Individual Details
(Abt 1775 - Bef 14 Jan 1845)
Listed on the 1799 Tax List in Madison Co KY so likely at least 21 by then. In 1810 he was 26-45 but by 1820 listed as over 45; therefore he would have had to be at least 35 in 1810, or born by 1775.
Clayburn Jones on 1799 & 1800 Madison Co Ky Tax List
1810 - Cumberland Co KY Census p.737: Claybourn Jones 3 m under 10, 3 f under 10, 1f 16-26, 1 m and 1 f 26-45 (Claybourn & Elizabeth) Children born by then were Richard, Nancy, Polly & Sally - appears another woman lives with them and has two small sons.
KY Land Warrant #2006
Claibourne Jones 50 acres 1 Dec 1817
On back: Application March 10, 1818
Survey for Clabourn Jones. 50 acres on waters of Kettle Creek begin ...corner to said Jones Survey. Signed: J. McMillin, D.S. for Isaac Taylor S.C.C 5 Jun 1819..
William Flin & John Coe Chain Carriers & house Keepers
Wm. Jones has paid me $1.75 for making the Survey.
[sketch shows tract to be a rectangle]
On back: Rec. Dec 7 1819. Name of County wanting.
Gabriel Slaughter Esq. Lt. Governor and acting Governor. KY Land Warrant #2006 is granted unto Claibourn Jones ...50 acres by Suvey 5 Jun 1809 lying and being in the County of Cumberland on the waters of Kettle Creek. [same description as survey] 7 Jun 1820.
[NOTE: The Jones family had other land before this survey was done. William Flin lived near James Poindexter in 1820 and is the correct age to be the William Flin found in Morgan Co IL in 1830 near Richard Jones and his sisters and an Arche Poindexter who may be William Archibald Poindexter. Rebecca Flynn Poindexter's brothers known to me were Laughlin, James, Zadock Wright, Josiah, and George. Perhaps William is a Flynn cousin.]
Another KY Land Grant, copies sent to me by Marlene Jones:
Joshua Davis received warrant #1146 for 200 acres of land [Green River Grant]. On South side Cumberland River and Kettle Creek, waters of the Cumberland River, on 30 Aug 1798. Part of the Survey dated 2 Apr 1799 is missing but it matches the above description and also states that the property is adjacent to that of Absalom Scott. Samuel Eldridge and Morris Davis were chain carriers; Joshua himself was Marker. Joshua assigned this patent to Claborn Jones on 8 Mar 1814. The patent was issued in the name of Claiborne Jones on 9 Dec 1817.
Cumberland Co KY Deed Book
DB C, p.433 William Davis & wife Mary "Polly" to Rice Haggard on left hand fork of Kettle Creek, 18 Sep 1818. For $425. Where Davis lives, near William Anderson's fence, crossing the creek to corner of sd Davis' field, West side of dry fork of Kettle, lower line of Michael Foster's patent.
DB C, p.434 18 Sep 1818 William & Polly Davis to William Anderson. Tract on Kettle Creek, 18 acres, part of Joshua Davis' headright of 200 acres.
DB C, p.440 17 Sep 1818 [This deed indexed wrong - grantor and grantee reversed.] This deed is from Clabourn Jones & Elizabeth of Overton Co TN to William Davis of Cumberland. 100 acres on Kettle Creek, upper part of a survey made by Joshua Davis. On the 19th of Sept, Elizabeth relinquished her right to dower and the deed was acknowledged to Milton King, Assistant Court Clerk.
DB D, p.254 12 Aug 1820 William Smith & wife to Nancy to Claybourn Jones of Overton Co TN, land on Kettle Creek, begin on East side of survey by "said" Davis Certificate #1144, dated 1798. SW corn of Davis cornfield; John Coe line; bank of the creek. 101 acres for $750. Signed: William Smith, Nancy (X) Smith Wit: Amstead F. Lovill, Gideon (X) Flin Ack & dower relinq on 9 Sep 1820. Rec. 20 Sep 1820. Deed delivered to Clayborun Jone 30 Sep 1820.
DB D; p.258 17 Sep 1818 Joshua Davis of Cumberland to Claiborne Jones of Overton Co TN. $200. 20 acres by survey dated 20 Jun 1805 on Kettle Creek. Begin corner Eldrigese, with his line. Signed: Joshua Davis. Wit: Timothy Coe, John Coe, John Martin. Proved by John Coe & John Martin on 30 Sep 1820. Rec. 4 Oct 1820. Deed delivered to Nancy Haggard, wife of Rice Haggard dec'd on 10 Aug 1825.
