Individual Details

Robert JONES

( - )

Records for a Robert Jones, likely son of Charles, have not been located. Possibly he was not even in Kentucky with the others. Here were two Robert Joneses located living nearby but it's apparent they belonged to other families.

A Robert Jones is found on the 1800 Madison Co KY tax list.
In 1810, Madison Co KY, there is a Robert Jones:
1m age 26-45, female of same sage. They have 1m age 10-16, 1m age 16-27, 1f age 10-16

There is a marriage in Madison Co for a Robert Jones to Margaret Black. Bond date is 24 Jan 1797; bondsman John Harris. Margaret Black, mother of bride, gave consent. No return has been found.

Madison Co Court Order Book B:
p.130; 3 Nov 1795
A deed from John Burnham to Foster Jones was proved by Higgason Grubbs, Tyree and Robert Jones and was ordered recorded. [Foster Jones had sons named Tyree and Robert that would have been old enough to witness deeds; this Jones family has been researched and there is no evident tie to this Robert.]
p.162; 4 Oct 1796
Power of attorney from Mosias Jones to Thomas Jones was proved by Foster and Robert Jones and ordered recorded.
[Foster Jones also had brothers named Mosias & Thomas]
p.172 6 Dec 1796
Deed from Foster Jones & Mourning his wife to Margaret Black was acknowledged and Mourning relinquished dower. [Sometime after this Mourning died because by 1805 Foster Jones was married to Margaret Black - see possible marriage record for Robert's brother William. This Robert Jones in the Madison Co records may very well be the son of Foster instead. Mourning Jones was nee Harris, daughter of Christopher Harris.]

I thought the following might prove to be this Robert, but it is not as research proved him to be heir, and likely son, of Gabriel Jones:
Filson's KENTUCKY LAND GRANTS indicates that a Robert Jones had a Military grant of 1300 acres on Marrowbone Creek. Further research indicates Robert Jones, heir of Gabriel Jones dec'd had a warrant for 4000 acres which was surveyed & granted in six separate tracts including the 1300 acre tract on Marrowbone. Robert b. 1767 in Culpepper Co VA, son of Gabriel who died in 1777 and Martha Slaughter, married Dorothy Ashby in 1772 in Fauquier Co VA; he died in Illinois 1837.

The following land transactions are pertinent to the Marrowbone tract, though confusing.
[These deeds are found in Cumberland DB B]
21 Aug 1810. Robert Jones of Roan Co TN appointed John E. King of Cumberland Co his attorney for division of a tract of land at the mouth of Marrowbone Creek, containing by patent issued to sd Jones of 1300 acres, pursuant to a Decree of the Court. William Roberts, complainant, Robert Jones Defendant. Robert appeared before John E. King, Court Clerk, on that day. Rec. 21 Aug 1810

4 Mar 1811 Robert Jones and wife Dorothy of Adair Co KY sold to James Gholson for $8000, a tract on Marrowbone Creek; acreage never stated. Bordered William Thompson's 1000 acres Survey. A note states that Dolly, wife, underlined in several places before she signed. Signed: Robt Jones. Wit: John Emerson, Michael ?Paul/Trul. Robert Jones appeared before the Court Clerk on 15 Jun 1811 and acknowledged this deed; it was recorded on 20 Jun 1811.

1 Oct 1811 Robert Jones of Adair Co to William Roberts of Shelby Co for $1. Parcel in Cumberland on waters of Marrowbone Crk; runs to the clift [sic] of Cumberland River. Containing 911 acres of land. Signed: Robert Jones. Wit: Francis Emerson, Jno H. Alexander Jr. Robert Jones acknowledged the deed the same day. Rec. 28 Oct 1811.

[Additional information in Deed Book B, reveals that taxes were not paid on the Marrowbone tract resulting in a Sheriff's sale of the property, although Robert Jones had already sold the property to others. I'm sure this resulted in a lawsuit and mountains of red tape. Since this was obviously all the same Robert, son of Gabriel Jones, I didn't continue sorting out the difficulties.]


SiblingCLAYBORN JONES (1775 - 1845)
SiblingFleming Jones (1778 - 1843)
SiblingWilliam Jones (1784 - 1868)