Individual Details
Thomas Rice [Cabin Branch]
( - 1804)
Called "Cabin Branch" Thomas Rice to separate him from the other Thomas Rice of Caswell, who was almost the same age. His property was on Cabin Branch of Hogan's Creek. He is often seen with a wife named Marcy, but that is unproved.
Caswell Co Tax List, St. David's District 1784:
John Rice, Sen. 640 acres, CL [County Line], 1 white poll, 3 slaves
John (of Jno Rice) - no land, 1 white poll, no slaves
Thomas Rice, CB [Cabin Branch and John's brother] - 350 acres, CL, 1 white poll, 3 slaves
William H. Rice, 55 acres CL, 1 white poll
Nathan Rice, 300 acres CL, 1 white poll
Thomas Rice Esq [sheriff], 820 acres CL, 1 white poll, 4 slaves
Zeri Rice - no land, 1 white poll, no slaves
Jephtha Rice - no land, 1 white poll, 1 slave
Nathaniel Rice, no land, 1 white poll, no slaves
Hezekiah Rich, 816 acres Moons, 1 white poll, 2 slaves
Caswell NC Will Book E, p.85
April Court 1804 Estate of John Rice Sen. in acct with William Rice Exec. Cash paid Thomas Rice, Danl. Williams, Frances Gooch, Anthony Thompson, Mary Thompson.
Thomas Rice wrote a will dated 20 Mar 1804. Caswell Will Book E, p.137. Names son Elisha, son Joel, son William H., dau Rebecca Windsor, dau Sarah Gwyn, dau Marcy Nunn, dau Lucy Scoby, dau-in-law Sally Rice, widow of Nathan Rice dec'd, children of dec'd dau Mary Oldham. Elisha & Joel each 5 shillings. The others each 1/7 part. Wit: James Williamson, William Paxton, and Christopher Brooks.
In the name of God, Amen. Thomas Rice of the County of Caswell
and State of North Carolina, being in a declining state of health, but
of perfect mind and memory, do hereby make and publish this my last
will and testament thereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore
published. In the first place I recommend my soul to Almighty God who
gave it to me and my body to be committed to the earth from whence it
came, to be buried in a decent Christian burial such as my Executors
hereafter named may think most suitable, Secondly, after paying my
just debts, I recommend the following disposition of the worldly
estate as which it has please God to bestow on me, Viz:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Elisha Rice the sum of
Five Shillings.
Item, I give unto my son Joel Rice Five Shillings.
Item, My will and desire is that my slave called Sarah, be
allowed the Liberty of living in the whichever of my children she may
think proper to live with, and not to be sold or divided as my Estate
hereafter mentioned.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William H Rice one seventh
part of my estate to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Windsor, one
seventh part of my estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Gwyn one seventh
part of my estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Marcy Nunn one seventh
part of my estate to her and her heirs forever.
Item, I lend unto my daughter Lucy Scoby one seventh part of my
estate during her life and after her decease to be equally divided
between her living children, shear and shear alike.
Item, I lend unto my daughter-in-law Sally Rice, widow of Nathan
Rice, decs, one seventh part of my estate during her life and after
her decease, to be equally divided between her living children, shear
and shear alike.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Oldham's
children, one seventh part of my estate, to be divided between them
shear and shear alike, to them and their heirs forever.
Lastly, I do by these presents nominate, constitute, and appoint
my son William H Rice and John Windsor, son-in-law executors of this
my last will and testament.
In witness hereunto sit my hand and seal this 20th day of March, 1804.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged
Thomas Rice (Signed)
James Williamson
G. Williamson
William Poston
Christopher Broods
State of North Carolina
Caswell County
The execution of this will was duly proved in open court by the
oaths of James Williamson, William Paxton [Poston], and Christopher Brooks
three of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be
recorded at the same time William H Rice and John Windsor, Sr.
qualified executors and letters in testimony filed.
D Murphy GC
Recorded Book E Page 13
D Murphy GC
WBE, p.143
Oct Court 1804 Inventory of estate of Thomas Rice (C. Branch) dec'd, taken 30 Oct 1804 by Wm. H. Rice and John Windsor Sr., Exec.
Jan Court 1805 Sale of the estate of Thomas Rice, 15 Nov 1804. Among buyers: Hugh Gwyn, John Windsor Sen., Solomon DeBow, Sarah Rice, Wm. H. Rice, Lucy Scoby, Nathan Rice, John Windsor, Williamson Rice, Christopher Brooks.
Sept Court 1808 William H. Rice and John Windsor, Senr, Exec. of Thomas Rice, dec'd, paid legacies to Hugh Gwyn, Sarah Rice and Lucy Scoby.
A Thomas Rice is found in the St. Peter's Parish records of New Kent Co VA. He was a processioner of the lands as early as 1689. The other records concern children born to Thom. Rice & Marcy his wife. [Although this is at least two generations earlier, note the use of the name Marcy for a daughter of the Thomas Rice of Caswell Co NC - that seems to be the whole basis for this theory.] James, son, was baptised 4 Apr 1686. Thomas, son, was baptised 1 Apr 1688. Edward, son, was baptised 17 Apr 1690. Mary, daughter, was baptised 15 Jul 1694. John, son, was baptised 18 Sep 1698. Alice, daughter, was baptised 19 Sep 1700. Marcy, daughter was baptised 5 Jul 1702. Others have tried to create a connection but there is never any real proof offered. Likely this Thomas was a brother of a John Rice Senr of Caswell who died as an old man circa 1796, It would not be impossible for John & Thomas of Caswell to have been older grandchildren of Thomas & Marcy of New Kent, but that's two unproven generations.
Death | 1804 | Caswell County, North Carolina |
Child | Rebecca Rice (1745 - 1809) |
Child | Marcey Rice (1754 - 1839) |
Child | John Rice (1756 - 1792) |
Child | Elisha Rice ( - 1806) |
Child | William Higgason Rice (1761 - 1847) |
Child | Joel C. Rice (1762 - 1833) |
Child | Nathaniel Rice ( - 1801) |
Child | Sarah "Sally" Rice ( - ) |
Child | Lucy Rice ( - ) |
Child | Mary Rice ( - 1798) |
Father | John Rice (1698 - 1769) |
Mother | Mary Higgeson (1709 - 1785) |
Sibling | John Rice Sr. (1728 - 1796) |
Sibling | Mary Rice (1731 - 1765) |