Individual Details

Fleming Jones

(Abt 1778 - 1843)

p.737 of 1810 Cumberland Co KY Census - Fleming Jones: 3m under 10; 1f under 10; Fleming & spouse both 26-45

Fleming Jones served in the War of 1812. Information from the National Archives reveals that he was a corporal in Boswell's 10th Regiment of the Kentucky Militia, Capt John Phillips' Company. The earliest Pay Roll card is dated from March 29, 1813 - April 28, 1813. The final Muster Roll states that he enlisted 29 Mar 1813 and was to serve until 28 Sep 1813. He was discharged at Bass Island, 22 Sep 1813. The distance from Bass Island [on Lake Erie] to the place of rendezvous was stated as 340 miles.

Warrant #24 - South of Green River
Cumberland Co Court. March Term 1801
Flemons Jones entitled to 100 acres of land lying on the South side of Cumberland river on the trace branch adjoining Charles Jones's lower line.
Surveyed for Flemens Jones 55 acres certified by Cumberland County Court at March term 1801 and entered 12 Nov 1805 lying in county afsd on south side of Cumberland River. the line of Charles Jones & corner to Astin's Survey and with Astin's line . 27 Nov 1805
[sketch shows rectangular tract]
On back: Rec. 16 Nov 1807
Isaac Shelby Esq. Governor. Certificate #24 granted by Co Court of Cumberland March 1801 to Fleming Jones. 55 acres by survey 27 Nov 1805. [Description same as survey] 15 Mar 1813.

1820 Monroe Co KY Tax List
Fleming Jones - 100 acres on the Cumberland, 56 acres on St. Branch, 1 white poll over 21, 4 horses.

p.213 Monroe Co KY 1820 Census.

KY Land Warrant #15232
Saml. Wilson 50 acres 30 Aug 1825.
On back: Application 17 Oct 1825 Assigned to Fleming Jones Feb 18 1826. Signed: Saml. Wilson
Surveyed to Fleming Jones assignee of Samuel Wilson 50 acres in Monroe Co on the waters of Kings Branch waters of Cumberland River. Being ...Jones corner thence with his line ..line of John Roper thence with his line ...Ropers corner thence with Ropers line. 18 Feb 1826. Wil. H. Wilson, D.S. for Waml. Wilson S.M.C.
Francis Hill & David Jones C.C. Fleming Jones M.
On back: Rec. 14 Dec 1826
Joseph Desha Esq. Governor KY Land Warrant #15232 granted unto Fleming Jones asnee of Samuel Wilson. 50 acres surveyed 18 Feb 1826 [description same as survey] 21 Jun 1827.
[NOTES: In the 1830 Monroe Co Census, J. C. Roper was counted next to Fleming Jones and two households from Thomas Jones. Lemuel Jones on same page. This is the only time David Jones appears in these land records. A David Jones is on a Cumberland Co KY tax list as early as 1799 along with an Elliott, 2 James, 2 Johns, Jonathan Sr & Jr, Joshua, Martha, and 4 William Joneses. David Jones appears on an 1810 Cumberland Co Census as age 26-45 & he's in the 1820 [45+] & 1830 Census [50-60] still in Cumberland; never appears on the Monroe Co Census. There could of course still be a younger David Jones. The 1850 Monroe Co had a David Jones, age 63, or born 1787, in KY and family. Also Fleming is said to have had a son David b. 1807 who could have been the Chain Carrier above. That would indicate the possibility of at least three David Joneses in the area.]

Fleming was 50-59 in 1830, but was younger than 45 in 1820.

p.398 1830 - Still in Monroe Co. Listed prob as 50-60; there is an older couple in the household - a male 90-100 and a female 80-90. Also perhaps as many as 13 children, some of them adults.
Lemuel Jones is found on the same page as Fleming. He and spouse are 40-50. There is a 70-80 year-old female living with them as well as 7 children. Lemuel not believed to be a brother, but may be a cousin.

1830 Tithables, Monroe Co KY, as published in TRACES, published by the SoCentral KY Hist & Gen Society:

Jones, David 100 [could be Fleming's son David born 1807 but likely older David]
Jones, Flemon 100
Jones, James 100
Jones, Lemuel 124
Jones, Malin 100
Jones, Samuel 100
Jones, William 100

Records from Marlene Jones:
Monroe Co KY Vital Statistics:
9/24/1854 - Mary Jones, 70, b. Madison Co KY, widowed, fever
10/12/1854 - Elizabeth Hall, 50, widow, daughter of Flemming & Mary Jones, fever.

I also found a Kentucky marriage:
Fleming Jones married a Polly Parks, 2 Oct 1801, Garrard County. This would be early enough for Elizabeth, born about 1804 to be their daughter.
Two other marriages of men named Fleming Jones confuse the issue. Fleming Jones of Bourbon Co KY married Polly Marshall, 29 Dec 1807. Fleming Jones m. Nancy Starky, 19 Dec 1816, Fleming Co.

I may have found these ladies in the 1850 Monroe Co Census:
p.393b; Dwelling 341: William Kerr, age 25, Farmer, b. TN, ?Surety age 25 b. KY, Thomas age 5, Zerena age 2, and Elizabeth Hall age 48, b. KY.
p.394; Dwelling 349: John Jones, age 29, b. KY, Eliza age 23 b. VA, Seilda age 3, Ann age 1, and Mary Jones age 66, born North Carolina.

Although a death of 1843 is given for Fleming, he doesn't seem to appear in the 1840 census, but his widow Mary may be there.
I believe Fleming may have died between 1830 and 1840. There is a widow Mary Jones in the 1840 Monroe Co Census. She appeared to be the head of a multi-family household. 1m 10-15; 2m 15-20, 2m 20-30 and 1f 10-15, 1f 15-20, 1f 30-40 and Mary age 50-60.

Information from Marlene Jones correspondence also names a son David Jones, born about 1807 and married 1827 to Nancy Williams, daughter of Thomas Williams. There may have been as many as 13 children.
David Jones is buried Jones Cemetery, Coe, Monroe Co, KY: Born 16 Aug 1807, died 19 Oct 1897


BirthAbt 1778


SiblingRobert JONES ( - )
SiblingCLAYBORN JONES (1775 - 1845)
SiblingWilliam Jones (1784 - 1868)
