Individual Details

John Longden Jones

(25 Aug 1820 - 26 Mar 1911)

1850 - Linn Co MO Census. Household 51; next door to Joshua Arnold and his sister Pheba in Hh 52. Note: the pages are out of order on - Hh 52 is on image 5 - Hh 51 is on image 8
John Jones, 28, b. KY
Susan, 24, b. VA
Elizabeth 3, Mary J., 2 - both born in Missouri

1 Oct 1852. Land Patent issued to John L. Jones of Linn Co MO, for the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 15, Township 59, Range 20. 40 acres.

1 Sep 1856. Land Patent issued to John L. Jones of Linn Co MO, for the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, Township 59, Range, 20. 40 acres.

1860 - Linn Co Mo Census. Household 807. Pheba Arnold, widowed was in Hh 805.
John L. Jones, 38. Susan, 33
Elizabeth 14, Richard 8, William 6, Andrew 4, John, age 10 months

In 1867, John and family moved to Cass County MO.

1870 - Cass Co MO Census, p.489, Household 71; all of family still living at home, except for Mary, who was also missing in 1860; she probably died as a young child. Age given as 46 in 1870, or born in 1824.
Austin Town, Dayton P.O., Cass, MO, Hh 73
John L. Jones, 46. Susan, 42
Elizabeth 19. Richard 17. William 15. Andrew 13. John, 10.

1880 Census. Austin, Cass, MO, Hh 162
John L. Jones, 60, b. VA - parents b. VA
Elizabeth, 28, dau. William t., 25, son. Andrew, 23, son. John H., 19, son.
Hh 163
Richard Jones, 27. Darlinda, 18.

1900 Census. Fox Precinct, Grant, OR, Hh 144
Andrew J. Jones, b. May 1858, 42, married 17 years
Molle R., wife, b. Jan 1863, 37, 7 children - all living and all born in Oregon
Arminta E., dau, b. Mar 1885, 15
Oscar, son, b. Oct 1887, 13
Sarah L., dau, b. Aug 1889, 10
Archie J., son, b. Jun 1891, 8
Mabel E., dau, b. Nov 1897, 2
Blanche, dau. b. Dec 1900, 5 months
John L., father, b. Aug 1820, 78, widowed
William A., brother, b. Nov 1856, 44.

1910 Census. North Fork Precinct, Grant, OR, Hh 35
Andrew Jones, 52, married once for 28 years, b. MO
Mollie R, wife, 47, 8 children - all living, b. MO
All born Oregon: Oscar, son, 23. Archie J., son, 18. Mayday E., dau, 13. Blanche, dau, 10. Theo L., dau, 6.
John L. Jones, Father, 91, widow, b. KY, father b. VA, mother b. NJ
William T. Jones, Brother, 46

Copied by hand, likely from a county history book:
Biographical [Austin Township] Cass Co, MO. p.732
"John L. Jones, farmer, Section 31, was born in Cumberland Co, KY, August 25, 1820, and was a son of Claven [sic] Jones and Elizabeth (Giles) Jones of New Jersey [???]
John L. was educated in the common schools of Iowa and Missouri, his father having moved from Kentucky [1822] when the son was two years old, and settled in Illinois. He remained there twelve years, then went to Iowa [1834]. Five years afterward they came to Linn Co0unty, MO [1839], where his father died in 1845.
Mr. Jones resided in Linn County, on a farm, until 1867, when he came to Cass County, and has since farmed here.
He married Miss Susie Brown, a native of Virginia, in 1842. They had five children: Elizabeth, Richard, William, Andrew, and John.
Mrs. Jones died September 2, 1877. Mr. Jones went to California in 1849, and was shipwrecked on an island for 37 days on his way home. He was a member of the Baptist church."
Note: In Cass County Cemetery records, Austin Cemetery, there is a listing for:
John L. Jones, Apr 5, 1928 - Oct 2, 1875
Susan Brown, wife of John L., Aug 24, 1820
According to Pam Roach, John L. was born Aug 25, 1820, and died March 26, 1911 in Monument, Grant Co, Oregon.


Birth25 Aug 1820Cumberland County, Kentucky
Marriage1842Susanna Brown
Death26 Mar 1911Monument, Grant County, Oregon


SpouseSusanna Brown (1828 - 1875)
ChildElizabeth Jones (1846 - 1930)
ChildMary J. Jones (1848 - 1860)
ChildRichard Jones (1853 - 1928)
ChildWilliam Abraham "Abe" Jones (1854 - 1920)
ChildAndrew Jackson "Jack" Jones (1856 - 1932)
ChildJohn "Johnny" Jones (1859 - 1883)
FatherCLAYBORN JONES (1775 - 1845)
MotherELIZABETH GILES (1780 - 1860)
SiblingRev. RICHARD JONES (1803 - 1853)
SiblingNancy Jane Jones (1805 - 1833)
SiblingMary "Polly" Jones (1807 - 1864)
SiblingSarah "Sally" Jones (1810 - 1887)
SiblingAlla Jones (1811 - 1897)
SiblingClayborn Jones (1814 - 1886)
SiblingPheba Jones (1817 - 1860)
SiblingThurza Jones (1823 - 1904)
