archibald Rice excepting 30 acres which Susannah Rice widow of John Rice Senr dec'd is entitled to during her life agreeable to the will of the dec'd. Wit: Joshua Beaver, Robert Martin.
We have discussed what can be deduced concerning deceased son John, Mary who apparently married still another John Rice, William who is probably the William Rice who married Nancy Williams, and probable daughter Frances.
Daughter Ann or Anna was named as Anna Williams in old John's will. The substantial proof for assuming that she was married to Henry Williams' eldest son Daniel is that there is a North Carolina marriage bond for the couple: Ann Rice married Daniel Williams, 5 Jan 1786; Anthony Thompson was bondsman. Henry and John Rice Sen'r were also next door neighbors in 1786. Elizabeth Williams, widow of Henry, made a gift to the children of Daniel: 17 Oct 1806. Elizabeth Williams to grandchildren Elizabeth, Polly, Anney, Rebekah, John R., Nathan, and James Williams - children of son Daniel Williams. [notice the given names John R., Nathan, James.] For love and affection, negro woman Amy purchased of son Daniel. Gift to be received after death of grantor. Wit: Nathan Williams, Barzillai Graves. This family may have removed to Madison Co KY along with several others of Caswell - a Daniel Williams is found there in 1810.
That leaves sons Thomas and Nathaniel to explore.
There were two men named Thomas Rice who both left wills in Caswell. One was dated in 1800 and named a wife Abigail, a single son Zeri and five married daughters, all of whose given names began with the letter "Z". He does not figure in this story.
The other Thomas Rice made out his will: 20 Mar 1804. Caswell Will Book E, p.13. Names son Elisha, son Joel, son William H., dau Rebecca Windsor, dau Sarah Gwyn, dau Marcy Nunn, dau Lucy Scoby, dau-in-law Sally Rice, widow of Nathan Rice dec'd, children of dec'd dau Mary Oldham. Elisha & Joel each 5 shillings. The others each 1/7 part. Executors, William H Rice and John Windsor. Wit: James Williamson, William Paxton, and Christopher Brooks. It is obvious that Thomas had grandchildren by 1804. The will indicates there was no living wife. Other records show William H. as William Higgason Rice making one wonder if Mrs. Thomas Rice was nee Higgason, but no family of that name is found in Caswell. There was also believed to be a son John who had removed to Davidson Co, TN where he died in 1792, unmarried. I have been told by Rice family researchers that this Thomas who died circa 1804 was a brother to John Rice Sr. Known dates support that premise.
Neither of these Thomases would appear to be the son of John Rice Sr. and I have no further information about him.
The brother of John Rice SR - Thomas Rice and family left some very good tracks in the deed records.
This grant to Thomas was sold to his son William H. in 1801.
DB A, p.436 NC Grant #228 20 Dec 1779 To Thomas Rice. 350 acres on Country Line Crk adj Jere Poston, George Foot's old line, Waddy Tate.
Here is Thomas's Grant #228 and a slave, being deeded to his son. From other research in Caswell County, it appeared to be quite common for an older man to deed land, slaves, other possessions to their sons. Many did so in lieu of a Will. Thomas Rice's will was dated 20 Mar 1804.
DB M, p.133 5 Oct 1801 Thomas Rice to William Higeson Rice for $200, 350 acres on Country Line Crk adj Jeremiah Poston, George Foot old line, Waddy Tate. Ack
DB N, p.47 23 Jul 1803 Thomas Rice to William H. Rice for $200, negro girl Lucy age 10 years. Wit: Thomas Williamson, Nathan Williamson
Here is a grant to John Rice, placing Thomas & a John as neighbors. I believe this to be Thomas's son John as will be shown later after his death.
DB D, p.344 18 Aug 1787 NC Grant #952 to John Rice. 40 ½ acres on Country Line Crk adj Thos. Rice, George Foote, Waddy Tate, John Hayes, John Williams.
Here is the proof that the 40 1/2 acres was a grant to Thomas' son John. Elisha & Joel are also belived to have removed to Tennessee; they did receive only 5 shillings each in Thomas' will indicating they had already received their share. And the land is being sold for a token amount to their brother William H. Rice.
