Individual Details


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The family of Charles Jones is incomplete at this point - four sons are identified by a Cumberland deed in 1826 naming the heirs at law of Charles Jones as Robert, Clayborn, Fleming, and William. Census records and proximity reinforce this relationship. There is high probability that Charles Jones came to Madison Co KY from Virginia, as so many of the early families had done so. He may have been a Revolutionary soldier as many were. His common name has been of no help in identifying his earlier residence or wife or parents.

Researchers have tried to name several daughters. One said to be Elizabeth who married Benjamin Farmer. Given the above deed, it would seem there were no daughters, or at least none living who had any issue by 1826, since there were no other heirs. Benjamin Farmer was a neighbor in Cumberland Co KY - the area which became Monroe Co - and then he also moved to Illinois when Clayborn Jones did. There is no indication there was any kinship between the families although they surely knew each other.

Madison Co Court record from 1789 names Charles Jones as delivering up Bartholomew Dawson into the custody of the Sheriff. This is his earliest record.

A 1792 Madison Co KY tax list has the following Jones: William, Ames, Cad., Charles Jr., Charles, Sr., Ellot, Frances, George, Georgewall, James, John, Joseph, Mosias, and two Thomases. Clayborn Jones & Robert Jones are also in the 1800 Madison Co Tax List, but the Robert could also be a son of Foster Jones, known to be living in the area and of an age to be on this tax list.
The presence of a Charles Jones Jr. in 1792 cannot be reconciled at this time. No son named Charles was an heir by 1826. Were they father and son? Or just simply an older and a younger Charles Jones living in the same area.

7 May 1793 Madison Co KY Court Orders: Charles Jones appointed Constable and took oath of office.

Warrant #856 - South of Green River
Cumberland County Court - Jan Term 1806.
Charles Jones is entitled to 150 acres of land on Hendrick's creek waters of Obey's River.
Surveyed for Charles Jones 103 acres of land by virture of Certificate #856 granted by Cumberland County Court at there [sic] Jan term 1806 and entered 1 Jul 1806. Lying on Hendrick's Creek waters of Obey's River. ...begin at State Line. 6 Jul 1806. James M. ?Colean, Ast. Surveyor.
[sketch shows rectangle tract]
On back: Rec. 8 Feb 1819.
Gabriel Slaughter Esq Lt. Govr Certificate #856 granted by County Court of Cumberland in 1806 unto Charles Jones. 103 acres by survey dated 6 Jul 1806. ..Hendricks Creek waters of Obeys River. 8 Feb 1819.
[NOTES: The Obey River lies in Tennessee; it now lies primarily under Dale Hollow Lake; Hendricks Creek does flow into the Obey and it does cross the KY/TN line; it is still in Cumberland Co. Although this is the first recorded grant I found for Charles Jones, he was living in Cumberland as early as 1801 - see Fleming Jones' grant for 55 acres.]

1810 Cumberland Co KY Census, p.738: Charles Jones: 1 m under 10, 1m 10-16, 1f under 10; 1m 45+ [Charles] and 1f 26-45. Charles Jones appears to be the patriarch of these Joneses. Certainly he is the only Jones over 45 years of age.
p.734 is Lemuel - he would seem to be of a different family, though he may very well be related, perhaps a cousin.
p.737 - Fleming and Claybourn and William. The younger Joneses are all four between 25 and 45 years of age as expected.

Cumberland DB B, Jul 1810 Charles Jones to Keenon McMulton. Charles had bought from George W. Sanders [Index posted on]
Copy of deed from Marlene Jones: believed to be Cumberland DB B, p.106. Keanon McMullin bought land from Charles Jones but any problems with title will be directed to George W. Sanders from whom Jones bought the tract. Dated 2 Jul 1810. Wit: Charles David, Jno W. McMullin. Clerk's note stated that the Bond was from James McMullen to Clayborn Jones which matches neither name in the deed. Proved on 13 May 1811 by Charles Davis.