DB D; p.259 10 Sep 1820 John Coe sold to Claiborne Jones of Cumberland for $25, 3 and 1/2 acres on Kettle Creek. Begin at stake in Coes line, bank of Kettle Creek, meanders of the creek, corner in Haggards field. Signed: John Coe, Nancy (X) Coe. Ack & relinq 30 Sep 1820. Rec. 4 Oct 1820. Delivered to Nancy Haggard, wife & widow of Rice Haggard dec'd 10 Aug 1825.
DB D, p.260 11 Sep 1820. Claiborne Jones of Cumberland to the heirs of Rice Hagged deceased: Nancy Haggard, James O-Kelly Haggard, Betsey Haggard and David Rice Haggard, children and heirs of decedant. $750 paid by the decedant in his lfetime. Tract on waters of Kettle Creek, waters of Cumberland R, 123 and 1/2 acres [This agrees with the total of land purchased from William Smith, Joshua Davis & John Coe above - part of description is compatible] Bank of Kettle Creek, conditional line between Jones & John Coe, intersects line of a 20-acre tract taken up by Joshua Davis in addition to his head right; line of Joshua Davis' 200 acres survy; conditional line bet Joshua Davis & William Davis. Ack & relinq on 20 Sep 1820. Rec. 5 Oct 1820. Delivered to Nancy Haggard on 10 Aug 1825.
1820 Monroe Co KY Tax List:
Clabourn Jones, 100 acres & 50 acres, C. (?Kettle) Creek, 1 white poll over 21, 3 horses.
1820 - Monroe Co KY Census, p.213: 2m -10 [John & Clayborn]; 1m 16-18; 1m 16-26 [Richard] 1m +45 [Clayborn]; 2f -10 [Pheba & Alla]; 2f 10-16 [Sally & Polly]; 1f 16-26 [Nancy]; 1f 16-45 [Elizabeth].
15 Apr 1824. Land Patent to Claborn Jones application made 10 Nov 1823 and signed 15 Apr 1824 for the NE 1/4 of Section 3, T16, R7 in Sangamon Co IL. 151.64 acres @ 1.25 per acres. Total $189.55 - paid in full.
Records from Sangamon Co IL sent by Marlene Jones:
County Commissioners Proceedings, Vol 1:
p.136 Sep 1825. Clayborn Jones appt guardian for infant heirs of Benjamin Farmer, dec'd. Lewis W,, Nancy, Charles C., Joseph, and Sally
p.120 6 Mar 1826 John Taylor, security for Clayborn Jones as guardian for heirs of Benjamin Farmer, dec'd
Vol 2:
p.76 2 Jul 1827 Clayborn Jones Appt judge of Richland district
p.110 4 Dec 1827 Clayborn Jones summoned for grand jury service
p.171 2 Jun 1828 Clayborn Jones appt to view road running through David Smith's land
p.183 4 Jun 1828 Clayborn Jones appt judge of Election, Richland Dist
Legislative Papers, Illinois: Clayborn Jones was a signer of a petition of the Richland Baptist Church requesting to lease part of the Seminary lands in Sec 25, Twp 17, R7. 1826.
HISTORY OF SANGAMON COUNTY, ILLINOIS; Chicago: Inter-State Publishing Co, 1881. p.815 "Cartwright Township"
"Roland Shepherd settled on Section three, township sixteen, range seven, in 1819. He sold his claim to Clayborn Jones in 1821, and moved to Adams county, Illinois, where he died.
Clayborn Jones came in 1821, and remained until 1833, when he sold his farm and removed to Henry county, Iowa; from thence to Lynn county, Missouri, where he died about 1845.
Clayborn Jones should have been on the Sangamon Co IL census in 1830 - he isn't there. Perhaps he was away because I found the following on p.152, Line 15:
Elisabeth Jones with 1m 5-10 [John L. was about 10], 1m age 15-20 [Clayborn was 16]; 1f 5-10 [Thurza was 7] and 1f 10-15 [Pheba was age 13]. There was also a female age 30-40, presumably the Elisabeth, head of household, and Elizabeth Giles Jones was probably nearer age 50. But enumerated on Line 16:
Usel Meeker, age 20-30, with a female age 15-20. Alla Jones was age 19 and had married Usel Meeker in 1827.