DB M, p.311 28 Jan 1802 Elisha Rice for himself as heir and exec of John Rice, dec'd late of Davidson Co TN and also atty in fact for Nathan Rice and Joel Rice, heirs of John Rice dec'd to William H. Rice of Caswell for $1, 40 ½ acres on Country Line Crk adj Thomas Rice on George Foot's line, Waddy Tate, John Hayes, John Williams. Wit: Thomas Windsor. Elisha signed for self and for Nathan Rice and Joel Rice.
And here are claims of Thomas's children re the estate of their brother.
Caswell DB O, p.218-219. John Windsor (husband of sister Rebecca); Hugh Gwynn [husband of sister Sally], Wm. H. Rice and Williamson Rice of Caswell to John of same, all claims and right which John Rice'dec'd devised to them in his last will. John Reed to pay to each of the others 1/5 part. 16 May 1804. Wit: Robert Parks, William Rainey.
p.221. Power of attorney from John Windsor, Hugh Gwynn, Wm. H. Rice and Williamson Rice of CC to John Reed of same to carry on suit in behalf of lands devised them by John Rice decd. 26 May 1804. Wit: Robert Parks, William Rainey
That brings us to John Rice's son Nathaniel. There were two men who died intestate, possibly very close to the same time, and their estate land divisions were recorded consecutively, DB N, p.202-204, 17 Jan 1804. One can be shown to be John Rice's son - his land division is recorded as that of Nathaniel Rice. The other was recorded as Nathan Rice and he can be proved as the deceased son of Thomas Rice [therefore a nephew of John Rice Sr.] whose wife was named as Sally in the will of Thomas. It is likely both men were actually named Nathaniel as the names seem to be interchangeable in some of the records. The land divisions also reveal that each of them had a son named Nathan, as well.
This is the division of the nephew Nathan, who was a son of Thomas, which includes Williamson Rice, the only person found of that given name in Caswell and had joined in the lawsuit of his uncle William H. Rice:
Division of land of Nathan Rice to: William Clifton, 28.7 acres; Jno Rice, 28.7 acres; Nathan Rice, 28.7 acres; Williamson Rice, 28.7 acres; Edmd. Rice, 26.7 acres; Jereh [probably Jeremiah] Rice, 28.7 acres; Widow dower included in dotted lines on plat. Commissioners: A. Graves, John Reid, Lancelot Johnston, Robt Blackwell, Jethro Brown.
Here is a grant to this Nathan:
DB B, p.80
29 Oct 1782 NC Grant #305 to Nathan Rice. 300 acres on north fork Country Line Cr adj William Eaks, Walker's old line, Waddy Tate [Tait]
and it's sale, which also names his wife as Sarah [his wife was Sally in his father's will - a nickname for Sarah]
DB K, p.87 22 Jul 1797 Nathan Rice and Sarah his wife to Henry Tapscott. 300 acres, branches of Country Line Crk adj William Eakes, Walker, Waddy Tate. Wit: Edny Tapscott, George Jackson
Nathan also bought this land on Horsley's Creek
25 Mar 1785 John Triplett and Lettice his wife to Nathan Rice, for 100 £, 150 acres on Horsley's Crk adj Nath. Hart's former line same granted to Triplett by State on 13 Oct 1783. Wit: John Williams, Sherwood Nance
On 15 Jul 1785, Nathan Rice is mentioned as being adjacent to property being sold by Thomas Nance, late of Caswell to Hawl Williamson. 30 acres on Horsley's Crk adj Noah Cobb, Nathan Rice, Jere Williamson, being land Nance purchased from Jere Williamson. Wit: John Williams, Nathan Rice, Duke Williams DB E, p.44
It is most interesting that he lived near the Williamsons and named a son Williamson. Was his wife a Williamson?
This sale of Edmund's share furnished further identification of this family unit.
