Individual Details

Thomas Wynn

(1796 - 1859)

Thomas Wynn dropped the E off of Wynn (Wynne) during the revolutionary w a r to show his division with England. Isaac d. when Thomas was just 11 . H e remained with his mother Mary until her death. He prob. Was a far m l aborer there in Fayette Co. where he married and had most of his chi ld ren. The last tax record of Thomas in PA. Is 1833; he was on t h e 1830 census in PA. and appears in Guernsey Co., OH in the 1840 and 1 8 50. There any trace of him stops. From Naomi: Becky, is this the son o f y our Thomas and Jane McQ Fulton, the Isaac b 1822? http://www.rootsw eb .com/~pasomers/ltfoot/LTFHist.html History of Lower Turkey-Foot (one t i me Bedford Co, now Somerset PA) a William Dunwoody ona tax list, but a s y ou can see below, not in the history... looks like Wynnjust passed t h rough, too As is elsewhere stated (see general history), there is auth e ntic testimony that several white men were settled at or near Turkey-F o ot in 1768. The names of these pioneers were Henry Abrahams, Eze k iel Dewitt, James Spencer, Benjamin Jennings, John Cooper, Ezekiel Hic k man, I John Enslow, Henry Enslow and Benj. Pursley. l The colony which f o unded the Jersey Baptist church came From New Jersey to Turkey-F o ot about 1774. This colony consisted of fifteen or twenty families, mo r e or less intimately connected by ties of relationship and inter m arriage. The early settlers, aside from the NewJersey colony, came mai n ly from Maryland and Virginia, following what was then a well-defined r o ute of travel, the old Turkey-Foot road. This road came down White's c r eek to the Casselman, which it crossed near Harnedsville, crossed the H o g Back where Ursina now is, thence onward across Laurel Hill cre e k where the old stockade stood, and up the Lick river to Stewart's cro s sing, near Connellsville. Turkey-Foot Baptist Church. --- This organiz a tion, which ismore commonly known as the Jersey Baptist church, is the o l dest Baptistchurch west of the Allegheny mountains. It is the ol dest c hurch of any kind in Somerset county, and perhaps' the oldest in S outh western Pennsylvania. For many years after its organization, Maryla nd a nd Virginia settlers were among itsmembers. while Sandv Creek G l ades, Virginia, formed a portion of its parish.The Turkey-Foot c h urch is the parent of all the Baptist churches included ina regi o n hundreds s of miles in extent. The following is an exact copy of pag e s even of the minutes of the Turkey-Foot Baptist church:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ "T he m inutes of the proceedings of the church belonging to Turkey-Foot an d S andy Creek Glades. On Wednesday, the fourteenth day [of August], Ann o D omini 1775, the Rev. Mr. Isaac Sutton and John Corbley met thi s c hurch at the house of Moses Hall in Turkey-Foot, and after a sermon o n t he occasion they solemnly constituted a church in these places joint ly c onsisting of the following members as subscribed to the succe edi ng covenant: ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ??ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ " Robert Colburn, Jaco b R ush, David Rush, John Rush, John King, Benjamin Leonard, James Mitch el W illets Skinner, Nicles Hartzell, Mary Rush, Mary Coventon, Mary Rus h, M argaret Rush, Lucia Jones' Elizabeth Mountain, Sarah Skinner, Frank ey K etchem, Rebecca King." ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ April 5, 178 9, W illiam Blain was baptized and received into the church. July 4, 178 9, R ebeccaBlain was baptized and received into, the church. Among other n a mes of members belonging to the church we find the Whittakers,. Melick s , Truaxes, Bosleys, Membles, Gordons, Kings, Joneses, Walls, Lob d ills, Melotts, Manettas, Pitmans, Monys, Hannas, Tannehills, Woodmency s a nd Reams. The first church officers mentioned in the record are Robe rt C olborn and Isaac Dwire, elders, in 1795; Jacob Rush, appointe d d eacon, vice Reuben Skinner, in September, 1796; Robert Colborn was o rd ained elder and Jacob Rush deacon, October 8, 1796. An examination of t h e church records shows that the fol thomas jane wynn 1796 1859 http:/ / f 3 &tid=12262405&pid=1361


Birth1796Georges Twp., Fayette Co., PA
Marriage7 Feb 1822Westmoreland, Fayette Co., PA. - Jean Fulton McQuiston
Death1859Guernsey Co., OH


SpouseJean Fulton McQuiston (1794 - 1849)
ChildIsaac Wynn (1822 - 1859)
ChildRichard Wynn (1823 - 1857)
ChildFrancis Wynn (1825 - 1913)
ChildMary Wynn (1827 - 1879)
ChildThomas Jefferson Wynn (1829 - 1896)
ChildWilliam S. Wynn (1834 - )
ChildJonathan Wynn (1837 - 1856)
FatherIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
MotherMary Rogers (1741 - 1811)
SiblingHannah Wynne (1768 - 1858)
SiblingWarner Wynne (1770 - 1792)
SiblingWilliam Wynne (1772 - 1810)
SiblingJane Wynne (1775 - 1850)
SiblingFrances Wynne (1781 - 1844)
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1784 - 1858)
SiblingAnne Wynne (1788 - 1820)
SiblingJonathan Wynne (1793 - 1824)