Another KY Land Grant copied to me from Marlene Jones, is likely a different Charles Jones altogether:
Baker King was entitled to 200 acres [I believe this is a Green River grant for the relief of the settlers]. It was located on the South side of the Cumberland River about two miles above the mouth of McFarlings Creek that was on the North side. Warrant was #495, issued 22 Aug 1798. The tract was surveyed for Baker King. On 3 Sep 1813 Baker King assigned this patent to Charles Jones. The recording of this patent did not take place until 28 Oct 1822. A note in the margin states that the 200 acres was in Green Co and the deed states also this is Green Co.

In 1820 in Monroe Co KY, the Jones heads of household are William & Lemuel & Fleming between 26-45. Claybourn is there as 45+. William, Fleming, & Claybourn lived in close proximity - they were listed together in 1810 as well.

Cumberland DB F, p.114 10/9/1826. Milton King, appointed commissioner by interlocutors decree of the Cumberland Circuit Ct at their Apr Term, 1826 in a suit in Chancery. Peter Hoots, complainant. Robert Jones, Clayborn Jones, Flemming Jones & William Jones, heirs at law of Charles Jones deceased were defendants of the one part and the sd Peter Hoots of the other part. Witnesseth: That the said King by virture of power vested in him by said decree and for the further consideration of said Hoots having paid said deceased in his life time have this day grated and conveyed to the said Peter Hoots his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in Cumberland Co on Hendrick's Creek, water of Obey River [there was a KY land grant to Charles Jones at this location - see below] Begin....on the state line ...containing by survey 103 acres. Signed: Milton King. Rec. 23 Oct 1826.

In 1830, Lemuel & Fleming are still in Monroe Co. Lemuel is betwen 40-50. Descendants of Lemuel say that he married Sarah Kirkpatrick, daughter of a neighbor and they moved to Schuyler Co Illinois. There was a Sarah Kirkpatrick, as head of household in 1820 in Monroe, Cumberland in 1810.
Fleming between 50-60 and living with him is an older couple - he is 90+, she is 80-90. Richard Jones is in Morgan Co, IL where Claybourn should be according to other records but he was apparently missed in this Census.

Lemuel is probably NOT a son of Charles Jones as I at first suspected. He did live near several of the sons in Madison Co and possibly was a nephew or some sort of cousin of Charles Jones. He could have been of no relation. Stephen Jones would appear to be his kin. The Kirkpatricks, the family Lemuel married into, are also mentioned in these warrants. Here are KY land warrants issued to Lemuel Jones.:

Warrant #2866 - South of Green River
Surveyed for Benjamin Ellis assee of John Reaves who was assee of James Wilson. 200 acres of Second rate land in Cumberland County ..relief of settlers on the So Side of Green River bearing date 8 Oct 1798 Signed: John E. King Asst. A. M. Wakefield, S.C.C.
Chester Ellis John Vandiver C.C.
10 Jul 1799
[sketch is a square]
On back: Rec. 10 Nov 1800
Assigned to Joseph Gimbling [date unreadable] Signed: Benjamin Ellis
Test: Joseph Hadrick
I hereby Certify that Benjamin Ellis made satisfactory proof to me that he had lost the former Plat & Certificate granted to him by Allen M. Wakefield of the within mentioned survey given under my hand this 14th day of October, 1800. Teste: John Montfort C.C.
I Joseph Gimblin of County of Cumberland ...assign Certificate #2866 ..200 acres on Mashes? Creek in Cumberland County by John Revis surveyed by Benjamin Ellis also the plan and Cirtificate of Survey to Lemuel Jones and Stephen Jones of Cumberland County a state aforesd to them their heirs assigns ...request the Register of the land office issue the grant or patent unto the sd Lemuel Jones or Stephen Jones... 14 Sep 1811 Signed: Joseph Gimblin Isham F. G???? William Kirkpatrick
Gabriel Slaughter Esq Lt. Gov. Certificate #2860 granted by the commissioners in 1798 ...granting relief to settlers there ...unto Lemuel and Stephen Jones assee of Joseph Gimblin assee of Benjamin Ellis assee John Reaves who was assee of James Wilson ..tract containing 200 acres by survey dated 20 Jul 1799 in Cumberland Co on the South side of Green River. 12 Dec 1817.
[NOTE: In the 1810 Cumberland Co Census, Lemuel & Stephen were enumerated next to each other; both age 26-45. Stephen doesn't appear after this 1817 grant. There is a Stephen Jones in Monroe Co IL in 1830 near Richard Jones. I was unable to find a creek of that name or anything similar on a present day map.]