DB O, p.225 1 May 1805 Edmund Rice and Henrietta his wife to W. Nash for 29 £, 29 acres on Horsley Cr being their part of Nathan Rice dec'd land, adj land Nash purchased of Jeremiah Rice, William Rice. Wit: A. D. Murphey
Other deeds do confirm that William Nash had property on Horsley Creek that bordered that of Thomas Hart, as did Nathan Rice's grant on Horseley CreekHenrietta Rice testified apart from her husband; she voluntarily executed this deed.
and in the North Carolina marriage bonds:
Edmond Rice married Henrietta Rice, 5 Dec 1795. Williamson Rice, Bondsman
The other land division in 1804 - to the heirs of Nathaniel Rice involved these heirs: Division of land of Nathaniel Rice decd [exclusive of widow's dower] to:
Archibald Rice, 34 acres; Nancy Rice, 33 acres; Patsy Rice, 33 acres; Nathan Rice, 38 ½ acres; James Rice, 38 acres; Edmund Rice, 40 acres; Wit: William Walker, Hugh Walker, William Bird
It can be proved that this man was the son named in John Rice Senr's will. He bought two tracts of land for a total of 325 acres.
DB H, p.389 27 Oct 1794 John Rice to his son Nathaniel Rice, for love and affection, 200 acres a fork of Country Line Crk, tract whereon he now lives adj whereon John Rice lives adj. Alexander Kerr. Wit: Robt. Mitchell, Robt, Kimbrough
Robert Mitchell was one of the witnesses to the will of John Rice, 1797. Kerr was mentioned as a neighbor in John's original grant of 640 acres.
DB K, p.254 23 Jan 1797 Alexander Kerr to Nathaniel Rice for 16£. 125 acres on Country Line Crk adj Thos. Jones, crossing the old court house road, Bartlett Estes.
Richard Estes had also been one of John Rice's original neighbors.
The above land division was for a total of 216.5 acres exclusive of dower. The dower was laid off:
DB N, p.238 25 Apr 1804
Allotment to Susannah Rice, widow & relict of Nathaniel Rice, her dower. 108 acres with two tracts south fork Country Line Crk adj Anderson Williams.
Commissioners: William Hargrave, David Henslee, Edmund Herndon, Zepha Tait, Mahlon Stacy, John Berry, William Brown, Joseph Walker, John Henslee, Solomon Brown, James Kimbrough, Anderson Williams. William Rainey, Sheriff. Robt. Mitchell Surveyor.
The total of the land division plus the 108 acres to Susannah equals 324.5 acres - the amount of land Nathaniel Rice had purchased. Since John Rice had given to his son Nathaniel, 200 of these acres, there is little room for doubt.
There is also a marriage bond for this couple: Nathaniel Rice married Susannah Butler, 29 Jan 1781. It is noted that both Nathaniel and his brother John had married ladies named Susannah.
Here are other deeds which give us the married names of the two daughters of Nathaniel and Susannah.
DB O, p.11 26 Jan 1805 William Scoggin and Patsy Scoggin his wife. Entitled to one sixth part of the widow's dower. Release their claim to Wiley Yancey for $12.66. Wit: William Slade Willis Davis
DB O, p.29 26 Jan 1805 William Scoggin and Patsey Scoggin his wife formerly Patsey Rice to Willie Yancey for $100. 33 acres on Country Line Crk adj. Nancy Rice. Wit: William Slade, Willis Davis.
DB O, p.33 26 Jan 1805 Anderson Birk and Nancy Birk his wife to Willie Yancey [Anderson Birk having married a daughter of Nathaniel Rice dec'd and entitled to one-sixth part of widow's dower] for $9.42, release all claim to their part of same.
DB O, p.176 23 May 1805 Archibald Rice and Ziba his wife to Willie Yancey. As Archibald Rice is entitled to one-sixth part of the dower of the widow of Nathaniel Rice dec'd, for $10, all their claim to their part of said dower. Wit: Jonathan Starkey, Rachel Starkey.
Yancey now has quit claim to half the widow's dower.
