Individual Details

Thomas Wynn

(27 Oct 1750 - 9 Jun 1819)

Date: 97-05-04 10:01:01 EDT, From OHud to Lunetta595 This is what Deems w r ote"the 3rd son of Johnathan & Ann Wynne, who removed to Fayette Count y , PA. from the ancestral home in Chester Co. that State was Thomas who w a s the Ancestor of the Indiania and Illinois Wynnes. He was born 1 752, a nd when barely 21years of age, he took to himself wife, ann, whos e sur name the author is unable to discover. She was born Jan. 31, 1755- --" s oon after the birth of littlejames, the wife was taken sick and di ed o n the 18th day of Oct. 1793, being laid to rest in the little cemet ery o n the farm which she had done so much tobring into being." His 2nd w if e's name was Letitia and she was born Oct 31, 1793 Subj: Heirs of Tho m as Wynn Butler Co. Ohio Date: 97-05-02 13:50:18 EDT From: OHud To: Lun e tta595 Lunetta I am too lazy to type this will but will make you a cop y i f you want it snail mail.this will is found on page 187 of wil l B k 1 in Butler Co. Ohio . He starts his will "in the name of God amen " h e stipulates that Benjamin have use of the farm for 5 years after Th om as' demise. Mentions wife Letitia, sons and daughters: Benjamin Wynn, T h omas Wynn, Ann Wynn, Johnathan Wynn,James Wynn,Samuel Wynn,Mary Wynn,J o hn Wynn,Isaac Wynn,Abraham Wynn,Susan Wynn,Joseph Wynn,Anna Wynn. Ment i ons 3 grandchildren Thomas, Rebecca & Archibald Casteel to have 1 shar e , also his 2 grandchildren Mary & Benjamin Abraham to have 1 sha r e. He gives Ann Wynn the farm that he bought of James Gillespie. He ap p oints his wife Letitia, son Johnathan Wynn & LotAbraham admistrators o f h is will. You can let me know if you want this snailmail. You know hi s 1 st son Isaac Wynn died and he had a 2nd son Isaac Wynn. Witnesses to w i ll were Benjamin Wynn & Elizabeth Wynn who made a mark. I can't p r ove this but think this Elizabeth was Thomas Jr.s wife ( Thomas who ma r ried Elizabeth Winters?).Olema Subj: Wynn/Wynne/Winn Family Date: 97-0 4 -08 09:43:16 EDT From: To: Lunetta595 I come through Thomas who shows i n t he 1820Butler County Ohio next door to Letitia/ Thomas & wife c a me to Kenton Co. Ky. his widow shows in the 1850 Pendleton Co. K y . Elizabeth was her name she issaid to be a Winters/God bless Johnatha n h er son because even tho he was a poor man he left a will and named a ll o f his brothers and sisters/Thomas & Elizabeth had a son Thomas who m ar ried Eliza Seals 1832 in Butler Co. Ohio and when his wife died he ma r ried Mary McMillin and shows with all of his children in 1850 census o f P endleton Co. Ky./Thomas son of Thomas & Eliza is my direct who md. L ou isa Dougherty ( Daugherty) was my gt. Grandfather./they had Isaac Elb r idge who was my grandfather who died in 1934 but I remember him. There i s e nough written in the minutes of the Laurel Spring Church to do cu ment his family. Thomas Wynn b. 10/27/1752 Date: 97-05-04 10:01:01 ED T , From OHud to Lunetta595 This is what Deems wrote "the 3rd son of Joh n athan & Ann Wynne, who removed to Fayette County, PA. from the ancestr a l home in Chester Co. that State was Thomas who was the Ancestor of th e I ndiania and Illinois Wynnes. He was born 1752, and when barely 2 1 year s of age, he took to himself wife,ann, whose surname the author i s una ble to discover. She was born Jan. 31, 1755---" soon after the bir th o f little james, the wife was taken sick and died on the 18th day of O c t. 1793, being laid to rest in the little cemetery on the farm which s h e had done so much to bring into being." His 2nd wife's namewas Letiti a a nd she was born Oct 31, 1793 Subj: Heirs of Thomas Wynn Butler Co. O hi o Date: 97-05-02 13:50:18 EDT jrohr@micr,Posted by Nancy Rohrb aughq on October 14, 1998 at 19:30:29:In R eply to: Thomas Wynne/Rebecca R idley posted by Key Gresham-Blab on Sep tember 13, 1998 at 17:38:17:I do n't know if this will help but here go es.The Thomas Wynne that i have i nfo on was the brother of Willi am Wynne and most of my info is on W


Birth27 Oct 1750E. Nantmeal Twp. Chester Co., PA
Marriage13 Oct 1773Berks Co. PA - Anne Abraham
Marriage1794Fayette Co., PA - Unknown Letitia
Residence1800Georges, Fayette, Pennsylvania
Death9 Jun 1819Butler Co., OH


SpouseUnknown Letitia (1771 - 1834)
ChildRebecca Wynn (1795 - 1817)
ChildSamuel C. Wynn (1796 - )
ChildMary Wynn (1798 - )
ChildJohn Wynn (1800 - )
ChildIsaac Wynn (1802 - )
ChildAbraham Wynn (1804 - )
ChildSusannah Wynn (1807 - )
ChildJoseph Wynn (1809 - )
ChildInfant Wynn (1811 - 1811)
ChildAnna Wynn (1812 - )
SpouseAnne Abraham (1755 - 1793)
ChildBenjamin Wynn (1774 - 1830)
ChildThomas Wynn (1777 - 1849)
ChildIsaac Wynn (1782 - 1880)
ChildAnne Wynn (1785 - )
ChildJonathan Wynn (1787 - 1856)
ChildElizabeth Wynn (1790 - )
ChildJames Wynn (1793 - 1826)
FatherJonathan Wynne (1716 - 1788)
MotherAnne Warner (1710 - 1786)
SiblingSamuel Wynne (1731 - 1788)
SiblingMary Wynne (1733 - )
SiblingJames Wynne (1736 - 1817)
SiblingEsther Wynne (1737 - )
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
SiblingHannah Wynne (1743 - 1826)
SiblingWarner Wind Wynne (1747 - 1827)
SiblingJonathan Wynne (1749 - )
SiblingJane Wynne (1754 - 1831)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1755 - )