Wrong age for either Clayborn or his son of the same name. Is this a nephew? A cousin? Or just a coincidence? Another Clayborn Jones was in Fork Prairie Twp of Madison Co IL in 1820 and he was age 26-45. What should be an unusual name, appears to be not so unusual.
Found in 1830 - Floyd Co KY
A Clayborn Jones, age 20-30. 1 female child under age 5, 1f age 20-30.
Also in Floyd Co was a Charles Jones, age 30-40, with spouse & 5 children; a Nathaniel Jones, age 50-60 with spouse 60-70 and one child still at home; a young John Jones, age 15-20, with young son and spouse; Lindsay Jones, age 20-30 with one child and spouse.
12 Oct 1833 Clayborn Jones is named in the probate record of William Ashlock who had died on that date, Sangamon Co IL
1835 Sangamon Co IL Tax List shows Joseph Kile as present owner of 151.64 acres patented to Clabourn Jones on 16 Nov 1823.
Iowa Territorial Census - 1836: Claiborne Jones in Demoine Co, p.75. 1m over 21, 1m under 21; 2 females over 21, 1 female under 21.
1840 Census - Linn Co MO, p.246. Claborn & Elizabeth, age 40-50. 1m 15-20 [John] but the only female child is under 5 and there are 3 boys under 10. Are they raising grandchildren? They were also older than this by at least ten years.
Ancestry has this page listed under Lincoln Co and shows no Linn Co which was formed in 1837 - there's obviously an error in their transcription.
Linn Co, MO. 27 Apr 1840. James and Polly Phillips to Claiborn Jones for $200. SW 1/4 of S22 T59 R20; 160 acres.
Same date: William P. & Jane Southerland to Claiborn Jones. SW corner of S10 T50 R20; 160 acres.
15 Oct 1841. Claiborn Jones & Elizabeth his wife of Linn Co to Thomas Brown for $100. E 1/2 of NW 1/4 of S22 T59 R22; 80 acres
1 Apr 1843. Clayborn received patents for six land patents on this date totalling 360 acres.
Land Patent Issued to Claiborne Jones of Linn Co MO. The East half of the SE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 59, Range 20. 80 acres.
Land Patent Issued to Claiborne Jones of Linn Co MO. The SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 9, Township 59, Range 20. 40 acres. (The HistoryGeo map shows this to be the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 which is surely correct - otherwise it's part of the same as the East half of the SE 1/4 just above)
Land Patent Issued to Claiborne Jones of Linn Co MO. The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 10, Township 59, Range 20. 40 acres.
Land Patent Issued to Claiborne Jones of Linn Co MO. The SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Section 15, Township 59, Range 20. 40 acres.
Land Patent issued to CLaiborne Jones of Linn Co MO. The West half of the SW 1/4, Section 15, Township 59, Range 20. 80 acres.
Land Patent issued to Claiborne Jones of Linn Co MO. The East half of the SW 1/4, Section 15, Township 59, Range 20. 80 acres.
Another note from Mr. Barker states that Clayborn's children inherited land in Section 9 & 19, T59, R20. All of the children except Nancy LeMasters who died in 1833 in Morgan Co are named and her children inherited a lot. Administration was handled by Elizabeth and son-in-law Thomas Brown.
14 Jan 1845. Elizabeth Jones and Thomas Brown, Junr gave bond and received power to Administer the estate of Clayborn Jones, dec'd. David Prewitt and J. H. Dryden were to examine and assist in making Inventory.
The Probate file from Linn Co, includes the inventory of Clayborn's estate as appraised by David Prewitt, N. J. Drydon, and John L. Pennington on 19 Feb 1845. Elizabeth Jones, administratrix and Thomas Brown, administrator, reported the sale on 1 Mar 1845. Proceeds from the sale totalled. $196.18. Included in the inventory were a plow, a wagon, 8 head of cattle, 4 horses, 13 head of sheep, hogs, geese, household furnishings of various kinds. He had a looking glass, but no books or Bible was listed. Purchasers at the sale included John Jones who bought saddle bags, a bridle, and a hammer, Claborn Jones (jr) who bought a sorrel mare for $40, the hogs, and an iron wedge, and several members of the Brown family to include Thomas's father and brothers. Thomas Brown Jr. bought the wagon and gear for $42.25 - the most expensive item. Elizabeth herself bought her choice of three sheep for $3. An additional inventory was filed on 3 Mar 1846, by Thomas Brown - there was one lot of wild hogs running at large.
