Individual Details

Isaac Wynne

(1784 - 4 May 1858)

Aug 10, 1997 - 21:01 - From: + THardgrave@ Your name: Terry Har dgrave Comments about the web site: Kare n-- Thanks for your acknowledgm ent of my Wynn(e) line!! By the way, I v isited your home page last nite , and it is great--what a treat! My lin e is the same as yours, at least f rom what I've found at the family hi story center locally. My most recen t Wynn ancestor was Jane Wynn, b. S ept 28, 1811, daughter of Isaac Wynn b . 1784 and his wife, Dorcas Nixo n b. Sept 30,k 1780. This Jane Wynn mar ried William F. Vance in 1829, a nd they removed from Fayette Co., Pa. t o Highland County, Ohio around 1 840. I don't believe that your home pag e showed the children of Isaac W ynn and Dorcas Nixon--would you like my d ata on them to include in you r home page? I also showthat the parents o f Dorcas Nixon were William N ixon and a Jane Wynn. I'm assuming that th is Jane Wynn was a cousin or r elative in the Wynn group in FAyette Co., b ut don't know her parents. I s how she was born in 1752 in Uniontown, Fa yette Co., Pa. Any help you c an provide would be appreciated! I was imp ressed by the credentials an d history of Dr. Thomas Wynn--what a s tory! Have you ever consider ed putting together a small book on the Wyn n family, and theirdescenda nts? I have a couple of these on other lines , and they are great.. sou nds like you have a lot of info gathered over t he years. Is there any k ind of Wynn Family Association? Also, should we b e spelling the n ame Wynn or Wynne? I also have another Wynn line t hat live in Maryland i n the late 1600's -1700's--they don't appear rela ted yet, but I do kno w that they also originated in Wales--probably a c ommon ancestor back t here. Look forward to hearing fromyou............. T erry Hardgrave Win n, Rev Isaac, died 04-May-1858, aged 74 years. > W INN, Dorcas, died -- M ay 1872, aged 93 years. cemetery listing posted t o the PAFAYETT-L arc hives


Birth1784Fayette Co., PA
Marriage1809Dorcas Nixon
Death4 May 1858George, Fayette, Pennsylvania, United States


SpouseDorcas Nixon (1780 - 1872)
ChildJane Wynne (1811 - )
FatherIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
MotherMary Rogers (1741 - 1811)
SiblingHannah Wynne (1768 - 1858)
SiblingWarner Wynne (1770 - 1792)
SiblingWilliam Wynne (1772 - 1810)
SiblingJane Wynne (1775 - 1850)
SiblingFrances Wynne (1781 - 1844)
SiblingAnne Wynne (1788 - 1820)
SiblingJonathan Wynne (1793 - 1824)
SiblingThomas Wynn (1796 - 1859)