Individual Details

Jonathan Wynne

(1793 - 1824)

Source: Betty Wynn McGeheeNot found on tax roll after 1824 He was a pvt . i n Co. of Capt Peter Hertzog from 1812 to 1815 duringWar of 1812 Witn es s to will: Last Will and Testament of THOMAS MONROE of Hempfield Twp. W e stmoreland Co. PA. as found at the Court House in Greensburg, We s tmoreland Co. PA. This Will transcribed by Jim K. Markle for use o n t he UsGenWeb 11/97 This is the last Will and Testament of Thomas Monr oe o f Hempfield TownshipWestmoreland County and the State of Pennsylvan ia. I T homas Monroe considering the uncertaintyof this mortal life and b eing o f sound mind blessed by almighty God for the same. Do make and pu blish t his my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (tha t is t o say) First I give and bequeath to my eldest son Joseph Monroe t he su m of two dollars and twenty five cents. It is my will that a ll my per sonal estate be appraised and sold and after paying all my leg al debts t hat the ------ thereof be divided into four equal parts one e qual part I g ive an bequeath unto my son James Monroe, one equal part I g ive and be queath unto my daughter Jean Monroe, and one equal part to my d aughter R uth Monroe and the remaining part I give and bequeath to my so n Thomas M onroe and my willis that my executor shall sell my real estat e at publ ic sale as soon as may be convenient after my death and a fter pa ying the expense of the sale I give and bequeath the money arisi ng fro m the sale unto and among the following named of my children. Aft er pa ying my daughter Ruth Monroe sixty dollars to divide the re main der into seven equal parts to be equally divided to my daught er I sabella McCurdy, one equal part tom son Robert Monroe, one equal pa rt t o my son James Monroe, one equal part to my daughter Elizabeth Ham ilt on, one equal part to my daughter Jean Monroe, one equal part to my d a ughter Jean Monroe, one equal part to my daughter to my daughter Ruth M o nroe, one equal partto my son Thomas Monroe, one equal part tobe paid t o t hem by my executor as soon as the money can be made and I make and o rd ain Hugh Wilson Executor of this my last Will and Testament he r eby revoking all former Wills by me made. In Witness whereof I have h e reunto set my hand and seal the eight day of January in the year of o u r lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five. Thomas Monroe Signe d s ealed published and declared by the above named Thomas Monroe to be h i s last Will and Testament in the presents of us who at his request a n d in his presence's have subscribed our names as witness thereunto Joh n M cCurdy William Evans Jonathan Wynn Westmoreland County. Before me th e s ubscribed Register in afore said County personally came William Evan s & J onathan Wynn, two of sealed ----- Witnessed to the aforewritten Wi ll w ho on their solemn oath say they were present and saw Thomas Monroe t h e t----- therein named who is since deceased, sign pronounce and decla r e same was his last will and testament. That at the same time he was a s t hey believe of sound mind memory and understanding they signed as wi tn ess thereto in presence of the testator at his request. Sworn and sub - ---- the 18th day of June 1828 William Evens Robert Montgomery, Reg. J o nathan Wymm


Birth1793Fayette Co., PA


FatherIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
MotherMary Rogers (1741 - 1811)
SiblingHannah Wynne (1768 - 1858)
SiblingWarner Wynne (1770 - 1792)
SiblingWilliam Wynne (1772 - 1810)
SiblingJane Wynne (1775 - 1850)
SiblingFrances Wynne (1781 - 1844)
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1784 - 1858)
SiblingAnne Wynne (1788 - 1820)
SiblingThomas Wynn (1796 - 1859)