Warrant #826 - South of Green River
Cumberland County Court - December Term 1805
Moses Kirkpatrick and Elihu Kirkpatrick in company are entitled to 100 acres in Cumberland County on the north side of Cumberland River. Begin on John S. Gee's eastward line and with it to Jesse Gee's line and with said line to the widow Black's corner thence with her line so far as will include their Improvement.
Two assignments on the back have been crossed out. One assigning all right and title to Moses Kirkpatrick on3 Jan 1812. Signed: Elihu Kirkpatrick. The other very hard to read ___Jany 1815 L. Jones but doesn't seem to be have a signature.
Surveyed for Moses Kirkpatrick and Elihu Kirkpatrick in Company. 50 acres in counties of Monroe and Cumberland by County Court Certificate #826 granted by Court of Cumberland Co at Dec Term 1805. ...line of John S. Gee and with the same the line of the heirs of Jesse Gee Decd ...with the line of the heirs ...Corner to William Taylor thence with Taylor line ..another of Taylors lines. 5 Jul 1820. Saml. Wilson, Surveyor of Monroe County.
[sketch shows irregular shape]
On back of survey: I assign all my Right and Title of my part of the within Platt & Certificate of Survey unto Lemuel Jones given under my hand this 22 day of Oct 1821. Moses Kirkpatrick Rec. 27 May 1822
Joseph Desha Esq Governor. Certificate #826 granted by County Court of Cumberland in 1805 unto Elihu Kirkpatrick and Lemuel Jones asee to a certain tract containing 50 acres by survey dated 5 Jul 1820 lying in the County of Monroe & Cumberland. [description as in survey] 14 Dec 1827.
[NOTES: List of Original Landowners in the Meshack Creek Area of present day Monroe Co includes: Moses & Elihu Kirkpatrick; John S. & Jesse Gee (years 1796-1804). The Monroe Co 1820 Census shows both Moses & Elihu Kirkpatrick as neighbors of Lemuel Jones. Back in the 1810 Cumberland Census, William Taylor was on the next page after Moses Kirkpatrick.]

KY Land Warrant #22683
The County Court of Monroe 1000 acres
Act of Assembly 28 Jan 1830 14 Jan 1833
Satisfied in full June 4, 1833. Wm. H. Wilson, SMC
On back: Numerous assignees for parts of the 1000 acres
W. H. Wilson - 50; E. Harland - 90; J. Gee - 100; G. Holloway - 90; Jno Harland - 100 J. K. Harland - 50; A. S. Harland - 50; J. Harvy - 100; M. Gibson - 50; F. Clemons - 50
M. Am?? - 100; F. Mercer - 120; Jones & McWhorter - 50
Application made Feb 8 1833.
Surveyed for Lemuel Jones and G. W. McWhorter assignee of Wm. H. Wilson assignee of Wm. Butler agent for the Monroe Co Court. 50 acres in Monroe County on Cumberland River. Begin ...corner to A. J. Jackson at the mouth of Glascock's branch, the corner of Cumberland and Monroe Counties ...26 Apr 1833. Wm. H. Wilson SMC
Henry Venters & Saml. Hunter CC & HK Lemuel Jones MK
[sketch shows irregular shaped tract]
On back: Rec. 12 Jun 1833
John Breathitt Esq, Governor. Part of KY Land Warrant #22683 unto Lemuel Jones & G. W. McWhorter assees of William H. Wilson assee of William Butler agent for Monroe County Court. 50 acres surveyed 26 Apr 1833 [description same as survey] 12 Dec 1833.
[NOTE: Could not find Glasscock's Branch on a present day map - no doubt name has changed]

1830 Tithables in Monroe Co, as published in TRACES, published by the SoCentral KY Hist & Gen Society:
Jones, Lemuel 124


ChildRobert JONES ( - )
ChildCLAYBORN JONES (1775 - 1845)
ChildFleming Jones (1778 - 1843)
ChildWilliam Jones (1784 - 1868)