Individual Details

Warner Wind Wynne

(28 Jan 1747 - 13 Apr 1827)

The only information I have on Warner Winn is that he was born 21 Mar 1 8 15. He claimed he was born in Washington County, Indiana. He had one b r other and four sisters. He married Catherine Colglazier on 24 Oct 184 2 i n Salem, Washington County, Indiana. When she died he took hi s f amily and moved to Iowa. He is listed in the Washington County I n diana Guardianship Books in 1829. The Guardianships lists a John Winn , h eir of Isaac Winn in the same year. There was an Isaac Winn w h o married a Catherine Kelly in about 1811 in a nearby county in Indian a . Warners sister was living with a Kelly family in a later Cens u s., Wednesday, March 31, 1 999 10:45 PM George Davis w ho told us his ancestors were close to Warn er Wynn, neighbors in Fayett e Co PA and served in 1812 together... a nd we couldn't find verifica tion of all those eight Davis brothers ser ving in the Fayette Co P A militia... well, most of them seem t o be listed in the 1812 roster o f Franklin co IN. Looks like George w as right about service together i n 1812, just that the lads enlisted f arther west than he assumed. - N aomi Emmich Warner Wynne, signed awill i n 1827, Butler County, Ohio War ner WYNN  1850 Jan 5  land patent Howar dCo IN  place of residence cited : Warren Co IN  (patents issued to nei ghbors:  John Hardin 1849, John H . Hardin 1849,  William H. Grant 1849 ) 1827 Will of Warner Wynn of Butl er Co., OH In the name of God amen, I W arner Wynn of Morgan Township, B utler County and State of Ohio being i n perfect health of bodyand of so und mind and memory and understanding - ---the certainty of death and an d uncertainty of time---to settl e my worldly affairs and therefor e be better prepared to leave t his world when it shall please God t o call me home I do therefore make a nd publish this my last will and te stament in manner and form followin g that is to say first I commit my s oul into the hands of Almighty God a nd my body to the earth to be burie d at the discretion of my exe cutor. I give unto Elizabeth Hughes ? the sum of two dollars,I give unt o Sarah Wynnnow Ashcraft---I give unto N ancy Wynn now Low two dollars, I g ive unto PollyMary now McCotter two d ollars, I give unto Hannah Wynn n ow Hall two dollars.I bequeath unto 3 o f my sons that is : Johna than, Isaac & Warner all the money after t he other expenses are paid. I g ive unto Benjamin and James Wynn thelot o r quarter section whereon the y both now live it being in section two--- and east of the meridian (th e description is very difficult to read of t he exact location of land) I d o appoint Alexander Truid to be my sole e xecutor ofthis my last will a nd revoking all other wills heretofore mad e ratifying and confirming t his and no other to be my last will and tes tament in testimonywhereon I W arner Wynn have to this will consisting o n this sheet of paper and put m y hand at the bottom the 13 day of April e ight hundred and twenty four . Wits:David Bell & Ephraim Carmack signed W arner (X)Wynn Will proved F eb. term 1827


Birth28 Jan 1747East Nantmeal, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States
Birth28 Jan 1746/47E. Nantmeal Twp. Chester Co., PA
Marriage3 Jan 1775Berks Co. PA - Mary Abraham
Will1827Morgan Twp. of Butler County, PA
Death13 Apr 1827Morgan, Butler, Ohio, United States
Death13 Apr 1827Morgan Twp. Butler Co., OH
Alt nameWarner B Wynne


SpouseMary Abraham (1747 - 1808)
ChildElizabeth Wynne (1776 - )
ChildSarah Wynne (1778 - 1830)
ChildNancy Wynne (1780 - )
ChildPolly Mary Wynne (1782 - )
ChildPolly Mary Wynn (1782 - )
ChildHannah Wynne (1784 - 1819)
ChildElizabeth Wynne (1785 - 1830)
ChildJonathan Wynn (1786 - 1830)
ChildWarner Wynne (1790 - 1860)
ChildIsaac Wynne (1795 - 1830)
ChildBenjamin Wynn (1796 - 1876)
ChildJames Wynne (1797 - )
SpouseElizabeth Wynne? (1773 - )
FatherJonathan Wynne (1716 - 1788)
MotherAnne Warner (1710 - 1786)
SiblingSamuel Wynne (1731 - 1788)
SiblingMary Wynne (1733 - )
SiblingJames Wynne (1736 - 1817)
SiblingEsther Wynne (1737 - )
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
SiblingHannah Wynne (1743 - 1826)
SiblingJonathan Wynne (1749 - )
SiblingThomas Wynn (1750 - 1819)
SiblingJane Wynne (1754 - 1831)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1755 - )