Marriage bonds exist for the following and both daughters had married after the land division:
Archibald Rice married Ziba Bush, 2 Feb 1803
Patsey Rice married William Scoggin, 20 Jun 1804
Nancy Rice married Anderson Birk, 20 Nov 1804
Further disposition of the 640-acre grant made to John Rice Senr supports the claim that this is indeed the family of his son Nathaniel.
DB O, p.220 28 Feb 1806 A part of the legatees of Nathaniel Rice dec'd to wit: Archibald Rice, Anderson Birk and Nancy his wife, William Scoggins and Patsey his wife to Anderson Williams. Nathaniel Rice in his lifetime sold to Anderson Williams, 440 acres on the south fork Country Line Crk adj Henry Williams dec'd, Nathaniel Rice, dec'd, William Slade et all being part of 640 acres tract granted to John Rice Sen on 3 Mar 1779. No deed was made, grantors affirm title and relinquish rights to this land. Wit: William Gooch, Sen., Barlett Estes.
Nathaniel was one of the Executors of John Rice's will. He apparently sold the part of the 640 grant that had been his father's. Likely his mother had died before he could do so. These are the same three heirs of Nathaniel that had sold their right in their mother's dower lands to Yancey. One wonders about their brothers Nathan, James and Edmund - were they living elsewhere?
DB O, p.208 10 Mar 1806 Anderson Williams to Lewis Shepard for $220. 382 ¼ acres south fork Country Line Crk adj Henry Williams, Alexander Kerr now Thomas Johnston, Nathaniel Rice, Archibald Rice, Leonard Brown now Thomas Brown, being part of a grant to John Rice senr. Dec'd. 640 acres in 1779 of which the above mentioned Nathaniel Rice had 200 acres conveyed to him by John Rice Senr and the said Anderson Williams previously conveyed 57 ¾ acres of said grant to Archibald Rice. Wit: William Gooch, Senr., Archibald Rice.
So there you are. 382 1/4 and 57 3/4 acres totals to 440 acres. Without doubt the tract under discussion was the original tract issued to old John Rice. He deeded 200 acres to his son Nathaniel, DB H, p.389. Nathan bought 125 acres from Alexander Kerr for a total of 325 acres. The reason Anderson Williams had title to this land is explained further in DB O, p.220. Nathaniel Rice had sold him 440 acres but no deed had been made; Nathaniel's children relinquish title.
DB O, p.224 20 Mar 1806 Lewis Shepard to Anderson Birk. 382 ¼ acres south fork Country Line Crk adj Henry Williams, Alexander Kerr now Thomas Johnston, Nathaniel Rice, Archibald Rice, Leonard Brown, part of tract granted John Rice Sen. Dec'd of 640 acres of which John Rice Sen had conveyed 200 acres to Nathaniel Rice and 57 ¾ acres to Anderson Williams. Wit: John Pinson, James Birk Jun.
So now after some finagling, most of the land of John Rice Senr is back in the hands of a granddaughter, Nancy Rice Birk, daughter of his son Nathaniel. But the Birks didn't keep it, they sold it to her brother Archibald:
DB P, p.221 12 Mar 1807 Anderson Birk to Solomon Debow. 382 ¼ acres south fork Country Line Crk adj Henry Williams, Alexander Kerr now Thomas Johnston, Nathaniel Rice, Archibald Rice, Leonard Brown, being part of tract of John Rece Sen. Dec'd granted by State in 1779 of which Nathaniel Rice had 200 acres conveyed to him by John Rice Sen and 57 ¾ acres were conveyed by Anderson Williams out of the original grant of 640 acres, to Archibald Rice excepting 30 acres which Susannah Rice widow of John Rice Senr dec'd is entitled to during her life agreeable to the will of the dec'd. Wit: Joshua Beaver, Robert Martin.
I'm not sure this deed is quite correct, or perhaps was abstracted incorrectly. I believe Nathaniel could not have sold to Anderson Williams while his mother Letitia was still living. Susannah was instead the widow of John Rice Senr's son John and she had been given a life estate in 30 acres, she would be the widow named in the will and was obviously still alive. Of course the "Senr" could have been misread in the abstract.
