Individual Details

Jonathan Wynne

(Dec 1716 - 17 Apr 1788)

Subj: Wynn Family Research Date: 96-04-07 12:00:06 EDT From: ARM941 To: L u netta595 I am following the Johnathan Wynne II line of Dr. Thomas Wynn e . Jonathan settled in Chester County PA 1735 from Philadelphia. If you w o uld like to contact me please write to ARM941@ Jonathan Wynne s on of Jonathan Wynne This will is for J onathan Wynn II, Chester Co., PA 1 788 from the Last Will and Testament W ill Book 8, page 202, Chester Co. , PA. My sources have Jonathan b. 170 4, Blockley Twp. of Philadelphia C ty. and d. 1788 East Nantmill Twp., C hester Cty., PA.  m. Anne Warner o n 6-16-1730. Anne was born 1708, d. 1 786.        WILL FOR JONATHAN WYNN I I, CHESTER CO., PA 1788 Last Will a nd Testament Will Book 8, page 202, C hester Co., PA In the name of God , AMEN. I Jonathan Wynn of East Nantmi ll Township, the county of Chest er, the State of Pennsylvania, yoeman, b eing aged but in perfect m ind and memory do make this my last wil l and testament in manner and f orm following that is to say after my De cease my Body to be decently b uried and that my Beloved son Jonathan Wy nnis to fall heir to all my r eal Estate and all the Grain on the Premis ses in the Ground and out of t he Ground and all other property su ch as he shall claim or such as sha ll go under his name at that time. A nd then my beloved wife Ann Wynn i s to have her Bed and Bedding a nd all other Household furniture a nd such as she shall claim in prove t o be hers a Horse saddle and brid le and a Room in the House further I o rder my son Jonathan to maintain a nd take sufficient care of her during h er lifetime and the burr her de cently likewise. Andthen the aforesaid J onathan Wynn is heir all her p roperty and the rest of mypersonal Estate i s to be sold at public sale a nd after my Debts are paid andall the cone y Collected and Commissions p aid to my Executors, the two thirdso f the money is to be equally d ivided between three of my children namel y Warnder Wynn, Thomas and El izabeth and the other third to be equally d ivided between the other si x of my children namely Samuel Wynn, Mary, J ames, Hester, Isaac, and H annah. Further I order my son Jonathan Wynn a nd my beloved wife tobe m y whole and sole Executors, to do this my last w ill and testament here byrevoking all former wills by me made, As witnes s my hand ad Seal thi s 9th day of April A Domini 1788. Jonathan Wynn In p resence of Jacob V ance RachelGorden Westown 19th April, 1788 (proven)


BirthDec 1716Blockley Twp, Philadelphia Co., PA
Marriage16 Jun 1730E. Nantmeal Twp. Chester Co., PA - Anne Warner
Death17 Apr 1788E. Nantmeal Twp. Chester Co., PA
ResidenceUnited States


SpouseAnne Warner (1710 - 1786)
ChildSamuel Wynne (1731 - 1788)
ChildMary Wynne (1733 - )
ChildJames Wynne (1736 - 1817)
ChildEsther Wynne (1737 - )
ChildIsaac Wynne (1741 - 1807)
ChildHannah Wynne (1743 - 1826)
ChildWarner Wind Wynne (1747 - 1827)
ChildJonathan Wynne (1749 - )
ChildThomas Wynn (1750 - 1819)
ChildJane Wynne (1754 - 1831)
ChildElizabeth Wynne (1755 - )
FatherJonathan Wynne (1669 - 1721)
MotherSarah Graves (1669 - 1740)
