Individual Details

Jonathan Wynne

(28 Oct 1749 - )

Subj: Wynne Date: 96-05-12 19:38:20 EDT From: ARM941 To: Lunetta595 Two t h ings this evening 1. On the download you sent, I never got +28, +34, + 3 6. +37. I have more information on these families than anything else. 2 . I f ound instances where you show no known children. If I have informa tion t o the contrary do you want to me to send it to you? For instance, J ona than and Letitia Hewitt had nine children, records are from the Ches te r County Orphan's Court. ARM941 But note below TWO Jonathan Winn not e s... 1792 pewholders, Presbyterian Church at Brandywine Manor, Jam e s Dunwoody, Jonathan Wynn, John Dunwoody 1790 Chester Co PA EAS T N ANTMILL TOWNSHIP Horn, John Miller, Joseph Miller, Peter Sterret, Wm * S terret, Wm Junr *Vanleer, Saml left records Presbyterian Church, marr i ed Sterrets, who married Irwins, who married Dunwoodys... no Wi nn or W ynn in the church marriage records... wonder if renting a p ewmi ght have been a political gesture, rather than religious??? T emp lin, Richd Smith, Conard Houston, Robt Fitzpatrick, Hector Bitler, M ic hael Davis, Ellis Baily, Edward James, Wm*** at this time there was a W m J ames Sr. and a Wm James Jr. Senior was executor to the Benj Abraham w i ll and Jr. married a daughter of James Dunwoody Price, Catherine H a rper, Jno Scot, James Hunter, Nicholas McFarlan, Wm Wines, James*** m i ght this be a Winn??? [James Wynn m a Rebecca, Karen's page says 1768 E a st Nantmeal] Phillips, Joseph McKee, David Thomas, Susanah Vance, Thom a s Blair, Wm Kittener, Rodolph Miller,Ezekiel Potts, Anthony Phillips, N u gent Logan, John Rutter, John Hyme, Jacob Simmers, Jas Simmers, Robt H o use, John Nixon, John*** hup, hup these to Fayette Co??? Kenny, Thom a s Robeson, John Winn, Jonatn*** which one was this? if the abo v e James Wines was a Winn, this Jonathan might be his father... the afo r ementioned brother to Thomas and Warner... but the OH folks, T h omas' son Jonathan was only four and Warner's son Jonathan was only th r ee. Isaac's son Jonathan had not been born yet. Does anyone have the d i gitsfrom the 1790 census to show me what age ranges these two Jonathan s [ ... see Wims below] might represent? Hines, Patrick Cox, Thomas She af er, Philip Boyles, Adam Byrnes, George Ligget, Mary Winings, Jacob d o n't think this was a Winn, see it too often standing on its own Gasto n , Jas Dampman, Adam Templin, Thos Bull, Thos Esqr Black, Edward Brown, W m B rebnar, Phineas Backhold, Barak Cline, Jno Curl, Henry Dugan, James E v ans, Jesse Evans, Owen Evans, Elisha Evans, Jeremiah Griffith, Danl Es q r Griffith, Wm Getts, John Gests, Jas Gests, Wm High, Jacob High, Davi d H illis,Wm Hetherby, Henry Jenkins, Thos Jenkins, Lewis Kimes, George K i rk, Isiah Knower, John Knower, Christopher Loyd, Thomas Lighton, Thoma s L egget, John Lapsley, Charles Miller, Michael Massey, Jacob Morgan, M or gan Neill, John Nogh, Christian Price, George Pugh, James Pierce, Pow e l Robeson, Jno Robeson, Wm Richard, Martin Ramstone, Henry Rutter, Tho s R utter, Jno Roberts, David Steward, Robt Willson (Widow) Strohm (Wido w) S hinkle, George Fulker, Henry Thomas, Susanna Thomas, Edward Moses, J ac ob Templin, Wm Vanleer, Doctr Banson Wisbury, Jacob Williams, Hugh Wi m s, Jonathan*** hup, hup, we've lost this one... it's not going to s h ow on the archived records as a Winn but certainly shouldbe... BUT W H ICH ONE? and where did he go? Wallaugh, Frederick Wartman, Michael Z i merman, Jno Gaskey, Saml Meredith, Enoch Vance, Jacob Shinkle, Philip G r ove, Peter Everhart, Michael Dolson, Jno McWager, Edwd Kimes,Stephen L e wis, Thos Ruth, Jas Stephen, Jonas Stephen, Jno Vance, William Cortz, P e ter Knox, George Summers, Jas Costner, Jacob Warner, Philip Miller, Ca t herine Hammers, Jno Smith, Jno James, Daniel Hinens, Patrick Douhower, G e orge Noble, Jno Horn, George Edge, Jacob


Birth28 Oct 1749E. Nantmeal Twp. Chester Co., PA
ResidenceUnited States


FatherJonathan Wynne (1716 - 1788)
MotherAnne Warner (1710 - 1786)
SiblingSamuel Wynne (1731 - 1788)
SiblingMary Wynne (1733 - )
SiblingJames Wynne (1736 - 1817)
SiblingEsther Wynne (1737 - )
SiblingIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
SiblingHannah Wynne (1743 - 1826)
SiblingWarner Wind Wynne (1747 - 1827)
SiblingThomas Wynn (1750 - 1819)
SiblingJane Wynne (1754 - 1831)
SiblingElizabeth Wynne (1755 - )