DB R, p.162 10 Jan 1814 Archibald Rice to William Slade Senr for $400. 57 ¾ acres south fork Country Line Crk adj Slade and Thomas Brown, which he purchased of Anderson Williams, adj land Rice rec'd from his father; 75 acres adj Wiley Yancey purchased of Solomon Debow; 33 acres adjacent the widow's dower which was allotted to Anderson Birk in the land division of Nathl Rice dec'd in right of his wife Nancy; 34 acres allotted to Archibald Rice from his father. The 4 tracts total 198.3/4 acres. Wit: Anderson Birk, Zenah Martin
Some or all of the above appears to be land that was once part of old John Rice's original 640 acre grant. There is the 57 3/4 acres that once belonged to Anderson Williams, land that came from his father, even possibly some of Yancey's 75 acres had been the widow's dower and the share that the Scoggins had sold him. And of course his own share.
There are mentions of a James Rice as a neighbor in connection with John Senr. His relationship is unknown. Was he another brother? Was he an unnamed son? Was he part of the family of John's son-in-law, John Rice? Was he someone else entirely? And was there more than one James Rice?
DB L, p.169 26 Oct 1799 James Rice of Loudon Co, VA to John Adams of Caswell for $200, all right and title to estate of his deceased brother John Rice who formerly resided in Caswell County.
This is a James Rice sale, perhaps before leaving Caswell and was "in the neighborhood" of old John Rice.
DB K, p.187 19 Sep 1797 James Rice of Caswell to Joseph Chandler Sen of Granville Co NC for 165 £, 474 acres, south fork Country Line Crk adj Gooch and Kimbrough Wit: James & Tryon Yancey.
I did find these purchases for James, but they do not total 474 acres.
DB B, p.71 NC Grant #293
19 Oct 1782 To James Rice, 200 A Country Line Cr adj his old corner, claim of Gooch, claim of Kimbrow.
DB B, p.94 NC Grant #312
29 Oct 1782 To James Rice, 100 A Country Line Crk adj John Rice, James Rice's former corner.
I cannot explain this next deed, unless James Rice returned to Caswell.
DB L, p.242 15 Feb 1800 Frances Garner and James Rice of Caswell to John Adams for $80, all interest and claim to estate of John Rice dec'd, land on Moon's Creek.
A John Rice did have land on Moon's Crk. I found no sale for this property. At least four John Rices could have owned this property.
DB B, p.59 NC Grant #326
29 Oct 1782 To John Rice, 320 acres on Moon's Crk adj Ninian Harrison, Samuel Paul, Overstreet's claim, Thomas Harrison. The Frances Garner named in one of these deeds is a puzzle. Was it a male, Francis, or a female, Frances whose maiden name had been Rice. Since it's likely old John had a daughter Frances, wife of William Gooch Sr, that name is interesting as it appears here.
Caswell Tax List 1784. Richmond District. John Rice, 320 acres, Moon's Creek. 2 white polls. Is this the John, son-in-law, who married John's daughter Mary? Is it John Jr? Or is it John, son of Thomas Rice, a nephew?
Caswell NC Will Book E, p.85
April Court 1804 Estate of John Rice Sen. in acct with William Rice Exec. Cash paid Thomas Rice, Danl. Williams, Frances Gooch, Anthony Thompson, Mary Thompson.
I do not know who the Thompson heirs are unless daughter Mary Rice had married a second time.
Spouse | Letisha Estes (1727 - 1816) |
Child | John Rice ( - 1794) |
Child | William Rice (1753 - 1831) |
Child | Ann Rice ( - ) |
Child | Frances Rice ( - 1816) |
Child | Nathaniel Rice ( - 1801) |
Child | Mary Rice ( - 1821) |
Child | Living |
Father | John Rice (1698 - 1769) |
Mother | Mary Higgeson (1709 - 1785) |
Sibling | Thomas Rice [Cabin Branch] ( - 1804) |
Sibling | Mary Rice (1731 - 1765) |
1. Rootsweb or USGenWeb Online Sources