Individual Details

Jean Fulton McQuiston

(26 Dec 1794 - 3 May 1849)

My information lists Jane McQuiston Fulton as a widow. She was born on 2 6 D ec 1794 in PA and died 02 May 1849 in Guernsey Co., OH. Thomas was b or n in 1796 in Fayette Co., PA married 07 Feb 1822 in Westmoreland Co., P A a nd died about 1821 in Fayette Co., PA. I have not written for his es ta te records as of yet. Also, I have not checked my information with yo u r information and I can not prove this is correct at this time. I can o n ly assume that Thomas and Janeeloped, as they picked Westmoreland Co., t o b e married in, and for a number of years it seems that everyone elope d t o Westmoreland Co. OBIT Obit for Violet Wynn: (The Miami Republican, P a ola, Kansas, October 15, 1909) Mrs. WynnDead. Mrs. Violet M. Wynn died M o nday evening, Oct 11, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. D. Vogles o ng at Iola, Kas. She had been in ill health for six months and her dea t h is attributed to pneumonia and general decline. Mrs. Wynn was born i n G uernsey Co., OH, and was in her 76th year at her death. She wa s m arried there in 1854 to Thomas J. Wynn in the early 70s they l oc atedin this county, on a farm south of Paola, where they lived until M r . Wynn's death about twelve years ago. Soon after her husband's d e ath Mrs. Wynn and son George removed to a farm near Lone Elm and about s i x years ago she removed to Iola. Mrs. Wynn was a member of the Methodi s t church since girlhood, liveda devoted Christian life and spoke only g o od of people. She managed her business affairs with rare capacity and b e fore her death provided for a division of her property among her child r en, so that it will not be necessary to have an administrator. She is s u rvived by seven children, Bert and George in Pawnee co., John and Mrs. T h os. Kinzey in Allen-co, Mrs John Huddleson at Humboldt., Mrs. Geo. D. V o glesong and Mrs. Harry Cott in Iola. All her children were with her wh e n she died and all were present at the funeral, which was held in Paol a W ednesday afternoon, interment being made beside her husband in the P ao la cemetery. dena Weeden Dana_Weeden@hot Wayne Co OH  1820,  (same census, lived within two miles) Thom as McQueston 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 7  [McQuiston?] next door Jonathan Grant 1 1 1 3 1 1  (this Jonathan Grant b . 1790 [Alexander Grant his son, Alexander Gran t administered will of W arner Wynn in Butler Co OH] This from Naomi Em mich 2/28/99 Have Isabell a and Margaret Mequeston/Miqueston marriages 1 835 and 1842 in western O H,  some of them "went that a way"  They may b e a second wave of emigra tion. Alexander Grant moved his army of sons- in-law to Mercer Co OH 183 8 and the land records show one Edward McQui ston took up the last parce l of land in the township.  The land record 1 844 shows McQuiston of Lic king co at that time.  He later patented lan d one or two counties north i n Paulding. ran a search for McQ's I find o ne in Darke (alittle south o f Alexander Grant) and Henry McQuiston in 1 840 says he was of Pennsylva nia.  The zinger is one of HIS neighbors.  I thought Alexander Grant was h ot stuff, patenting four hundred acres a nd setting up a mill in the wil derness, but now looks like he may have b een acting as a foreman or som e such... he located near the near ly one thousand acres patented b y Samuel D. Hardin (of Hamilton Co OH) . I'll spend some time in the Ham ilton Co web page andsee if I c an learn of money bags Sam...    t his land was on the Indiana li ne, very little north of the Wynns w ho married Abrahams who married Ha rdins... records may be scattered, bu t I'll bet money bags was a city s licker and stayed down somewhere arou nd Cincinnati...As above, Mc Quistons from PA to OH (Mercer) as la te as 1840-    and there are some u nexplained WYNNs from PA about that p eriod appearing in the Mercer cen sus,  I'll dig them out,  maybe some o f your PA emigrants from that pe riod? Naomi Emmich Later Naomi Emmich t homas jane wynn 1796 1859 http :// 93f62-17f2-43bc-a285-9684956c dbfd&tid=12262405&pid=1360


Birth26 Dec 1794Georges Twp., Fayette Co., PA
Marriage7 Feb 1822Westmoreland, Fayette Co., PA. - Thomas Wynn
Death3 May 1849Liberty Twp., Guernsey Cty., OH.


SpouseThomas Wynn (1796 - 1859)
ChildIsaac Wynn (1822 - 1859)
ChildRichard Wynn (1823 - 1857)
ChildFrancis Wynn (1825 - 1913)
ChildMary Wynn (1827 - 1879)
ChildThomas Jefferson Wynn (1829 - 1896)
ChildWilliam S. Wynn (1834 - )
ChildJonathan Wynn (1837 - 1856)