The file also included the list of bills paid and amounts received. It is noted that I. Bennett (a son-in-law) owed a noted given in 1827 - debt & interest now total $210 and Bennett protest that he does not own said note and it cannot be collected. This report was signed by Thos. Brown for himself and for Elizabeth Jones on 2 Mar 1846.
The Final settlement of the estate was received and filed 9 Feb 1848. The balance that remained for distribution in equal shares was $65.81. A document signed by M. Halliburton, attorney for Thomas Brown & Elizabeth Jones on 3 Dec 1850 notes disbursements to I. R. Bennett (husband of Mary Jones), Uriah Meeks (sic, Meeker - husband of Alla Jones), Irvin Lemasters (husband of Nancy Jones), W. B. Lusk (husband of Sarah Jones) and Richard Jones who each received $7.31. The following heirs were not named in this document - Clayborn Jones, Joshua Arnold (husband of Phebe Jones), John L. Jones, and Thomas Brown (husband of Thurza and the Administrator of Clayborn's estate). However there was $65.81 available to distribute - if that sum is divided by nine heirs, the amount is approximately $7.31 each - these four all lived locally and perhaps had received their distribution at a different time.
No mention of real property was found in the probate file.
However, there is a copy of a Court Record with no County mentioned... This record should be found as it appears to be in Kentucky, not Missouri.
William Jones vs. Thomas Brown Admr. Petition of specific in contract to Convey land of Cayborn Jones deceased. The parties in this Cause appearing before the Court here and this Cause being heard by the Court here and understood, it is Ordered by the Court that Thomas Brown as Administrator aforesaid, be Required to make a Deed to William Jones the Petitioner to the following described lands, To Wit, lying and being in the County of Munroe in the state of Kentucky beginning on a Beach and sugar Tree, corner to said Jones's Survey and running north 68.West 111 Poles to a Hickory tree, Thence South 22. West 64 Poles to a Red Oak tree thence south ?88 East 111 Poles to a stake, thence North 22 east 64 Poles to the Beginning; saving to infants, married Women, Persons of unsound mind and persons abset from the United States for the term of five years after their disabilities are Removed to appear and file their bill in Chancery to set aside this order for fraud or otherwise.
Birth | Abt 1775 | Virginia | |||
Marriage | 27 Mar 1800 | Madison County, Kentucky - ELIZABETH GILES | |||
Death | Bef 14 Jan 1845 | Linn County, Missouri |
Spouse | ELIZABETH GILES (1780 - 1860) |
Child | Rev. RICHARD JONES (1803 - 1853) |
Child | Nancy Jane Jones (1805 - 1833) |
Child | Mary "Polly" Jones (1807 - 1864) |
Child | Sarah "Sally" Jones (1810 - 1887) |
Child | Alla Jones (1811 - 1897) |
Child | Clayborn Jones (1814 - 1886) |
Child | Pheba Jones (1817 - 1860) |
Child | John Longden Jones (1820 - 1911) |
Child | Thurza Jones (1823 - 1904) |
Father | CHARLES JONES ( - ) |
Sibling | Robert JONES ( - ) |
Sibling | Fleming Jones (1778 - 1843) |
Sibling | William Jones (1784 - 1868) |
1. Paul O. Barker, Bible records of Richard Jones, Murphy & Rebecca P. Brown, Family Group Sheets, census abstracts, correspondence and shared research. [Paul's wife was a descendant of Belle (Brown) Barnett.], Census Records..
2. Ozar'kin (The Ozarks Genealogical Society).
3. Paul O. Barker, Bible records of Richard Jones, Murphy & Rebecca P. Brown, Family Group Sheets, census abstracts, correspondence and shared research. [Paul's wife was a descendant of Belle (Brown) Barnett.], Family Group Sheet of Clayborn Jones..
4. Bill and Kathy Vockery, Madison County Kentucky Marriage Records; Vol. 1; 1786-1822 (Richmond, KY. 1993.), p. 45.
5. Paul O. Barker, Bible records of Richard Jones, Murphy & Rebecca P. Brown, Family Group Sheets, census abstracts, correspondence and shared research. [Paul's wife was a descendant of Belle (Brown) Barnett.], Family Group Sheet of Clayborn Jones..